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Human Rights - From: 1960 To: 1969This page lists 124 cases, and was prepared on 28 July 2015. Lawless -v- Ireland (No 1); ECHR 14-Nov-1960 - 332/57; (1979) 1 EHRR 1; [1960] ECHR 1 X -v- Belgium (1961) 4 YB 260 1961 ECHR Human Rights The Commission considered claims by long standing residents of the Belgian Congo who suffered as a result of upheavals on independence. One claim was based upon exclusion, albeit of Belgian nationals, from participation in the elections held in Belgium (in particular in 1958). The balance related to actions in the Congo both before and after independence. The Commission described Article 63 (now 56) as a so-called 'colonial' clause, recognising that when the Convention was first brought into effect, some of the signatories had colonies, but that 'in contemporary practice, [such clauses had] undergone a rapid and distinct change parallel with the change in the legal position of the territories concerned'. Thus Article 56 represents 'an effort to facilitate, although without rendering it compulsory, the application of the more important international treaties to territories, the status of which is as varied as it is changeable but without assigning a final degree of importance to any one such status'. Held: "Whereas the applicants point out, in the second place, that their own status as Belgian citizens was sufficient to make them eligible for protection under Articles 1 and 4 of the Convention; Whereas the Commission is however unable to accept this view; whereas, although under the said Articles, the Contracting States guarantee to every person coming under their jurisdiction, without distinction, the rights and freedoms defined in Section 1 of the Convention, nevertheless the said guarantee is valid only within the limits of time and space recognised by those States; whereas the specific object of Article 63 of the Convention and Article 4 of the Protocol was to lay down, for everyone, the territorial field of application of the two instruments but without conferring any special privileges on nationals of the Contracting States; whereas also such privileges, far from flowing from Article 14 of the Convention, would be directly contrary to its provisions". However, the claim in relation to elections in Belgium was within the ambit of the Convention since it arose from matters affecting the applicants' rights as Belgian nationals in Belgium. It was rejected for other reasons. This case does not in any way assist the claimants' argument. 1 Citers Lawless -v- Ireland (No 1) [1961] ECHR 2; 332/57 7 Apr 1961 ECHR Human Rights, Litigation Practice "The Court, Having regard to the conclusions presented by the Delegates of the European Commission of Human Rights at the hearing on 7th April 1961; Taking note of the fact that the Agent of the Irish Government does not intend to submit conclusions on the matter in question; Whereas in its judgment of 14th November 1960 the Court declared that there was no reason at this stage to authorise the Commission to transmit to it the written observations of the Applicant on the Commission's Report; Whereas in the said judgment, of which the French text only is authentic, the Court has recognised the Commission's right to take into account ("de faire �tat") the Applicant's views on its own authority, as a proper way of enlightening the Court; Whereas this latitude enjoyed by the Commission extends to any other views the Commission may have obtained from the Applicant in the course of the proceedings before the Court; Whereas, on the other hand, the Commission is entirely free to decide by what means it wishes to establish contact with the Applicant and give him an opportunity to make known his views to the Commission; whereas in particular it is free to ask the Applicant to nominate a person to be available to the Commission's delegates; whereas it does not follow that the person in question has any locus standi in judicio; For these reasons, Decides unanimously: With regard to the conclusions under (a), that at the present stage the written observations of the Applicant, as reproduced in paragraphs 31 to 49 of the Commission's statement of 16th December 1960, are not to be considered as part of the proceedings in the case; With regard to (b) that the Commission has all latitude, in the course of debates and in so far as it believes they may be useful to enlighten the Court, to take into account the views of the Applicant concerning either the Report or any other specific point which may have arisen since the lodging of the Report; With regard to (c), that it was for the Commission, when it considered it desirable to do so, to invite the Applicant to place some person at its disposal, subject to the reservations indicated above." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Worldlii ] - [ Bailii ] Lawless -v- Ireland (No 2) 332/57 7 Apr 1961 ECHR Human Rights Hudoc Judgment (Questions of procedure) Questions of procedure partially accepted Lawless -v- Ireland (No 3) 332/57; (1979) 1 EHRR 15; [1961] 1 EHRR 15; [1961] ECHR 2 1 Jul 1961 ECHR R Cassin P Human Rights, Prisons The Irish Government derogated from article 5 in July 1957 in order to permit detention without charge or trial and the applicant was detained between July and December 1957. He could have obtained his release by undertaking to observe the law and refrain from activities contrary to the Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1940, but instead challenged the lawfulness of the Irish derogation. He admitted membership of the IRA, a terrorist group which had been declared by statute to be an unlawful organisation. Held: His application failed. It was for the Court to determine whether the conditions laid down in article 15 for the exercise of the exceptional right of derogation had been made out. The words "for the purpose of bringing him before the competent legal authority" qualify both limbs of art. 5(1)(c), and it was not be possible to justify the detention under the exceptions in paras (b) or (c). Persons detained must be brought before the Court in all cases to which Art 5(1)(c) refers. The Court was been acutely conscious of the difficulties faced by States in protecting their populations from terrorist violence, which constitutes, in itself, a grave threat to human rights. European Convention on Human Rights 5(1)(c) 1 Cites [ Worldlii ] - [ Bailii ] Lawless -v- Ireland (No 3) 332/57; (1961) 1 EHRR 15; [1961] ECHR 2 1 Jul 1961 ECHR Human Rights The Irish Government derogated from article 5 in July 1957 in order to permit detention without charge or trial and the applicant was detained between July and December 1957. He could have obtained his release by undertaking to observe the law and refrain from activities contrary to the Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1940, but instead challenged the lawfulness of the Irish derogation. He failed. Held: It was for the court to determine whether the conditions laid down in article 15 for the exercise of the exceptional right of derogation had been made out: "In the general context of Article 15 of the Convention, the natural and customary meaning of the words 'other public emergency threatening the life of the nation' is sufficiently clear; they refer to an exceptional situation of crisis or emergency which affects the whole population and constitutes a threat to the organised life of the community of which the State is composed. Having thus established the natural and customary meaning of this conception, the Court must determine whether the facts and circumstances which led the Irish Government to make their Proclamation of 5 July 1957 come within this conception. The Court, after an examination, finds this to be the case; the existence at the time of a 'public emergency threatening the life of the nation' was reasonably deduced by the Irish Government from a combination of several factors, namely: in the first place, the existence in the territory of the Republic of Ireland of a secret army engaged in unconstitutional activities and using violence to attain its purposes; secondly, the fact that this army was also operating outside the territory of the State, thus seriously jeopardising the relations of the Republic of Ireland with its neighbour; thirdly, the steady and alarming increase in terrorist activities from the autumn of 1956 and throughout the first half of 1957. Despite the gravity of the situation, the Government had succeeded, by using means available under ordinary legislation, in keeping public institutions functioning more or less normally, but the homicidal ambush on the night of 3 to 4 July 1957 in the territory of Northern Ireland near the border had brought to light, just before 12 July - a date, which, for historical reasons, is particularly critical for the preservation of public peace and order - the imminent danger to the nation caused by the continuance of unlawful activities in Northern Ireland by the IRA and various associated groups, operating from the territory of the Republic of Ireland." European Convention on Human Rights 5 1 Citers [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 627/59; [1961] ECHR 4 14 Dec 1961 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 599/59; [1961] ECHR 3 14 Dec 1961 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 913/60; [1961] ECHR 5 19 Dec 1961 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic of Germany 920/60; [1961] ECHR 6 19 Dec 1961 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 1127/61; [1961] ECHR 7 19 Dec 1961 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Netherlands (1962) 5 YB 278; 1068/61 1962 ECHR Human Rights, Animals As a legitimate aim, a Government may rely upon "the protection of public . . health", which includes the health of animals as well as of humans. 1 Citers De Becker -v- Belgium 214/56; [1962] ECHR 1 27 Mar 1962 ECHR Human Rights [ Bailii ] - [ ECHR ] X -v- Austria 1418/62; [1963] ECHR 1 21 Jun 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 1628/62; [1963] ECHR 2 12 Dec 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 1747/62; [1963] ECHR 3 13 Dec 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X And The German Association Of Z -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 1167/61; [1963] ECHR 5 16 Dec 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 1918/63; [1963] ECHR 6 18 Dec 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 1452/62; [1963] ECHR 4 18 Dec 1963 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Sweden 1739/62; [1964] ECHR 1 2 Mar 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2038/63; [1964] ECHR 2 6 Mar 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2136/64; [1964] ECHR 3 18 Apr 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Norway 2002/63; [1964] ECHR 7 2 Jul 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 1593/62; [1964] ECHR 9 4 Jul 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Neumeister -v- Austria [1964] ECHR 8; 1936/63 6 Jul 1964 ECHR Human Rights, Prisons The applicant complained of his excessive detention on remand pending trial, suspected of fraud. European Convention on Human Rights 1 Citers [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2137/64; [1964] ECHR 5 7 Jul 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2077/63; [1964] ECHR 6 8 Jul 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Hg And Wg -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2294/64; [1964] ECHR 11 16 Dec 1964 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Federal Republic of Germany Unreported, 25 September 1965; 1611/62 25 Sep 1965 ECHR Human Rights The applicant, a German national, claimed against the German consular and embassy officials in Morocco, alleging that they procured the Moroccan authorities to deport him from the country. The circumstances alleged by the applicant were bizarre. Held: He had not furnished sufficient proof in support of his allegations: "Whereas, in certain respects, the nationals of a Contracting State are within its "jurisdiction" even when domiciled or resident abroad; whereas, in particular, the diplomatic and consular representatives of their country of origin perform certain duties with regard to them which may, in certain circumstances, make that country liable in respect of the Convention." European Convention on Human Rights 1 Citers X -v- Austria 2114/64; [1965] ECHR 1 10 Dec 1965 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2007/63; [1965] ECHR 2 10 Dec 1965 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Denmark 2518/65; [1965] ECHR 3 14 Dec 1965 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Ha -v- Austria, Hi And Vbf -v- Austria 1983/63; [1966] ECHR 1 9 Feb 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2646/65; [1966] ECHR 5 30 Mar 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2516/65; [1966] ECHR 4 23 May 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Kh -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2004/63; [1966] ECHR 2 24 May 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Lr -v- Austria 2424/65; [1966] ECHR 3 24 May 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2547/65; [1966] ECHR 6 14 Jul 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Miranda -v- Arizona (1966) 384 US 436; [1966] USSC 143; (1966) 86 SCt 1602; (1966) 16 LEd2d 694 10 Oct 1966 Warren CJ International, Human Rights, Criminal Practice (United States Supreme Court) The prosecution may not use statements, whether incriminatory or exculpatory, stemming from custodial interrogation of a defendant unless it demonstrated the use of procedural safeguards which were sufficient to secure the privilege against self-incrimination. These safeguards require that, unless other fully effective means are devised to inform the accused person of the right to silence and to assure continuous opportunity to exercise it, he must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement that he does make may be used as evidence against him, that he has the right to consult with an attorney and that, if he cannot afford one, a lawyer will be appointed to represent him. "Custodial interrogation" for the purposes of this rule means questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way. 1 Citers [ Worldlii ] Hk -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2686/65; [1966] ECHR 7 13 Dec 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2413/65; [1966] ECHR 10 16 Dec 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2116/64; [1966] ECHR 8 17 Dec 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2303/64; [1966] ECHR 9 17 Dec 1966 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Netherlands; ECHR 1967 - (1976) 7 DR 161 X -v- Iceland 2525/65; [1967] ECHR 24 6 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 2290/64; [1967] ECHR 7 6 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 2248/64; [1967] ECHR 4 6 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2566/65; [1967] ECHR 25 6 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Sweden 2358/64; [1967] ECHR 11 7 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2375/64; [1967] ECHR 15 7 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] "Relating To Certain Aspects Of The Laws On The Use Of Languages In Education In Belgium" -v- Belgium 1474/62;1677/62;1691/62; 9 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights ECHR Judgment (Preliminary objections) - Preliminary objection rejected (incompatibility).. [ ECHR ] - [ ECHR ] Relating to certain aspects of the laws on the use of languages in education in Belgium (Belgian Linguistics) No 2; ECHR 9-Feb-1967 - 1474/62; 1677/62; 1691/62; 1769/63; 1994/63; 2126/64; (1968) 1 EHRR 252; [1968] ECHR 3; [1967] ECHR 1 X -v- Norway 2385/64; [1967] ECHR 17 10 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2300/64; [1967] ECHR 9 10 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2724/66; [1967] ECHR 29 10 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2370/64; [1967] ECHR 14 11 Feb 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2113/64; [1967] ECHR 3 3 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 2383/64; [1967] ECHR 16 3 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Norway 2369/64; [1967] ECHR 13 3 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2676/65; [1967] ECHR 27 3 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2339/64; [1967] ECHR 10 6 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2412/65; [1967] ECHR 18 7 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2366/64; [1967] ECHR 12 7 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2472/65; [1967] ECHR 22 7 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2432/65; [1967] ECHR 20 7 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 3040/67; [1967] ECHR 36 7 Apr 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] A, B, C, And D -v- The United Kingdom 3039/67; [1967] ECHR 34 29 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2694/65; [1967] ECHR 28 30 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Wiener Stadtische Wechselseitige Versicherungsanstalt -v- Austria 2076/63; [1967] ECHR 2 30 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Dr X -v- Austria 2278/64; [1967] ECHR 5 30 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 2988/66; [1967] ECHR 31 31 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2279/64; [1967] ECHR 6 31 May 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 2291/64; [1967] ECHR 8 1 Jun 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Germany 2499/65; [1967] ECHR 23 1 Jun 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2457/65; [1967] ECHR 21 10 Jul 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 3053/67; [1967] ECHR 35 2 Oct 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2428/65; [1967] ECHR 19 5 Oct 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2728/66; [1967] ECHR 30 6 Oct 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] RF and AF -v- The United Kingdom 3034/67; [1967] ECHR 33 19 Dec 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] HJ -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2604/65; [1967] ECHR 26 19 Dec 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3011/67; [1967] ECHR 32 20 Dec 1967 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Government Of Denmark -v- The Government Of Greece ; Government Of Norway -v- The Government Of Greece ; Government Of Sweden -v- The Government Of Greece ; Government Of The Netherlands -v- The Government Of Greece 3325/67; [1968] ECHR 17 24 Jan 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 2648/65; [1968] ECHR 8 6 Feb 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Belgium 2568/65; [1968] ECHR 6 6 Feb 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Sweden 3071/67; [1968] ECHR 12 7 Feb 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X &Amp; Co (England) Ltd -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3147/67; [1968] ECHR 16 7 Feb 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2699/65; [1968] ECHR 9 1 Apr 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Dr M G Soltikow -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2257/64; [1968] ECHR 5 5 Apr 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Twenty ONE DETAINED PERSONS v. GERMANY - 3139/67; [1968] ECHR 15 6 Apr 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 3001/66; [1968] ECHR 10 30 May 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Neumeister -v- Austria 1936/63; [1968] ECHR 1 27 Jun 1968 ECHR Human Rights, Prisons Hudoc Violation of Art. 5-3; Just satisfaction reserved European Convention on Human Rights 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ ECHR ] - [ Bailii ] Wemhoff -v- Germany 2122/64; [1968] ECHR 2; [1964] ECHR 4; [1968] ECHR 2 27 Jun 1968 ECHR Human Rights Hudoc No violation of Art. 5-3; No violation of Art. 6-1 [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Germany 3347/67; [1968] ECHR 18 11 Jul 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] W, X, Y And Z -v- The United Kingdom 3479/68; [1968] ECHR 4 19 Jul 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 19-Jul-1968 - 3075/67; [1968] ECHR 13 X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3110/67; [1968] ECHR 14 19 Jul 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Relating To Certain Aspects Of Laws On Use Of Languages In Education In Belgium (Merits) 1474/62; 1677/62; 1691/62; [1968] ECHR 3; [1967] ECHR 1 23 Jul 1968 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] In the case 'relating to certain aspects of the laws on the use of languages in education in Belgium' 1691/62; 1474/62; 1677/62; 1769/63; 1994/63; 2126/64 23 Jul 1968 ECHR Human Rights, Education Hudoc Violation of Art. 14+P1-2; Just satisfaction reserved 1474/62; 1677/62; 1691/62; 1769/63; 1994/63; 2126/64 X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 4-Oct-1968 - 3059/67; [1968] ECHR 11 Greek Case (1969) 12 YB 1 1969 ECHR Human Rights The Government of Greece sought to persuade the Commission that there had been a public emergency threatening the life of the nation such as would justify a derogation from the Convention. Held: The contention was rejected. The Commission described the features of an emergency such as would justify a derogation: "Such a public emergency may then be seen to have, in particular, the following characteristics: 1) It must be actual or imminent. 2) Its effects must involve the whole nation. 3) The continuance of the organised life of the community must be threatened. 4) The crisis or danger must be exceptional, in that the normal measures or restrictions, permitted by the Convention for the maintenance of public safety, health and order, are plainly inadequate." 1 Citers Wr -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3376/67; [1969] ECHR 7 4 Feb 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Austria 3245/67; [1969] ECHR 6 4 Feb 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] Khc -v- The United Kingdom 3457/68; [1969] ECHR 9 5 Feb 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 5-Feb-1969 - 3485/68; [1969] ECHR 10 X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 16-May-1969 - 3860/68; [1969] ECHR 21 Khw -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3448/67; [1969] ECHR 8 17 May 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 2857/66; [1969] ECHR 5 22 May 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 4-Oct-1969 - 3505/68; [1969] ECHR 11 Stogmuller -v- Austria 1602/62; (1969) 1 EHRR 155; [1969] ECHR 2; [1964] ECHR 10; [1969] ECHR 25 10 Nov 1969 ECHR Human Rights Hudoc Violation of Art. 5-3; Just satisfaction reserved The court contrasted the stipulation in article 6(1)�the general requirement for a hearing of any proceedings, civil or criminal, "within a reasonable time"�with that in article 5(3)�the requirement for "trial within a reasonable time" or "release pending trial": "Article 5(3), for its part, refers only to persons charged and detained. It implies that there must be special diligence in the conduct of the prosecution of the cases concerning such persons. Already in this respect the reasonable time mentioned in this provision may be distinguished from that provided for in article 6." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Matznetter -v- Austria 2178/64; [1969] ECHR 1; [1969] ECHR 1 10 Nov 1969 ECHR Human Rights Hudoc No violation of Art. 5-3; No violation of Art. 5-4; No violation of Art. 6-1 [ Bailii ] - [ ECHR ] - [ Bailii ] X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 15-Dec-1969 - 3852/68; [1969] ECHR 20 X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3566/68; [1969] ECHR 12 15 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The United Kingdom; ECHR 15-Dec-1969 - 3827/68; [1969] ECHR 18 X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3771/68; [1969] ECHR 15 15 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3781/68; [1969] ECHR 16 15 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Netherlands 3894/68; [1969] ECHR 23 15 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X And Y -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3873/68; [1969] ECHR 22 15 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 4162/69; [1969] ECHR 3 17 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3672/68; [1969] ECHR 14 17 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- Sweden 3916/69; [1969] ECHR 24 18 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3843/68; [1969] ECHR 19 19 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany 3819/68; [1969] ECHR 17 19 Dec 1969 ECHR Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights [ Bailii ] X -v- The Federal Republic of Germany; ECHR 19-Dec-1969 - 3637/68; [1969] ECHR 13 X -v- The Federal Republic Of Germany; ECHR 19-Dec-1969 - 2840/66; [1969] ECHR 4 |
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