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These cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The site includes many later cases.  

Health - From: 1992 To: 1992

This page lists 11 cases, and was prepared on 27 May 2018.

Re A [1992] 3 Med LR 303

The law treats death as meaning brain stem death.
1 Citers

In Re R (A Minor) (Wardship: Consent to Treatment) [1992] Fam 11
Lord Donaldson of Lymington MR
Children, Health
A doctor may not operate without on a child the consent of the person apparently legally able to give consent: "It is trite that in general a doctor is not entitled to treat a patient without the consent of someone who is authorised to give that consent. If he does so, he will be liable in damages for trespass to the person and may be guilty of a criminal assault."
1 Citers

Re GF (medical treatment) [1992] 1 FLR 293
Sir Stephen Brown P
It was not necessary for doctors to apply to the court for a declaration authorising a sterilisation procedure for an inpatient in a mental hospital, if two medical practitioners are satisfied that (1) the procedure is necessary for therapeutic purposes, (2) the procedure is in the best interests of the patient, and (3) there is no practicable, less intrusive means of treating the condition.
1 Cites

1 Citers

In re T (Adult: Refusal of Treatment) [1992] 4 All ER 649; [1992] 3 WLR 782; [1993] Fam 95
Lord Donaldson of Lymington MR
A patient's right to veto medical treatment is absolute: "This right of choice is not limited to decisions which others might regard as sensible. It exists notwithstanding that the reasons for making the choice are rational, irrational, unknown or even non-existent." However the capacity must be commensurate with the gravity of the decision purported to be made: "The more serious the decision, the greater the capacity required."
1 Cites

1 Citers

 Re W (a minor) (medical treatment: courts jurisdiction); CA 1992 - [1993] Fam 64; [1992] 4 All ER 627; [1992] 3 WLR 758

 In Re J (A Minor) (Medical Treatment); FD 8-Jul-1992 - Gazette, 08 July 1992
In Re T (Adult: Refusal of Treatment) [1992] EWCA Civ 18; [1992] 3 WLR 782; [1992] 2 FCR 861; [1992] 3 Med LR 306; [1992] 4 All ER 649; [1992] 2 FLR 458; [1993] Fam Law 27; [1993] Fam 95
30 Jul 1992

Appeal with regard to a right as to how the claimant should live.
1 Citers

[ Bailii ]

 Herczegfalvy v Austria; ECHR 24-Sep-1992 - 10533/83; [1992] ECHR 58; (1992) 15 EHRR 437; [1992] ECHR 83

 Airedale NHS Trust v Bland; FD 19-Nov-1992 - [1993] 2 WLR 316

 Re S (Adult: Refusal of Treatment); FD 25-Nov-1992 - Gazette, 25 November 1992

 Airedale NHS Trust v Bland; CA 9-Dec-1992 - [1993] 2 WLR 316
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