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European - From: 2004 To: 2004This page lists 1131 cases, and was prepared on 27 May 2018. Mulder and others v Council and Commission (Order) C-104/89; [1992] EUECJ C-104/89; [2000] EUECJ C-104/89 6 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Bundesverband Der Arzneimittel-Importeure v Bayer And Commission (Competition) C-3/01; [2004] EUECJ C-3/01P 6 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Europa Appeals - Competition - Parallel imports - Article 85(1) of the EC Treaty (now Article 81(1) EC) - Meaning of agreement between undertakings - Proof of the existence of an agreement - Market in pharmaceutical product. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] K.B. (Rec.2004,p.I-541) (Judgment) C-117/01 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-583) (Judgment) C-500/01 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v Spain (Judgment) C-500/01; [2004] EUECJ C-500/01 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Utilities Europa Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Market for telecommunications services - Tariff rebalancing - Access to the local loop - Directive 90/388/EEC - Article 4(c). [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-621) (Judgment) C-58/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v Spain (Judgment) C-58/02; [2004] EUECJ C-58/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Media Europa Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Directive 98/84/EC - Information society - Radio broadcasting - Services based on conditional access - Services consisting of conditional access - Protected services - Legal protection - Devices giving unauthorised access [ Bailii ] X (Rec.2004,p.I-651) (Judgment) C-60/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Criminal proceedings against X C-60/02; [2004] EUECJ C-60/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property, Crime CJ Reference for a preliminary ruling: Landesgericht Eisenstadt - Austria. Counterfeit and pirated goods - No criminal penalty for the transit of counterfeit goods - Compatibility with Regulation (EC) No 3295/94. Regulation (EC) No 3295/94 [ Bailii ] Gerolsteiner Brunnen (Rec.2004,p.I-691) (Judgment) C-100/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Aalborg Portland A/S, Irish Cement Ltd, Ciments francais, Italcementi - Fabbriche Riunite Cemento SpA; Buzzi Unicem SpA; Cementir v Commission C-204/00; C-205/00; [2004] EUECJ C-204/00P; [2004] EUECJ C-205/00P; [2004] EUECJ C-211/00P; [2004] EUECJ C-213/00P; [2004] EUECJ C-217/00P; C-211/00; C-213/00; C-217/00 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Europa Appeal - Competition - Cement market - Article 85(1) of the EC Treaty (now Article 81(1) EC) - Jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance - Rights of the defence - Access to the file - Single and continuous infringement - Liability for an infringement - Evidence of participation in the general agreement and measures of implementation - Fine - Determination of the amount. [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Wells (Rec.2004,p.I-723) (Judgment) C-201/02 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Aalborg Portland and others v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-123) (Judgment) C-204/00 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European Aalborg Portland v Commission (Competition) C-219/00; [2004] EUECJ C-219/00P 7 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Caseificio Cooperativo di Cornedo Soc coop arl v Ministero delle Finanze C-69/03 8 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Europa Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure - Regulations (EEC) Nos 1079/77 and 1822/77 - Co-responsibility levy on cows' milk - Concept of delivery to a purchaser. Caseificio Cooperativo (Rec.2004,p.I-773) (Order) C-69/03 8 Jan 2004 ECJ European Thermenhotel Stoiser Franz and others v Commission (Judgment) T-158/99; [2004] EUECJ T-158/99 13 Jan 2004 ECFI European Europa State aid - Aid for regional purposes - Validity of lawyer's signature on the application - Standing - Statement of reasons - Compatibility with the common market - Prohibition of discrimination - Right of establishment of the national competitors of the aid recipient - Protection of the environment - Misuse of powers. [ Bailii ] JCB Service v Commission (Judgment) T-67/01 13 Jan 2004 ECFI European Kuhne and Heitz (Rec.2004,p.I-837) (Judgment) C-453/00 13 Jan 2004 ECJ European Kuhne and Nagel (Rec.2004,p.I-787) (Judgment) C-440/00 13 Jan 2004 ECJ European JCB Service v Commission (Judgment) T-67/01; [2004] EUECJ T-67/01 13 Jan 2004 ECFI European, Commercial Europa Competition - Article 81 EC - Distribution agreements. [ Bailii ] Gesamtbetriebsrat der Kuhne and Nagel AG and Co KG v Kuhne and Nagel AG and Co KG C-440/00; [2004] EUECJ C-440/00 13 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Employment Europa Social policy - Articles 4 and 11 of Directive 94/45/EC - European Works Councils - Informing and consulting employees in Community-scale undertakings - Group of undertakings whose central management is not located in a Member State. [ Bailii ] Kuhne and Heitz NV v Produktschap voor Pluimvee en Eieren C-453/00; [2004] EUECJ C-453/00 13 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Europa Poultrymeat - Export refunds - Failure to refer a question for a preliminary ruling - Final administrative decision - Effect of a preliminary ruling given by the Court after that decision - Legal certainty - Primacy of Community law - Principle of cooperation - Article 10 EC. [ Bailii ] Thermenhotel Stoiser Franz and others v Commission (Judgment) T-158/99 13 Jan 2004 ECFI European Makedoniko Metro and Michaniki v Commission (Order) T-202/02; [2004] EUECJ T-202/02 14 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Makedoniko Metro and Michaniki v Commission (Order) T-202/02 14 Jan 2004 ECFI European Fleuren Compost v Commission (Judgment) T-109/01 14 Jan 2004 ECFI European Fleuren Compost v Commission (Judgment) T-109/01; [2004] EUECJ T-109/01 14 Jan 2004 ECFI European, Agriculture Europa Actions for annulment - State aid - Aid granted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to manure-processing undertakings - Scheme approved by the Commission for a fixed period - Aid granted before or after the approved period. [ Bailii ] Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce v Penycoed Farming Partnership C-230/01; [2004] EUECJ C-230/01 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture ECJ Regulation (EEC) No 3950/92 - Additional levy in the milk and milk products sector - Deliveries by a producer to a purchaser - Payment of levy - Recovery from the producer. [ Bailii ] Criminal proceedings against Marco Antonio Saetti and Andrea Frediani C-235/02 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Crime Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale di Gela - Italy Saetti and Frediani (Rec.2004,p.I-1005) (Order) C-235/02 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European Blijdenstein (Judgment) C-433/01; [2004] EUECJ C-433/01 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Jurisdiction Europa Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesgerichtshof - Germany. Brussels Convention - Special rules of jurisdiction - Article 5(2) - Maintenance - Action for recovery brought by a public body subrogated to the rights of the maintenance creditor. [ Bailii ] Penycoed (Rec.2004,p.I-937) (Judgment) C-230/01 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European Blijdenstein (Rec.2004,p.I-981) (Judgment) C-433/01 15 Jan 2004 ECJ European Arizona Chemical and others v Commission T-369/03; [2004] EUECJ T-369/03 16 Jan 2004 ECFI European (Order) Interim measures - Directive 67/548 Directive 67/548 [ Bailii ] The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Bell Davies Trading Ltd and KTA Limited [2004] EWHC 20 (Ch) 16 Jan 2004 ChD The Hon Mr Justice Richards Company, European, Commercial 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Briganti v Commission (Judgment) T-195/02; [2004] EUECJ T-195/02 20 Jan 2004 ECFI European Officials - Open competition - Action for annulment [ Bailii ] Federation nationale de la cooperation betail and viande v Commission (Order) T-217/03; [2004] EUECJ T-217/03; [2006] EUECJ T-217/03; [2006] EUECJ T-217/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Mavridis v Commission (Judgment) T-97/02; [2004] EUECJ T-97/02 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European Officials - promotion [ Bailii ] Robinson v Parliament (Judgment) T-328/01; [2004] EUECJ T-328/01 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Federation nationale de l'industrie and des commerces en gros des viandes v Commission (Order) T-252/03; [2004] EUECJ T-252/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] FNSEA and others v Commission (Order) T-245/03; [2004] EUECJ T-245/03; [2006] EUECJ T-245/03; [2006] EUECJ T-245/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] FNSEA and others v Commission (Order) T-245/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European Federation nationale de l'industrie and des commerces en gros des viandes v Commission (Order) T-252/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European Robinson v Parliament (Judgment) T-328/01 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European FNCBV v Commission (Order) T-217/03 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European Mavridis v Commission (Judgment) T-97/02 21 Jan 2004 ECFI European Timmermans Transport and Hoogenboom Production (Rec.2004,p.I-1125) (Judgment) C-133/02 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European Timmermans Transport and Logistics BV v Inspecteur der Belastingdienst - Douanedistrict Roosendaal and Hoogenboom Production Ltd v Inspecteur der Belastingdienst - Douanedistrict Rotterdam; ECJ 22-Jan-2004 - C-133/02; [2004] EUECJ C-133/02 Timmermans Transport and Logistics (Customs Union) C-134/02; [2004] EUECJ C-134/02 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali v Consorzio Produttori Pompelmo Italiano Soc Coop arl (COPPI) C-271/01; [2004] EUECJ C-271/01 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - EAGGF - Cancellation of financial assistance - Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88 - Articles 23 and 24 - Supervisory powers of the Commission and Member State respectively. [ Bailii ] Mattila v Council and Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-1073) (Judgment) C-353/01 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European Olli Mattila v Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities C-353/01; Times, 30 January 2004; [2004] EUECJ C-353/01P 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European Europa Appeal - Access to documents - Decisions 93/731/EC and 94/90/ECSC, EC, Euratom - Exception relating to the protection of the public interest in the field of international relations - Partial access. It was not proper for the Commission to evade an obligation to disclose documentation to an enquirer on the basis that they were entitled to make a partial disclosure, and that such a partial disclosure would be of no use to the applicant. The decision of the ECFI was annulled in part. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] COPPI (Rec.2004,p.I-1029) (Judgment) C-271/01 22 Jan 2004 ECJ European Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs v Maltco 3 Ltd and Another [2004] EWCA Civ 82 22 Jan 2004 CA Agriculture, European [ Bailii ] Serco Ltd v Lawson and Foreign and Commonwealth Office [2004] EWCA Civ 12; Times, 30 January 2004; [2004] ICR 204 23 Jan 2004 CA Lord Justice Mummery Lord Justice May Lord Justice Pill Employment, European The applicant had been employed to provide services to RAF in the Ascension Islands. He alleged constructive dismissal. There was an issue as to whether somebody working in the Ascension Islands was protected by the 1996 Act. The restriction on jurisdiction in s196 had been removed. The question now was as to what test applied in its stead. Some limitation must be implied. The test is as to employment in Great Britain. Held: A principle of statutory interpretation is that "an enactment applies to all persons and matters within the territory to which it extends, but not to any other persons or matters" Some provisions of the Act explicitly extended jurisdiction to employments abroad, which implied that other provisions did not so extend. It was claimed that the Directice was intended to protect workers posted abroad, but that was complied with by the repeal of s196. It was wrong to try to revert to the 'base test' in Todd, since this was part of the background leading to s196. The tribunal had no jurisdiction to hear the complaint. The applicant was not employed in Great Britain. Employment Rights Act 1996 - Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2001 - Directive 96/71/EC 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] La Mer Technology Inc v Laboratoires Goemar SA (Order) C-259/02; [2004] EUECJ C-259/02 27 Jan 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure - Trade marks - Directive 89/104/EEC - Articles 10(1) and 12(1) - Revocation of a trade mark - Notion of genuine use of a trade mark. "use of the mark may in some cases be sufficient to establish genuine use within the meaning of the Directive, even if that use is not quantitatively significant. Even minimal use can therefore be sufficient to qualify as genuine, on condition that it is deemed to be justified, in the economic sector concerned, for the purpose of preserving or creating market share for the goods or services protected by the mark. The question whether use is sufficient to preserve or create market share for those products or services depends on several factors and on a case-by-case assessment which is for the national court to carry out. The characteristics of those products or services, the frequency or regularity of the use of the mark, whether the mark is used for the purpose of marketing all the identical products or services of the proprietor or merely some of them, or evidence which the proprietor is able to provide, are among the factors which may be taken into account." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-150/02; [2004] EUECJ T-150/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] OPTUC v Commission (Judgment) T-142/01; [2004] EUECJ T-142/01 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Deutsche SiSi-Werke v OHMI (Judgment) T-146/02; [2004] EUECJ T-146/02 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-149/02; [2004] EUECJ T-149/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-147/02; [2004] EUECJ T-147/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Netherlands v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-1177) (Order) C-164/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European Deutsche SiSi-Werke v OHMI (Judgment) T-146/02 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-148/02; [2004] EUECJ T-148/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-151/02; [2004] EUECJ T-151/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-152/02; [2004] EUECJ T-152/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Deutsche Sisi-Werke v Ohmi (Sachet A Fond Plat) (Intellectual Property) T-153/02; [2004] EUECJ T-153/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Euroagri v Commission (Judgment) T-180/01 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European OPTUC v Commission (Judgment) T-142/01 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European Euroagri v Commission T-180/01; [2004] EUECJ T-180/01 28 Jan 2004 ECFI European (Judgment) [ Bailii ] Netherlands v Commission C-164/02 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European Optuc v Commission (Fisheries Policy) T-283/01; [2004] EUECJ T-283/01 28 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Kruger (Rec.2004,p.I-1191) (Order) C-253/01 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Cerafel (Rec.2004,p.I-1251) (Order) C-381/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v Autriche (Judgment) C-209/02; [2004] EUECJ C-209/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v United Kingdom (Judgment) C-218/02; [2004] EUECJ C-218/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Kruger (Order) C-253/01 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-1211) (Judgment) C-209/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Cerafel (Order) C-381/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Commission v United Kingdom (Rec.2004,p.I-1241) (Judgment) C-218/02 29 Jan 2004 ECJ European Enviro Tech Europe and Enviro Tech International v Commission (Order) T-422/03 3 Feb 2004 ECFI European Enviro Tech Europe and Enviro Tech International v Commission (Order) T-422/03; [2004] EUECJ T-422/03 3 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Ulestraten, Schimmert en Hulsberg and others v Commission T-14/00; [2004] EUECJ T-14/00 4 Feb 2004 ECFI European (Order) [ Bailii ] Schneider (Rec.2004,p.I-1389) (Judgment) C-380/01 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Frahuil (Judgment) C-265/02; [2004] EUECJ C-265/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Judgment) C-270/02; [2004] EUECJ C-270/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Judgment) C-24/00; [2004] EUECJ C-24/00 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Greenham and Abel C-95/01; [2004] 3 CMLR 33; [2004] EUECJ C-95/01; [2004] ECR I-1333 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European ECJ Judgment - Free movement of goods - Articles 28 EC and 30 EC - Prohibition on marketing foodstuffs to which vitamins and minerals have been added - Justification - Proportionality In a case concerned with an authorisation scheme designed to protect public health, the court may require it to ensure that authorisation could be refused only if a genuine risk to public health was demonstrated by a detailed assessment using the most reliable scientific data available and the most recent results of international research. Such an assessment could reveal uncertainty as to the existence or extent of real risks, and that in such circumstances a member state could take protective measures without having to wait until the existence and gravity of those risks were fully demonstrated. [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Rec.2004,p.I-1559) (Judgment) C-270/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Greenham and Abel (Rec.2004,p.I-1333) (Judgment) C-95/01 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Frahuil (Rec.2004,p.I-1543) (Judgment) C-265/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Streamserve v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-1461) (Order) C-150/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Telefon and Buch v OHMI (Order) C-326/01 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European DFDS Torline (Rec.2004,p.I-1417) (Judgment) C-18/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Telefon and Buch v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-1371) (Order) C-326/01 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Rieser Internationale Transporte (Rec.2004,p.I-1477) (Judgment) C-157/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Schneider (Judgment) C-380/01; [2004] EUECJ C-380/01 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-1277) (Judgment) C-24/00 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European DFDS Torline (Judgment) C-18/02; [2004] EUECJ C-18/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Streamserve v OHMI (Order) C-150/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European Rieser Internationale Transporte (Judgment) C-157/02; [2004] EUECJ C-157/02 5 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Bim Kemi Ab v Blackburn Chemicals Limited [2004] EWHC 166 (Comm) 6 Feb 2004 ComC The Honourable Mr Justice Cooke Commercial, Contract, European 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Synopharm v OHMI - Pentafarma (Order) T-120/03 9 Feb 2004 ECFI European Synopharm v OHMI (Order) T-120/03; [2004] EUECJ T-120/03 9 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Calberson Ge v Commission (External Relations) French Text T-215/01; [2004] EUECJ T-215/01 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Calberson Ge v Commission (External Relations) French Text T-221/01; [2004] EUECJ T-221/01 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Calberson GE v Commission (Judgment) T-215/01 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European Calberson Ge v Commission (External Relations) French Text T-220/01; [2004] EUECJ T-220/01 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Afrikanische Frucht-Compagnie v Council And Commission (Agriculture) T-65/01; [2004] EUECJ T-65/01 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Afrikanische Frucht-Compagnie v Council And Commission (Agriculture) T-64/01; [2004] EUECJ T-64/01 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Angeletti v Commission (Order) T-394/03 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European Afrikanische Frucht-Compagnie v Council (Judgment) T-64/01 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European Angeletti v Commission (Order) T-394/03; [2004] EUECJ T-394/03; [2006] EUECJ T-394/03; [2006] EUECJ T-394/03 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Mavrona (Rec.2004,p.I-1573) (Order) C-85/03 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European Calberson GE v Commission (Judgment) T-215/01 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European Mavrona (Order) C-85/03 10 Feb 2004 ECJ European Afrikanische Frucht-Compagnie v Council (Judgment) T-64/01 10 Feb 2004 ECFI European Nutrinveste v Commission (Judgment) T-259/01 11 Feb 2004 ECFI European Cannito (Rec.2004,p.I-1605) (Order) C-438/03 11 Feb 2004 ECJ European Cannito (Order) C-438/03; [2004] EUECJ C-438/03 11 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Nutrinveste v Commission (Arbitration Clause) T-259/01; [2004] EUECJ T-259/01 11 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Nutrinveste v Commission (Judgment) T-259/01 11 Feb 2004 ECFI European Latino v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-1587) (Order) C-180/03 11 Feb 2004 ECJ European Aslantrans v Commission (Free Movement Of Goods) T-282/01; [2004] EUECJ T-282/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Aslantrans v Commission (Judgment) T-282/01 12 Feb 2004 ECFI European Koninklijke KPN Nederland (Rec.2004,p.I-1619) (Judgment) C-363/99 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Hortiplant v Commission (Judgment) C-330/01; [2004] EUECJ C-330/01P 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Hamann International (Rec.2004,p.I-1791) (Judgment) C-337/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Hortiplant v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-1763) (Judgment) C-330/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Hamann International GmbH Spedition + Logistik v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Stadt C-337/01; [2004] EUECJ C-337/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Europa Community Customs Code - Customs debt on import - Removal of goods from customs supervision. [ Bailii ] Aslantrans v Commission (Judgment) T-282/01 12 Feb 2004 ECFI European Commission v Belgium (Rec.2004,p.I-1889) (Judgment) C-406/02 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Slob (Rec.2004,p.I-1861) (Judgment) C-236/02 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Slob (Judgment) C-236/02; [2004] EUECJ C-236/02 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Campina Melkunie (Judgment) C-265/00; [2004] EUECJ C-265/00 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Koninklijke KPN Nederland (Judgment) C-363/99; [2004] EUECJ C-363/99 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Campina Melkunie (Rec.2004,p.I-1699) (Judgment) C-265/00 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Henkel (Judgment) C-218/01; [2004] EUECJ C-218/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Henkel (Rec.2004,p.I-1725) (Judgment) C-218/01 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European Commission v Belgium (Judgment) C-406/02; [2004] EUECJ C-406/02 12 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Esch-Leonhardt and others v BCE (Judgment) T-320/02 18 Feb 2004 ECFI European Esch-Leonhardt and others v BCE (Judgment) T-320/02 18 Feb 2004 ECFI European Koubi v OHMI (Judgment) T-10/03; [2004] EUECJ T-10/03 18 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Koubi v OHMI (Judgment) T-10/03 18 Feb 2004 ECFI European Konstantopoulou v Court of Justice (Judgment) T-19/03; [2004] EUECJ T-19/03 19 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Forum des migrants v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-1981) (Order) C-369/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European Commission v Luxembourg (Rec.2004,p.I-1969) (Judgment) C-310/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European Colaingrove Ltd v the Commissioners of Customs and Excise [2004] EWCA Civ 146; Times, 27 February 2004 19 Feb 2004 CA Lady Justice Arden Lord Justice Thorpe Lord Justice Neuberger VAT, European The taxpayer licensed static caravans on seasonal pitches on its land. They claimed exemption from charging VAT on the basis that they were residential lettings exempt under European legislation. Held: The appeal failed. The legislation exempted the purchase of static caravans, but explicilty not 'the supply of accomodation in a caravan or houseboat.' There was therefore no policy against a charge to VAT. A state was given discretion as to how any exemption was to be applied, but the test used in the UK legislation was of seasonality, and that in turn met the test of reasonableness. Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC (OJ 1977 L145/1) 13B(b) - Value Added Tax Act 1994 Sch9 Grp1 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Forum des migrants v Commission (Order) C-369/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European SIC v Commission (Judgment) T-297/01; [2004] EUECJ T-297/01 19 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Rec.2004,p.I-1975) (Judgment) C-312/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European British Sugar v Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce C-329/01; [2004] EUECJ C-329/01; [2004] ECR I-1899 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture CJ Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Sugar - Regulation (EEC) No 2670/81 - Proof of export - Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 - Correction of an export licence - Obvious inaccuracy - Principle of proportionality. Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 - Regulation (EEC) No 2670/81 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Judgment) C-312/03; [2004] EUECJ C-312/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Konstantopoulou v Court of Justice (Judgment) T-19/03 19 Feb 2004 ECFI European SIC v Commission (Judgment) T-297/01 19 Feb 2004 ECFI European Commission v Luxembourg (Judgment) C-310/03; [2004] EUECJ C-310/03 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Sic v Commission (State Aid) French Text T-298/01; [2004] EUECJ T-298/01 19 Feb 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Latino v Commission (Order) T-300/97 19 Feb 2004 ECFI European French and others v Council and Commission (Order) T-319/03 20 Feb 2004 ECFI European Watts, Regina (on the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Health [2004] EWCA Civ 166 20 Feb 2004 CA Health, European [ Bailii ] French and others v Council and Commission T-319/03; [2004] EUECJ T-319/03 20 Feb 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Gankema v Commission (Order) T-210/99 1 Mar 2004 ECFI European Gankema v Commission (Order) T-210/99; [2004] EUECJ T-210/99 1 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Caravelis v Parliament (Judgment) T-197/02; [2004] EUECJ T-197/02 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Michael v Commission (Judgment) T-234/02 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European Di Marzio v Commission (Judgment) T-14/03; [2004] EUECJ T-14/03 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Di Marzio v Commission (Judgment) T-14/03 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European Caravelis v Parliament (Judgment) T-197/02 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European Michael v Commission (Judgment) T-234/02 2 Mar 2004 ECFI European Vainker v Parliament (Judgment) T-48/01 3 Mar 2004 ECFI European Muhlens v OHMI (Judgment) T-355/02; [2004] EUECJ T-355/02 3 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Vainker and Vainker v Parliament (Judgment) T-48/01; [2004] EUECJ T-48/01 3 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Transport Service (Rec.2004,p.I-1991) (Order) C-395/02 3 Mar 2004 ECJ European Transport Service C-395/02 3 Mar 2004 ECJ European Muhlens v OHMI (Judgment) T-355/02 3 Mar 2004 ECFI European Cofinoga (Judgment) C-264/02; [2004] EUECJ C-264/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Haackert (Judgment) C-303/02; [2004] EUECJ C-303/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Judgment) C-334/02; [2004] EUECJ C-334/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Barsotti and others C-19/01 C-19/01; [2004] EUECJ C-19/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European (Judgment) Social policy - Protection of employees in the event of their employer's insolvency - Directive 80/987/EEC - Limitation of liability of the guarantee institutions - Ceiling to the liability - Part payments by the employer - Social objective of the directive [ Bailii ] Viluckas (Customs Union) C-246/02; [2004] EUECJ C-246/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Germany v Commission (Judgment) C-344/01; [2004] EUECJ C-344/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Derudder (Judgment) C-290/01; [2004] EUECJ C-290/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Haackert (Rec.2004,p.I-2195) (Judgment) C-303/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Viluckas and Jonusas (Rec.2004,p.I-2141) (Judgment) C-238/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Krings GmbH v Oberfinanzdirektion Nurnberg C-130/02; [2004] EUECJ C-130/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Europa Common Customs Tariff - Combined Nomenclature - Tariff heading - Preparation with a basis of extract of tea. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-2229) (Judgment) C-334/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Derudder (Rec.2004,p.I-2041) (Judgment) C-290/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Germany v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-2081) (Judgment) C-344/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale v Barsotti and Others C-84/01 [2004, ECR I-2005; C-84/01; [2004] EUECJ C-84/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Employment ECJ (Social Policy) Social policy - Protection of employees in the event of their employer's insolvency - Directive 80/987/EEC - Limitation of liability of the guarantee institutions - Ceiling to the liability - Part payments by the employer - Social objective of the directive [ Bailii ] Viluckas (Judgment) C-238/02; [2004] EUECJ C-238/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Barsotti and Others C-50/01 C-50/01; [2004] EUECJ C-50/01 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Social Policy) Social policy - Protection of employees in the event of their employer's insolvency - Directive 80/987/EEC - Limitation of liability of the guarantee institutions - Ceiling to the liability - Part payments by the employer - Social objective of the directive [ Bailii ] Cofinoga (Rec.2004,p.I-2157) (Judgment) C-264/02 4 Mar 2004 ECJ European Liakoura v Council (Order) T-281/03 5 Mar 2004 ECFI European Boss v OHMI (Order) T-94/02; [2004] EUECJ T-94/02 5 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Boss v OHMI (Order) T-94/02 5 Mar 2004 ECFI European Boehringer Ingelheim Kg, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Gmbh and Co Kg- and -Swingward Limited v Boehringer Ingelheim Kg, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Gmbh and Co Kg, Boehringer Ingelheim Limited-And-Dowelhurst Limited [2004] EWCA Civ 129 5 Mar 2004 CA Lord Justice Clarke Lord Justice Kennedy Lord Justice Jacob Intellectual Property, European 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Liakoura v Council (Order) T-281/03; [2004] EUECJ T-281/03 5 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Judgment) C-314/03; [2004] EUECJ C-314/03 9 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Rec.2004,p.I-2257) (Judgment) C-314/03 9 Mar 2004 ECJ European Malagutti-Vezinhet v Commission (Judgment) T-177/02 10 Mar 2004 ECFI European Malagutti-Vezinhet v Commission T-177/02; [2004] EUECJ T-177/02 10 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Asempre and Asociacion Nacional de Empresas de Externalizacion y gestion de Envios y Pequena Paqueteria (Rec.2004,p.I-2461) (Judgment) C-240/02 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-2351) (Judgment) C-496/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European de Lasteyrie du Saillant (Rec.2004,p.I-2409) (Judgment) C-9/02 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European de Lasteyrie du Saillant (Judgment) C-9/02; [2004] EUECJ C-9/02 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Judgment) C-496/01; [2004] EUECJ C-496/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] ASEMPRE and others (Judgment) C-240/02; [2004] EUECJ C-240/02 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungsgesellschaft (Rec.2004,p.I-2263) (Judgment) C-182/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European Commission v Ireland (Judgment) C-396/01; [2004] EUECJ C-396/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungsgesellschaft (Judgment) C-182/01; [2004] EUECJ C-182/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Ireland C-396/01 11 Mar 2004 ECJ European Institouto N. Avgerinopoulou and others v Commission (Order) T-139/02 15 Mar 2004 ECFI European Instituto N. Avgerinopoulou and others v Commission (Order) T-66/02; [2004] EUECJ T-66/02 15 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Institouto N. Avgerinopoulou and others v Commission (Order) T-139/02; [2004] EUECJ T-139/02 15 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Institouto N. Avgerinopoulou and others v Commission (Order) T-66/02 15 Mar 2004 ECFI European Aok-Bundesverband and Others C-306/01 C-306/01; [2004] EUECJ C-306/01 16 Mar 2004 ECJ European (Competition) Competition - Undertakings - Sickness funds - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Interpretation of Articles 81 EC, 82 EC and 86 EC - Decisions of groups of sickness funds determining maximum amounts paid in respect of medicinal products [ Bailii ] AOK-Bundesverband and Others C-354/01 [2004] ECR I-2493; C-354/01; [2004] EUECJ C-354/01 16 Mar 2004 ECJ European ECJ Competition - Undertakings - Sickness funds - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Interpretation of Articles 81 EC, 82 EC and 86 EC - Decisions of groups of sickness funds determining maximum amounts paid in respect of medicinal products [ Bailii ] AOK-Bundesverband and Others C-355/01 [2004] 4 CMLR 22; C-355/01; [2004] EUECJ C-355/01 16 Mar 2004 ECJ European ECJ Competition - Undertakings - Sickness funds - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Interpretation of Articles 81 EC, 82 EC and 86 EC - Decisions of groups of sickness funds determining maximum amounts paid in respect of medicinal products [ Bailii ] AOK-Bundesverband and others C-264/01; [2004] EUECJ C-264/01 16 Mar 2004 ECJ Commercial, European ECJ Competition - Undertakings - Sickness funds - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Interpretation of Articles 81 EC, 82 EC and 86 EC - Decisions of groups of sickness funds determining maximum amounts paid in respect of medicinal products [ Bailii ] Danske Busvognmaend v Commission T-157/01; [2004] EUECJ T-157/01 16 Mar 2004 ECFI European ECJ Judgment - State aids. [ Bailii ] Afari v BCE (Judgment) T-11/03; [2004] EUECJ T-11/03 16 Mar 2004 ECFI European ECJ Staff of the European Central Bank - Defamation - Racial discrimination - Disciplinary procedure - Rights of the defence - Characterisation in law of the facts - Claim for compensation. [ Bailii ] Lebedef v Commission (Judgment) T-175/02 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European El Corte Ingles v OHMI (Judgment) T-183/02 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European Lebedef v Commission (Judgment) T-4/03; [2004] EUECJ T-4/03 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] JP Gallagher and others v Alpha Catering Services Ltd T/A Alpha Flight Services UKEAT/0048/04; [2004] UKEAT 0048_04_1703; [2004] ICR 1489 17 Mar 2004 EAT His Honour Judge J McMullen QC Employment, European EAT Employment Tribunal wrongly focussed on the need for continuity of Respondent's activities, rather than the worker's, and so excluded workers from protection; WTR 21(c), Leave - CA - No error in construing "surge of activity" in WTR 21(d) as the facts. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ EATn ] El Corte Ingles v OHMI (Judgment) T-183/02; [2004] EUECJ T-183/02 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Lebedef v Commission (Judgment) T-4/03 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European El Corte Ingles v OHMI Gonzalez Cabello (Mundicor) (Intellectual Property) T-184/02; [2004] EUECJ T-184/02 17 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Earlier word marks MUNDICOLOR - Application for Community word mark MUNDICOR - Relative ground for refusal - Likelihood of confusion - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94, [ Bailii ] Lebedef v Commission (Judgment) T-175/02; [2004] EUECJ T-175/02 17 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Siemens and ARGE v Telekom and Partner C-314/01; [2004] EUECJ C-314/01 18 Mar 2004 ECJ V Skouris European ECJ Public contracts - Directive 89/665/EEC - Review procedures concerning the award of public contracts - Effects of a decision by the body responsible for review procedures annulling the decision by the contracting authority not to revoke the procedure by which a contract was awarded - Restriction on the use of subcontracting Directive 89/665/EEC [ Bailii ] Merino Gomez v Continental Industrias del Caucho SA C-342/01; [2004] EUECJ C-342/01; [2005] ICR 1040 18 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Employment Where the dates of a worker's maternity leave coincided with those of the general annual leave fixed, by a collective agreement, for the entire workforce, the requirements of the Working Times Directive relating to paid annual leave could not be regarded as having been met. The court said: "The entitlement of every worker to paid annual leave must be regarded as a particularly important principle of Community social law from which there can be no derogations and whose implementation by the competent national authorities must be confined within the limits expressly laid down by Directive 93/104. It is significant in that connection that that Directive also embodies the rule that a worker must normally be entitled to actual rest, with a view to ensuring effective protection of his health and safety, since it is only where the employment relationship is terminated that article 7(2) permits an allowance to be paid in lieu of paid annual leave. The purpose of the entitlement to annual leave is different from that of the entitlement to maternity leave. Maternity leave is intended, first, to protect a woman's biological condition during and after pregnancy and, secondly, to protect the special relationship between a woman and her child over the period which follows pregnancy and childbirth." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Leichtle v Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit C-8/02; [2004] EUECJ C-8/02; [2004] ECR I-2641; [2006] 3 CMLR 4 18 Mar 2004 ECJ C.W.A. Timmermans European ECJ Freedom to provide services - Sickness insurance scheme for civil servants - Health cure taken in another Member State - Expenditure on board, lodging, travel, visitors' tax and a final medical report - Conditions for reimbursement - Prior declaration of eligibility for assistance - Criteria - Justification [ Bailii ] Lindorfer v Council T-204/01; [2004] EUECJ T-204/01 18 Mar 2004 ECFI European ECFI Officials - Free movement of workers. [ Bailii ] Cooper and others v Pure Fishing (Uk) Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 375 18 Mar 2004 CA Agency, European Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 - Council Directive 86/653/EEC of 18 December 1986 on the coordination of the laws of the Member States relating to self-employed commercial agents 17 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Radauer v Council (Judgment) T-67/02; [2004] EUECJ T-67/02 18 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Lucaccioni v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-2683) (Order) C-196/03 19 Mar 2004 ECJ European Lucaccioni v Commission (Order) C-196/03 19 Mar 2004 ECJ European Collins v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; ECJ 23-Mar-2004 - C-138/02; Times, 30 March 2004; [2004] EUECJ C-138/02; [2004] All ER (EC) 1005 Mediateur v Lamberts (Rec.2004,p.I-2803) (Judgment) C-234/02 23 Mar 2004 ECJ European France v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-2759) (Judgment) C-233/02 23 Mar 2004 ECJ European Theodorakis v Council (Judgment) T-310/02 23 Mar 2004 ECFI European Mediateur v Lamberts (Judgment) C-234/02; [2004] EUECJ C-234/02P 23 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] France v Commission (Judgment) C-233/02; [2004] EUECJ C-233/02 23 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Microsoft (Comp/C-3/37.792 - Antitrust) [2004] ECComm 1 24 Mar 2004 ECMM European [ Worldlii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-497/00 C-497/00; [2004] EUECJ C-497/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Petrich v Commission (Judgment) T-145/02 25 Mar 2004 ECFI European Petrich v Commission ( T-145/02 25 Mar 2004 ECFI European Judgment Goncalves v Commission T-238/02; [2004] EUECJ T-238/02 25 Mar 2004 ECFI European Judgment - Officials - Admissibility [ Bailii ] Cooperativa Lattepiu (Agriculture) C-451/00; [2004] EUECJ C-451/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Cooperativa Lattepiu (Agriculture) C-303/00; [2004] EUECJ C-303/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Petrich v Commission (Judgment) T-145/02; [2004] EUECJ T-145/02 25 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-498/00 C-498/00; [2004] EUECJ C-498/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Industrias de Deshidratacion Agricola (Rec.2004,p.I-3073) (Judgment) C-118/02 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-491/00 C-491/00; [2004] EUECJ C-491/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-490/00 C-490/00; [2004] EUECJ C-490/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-489/00 C-489/00; [2004] EUECJ C-489/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-484/00 C-484/00; [2004] EUECJ C-484/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-482/00 C-482/00; [2004] EUECJ C-482/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-481/00 C-481/00; [2004] EUECJ C-481/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo C-499/00 C-499/00; [2004] EUECJ C-499/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Milk and milk products - Additional levy on milk - Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 - Reference quantities - Ex post correction - Notification of producers 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Visentin and others v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo; ECJ 25-Mar-2004 - C-495/00; [2004] EUECJ C-495/00 Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo; ECJ 25-Mar-2004 - C-480/00; [2004] EUECJ C-480/00 Cooperativa Lattepi� (Rec.2004,p.I-2869) (Judgment) C-231/00 25 Mar 2004 ECJ European Karner v Troostwijk GmbH; ECJ 25-Mar-2004 - C-71/02; [2004] ECR I-3025; [2004] CEC 327; [2004] EUECJ C-71/02; [2004] 2 CMLR 5; [2005] ETMR 59 Industrias de Deshidratacion Agricola SA; ECJ 25-Mar-2004 - C-118/02; [2004] EUECJ C-118/02 Cooperativa Lattepiu v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo; ECJ 25-Mar-2004 - C-231/00; [2004] EUECJ C-231/00 Jansen Nielson Pilkes Ltd v HM Inspector of Taxes [2004] UKSC SPC00405 29 Mar 2004 SCIT Corporation Tax, European SCIT EU LAW - small companies' rate of corporation tax - whether inclusion of non-resident associated companies in the computation is a restriction on freedom of establishment or discriminatory - no - appeal dismissed [ Bailii ] Rothley and others v Parliament (Rec.2004,p.I-3149) (Judgment) C-167/02 30 Mar 2004 ECJ European Commission v Suede (Rec.2004,p.I-3197) (Judgment) C-201/03 30 Mar 2004 ECJ European Michelle K Alabaster v Woolwich plc,and Secretary of State for Social Security C-147/02; [2004] EUECJ C-147/02; C-147/02 30 Mar 2004 ECJ European, Discrimination Europa Social policy - Men and women - Equal pay - Pay during maternity leave - Calculation of amount - Whether to include a pay rise. The claimant had been awarded a pay rise before taking maternity leave. She complained that her award would not becalculated to reflect that salary increase. Held: Article 141 required any pay rise awarded between the beginning of the reference pay period and the end of maternity leave to be included when the amount of maternity pay is calculated. This principle must be applied whether or not the pay rise is backdated to the period covered by the reference pay. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Rothley and others v Parliament (Judgment) C-167/02; [2004] EUECJ C-167/02P 30 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Suede (Judgment) C-201/03; [2004] EUECJ C-201/03 30 Mar 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Georgescu (Rec.2004,p.I-3203) (Order) C-51/03 31 Mar 2004 ECJ European Girardot v Commission (Judgment) T-10/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European Fieldturf v OHMI (Judgment) T-216/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European Interquell v OHMI (Judgment) T-20/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European Georgescu (Order) C-51/03 31 Mar 2004 ECJ European Girardot v Commission (Judgment) T-10/02; [2004] EUECJ T-10/02; [2006] EUECJ T-10/02; [2006] EUECJ T-10/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Interquell v OHMI (Judgment) T-20/02; [2004] EUECJ T-20/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Fieldturf v OHMI (Judgment) T-216/02; [2004] EUECJ T-216/02 31 Mar 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Jego-Quere [2004] 2 CMLR 12; [2004] EUECJ C-263/02P; [2005] 2 WLR 179; [2005] QB 237; [2004] CEC 284; [2004] All ER (EC) 983; [2004] ECR I-3425 1 Apr 2004 ECJ C. Gulmann (Rapporteur), acting for the P European (Judgment) Appeal - Admissibility of an action for annulment of a regulation brought by a legal person [ Bailii ] Bellio F.lli Srl v Prefettura di Treviso C-286/02; [2004] EUECJ C-286/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture ECJ (Judgment) Agriculture - Animal health - Protection measures with regard to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies - Use of animal proteins in animal feed [ Bailii ] Freiburger Kommunalbauten GmbH Baugesellschaft and Co. KG v Ludger Hofstetter, Ulrike Hofstetter C-237/02; [2004] EUECJ C-237/02; [2004] ECR I-3403; [2004] 2 CMLR 13 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Consumer, Contract ECJ Directive 93/13/EEC - Unfair terms in consumer contracts - Contract for the building and supply of a parking space - Reversal of the order of performance of contractual obligations provided for under national law - Clause obliging the consumer to pay the price before the seller or supplier has performed his obligations - Obligation on the seller or supplier to provide a guarantee. The Court considered the role of the ECJ and of the national court in relation to the determination as to whether a particular term was unfair. It stated that the issue of unfairness turned on all the facts and was for the national court. Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms and consumer contracts, which the Regulations implement, applies to contracts in respect of land. Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Kohlpharma GmbH v Bundesrepublik Deutschland ECLI:EU:C:2004:208; [2004] EUECJ C-112/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Judgment) Free movement of goods - Medicinal products - Importation - Application for marketing authorisation under a simplified procedure - Common origin [ Bailii ] Deutsche See-Bestattungs-Genossenschaft (Judgment) C-389/02; [2004] EUECJ C-389/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commune De Braine-Le-Chateau (Environment And Consumers) C-217/02; [2004] EUECJ C-217/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC - Waste - Management plans - Suitable sites and installations for waste disposal - Permit granted in the absence of a management plan containing a map specifying planned locations for disposal sites [ Bailii ] Kohlpharma (Rec.2004,p.I-3369) (Judgment) C-112/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Finanzamt Gummersbach v Bockemuhl C-90/02; [2004] EUECJ C-90/02; [2006] BVC 95; [2004] CEC 303; [2004] 3 CMLR 5; [2004] ECR I-3303; [2006] BTC 5026; [2005] STC 934; [2004] STI 988 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European, VAT ECJ (Judgment) Reference for a preliminary ruling - Interpretation of Article 18(1) of the Sixth VAT Directive - Conditions for exercise of the right to deduct input VAT - Recipient of a service referred to in Article 9(2)(e) of the Sixth VAT Directive - Supply of staff by a taxable person established abroad - Recipient liable for VAT as the person to whom the supply was made - Requirement to hold an invoice - Content of the invoice [ Bailii ] Bockemuhl (Rec.2004,p.I-3303) (Judgment) C-90/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Commune de Braine-le-Chateau and Michel Tillieut and Others v Region Wallonee C-53/02; [2004] EUECJ C-53/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ Advocate General Mishko European, Environment ECJ Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC - Waste - Management plans - Suitable sites and installations for waste disposal - Permit granted in the absence of a management plan containing a map specifying planned locations for disposal sites. The Court referred to the Directive as "a policy framework" . . which need not necessarily describe in minute detail all aspects of current and future waste disposal management, including sites." Management plans may not be determinative: " . . management plans cannot in all cases be the only factor which determines the exact location of waste disposal sites, inasmuch as the final decision concerning location in some circumstances depends on the relevant rules relating to land-use planning and, in particular, the consultation and decision-making procedures implemented pursuant to Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment . . as amended . . " Directive 75/442/EEC - Directive 91/156/EEC 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy C-99/02 [2004] ECR I-9761; [2004] EUECJ C-99/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Judgment) Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - State aid - Second paragraph of Article 88(2) EC - Aids incompatible with the common market - Obligation to recover - Absolute impossibility of implementation [ Bailii ] Forvaltnings AB Stenholmen v Riksskatteverket C-320/02; [2004] EUECJ C-320/02; [2006] BVC 82; [2004] STI 989; [2004] ECR I-3509; [2004] CEC 248; [2006] BTC 5013; [2004] 2 CMLR 56; [2004] STC 1041; [2004] All ER (EC) 870 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European, VAT ECJ Judgment - Sixth VAT Directive - Article 26a - Special arrangements applicable to second-hand goods - The term 'second-hand goods' - Horse sold on after training 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg C-375/03 C-375/03; [2004] EUECJ C-375/03 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European (Judgment) APPLICATION for a declaration that, by failing to adopt the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Directive 2000/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 June 2000 on the technical roadside inspection of the roadworthiness of commercial vehicles circulating in the Community (OJ 2000 L 203, p. 1), or, in any event, by failing to inform the Commission thereof, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations under that Directive, [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany C-64/03 [2004] EUECJ C-64/03 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European (Judgment) Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Failure to implement Directive 98/30/EC Directive 98/30/EC [ Bailii ] Commission v Jego-Quere (Rec.2004,p.I-3425) (Judgment) C-263/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Deutsche See-Bestattungs-Genossenschaft (Rec.2004,p.I-3537) (Judgment) C-389/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Gussetti v Commission (Judgment) T-312/02 1 Apr 2004 ECFI European Commission v Luxembourg (Rec.2004,p.I-3557) (Judgment) C-375/03 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-3551) (Judgment) C-64/03 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Bellio F.lli (Rec.2004,p.I-3465) (Judgment) C-286/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European Stenholmen (Rec.2004,p.I-3509) (Judgment) C-320/02 1 Apr 2004 ECJ European N v Commission (Judgment) T-198/02 1 Apr 2004 ECFI European Gonnelli and AIFO v Commission (Order) T-231/02 2 Apr 2004 ECFI European Gonnelli and AIFO v Commission (Order) T-231/02 2 Apr 2004 ECFI European Bertelli Galvez v Commission (Order) T-337/03 2 Apr 2004 ECFI European Galvez v Commission; ECFI 2-Apr-2004 - T-337/03; [2004] EUECJ T-337/03 M v Court of Justice (Judgment) T-172/01 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European R v Commission (Judgment) T-313/01 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European Concept v OHMI (ECA) (Judgment) T-127/02; [2004] EUECJ T-127/02 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] M v Court of Justice T-172/01; [2004] EUECJ T-172/01 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] R v Commission T-313/01; [2004] EUECJ T-313/01 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Concept v OHMI (ECA) (Judgment) T-127/02 21 Apr 2004 ECFI European Messe Berlin v OHMI (Order) T-292/03 22 Apr 2004 ECFI European Messe Berlin v OHMI (Order) T-292/03 22 Apr 2004 ECFI European Schintgen v Commission (Judgment) T-343/02; [2004] EUECJ T-343/02 22 Apr 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Schintgen v Commission (Judgment) T-343/02 22 Apr 2004 ECFI European Regina v E; CACD 26-Apr-2004 - Times, 27 May 2004; [2004] EWCA Crim 1243; [2004] 1 WLR 3279; [2004] 2 Cr App R 29 Turner v Grovit; ECJ 27-Apr-2004 - Times, 29 April 2004; C-159/02; [2004] EUECJ C-159/02; [2005] 1 AC 101; [2004] ECR I - 3565; [2005] ICR 23; [2004] 3 WLR 1193; [2004] ECR I-3565; [2004] All ER (EC) 485 Ozturk (Judgment) C-373/02; [2004] EUECJ C-373/02 28 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Pascall v Council (Judgment) T-277/02 28 Apr 2004 ECFI European Matratzen Concord v OHMI (Order) C-3/03; [2004] EUECJ C-3/03 28 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Ozturk (Rec.2004,p.I-3605) (Judgment) C-373/02 28 Apr 2004 ECJ European Sunrider Corporation v OHMI Vitakraft-Werke Wuehrmann (Vitataste) T-156/02; [2004] EUECJ T-156/02 28 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ Community trade mark - Regulations (EC) Nos 2868/95 and 40/94 - Costs of opposition proceedings - Partial withdrawal of the trade mark application - Withdrawal of opposition - Tax Refund of Appeal - Obligation to state reasons. [ Bailii ] Sunrider v OHMI (Judgment) T-124/02 28 Apr 2004 ECFI European Terra Baubedarf-Handel (Judgment) C-152/02; [2004] EUECJ C-152/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Faxworld (Judgment) C-137/02; [2004] EUECJ C-137/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Kvaerner Warnow Werft (Judgment) C-181/02; [2004] EUECJ C-181/02P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Pusa (Judgment) C-224/02; [2004] EUECJ C-224/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal (Judgment) C-171/02; [2004] EUECJ C-171/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Skalka (Judgment) C-160/02; [2004] EUECJ C-160/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Bjornekulla Fruktindustrier (Judgment) C-371/02; [2004] EUECJ C-371/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-3751) (Judgment) C-387/99 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European SGL Carbon v Commission (Order) T-308/02 29 Apr 2004 ECFI European Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-3887) (Judgment) C-150/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Germany v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-3925) (Judgment) C-277/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Parliament v Ripa di Meana and others (Rec.2004,p.I-4167) (Judgment) C-470/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Sudholz (Rec.2004,p.I-4243) (Judgment) C-17/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European EDM (Rec.2004,p.I-4295) (Judgment) C-77/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Netherlands v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-4461) (Judgment) C-159/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-4579) (Judgment) C-194/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-4733) (Judgment) C-240/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Italy v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-4087) (Judgment) C-298/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Bouma v Council and Commission (Judgment) C-162/01; [2004] EUECJ C-162/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Italy v Commission (Judgment) C-372/97; [2004] EUECJ C-372/97 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Judgment) C-387/99; [2004] EUECJ C-387/99 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v CAS Succhi di Frutta (Judgment) C-496/99; [2004] EUECJ C-496/99P; [2004] ECR I-3801 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Europa Appeal - Common agricultural policy - Food aid - Tendering procedure - Commission decision amending the conditions after the auction - Payment of successful tenderers in fruit other than those specified in the notice of award. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Autriche (Judgment) C-150/00; [2004] EUECJ C-150/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Germany v Commission (Judgment) C-277/00; [2004] EUECJ C-277/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Greece v Commission (Judgment) C-278/00 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Italy v Commission (Judgment) C-298/00; [2004] EUECJ C-298/00P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Parliament v Ripa di Meana and others (Judgment) C-470/00; [2004] EUECJ C-470/00P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tokai Carbon v Commission (Judgment) T-236/01 29 Apr 2004 ECFI European Sudholz (Judgment) C-17/01; [2004] EUECJ C-17/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] EDM (Judgment) C-77/01; [2004] EUECJ C-77/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Italy v Commission (Judgment) C-91/01; [2004] EUECJ C-91/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Harald Weigel and Ingrid Weigel v Finanzlandesdirektion fur Vorarlberg C-387/01; [2004] EUECJ C-387/01; [2004] 3 CMLR 42; [2004] ECR I-4951 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ Free movement of workers - Importing a car - Consumption tax type ('Normverbrauchsabgabe') - Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect - Discriminatory Taxation - Sixth VAT Directive - Tax on sales. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Netherlands v Commission (Judgment) C-159/01; [2004] EUECJ C-159/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal (Judgment) C-117/02; [2004] EUECJ C-117/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Autriche (Judgment) C-194/01; [2004] EUECJ C-194/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] IPK-Munchen v Commission (Judgment) C-199/01; [2004] EUECJ C-199/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Judgment) C-240/01; [2004] EUECJ C-240/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Gil Insurance and others (Judgment) C-308/01; [2004] EUECJ C-308/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Council (Judgment) C-338/01; [2004] EUECJ C-338/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Plato Plastik Robert Frank (Judgment) C-341/01; [2004] EUECJ C-341/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] IMS Health GmbH and Co. OHG v NDC Health GmbH and Co. KG C-418/01; [2004] EUECJ C-418/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Commercial, Intellectual Property Competition - Article 82 EC - Abuse of a dominant position - Brick structure used to supply regional sales data for pharmaceutical products in a Member State - Copyright - Refusal to grant a licence. [ Bailii ] Henkel v OHMI (Judgment) C-456/01; [2004] EUECJ C-456/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Procter and Gamble v OHMI (Judgment) C-468/01; [2004] EUECJ C-468/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Procter and Gamble v OHMI (Judgment) C-473/01; [2004] EUECJ C-473/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Beuttenmuller v Land Baden-Wurttemberg C-102/02; [2004] EUECJ C-102/02; [2004] ECR I-5405 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Judgment) Freedom of movement for workers - Recognition of diplomas - Directives 89/48 and 92/51 - Primary and secondary school teachers - Holder of a diploma of post-secondary studies of two years' duration - Conditions for the exercise of the profession [ Bailii ] Parliament v Reynolds C-111/02; [2004] EUECJ C-111/02P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European ECJ Appeal - Officials - Secondment to a political group of the Parliament - Decision to terminate the secondment - Rights of the defence [ Bailii ] Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Judgment) C-106/01; [2004] EUECJ C-106/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Europa Medicinal products - Marketing authorisation - Procedure relating to essentially similar products. [ Bailii ] Faxworld (Rec.2004,p.I-5547) (Judgment) C-137/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-246/01; [2004] EUECJ T-246/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Procter and Gamble v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) C-470/01; [2004] EUECJ C-470/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Gemeente Leusden (Taxation) C-7/02; [2004] EUECJ C-7/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] SGL Carbon v Commission; ECFI 29-Apr-2004 - T-308/02 Bjornekulla Fruktindustrier (Rec.2004,p.I-5791) (Judgment) C-371/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Procter and Gamble v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) C-471/01; [2004] EUECJ C-471/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Beuttenmuller (Rec.2004,p.I-5405) (Judgment) C-102/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Tokai Carbon v Commission; ECFI 29-Apr-2004 - T-236/01 Procter and Gamble v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-5141) (Judgment) C-468/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European IMS Health (Rec.2004,p.I-5039) (Judgment) C-418/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Procter and Gamble v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-5173) (Judgment) C-473/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Bouma v Council And Commission (Agriculture) French Text C-163/01; [2004] EUECJ C-163/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Kapper (Rec.2004,p.I-5205) (Judgment) C-476/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-252/01; [2004] EUECJ T-252/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Henkel v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) French Text C-457/01; [2004] EUECJ C-457/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Gemeente Leusden and Holin Groep (Rec.2004,p.I-5337) (Judgment) C-487/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Ipk-Muenchen v Commission (Social Policy) French Text C-200/01; [2004] EUECJ C-200/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal C-117/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Georgios Orfanopoulos and Others v Land Baden-Wurttemberg. C-482/01; [2004] EUECJ C-482/01; C-493/01; [2004] EUECJ C-493/01; [2005] 1 CMLR 18 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Immigration When considering a claim to resist deportation "the requirement of the existence of a present threat must, as a general rule, be satisfied at the time of the expulsion." Europa On the interpretation of Article 39(3) EC and Article 9(1) of Council Directive 64/221/EEC of 25 February 1964 on the coordination of special measures concerning the movement and residence of foreign nationals which are justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health (OJ, English Special Edition, 1963-1964, p. 117) (C-482/01), and of Article 39 EC and Article 3 of the same directive (C-493/01). 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] GIL Insurance and others (Rec.2004,p.I-4777) (Judgment) C-308/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Procter and Gamble v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) C-469/01; [2004] EUECJ C-469/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-251/01; [2004] EUECJ T-251/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Kvaerner Warnow Werft (Rec.2004,p.I-5703) (Judgment) C-181/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Pusa (Rec.2004,p.I-5763) (Judgment) C-224/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Procter and Gamble v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) C-472/01; [2004] EUECJ C-472/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Procter and Gamble v Ohmi (Intellectual Property) C-474/01; [2004] EUECJ C-474/01P 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-236/01; [2004] EUECJ T-236/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-239/01; [2004] EUECJ T-239/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Terra Baubedarf-Handel (Rec.2004,p.I-5583) (Judgment) C-152/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-244/01; [2004] EUECJ T-244/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Skalka (Rec.2004,p.I-5613) (Judgment) C-160/02 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Tokai Carbon v Commission (Competition) T-245/01; [2004] EUECJ T-245/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Plato Plastik Robert Frank (Rec.2004,p.I-4883) (Judgment) C-341/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Eurocermex v OHMI (Judgment) T-399/02 29 Apr 2004 ECFI European Commission v Council (Rec.2004,p.I-4829) (Judgment) C-338/01 29 Apr 2004 ECJ European Robert Bourgard v Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs independants (Inasti). C-172/02 30 Apr 2004 ECJ European Gouralnik (Order) C-446/02 30 Apr 2004 ECJ European Gouralnik (Rec.2004,p.I-5841) (Order) C-446/02 30 Apr 2004 ECJ European Bourgard (Rec.2004,p.I-5823) (Order) C-172/02 30 Apr 2004 ECJ European E-Sim v OHMI (Order) T-325/03 6 May 2004 ECFI European Hecq v Commission (Order) T-34/03 6 May 2004 ECFI European A v West Yorkshire Police; HL 6-May-2004 - [2004] UKHL 21; Times, 07 May 2004; Gazette, 20 May 2004; [2004] 2 WLR 1209; 17 BHRC 585; [2004] 2 CMLR 37; [2004] UKHRR 694; [2004] 2 FCR 160; [2004] 3 All ER 145; [2004] Eu LR 841; [2004] ICR 806; [2005] 1 AC 51; [2004] HRLR 25; [2004] IRLR 573 E-Sim v OHMI (Order) T-325/03 6 May 2004 ECFI European Musee Grevin v Commission (Order) T-314/03 10 May 2004 ECFI European Bundesverband der Nahrungsmittel- und Speiseresteverwertung and Kloh v Parliament (Order) T-391/02 10 May 2004 ECFI European Bundesverband der Nahrungsmittel- und Speiseresteverwertung and Kloh v Parliament (Order) T-391/02 10 May 2004 ECFI European Musee Grevin v Commission (Order) T-314/03 10 May 2004 ECFI European Hecq v Commission (Judgment) T-191/01 12 May 2004 ECFI European Hecq v Commission (Judgment) T-191/01; [2004] EUECJ T-191/01 12 May 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Technische Glaswerke Illmenau v Commission (Order) T-198/01 12 May 2004 ECFI European WHA Ltd and Another v Customs and Excise [2004] EWCA Civ 559; [2004] STC 1081; [2004] BVC 485; [2004] BTC 5425,; [2004] STI 1202 14 May 2004 CA Lord Justice Waller Lord Justice Latham Lord Justice Neuberger VAT, European 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Crehan v Inntrepreneur Pub Company (CPC) [2004] EWCA Civ 637; Times, 28 May 2004; [2004] 3 EGLR 128; [2004] EuLR 693 21 May 2004 CA Lord Justice Peter Gibson Lord Justice Tuckey And Sir Martin Nourse Commercial, European The claimant had taken two leases, but had been made subject to beer ties with the defendant. He claimed damages for the losses, saying he had been forced to pay higher prices than those allowed to non-tied houses, and that the agreement was anti-competitive, and that the individual exemption from the EC Treaty obligations which had been given to the defendant was ineffective. Held: The appeal succeeded. The judge had failed to give proper weight to the need to avoid decisions conflicting with those of the European courts. To make the decision a comprehensive examination of the market was required and that investigation was byond the court's remit. A decision that the Commission was wrong was a decision required to be taken if at all by the ECJ. The exemption was not effective. The Delimitis conditions were satisfied, and the claimant was entitled to damages. European Communities Act 1972 3(1) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Schmoldt and others v Commission (Order) T-264/03 25 May 2004 ECFI European Distilleria Palma v Commission (Judgment) T-154/01 25 May 2004 ECFI European W v Parliament (Judgment) T-69/03 25 May 2004 ECFI European Distilleria Palma v Commision (Judgment) T-154/01; [2004] EUECJ T-154/01 25 May 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] W v Parliament T-69/03 25 May 2004 ECFI European Irwin Industrial Tool v OHMI (Order) T-61/03 27 May 2004 ECFI European Elsner-Lakeberg (Rec.2004,p.I-5861) (Judgment) C-285/02 27 May 2004 ECJ European Irwin Industrial Tool v OHMI (Order) T-61/03 27 May 2004 ECFI European Commission v Spain (Environment And Consumers) C-398/02; [2004] EUECJ C-398/02 27 May 2004 ECJ European Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Directive 75/442/EEC - Environment - Management of waste Directive 75/442/EEC [ Bailii ] Lipjes (Judgment) C-68/03; [2004] EUECJ C-68/03 27 May 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Lipjes (Rec.2004,p.I-5879) (Judgment) C-68/03 27 May 2004 ECJ European Elsner-Lakeberg (Judgment) C-285/02; [2004] EUECJ C-285/02 27 May 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Akzo Nobel Chemicals and Akcros Chemicals v Commission (Order) T-253/03 28 May 2004 ECFI European 1 Cites 1 Citers Pfizer v Commission (Order) T-123/03 2 Jun 2004 ECFI European Pfizer v Commission (Order) T-123/03 2 Jun 2004 ECFI European Cadbury Schweppes Plc v HM Inspector of Taxes [2004] UK SPC00415 6 Jun 2004 SCIT Corporation Tax, European [ Bailii ] Segi and others v Council (Order) T-338/02 7 Jun 2004 ECFI European Segi and others v Council (Order) T-338/02 7 Jun 2004 ECFI European De Baeck (Rec.2004,p.I-5961) (Order) C-268/03 8 Jun 2004 ECJ European Osterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (Rec.2004,p.I-5907) (Judgment) C-220/02 8 Jun 2004 ECJ European De Baeck C-268/03 8 Jun 2004 ECJ European Osterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund C-220/02; [2004] EUECJ C-220/02 8 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Camos Grau v Commission (Order) T-96/03 9 Jun 2004 ECFI European Camos Grau v Commission (Order) T-96/03 9 Jun 2004 ECFI European Liakoura v Council (Judgment) T-330/03 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Alvarez Moreno v Commission (Judgment) T-153/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Eveillard v Commission (Judgment) T-258/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Alvarez Moreno v Parliament (Judgment) T-275/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Warbecq C-555/03 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European Warbecq (Rec.2004,p.I-6041) (Order) C-555/03 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European Garroni v Parliament (Judgment) T-276/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Klitgaard v Commission (Judgment) T-315/02 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European European Communities v Federal Republic Of Germany (Environment And Consumers) C-454/01; [2004] EUECJ C-454/01 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Francois v Commission (Judgment) T-307/01; [2004] EUECJ T-307/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Kronhofer C-168/02; [2004] EUECJ C-168/02 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Klitgaard v Commission (Judgment) T-315/02; [2004] EUECJ T-315/02 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy C-87/02 [2004] EUECJ C-87/02 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Liakoura v Council (Judgment) T-330/03 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European European Communities v Italian Republic (Environment And Consumers) C-302/03; [2004] EUECJ C-302/03 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Penycoed Farming Partnership v Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce [2004] EWCA Civ 812 10 Jun 2004 CA Agriculture, European Payment of levy on milk produced in excess of quota. [ Bailii ] Alvarez Moreno v Commission (Judgment) T-153/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Commission v Luxembourg C-333/03; [2004] EUECJ C-333/03 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Rec.2004,p.I-5975) (Judgment) C-87/02 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European Kronhofer (Rec.2004,p.I-6009) (Judgment) C-168/02 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European Commission v Luxembourg (Rec.2004,p.I-6033) (Judgment) C-333/03 10 Jun 2004 ECJ European Eveillard v Commission (Judgment) T-258/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Alvarez Moreno v Parliament (Judgment) T-275/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Garroni v Parliament (Judgment) T-276/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Francois v Commission (Judgment) T-307/01 10 Jun 2004 ECFI European Sempra Metals Ltd (formerly Metallgesellshaft Ltd) v Inland Revenue Commissioners and another; ChD 16-Jun-2004 - Times, 25 June 2004; [2004] EWHC 2387 (Ch); [2004] STI 1495; [2004] Eu LR 939; [2004] BTC 358; [2004] STC 1178 Commission v Belgium (Free Movement Of Goods) C-255/03; [2004] EUECJ C-255/03 17 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Recheio - Cash and Carry v Fazenda Publica/Registo Nacional de Pessoas Colectivas C-30/02; [2004] EUECJ C-30/02 17 Jun 2004 ECJ European ECJ Recovery of sums paid though not due - Period of 90 days for the bringing of an action - Principle of effectiveness [ Bailii ] Boehringer Ingelheim Kg etc v Swingward Limited; Boehringer Ingelheim Kg and others v Dowelhurst Limited; Glaxo Group LimitedvSwingward Limited etc [2004] EWCA Civ 757 17 Jun 2004 CA Lord Justice Clarke Lord Justice Kennedy Lord Justice Jacob Commercial, Intellectual Property, European [ Bailii ] Commission v Ireland (Competition) C-99/03; [2004] EUECJ C-99/03 17 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Ruiz-Picasso and others v OHMI (Judgment) T-185/02 22 Jun 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property 'Drie Mollen sinds 1818' v OHMI (Judgment) T-66/03 22 Jun 2004 ECFI European Commission v France (Transport) C-439/02; [2004] EUECJ C-439/02 22 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Succession Picasso v OHMI (Judgment) T-185/02; [2004] EUECJ T-185/02 22 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Approximation Of Laws) C-155/03; [2004] EUECJ C-155/03 22 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Koffiebranderij en Theehandel 'Drie Mollen sinds 1818' v OHMI - Manuel Nabeiro Silveria (Galaxia) (Judgment) T-66/03; [2004] EUECJ T-66/03 22 Jun 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Portugal v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-6079) (Judgment) C-42/01 22 Jun 2004 ECJ European Portugal v Commission C-42/01; [2004] EUECJ C-42/01 22 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Heidelberger Bauchemie (Rec.2004,p.I-6129) (Judgment) C-49/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European Commission v Austria (Law Relating To Undertakings) C-212/02; [2004] EUECJ C-212/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands (Rec.2004,p.I-6213) (Judgment) C-350/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European Handlbauer (Rec.2004,p.I-6171) (Judgment) C-278/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European Commission v Royaume-Uni (Environment And Consumers) C-421/02; [2004] EUECJ C-421/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Social Policy) C-269/02; [2004] EUECJ C-269/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands C-350/02; [2004] EUECJ C-350/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European, Information ECJ Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector - Articles 6 and 9 of Directive 97/66/EC - Requirement for specific statement of grounds of complaint in the reasoned opinion Directive 97/66/EC [ Bailii ] Commission v Grece (Environment And Consumers) C-119/02; [2004] EUECJ C-119/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Osterholm v Commission (Judgment) T-190/02 24 Jun 2004 ECFI European Handlbauer C-278/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European Heidelberger Bauchemie C-49/02; [2004] EUECJ C-49/02 24 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Osterholm v Commission (Judgment) T-190/02 24 Jun 2004 ECFI European Glaverbel v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-6267) (Order) C-445/02 28 Jun 2004 ECJ European Airtours v Commission (Order) T-342/99 28 Jun 2004 ECFI European Glaverbel v OHMI (Order) C-445/02 28 Jun 2004 ECJ European Front national v Parliament (Rec.2004,p.I-6289) (Judgment) C-486/01 29 Jun 2004 ECJ European Hivonnet v Council (Judgment) T-188/03 29 Jun 2004 ECFI European Front National v Parliament C-486/01 29 Jun 2004 ECJ European Commission v Council (Rec.2004,p.I-6333) (Judgment) C-110/02 29 Jun 2004 ECJ European Commission v Council C-110/02; [2004] EUECJ C-110/02 29 Jun 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Hivonnet v Council (Judgment) T-188/03 29 Jun 2004 ECFI European M+M v OHMI (Judgment) T-317/01 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European Norma Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb v OHMI (Judgment) T-281/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European BMI Bertollo v OHMI (Judgment) T-186/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European M+M v OHMI (Judgment) T-317/01; [2004] EUECJ T-317/01 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] GE Betz v OHMI (Judgment) T-107/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European GE Betz v OHMI (Judgment) T-107/02; [2004] EUECJ T-107/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] BMI Bertollo v OHMI (Judgment) T-186/02; [2004] EUECJ T-186/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark - Opposition procedure - Earlier DIESEL word marks - Application for Community figurative trade mark DIESELIT - Relative ground for refusal - Likelihood of confusion - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94. [ Bailii ] Norma Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb v OHMI (Judgment) T-281/02; [2004] EUECJ T-281/02 30 Jun 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Salzgitter v Commission (Judgment) T-308/00; [2013] EUECJ T-308/00 1 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Industrial Policy) French Text C-448/03; [2004] EUECJ C-448/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tsapalos (Judgment) C-361/02; [2004] EUECJ C-361/02 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Industrial Policy) French Text C-331/03; [2004] EUECJ C-331/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-311/03; [2004] EUECJ C-311/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Gerken C-295/02; [2004] EUECJ C-295/02 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tsapalos and Diamantakis (Rec.2004,p.I-6405) (Judgment) C-361/02 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European Wallentin v Riksskatteverket C-169/03; [2004] EUECJ C-169/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Income Tax ECJ Free movement of persons - Workers - Income tax - Restricted liability of a taxpayer receiving a small part of his income in one Member State and residing in another Member State [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Judgment) C-65/03; [2004] EUECJ C-65/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Salzgitter v Commission (Judgment) T-308/00 1 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v Belgium (Rec.2004,p.I-6427) (Judgment) C-65/03 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European Gerken (Rec.2004,p.I-6369) (Judgment) C-295/02 1 Jul 2004 ECJ European Enviro Tech Europe and Enviro Tech International v Commission (Order) T-422/03 2 Jul 2004 ECFI European Bactria v Commission (Order) T-76/04 2 Jul 2004 ECFI European Sumitomo Chemical v Commission (Order) T-78/04 2 Jul 2004 ECFI European Sumitomo Chemical v Commission (Order) T-78/04; [2011] EUECJ T-78/04 2 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Bactria v Commission (Order) T-76/04 2 Jul 2004 ECFI European Alpenhain-Camembert-Werk and others v Commission (Order) T-370/02 6 Jul 2004 ECFI European Alpenhain-Camembert-Werk and others v Commission T-370/02 6 Jul 2004 ECFI European (Order) Schmitt v AER (Judgment) T-175/03 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European Lormines v Commission (Judgment) T-107/01 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European Schmitt v AER (Judgment) T-175/03 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European Regiao autonoma dos Acores v Council (Order) T-37/04 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European Lormines v Commission (Judgment) T-107/01 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European Regiao autonoma dos Acores v Council (Order) T-37/04; [2008] EUECJ T-37/04 7 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Corus UK (anciennement British Steel Ltd) v Commission (Judgment) T-48/00; [2004] EUECJ T-48/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European, Commercial Europa Competition - Agreements - Seamless steel tubes market - Duration of the infringement - Fines. [ Bailii ] Schochaert v Council (Judgment) T-136/03 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Sunrider Corporation v OHMI (Judgment) T-203/02; [2004] EUECJ T-203/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] MLP Finanzdienstleistungen v OHMI (Judgment) T-270/02; [2004] EUECJ T-270/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Finland (Industrial Policy) C-292/03; [2004] EUECJ C-292/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Silke Gaumain-Cerri v Kaufmannische Krankenkasse - Pflegekasse and Maria Barth v Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz C-502/01; [2004] EUECJ C-502/01 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Benefits Social security - Freedom of movement for workers - EC Treaty - Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 - Benefits designed to cover the risk of becoming reliant on care - Payment by the care insurance of old age insurance contributions of the carer assisting the reliant person. [ Bailii ] Dalmine v Commission (Judgment) T-50/00; [2004] EUECJ T-50/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] MLP Finanzdienstleistungen v OHMI (Judgment) T-270/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Telepharmacy Solutions v OHMI (Judgment) T-289/02; [2004] EUECJ T-289/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Mannesmannrohren-Werke v Commission (Judgment) T-44/00; [2004] EUECJ T-44/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Trendsoft (Law Governing The Institutions) C-127/03; [2004] EUECJ C-127/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Technische Glaswerke Illmenau v Commission (Judgment) T-198/01 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Gaumain-Cerri (Social Security For Migrant Workers) C-31/02; [2004] EUECJ C-31/02 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Jfe Engineering v Commission (Competition) T-68/00; [2004] EUECJ T-68/00 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Jfe Engineering v Commission (Competition) T-71/00; [2004] EUECJ T-71/00 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Waterman SAS, formerly Waterman SA v Directeur general des douanes and droits indirects C-400/03; [2004] EUECJ C-400/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Customs and Excise Europa on the conformity of the explanatory notes for subheadings 4202 12 11 and 4202 12 19 of the Combined Nomenclature contained in the Commission's communication entitled -?Explanatory Notes to the Combined Nomenclature of the European Communities-? (OJ 2000 C 199, p. 1) with the combined nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff set out in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ 1987 L 256, p. 1), as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2263/2000 of 13 October 2000 (OJ 2000 L 264. [ Bailii ] Jfe Engineering v Commission (Competition) T-78/00; [2004] EUECJ T-78/00 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Lormines v Commission (Ecsc) T-175/01; [2004] EUECJ T-175/01 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] ICI v Commission (Order) C-286/95 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European De Nicola v EIB (Order) T-7/98 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Schochaert v Council (Judgment) T-136/03 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Telepharmacy Solutions v OHMI (Judgment) T-289/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Dalmine v Commission (Judgment) T-50/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-6535) (Judgment) C-166/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European NKK v Commission (Judgment) T-67/00; [2004] EUECJ T-67/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Regione Siciliana v Commission (Order) T-341/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Regione Siciliana v Commission (Order) T-341/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Mazur Media Limited, Apex Entertainment Group Limited(Both In Administrative Receivership) v Mazur Media Gmbh (In Provisional Insolvency Under the Laws of Germany), Manuel Sack, Iris Mazur, Hanspeter Rhein [2004] EWHC 1566 (Ch); Times, 29 July 2004 8 Jul 2004 ChD The Honourable Mr Justice Collins Jurisdiction, Insolvency, European Proceedings were brought in England. The respondents sought a stay, saying the company was subject to insolvency proceedings in Germany. Held: Our domestic insolvency law was not applicable to foreign proceedings, and so could not be used to order a stay of proceedings here. (a) the English court has jurisdiction to determine Apex's claim for damages and for delivery up against Mrs Mazur under the Share Sale Agreement; (b) it will also have jurisdiction to determine Mazur Ltd's claim against Mazur GmbH to title to the Masters under the Assignment and for delivery up, subject to the determination of the issue as to whether Mazur Ltd has an arguable case for a term to be implied by business efficacy principles or by custom; (c) there is no substantive or jurisdictional basis for Apex's claim for a declaration that it has title to the Masters; (d) the court does not have jurisdiction over the tortious claims against any of the Defendants, nor over the claims against them (other than Mrs Mazur) for delivery up; and (e) there will be no stay in relation to those claims against Mazur GmbH over which the English court has jurisdiction. Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 - Insolvency Act 1986 130(2) 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Sunrider Corporation v OHMI (Judgment) T-203/02 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European MFE Marienfelde v OHMI (Judgment) T-334/01 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Corus UK (anciennement British Steel Ltd) v Commission (Judgment) T-48/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Mannesmannrohren-Werke v Commission (Judgment) T-44/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European JFE Engineering v Commission (Judgment) T-67/00 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau v Commission (Judgment) T-198/01 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European Gaumain-Cerri and Barth (Rec.2004,p.I-6483) (Judgment) C-502/01 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v Austria (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-214/03; [2004] EUECJ C-214/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Agriculture) French Text C-389/03; [2004] EUECJ C-389/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-27/03; [2004] EUECJ C-27/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France C-166/03; [2004] EUECJ C-166/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Article 28 EC - Marketing of articles made of precious metals - "Gold' and "gold alloy'. [ Bailii ] MFE Marienfelde v OHMI (Judgment) T-334/01; [2004] EUECJ T-334/01 8 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Waterman (Rec.2004,p.I-6553) (Judgment) C-400/03 8 Jul 2004 ECJ European Comunidad Autonoma de Andalucia v Commission (Order) T-29/03 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European AVEX v OHMI (Judgment) T-115/02; [2004] EUECJ T-115/02 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Samar v OHMI (Judgment) T-115/03; [2004] EUECJ T-115/03 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Council (Rec.2004,p.I-6649) (Judgment) C-27/04 13 Jul 2004 ECJ European Comunidad Autonoma de Andalucia v Commission (Order) T-29/03 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European Bacardi-Martini SAS v Television Francaise 1 SA (TF1) and others; ECJ 13-Jul-2004 - C-429/02; [2004] ECR I-6613; [2004] EUECJ C-429/02 Commission v France C-262/02 [2004] ECR I-6569; [2004] EUECJ C-262/02 13 Jul 2004 ECJ European The court was concerned with a national measure prohibiting television advertising for alcoholic drinks, in the case of indirect television advertising resulting from the appearance on screen of advertisements visible during the re-transmission of certain sporting events. This was said to infringe the freedom to provide services contrary to Article 59 (now 49) of the Treaty. Relevant restrictions are again capable of justification under Article 56 and 66. The Court observed: "In that context, it is for the member States to decide on the degree of protection which they wish to afford to public health and on the way in which that protection is to be achieved. They may do so, however, only within the limits set by the Treaty and must, in particular, observe the principle of proportionality � which requires that the measures adopted be appropriate to secure the attainment of the objective which they pursue and not to go beyond what is necessary in order to attain it." Having found that the measure constituted a relevant restriction the Court held that the rules pursued an objective relating to the protection of public health and were appropriate to secure that aim, going no further than necessary to achieve such an objective. It was said that, "They limit the situation in which hoardings advertising alcoholic beverages may be seen on television and are therefore likely to restrict the broadcasting of such advertising, thus reducing the occasions on which television viewers might be encouraged to consume alcoholic beverages." Meeting an argument that the French rules were inconsistent , " � since they apply only to alcoholic beverages whose alcohol content exceeds 1.2%, concerns only television advertising, and do not apply to advertising for tobacco." The Court said, " � it is significant to reply that that option lies within the discretion of the Member states to decide on the degree of protection which they wish to afford to public health and as the way in which that protection is to be achieved � ." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Bacardi France (Rec.2004,p.I-6613) (Judgment) C-429/02 13 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-6569) (Judgment) C-262/02 13 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v Royaume-Uni (Industrial Policy) C-277/03; [2004] EUECJ C-277/03 13 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] AVEX v OHMI Ahlers (a) (Judgment) T-115/02 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European Samar v OHMI (Judgment) T-115/03 13 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v Council; ECJ 13-Jul-2004 - C-27/04; [2004] ECR I-6649; ECLI:EU:C:2004:436; [2004] EUECJ C-27/04 International Air Transport Association and Another, Regina (on the Application of) v Department for Transport [2004] EWHC 1721 (Admin) 14 Jul 2004 Admn European, Transport [ Bailii ] Valenzuela Marzo v Commission (Judgment) T-384/02 15 Jul 2004 ECFI European Syndicat professionnel coordination des pecheurs de l'Etang de Berre and de la region C-213/03; [2004] EUECJ C-213/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European ECJ Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention) - Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources - Article 6(3) - Authorisation to discharge - Direct effect [ Bailii ] Commission v Suede C-463/02; [2004] EUECJ C-463/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European, VAT Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Directive 77/388/EEC - VAT - Article 11(A)(1)(a) - Taxable amount - Subsidy directly linked to the price - Regulation (EC) No 603/95 - Aid granted in the dried fodder sector Directive 77/388/EEC [ Bailii ] Gerekens and Procola (Judgment) C-459/02; [2004] EUECJ C-459/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Schreiber (Judgment) C-443/02; [2004] EUECJ C-443/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Di Lenardo (Agriculture) C-38/02; [2004] EUECJ C-38/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Suede (Competition) French Text C-141/03; [2004] EUECJ C-141/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-420/03; [2004] EUECJ C-420/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Approximation Of Law) French Text C-118/03; [2004] EUECJ C-118/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Competition) French Text C-119/03; [2004] EUECJ C-119/03; [2004] EUECJ C-119/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Commission v Finland (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-407/03; [2004] EUECJ C-407/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium C-415/02 [2004] EUECJ C-415/02; [2004] ECR I-7215 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Stamp Duty ECJ (Judgment) Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Indirect taxes - Directive 69/335/EEC - Raising of capital - Tax on stock exchange transactions - Tax on the delivery of bearer securities Directive 69/335/EEC [ Bailii ] Di Lenardo and Dilexport (Rec.2004,p.I-6911) (Judgment) C-37/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Lenz (Rec.2004,p.I-7063) (Judgment) C-315/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Weidert and Paulus (Judgment) C-242/03; [2004] EUECJ C-242/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Pearle and others (Rec.2004,p.I-7139) (Judgment) C-345/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-6985) (Judgment) C-144/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Harbs (Rec.2004,p.I-7101) (Judgment) C-321/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-419/03; [2004] EUECJ C-419/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Rec.2004,p.I-7215) (Judgment) C-415/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European ADS Anker C-349/01; [2004] EUECJ C-349/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Douwe Egberts (Rec.2004,p.I-7007) (Judgment) C-239/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v Portugal C-272/01; [2004] EUECJ C-272/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission C-501/00; [2004] EUECJ C-501/00 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v United Kingdom C-424/02 [2004] EUECJ C-424/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Environment (Judgment) Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Directive 75/439/EEC - Disposal of waste oils - Priority to be given to the processing of waste oils by regeneration Directive 75/439/EEC [ Bailii ] Commission v Finlande (Rec.2004,p.I-6889) (Judgment) C-495/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Gouvras v Commission (Judgment) T-180/02 15 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v Finlande C-495/01; [2004] EUECJ C-495/01; [2004] STC 1232 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Europa Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations � Directive 77/388/EEC � VAT � Article 11(A)(1)(a) � Taxable amount � Subsidy directly linked to the price � Regulation (EC) No 603/95 � Aid granted in the dried fodder sector. It is settled case law that:- "the terms used to specify the exemptions which constitute exceptions to the general principle that VAT is to be levied on all services supplied for consideration by a taxable person must be interpreted strictly". 1 Citers [ Bailii ] ADS Anker (Rec.2004,p.I-6803) (Judgment) C-349/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Valenzuela Marzo v Commission (Judgment) T-384/02 15 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v Portugal (Rec.2004,p.I-6767) (Judgment) C-272/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v United Kingdom (Rec.2004,p.I-7249) (Judgment) C-424/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Schreiber (Rec.2004,p.I-7275) (Judgment) C-443/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Spain v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-6717) (Judgment) C-501/00 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Gerekens and Procola (Rec.2004,p.I-7315) (Judgment) C-459/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Commission v Suede (Rec.2004,p.I-7335) (Judgment) C-463/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Weidert and Paulus (Rec.2004,p.I-7379) (Judgment) C-242/03 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Gouvras v Commission (Judgment) T-180/02 15 Jul 2004 ECFI European Commission v Italy (Rec.2004,p.I-6845) (Judgment) C-381/01 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European Pearle and others v Hoofdbedrijfschap Ambachten C-345/02; [2004] EUECJ C-345/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European, Media ECJ State aid - Definition of aid - Collective advertising campaigns in favour of one sector of the economy - Financing by means of a special contribution payable by undertakings in that sector - Action taken by a body governed by public law [ Bailii ] Di Lenardo C-37/02; [2004] EUECJ C-37/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Douwe Egberts C-239/02; [2004] EUECJ C-239/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Lindfors C-365/02 [2004] EUECJ C-365/02; [2004] ECR I-7183 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Judgment) Directive 83/183/EEC - Transfer of residence from one Member State to another - Tax levied before registration or bringing into use of a vehicle [ Bailii ] Finanzamt Rendsburg v Harbs [2007] BTC 5114; [2004] EUECJ C-321/02; [2007] BVC 83; [2004] STI 1656; [2004] ECR I-7101; [2006] STC 340 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European, VAT ECJ Sixth VAT Directive - Article 25 - Common flat-rate scheme for farmers - Leasing of part of a farm [ Bailii ] Lenz C-315/02; [2004] EUECJ C-315/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany C-144/02; [2004] EUECJ C-144/02 15 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited, Sony Computer Entertainment UK Limited v Ball, and others; ChD 19-Jul-2004 - Times, 21 October 2004; [2004] EWHC 1738 (Ch); [2005] FSR 9 Lissotschenko And Hentze v Ohmi (Limo) (Intellectual Property) French Text T-311/02; [2004] EUECJ T-311/02 20 Jul 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Lissotschenko and Hentze v OHMI (Judgment) T-311/02 20 Jul 2004 ECFI European Lissotschenko and Hentze v OHMI (Judgment) T-311/02 20 Jul 2004 ECFI European Phonographic Performance Limited v Department of Trade and Industry HM Attorney General [2004] EWHC 1795 (Ch); Times, 27 August 2004 23 Jul 2004 ChD Vice-Chancellor, The Vice-Chancellor Intellectual Property, European The claimant represented the interests of copyright holders, and complained that the defendant had failed to implement the Directive properly, leaving them unable properly to collect royalties in the music rental market. The respondent argued that the claim arose when the directive should have been implemented properly but had not been. Held: The damage was continuing. The claims were not statute-barred because they are both claims in respect of a continuing breach of duty and a cause of action in which damage is an essential ingredient. Nor was the claim an abuse of process. Parliament had set limitation periods and courts must respect them. Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 67 72 - Council Directive 92/100/EEC the Rental Directive 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Microsoft (Order) T-201/04; [2007] EUECJ T-201/04 26 Jul 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Microsoft v Commission (Order) T-201/04 26 Jul 2004 ECFI European Sinziger Mineralbrunnen v OHMI (Order) T-131/03 27 Jul 2004 ECFI European Unipart Group Ltd v O2 (UK) Ltd and Another [2004] EWCA Civ 1034; [2004] UKCLR 1453 30 Jul 2004 CA Jonathan Parker LJ, Peter Gibson LJ and Laddie J European, Commercial The court considered the applicability of Article 81 in Chapter 1 of Part III of the EC Treaty to allegedly anti-competitive conduct in the market for the wholesale supply of airtime for mobile telephones. Unipart, an independent service provider ("ISP") purchased airtime from Cellnet, a mobile network operator under various agreements which provided that the price would be at Cellnet's charges from time to time. There were also a number of service providers, competing with Unipart, that were tied to Cellnet (tied service providers or "TSPs"). Unipart claimed that Cellnet was in breach of Article [101] by operating a margin squeeze whereby the price for airtime that Unipart (and other ISPs) were charged relative to the retail price charged to the TSPs was such as to eliminate its margin and thus place the TSPs at a competitive advantage. Held: The judge's grant of summary judgment in favour of Cellnet was correct in finding that even if there was such a margin squeeze, this was not the subject of any relevant agreement between the undertakings within the meaning of Article [101(1)]. Jonathan Parker LJ referred to the ADALAT case and said: "Approaching Article [101(1)] on that basis, the first step, in my judgment, is to identify as precisely as possible the conduct of which complaint is made: that is to say the conduct which is alleged to have caused the loss in respect of which damages are claimed. For in my judgment it is that conduct which must be the subject of an agreement between undertakings if Article [101(1)] is to be engaged in respect of it. In my judgment it is clear on the face of the Particulars of Claim . . that the conduct of which complaint is made in the instant case is not that Cellnet set its own prices for airtime (most suppliers set the prices for their products); nor is it merely that Cellnet set its prices at a level which was excessively high (a supplier who does that risks going out of business as a result). The anti-competitive conduct which is alleged in the instant case is that Cellnet set its prices at an excessively high level as part of its policy of 'margin squeeze' � a policy which is described in detail in paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Particulars of Claim. . : hence the allegation of "unlawful margin squeeze" in paragraph 36 of the Particulars of Claim . . Take away that allegation, and in my judgment there is nothing left of Unipart's complaint. Accordingly, given that Unipart does not seek to invoke Article [102], the relevant inquiry, in my judgment, is whether Cellnet's conduct in adopting a policy of 'margin squeeze' (assuming for present purposes that it in fact adopted such a policy) was the subject of an 'agreement' between Cellnet and Unipart; or whether it was 'unilateral' conduct on Cellnet's part and thus outside the scope of Article [101(1)]. To put it another way, the issue is whether Unipart can establish to the requisite legal standard a concurrence of wills between it and Cellnet concerning Cellnet's adoption of the policy of 'margin squeeze' (see paragraph 77 of the CFI's judgment in Bayer. . )." EC Treaty A81 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Unipart Group Ltd v O2 (UK) Ltd (Formerly BT Cellnet Ltd) and Another [2004] EWCA 1034 30 Jul 2004 CA Lord Justice Peter Gibson Lord Justice Jonathan Parker Mr Justice Laddie European, Commercial Allegedly anti-competitive conduct in the market for the wholesale supply of airtime for mobile telephones. EC Treaty 81 Gonzalez y Diez v Commission (Order) T-291/02 2 Sep 2004 ECFI European SNF v Commission (Order) T-213/02 6 Sep 2004 ECFI European SNF SA v Commission; ECFI 6-Sep-2004 - T-213/02 Commission v France C-347/02; [2004] EUECJ C-347/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Van de Walle and others (Rec.2004,p.I-7613) (Judgment) C-1/03 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Luxembourg C-346/02; [2004] EUECJ C-346/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Rec.2004,p.I-7517) (Judgment) C-346/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European Manninen C-319/02; [2004] EUECJ C-319/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-7557) (Judgment) C-347/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European Van de Walle and others C-1/03; [2004] EUECJ C-1/03 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Free Movement Of Persons) French Text C-469/02; [2004] EUECJ C-469/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Manninen (Rec.2004,p.I-7477) (Judgment) C-319/02 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European Trojani v Centre public d'aide sociale de Bruxelles (CPAS) C-456/02; [2004] EUECJ C-456/02; [2004] All ER (EC) 1065; [2004] ECR I-7573; [2005] CEC 139; [2004] 3 CMLR 38; [2004] All ER 1065 7 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Benefits EAT Freedom of movement of persons - Citizenship of the European Union - Right of residence - Directive 90/364/EEC - Limitations and conditions - Person working in a hostel in return for benefits in kind - Entitlement to social assistance benefits. Advocate General Geelhoed said: "So long as social security systems have not been harmonised in terms of the level of benefits, there remains a risk of social tourism, ie moving to a Member State with a more congenial social security environment." and "The basic principle of Community law is that persons who depend on social assistance will be taken care of in their own Member State." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Greece C-417/02; [2004] EUECJ C-417/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Meiland Azewijn C-292/02; [2004] EUECJ C-292/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Clinique La Ramee and others C-397/02; [2004] EUECJ C-397/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Alto de Casablanca v OHMI (Order) T-14/04 9 Sep 2004 ECFI European Greece v Commission C-332/01; [2004] EUECJ C-332/01 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-7857) (Judgment) C-195/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spain v Parliament and Council C-184/02; [2004] EUECJ C-184/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Greece v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-7699) (Judgment) C-332/01 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Spain C-70/03; [2004] EUECJ C-70/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-7655) (Judgment) C-304/01 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Greece (Rec.2004,p.I-7973) (Judgment) C-417/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Carbonati Apuani C-72/03; [2004] EUECJ C-72/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Industrial Policy) French Text C-450/03; [2004] EUECJ C-450/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain C-195/02; [2004] EUECJ C-195/02; Times, 11 October 2004 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Road Traffic The commission complained at the system introduced by the member that any driver taking up residence in Spain had to register his driving licence or lose the ability to use it as authority to drive. Held: The system was contrary to the Community driving licence directive. The recognition of licences from other member states had to be carried out withour any formality.The scheme was unnecessary for the purposes of enforcement, and drivers could register their licences voluntarily. 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-375/02; [2004] EUECJ C-375/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-7999) (Judgment) C-70/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Alto de Casablanca v OHMI (Order) T-14/04 9 Sep 2004 ECFI European Commission v Belgium (Industrial Policy) French Text C-454/03; [2004] EUECJ C-454/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Vermietungsgesellschaft Objekt Kirchberg C-269/03; [2004] EUECJ C-269/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-383/02; [2004] EUECJ C-383/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Clinique La Ramee and Winterthur (Rec.2004,p.I-7947) (Judgment) C-397/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Carbonati Apuani (Rec.2004,p.I-8027) (Judgment) C-72/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spain v Parliament And Council (Social Policy) C-223/02; [2004] EUECJ C-223/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Vermietungsgesellschaft Objekt Kirchberg (Rec.2004,p.I-8067) (Judgment) C-269/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spain and Finlande v Parliament and Council (Rec.2004,p.I-7789) (Judgment) C-184/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Germany (Law Relating To Undertakings) French Text C-125/03; [2004] EUECJ C-125/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Meiland Azewijn (Rec.2004,p.I-7905) (Judgment) C-292/02 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spain v Commission C-304/01; [2004] EUECJ C-304/01 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Industrial Policy) French Text C-113/03; [2004] EUECJ C-113/03 9 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Verbraucher-Zentrale Hamburg (Rec.2004,p.I-8183) (Judgment) C-19/03 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European Applied Molecular Evolution v OHMI (Judgment) T-183/03 14 Sep 2004 ECFI European Commission v Italy C-385/02 [2005] 1 CMLR 52; [2004] ECR I-8121; [2004] EUECJ C-385/02 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Directive 93/37/EEC - Public works contracts - Negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-8227) (Judgment) C-168/03 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European Ascontex v Commission (Judgment) T-290/02 14 Sep 2004 ECFI European Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-8155) (Judgment) C-411/02 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European Ascontex v Commission (Judgment) T-290/02; [2004] EUECJ T-290/02 14 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Lopez Cejudo v Commission ((Staff Regulations)) French Text T-254/03; [2004] EUECJ T-254/03 14 Sep 2004 ECFI European 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Verbraucher-Zentrale Hamburg C-19/03; [2004] EUECJ C-19/03 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission C-276/02; [2004] EUECJ C-276/02 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Applied Molecular Evolution v OHMI (Judgment) T-183/03; [2004] EUECJ T-183/03 14 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain C-168/03; [2004] EUECJ C-168/03 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-8091) (Judgment) C-276/02 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Autriche C-411/02; [2004] EUECJ C-411/02 14 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Fresh Marine v Commission; ECFI 15-Sep-2004 - T-178/98 Valmont v Commission (Judgment) T-274/01 16 Sep 2004 ECFI European Commission v Spain (Rec.2004,p.I-8253) (Judgment) C-227/01 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Dupuy and Rouvre (Rec.2004,p.I-8557) (Judgment) C-404/03 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Cimber Air C-382/02; [2004] EUECJ C-382/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Valmont v Commission (Judgment) T-274/01; [2004] EUECJ T-274/01 16 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] SAT.1 SatellitenFernsehen v OHMI C-329/02; [2004] EUECJ C-329/02P 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Finland (Environment And Consumers) C-423/03; [2004] EUECJ C-423/03 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] DFDS (Rec.2004,p.I-8439) (Judgment) C-396/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Epikouriko kefalaio (Rec.2004,p.I-8533) (Judgment) C-28/03 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v Italy (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-248/02; [2004] EUECJ C-248/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain C-227/01; [2004] EUECJ C-227/01 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lion v OHMI (Judgment) T-342/02; [2004] EUECJ T-342/02 16 Sep 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Merida C-400/02; [2004] EUECJ C-400/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Baldinger (Rec.2004,p.I-8411) (Judgment) C-386/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European DFDS BV C-396/02; [2004] EUECJ C-396/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-8291) (Judgment) C-465/01 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Merida (Rec.2004,p.I-8471) (Judgment) C-400/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Gschossmann C-366/02; [2004] EUECJ C-366/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Autriche C-465/01; [2004] EUECJ C-465/01 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Baldinger C-386/02; [2004] EUECJ C-386/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lion v OHMI (Judgment) T-342/02 16 Sep 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Nichols plc v Registrar of Trade Marks C-404/02; [2004] EUECJ C-404/02; Times, 20 October 2004 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property The applicant sought to register the name 'Nichols' as a trade mark for food and drink vending machines. The application was rejected as being common. The registrar had checked in the London telephone directory and discovered that the name appeared several hundred times, making it not possible for the name to acquire a distinctive character for such goods. The proceedings had been stayed pending the instant reference. Held: The practice of counting the number of times a name occurred in a telephone directory was not a proper way of establishing whether the name was common. The distinctive character of a mark had to be assessed in relation to the goods or services for which registration was sought in the light of the perception of the relevant customers. The rules made no distinction between surnames and other categories of trade mark, and stricter rules could not be applied to them.. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Gschossmann (Rec.2004,p.I-8355) (Judgment) C-366/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Epikouriko kefalaio C-28/03; [2004] EUECJ C-28/03 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Cimber Air (Rec.2004,p.I-8379) (Judgment) C-382/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Dupuy and Rouvre C-404/03; [2004] EUECJ C-404/03 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] SAT.1 v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-8317) (Judgment) C-329/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Nichols (Rec.2004,p.I-8499) (Judgment) C-404/02 16 Sep 2004 ECJ European Kreuzer Medien v Parliament and Council (Order) T-310/03 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European Gondrand Freres v Commission (Judgment) T-104/02 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European Soubies v Commission (Judgment) T-325/02 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European Kreuzer Medien v Parliament and Council; ECFI 21-Sep-2004 - T-310/03 Soubies v Commission (Staff Regulations) French Text T-325/02; [2004] EUECJ T-325/02 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Soubies v Commission (Judgment) T-325/02 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European Gondrand Freres v Commission (Judgment) T-104/02 21 Sep 2004 ECFI European Spedition Ulustrans (Rec.2004,p.I-8633) (Judgment) C-414/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Judgment) C-280/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spedition Ulustrans (Judgment) C-414/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-8573) (Judgment) C-280/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Procter and Gamble v OHMI (Intellectual Property) French Text C-107/03; [2004] EUECJ C-107/03 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Springer (Rec.2004,p.I-8663) (Order) C-435/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Hectors v Parliament (Staff Regulations) C-150/03; [2004] EUECJ C-150/03 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Europa Appeal - Officials - Temporary staff in the European Parliament's political groups - Recruitment - Rejection of candidature - Grounds - Requirement of a statement of specific reasons. [ Bailii ] Hectors v Parliament (Judgment) C-150/03 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Springer (Order) C-435/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spedition Ulustrans (Customs Union) French Text T-104/02; [2004] EUECJ T-104/02 23 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Hectors v Parliament (Rec.2004,p.I-8691) (Judgment) C-150/03 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European Spedition Ulustrans (Customs Union) C-414/02; [2004] EUECJ C-414/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Environment And Consumers) C-280/02; [2004] EUECJ C-280/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Italy v Commission (Agriculture) French Text C-297/02; [2004] EUECJ C-297/02 23 Sep 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Akzo and Akcros C-7/04 27 Sep 2004 ECJ European 1 Cites 1 Citers Tenreiro v Commission (Staff Regulations) T-216/03; [2004] EUECJ T-216/03 28 Sep 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Tenreiro v Commission (Judgment) T-216/03 28 Sep 2004 ECFI European MCI v Commission (Judgment) T-310/00 28 Sep 2004 ECFI European Tenreiro v Commission (Judgment) T-216/03 28 Sep 2004 ECFI European MCI v Commission (Judgment) T-310/00 28 Sep 2004 ECFI European Lucaccioni v Commission (Order) T-394/02 29 Sep 2004 ECFI European Lucaccioni v Commission (Order) T-394/02 29 Sep 2004 ECFI European Commission v Luxembourg C-481/03 C-481/03; [2004] EUECJ C-481/03 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Transport ECJ (Transport) Failure to fulfill obligations - Directives 2001/12 / EC and 2001/13 / EC - Community railways - Development - Level playing, uniform and non-discriminatory access to the infrastructure - Licensing of railway undertakings - Common scheme - Failure -transposition within the prescribed period [ Bailii ] Meca-Medina and Majcen v Commission; ECFI 30-Sep-2004 - [2005] CEC 176; [2004] ECR II-3291; [2004] 3 CMLR 60; T-313/02; [2004] EUECJ T-313/02; Times, 25 October 2004 Ferrer De Moncada v Commission T-16/03 [2004] EUECJ T-16/03 30 Sep 2004 ECFI European (Staff Regulations) [ Bailii ] Commission v France C-496/03 [2004] EUECJ C-496/03; ECLI:EU:C:2004:578 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European (Approximation Of Laws) Failure to fulfill obligations - Directive 2001/59 / EC - Failure to transpose Directive 2001/59/EC [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Environment And Consumers) C-417/03; [2004] EUECJ C-417/03 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European ECJ Failure to fulfill obligations - Directive 2001/18 / EC - Deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment - Failure to implement within the prescribed period Directive 2001/18/EC [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria C-359/03 (Social Policy) [2004] EUECJ C-359/03 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European, Health and Safety ECJ Failure to fulfill obligations - Directive 90/270 / EEC - Protection of workers - Work with display screen equipment - Minimum safety and health requirements - Failure to transpose Directive 90/270/EEC [ Bailii ] Engin Ayaz v Land Baden-Wurttemberg (External Relations) C-275/02; [2004] EUECJ C-275/02 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European ECJ EEC-Turkey Association - Freedom of movement for workers - First paragraph of Article 7 of Decision No 1/80 of the Association Council - Personal scope - Concept of �member of the family� of a Turkish worker duly registered as belonging to the labour force of a Member State - Stepson of such a worker [ Bailii ] Briheche v Ministre de l'Interieur, Ministre de l'Education nationale and Ministre de la Justice (Social Policy) C-319/03; [2004] EUECJ C-319/03 30 Sep 2004 ECJ European ECJ Social policy - Equal treatment for men and women - Article 141, paragraph 4 EC - Directive 76/207 / EEC - Conditions of access to public employment - Provisions reserving to widows who have not remarried the benefit of the exemption from limits age for access to such jobs Directive 76/207/EEC [ Bailii ] Ferrer De Moncada v Commission T-246/02 T-246/02; [2004] EUECJ T-246/02 30 Sep 2004 ECFI European (Staff Regulations) [ Bailii ] Commission v Greece (Rec.2004,p.I-8923) (Judgment) C-475/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European CaixaBank France v Ministere de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie C-442/02 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European Europa Reference for a preliminary ruling: Conseil d'�tat - France Pfeiffer v Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Kreisverband Waldshut eV (1); ECJ 5-Oct-2004 - C-399/01; [2004] EUECJ C-399/01; C-401/01; [2004] EUECJ C-401/01; [2004] EUECJ C-403/01; C-397/01; C-398/01; C-402/01; C-403/01; C-400/01; [2005] IRLR 137; [2004] ECR 8835; [2005] ICR 1307; [2004] ECR I-8835 Pfeiffer v Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Kreisverband Waldshut eV (1); ECJ 5-Oct-2004 - C-399/01; [2004] EUECJ C-399/01; C-401/01; [2004] EUECJ C-401/01; [2004] EUECJ C-403/01; C-397/01; C-398/01; C-402/01; C-403/01; C-400/01; [2005] IRLR 137; [2004] ECR 8835; [2005] ICR 1307; [2004] ECR I-8835 Pfeiffer etc v Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Kreisverband Waldshut eV 4 C-402/01; [2004] EUECJ C-402/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ V. Skouris, P European, Health and Safety ECJ Social policy - Protection of the health and safety of workers - Directive 93/104/EC - Scope - Emergency workers in attendance in ambulances in the framework of an emergency service run by the German Red Cross - Definition of -road transport - Maximum weekly working time - Principle - Direct effect - Derogation - Conditions. Directive 93/104/EC [ Bailii ] Sanders And Others v Commission (Staff Regulations) T-45/01; [2004] EUECJ T-45/01; [2007] EUECJ T-45/01 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European Europa Staff employed at the JET Joint Undertaking - Equal treatment - Failure to confer status of temporary servant - Article 152 EA - Reasonable time - Material damage sustained [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Stephen Sanders and Others v Commission of the European Communities T-45/01 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European Europa Staff employed at the JET Joint Undertaking - Equal treatment - Failure to confer status of temporary servant - Article 152 EA - Reasonable time - Material damage sustained Pfeiffer and others (Rec.2004,p.I-8835) (Judgment) C-397/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European Pfeiffer (Social Policy) C-398/01; [2004] EUECJ C-398/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Richard J. Eagle and Others v Commission of the European Communities T-144/02 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European Staff employed at the JET Joint Undertaking - Equal treatment - Failure to confer status of temporary servant - Article 152 EA - Reasonable time - Material damage sustained Pfeiffer etc v Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Kreisverband Waldshut eV (3) C-397/01; [2004] EUECJ C-397/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Health and Safety ECJ Social policy - Protection of the health and safety of workers - Directive 93/104/EC - Scope - Emergency workers in attendance in ambulances in the framework of an emergency service run by the German Red Cross - Definition of - road transport - Maximum weekly working time - Principle - Direct effect - Derogation - Conditions Directive 93/104/EC [ Bailii ] Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic C-475/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations Alcon v OHMI (Order) C-192/03; [2004] EUECJ C-192/03 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ Appeal - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Invalidity of Community trade mark - Article 51 of Regulation No 40/94 - Absolute ground for refusal to register - Article 7(1)(d) of Regulation No 40/94 - Distinctive character acquired through use - Article 7(3) of Regulation No 40/94 - Term -BSS [ Bailii ] CaixaBank France (Rec.2004,p.I-8961) (Judgment) C-442/02 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Gianniotis (Law Governing The Institutions) French Text C-524/03; [2004] EUECJ C-524/03 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Sanders and others v Commission (Judgment) T-45/01 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European Alcon v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-8993) (Order) C-192/03 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European Pfeiffer etc v Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Kreisverband Waldshut eV 3 C-400/01; [2004] EUECJ C-400/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Health and Safety ECJ Social policy - Protection of the health and safety of workers - Directive 93/104/EC - Scope - Emergency workers in attendance in ambulances in the framework of an emergency service run by the German Red Cross - Definition of - road transport - Maximum weekly working time - Principle - Direct effect - Derogation - Conditions [ Bailii ] Eagle and others v Commission (Judgment) T-144/02 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European Caixabank France (Freedom Of Establishment) C-442/02; [2004] EUECJ C-442/02 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Grece (Taxation) C-475/01; [2004] EUECJ C-475/01 5 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Eagle And Others v Commission (Staff Regulations) T-144/02; [2004] EUECJ T-144/02; [2007] EUECJ T-144/02 5 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Vicente-Nunez v Commission (Staff Regulations) French Text T-294/02; [2004] EUECJ T-294/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Vitakraft-Werke Wuhrmann v Ohmi- Krafft (Vitakraft) T-356/02; [2004] EUECJ T-356/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Earlier figurative mark including the verbal element �Krafft� - Application for Community word mark VITAKRAFT - Relative ground for refusal - Genuine use of the earlier mark - Similarity of the signs - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Rule 22(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 [ Bailii ] Vitakraft-Werke Wuhrmann v OHMI (Judgment) T-356/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European New Look Ltd v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM). T-117/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Earlier Community figurative mark comprising the letter combination 'NL' - Applications for Community figurative marks comprising the terms 'NLSPORT', 'NLJEANS', 'NLACTIVE' and 'NLCollection' - Relative ground for refusal - Likelihood of confusion - Similarity of the signs - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94. New Look v Ohmi- Naulover (Nlsport) (Intellectual Property) T-117/03; [2004] EUECJ T-117/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Miguel Vicente-Nunez v Commission of the European Communities) T-294/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European New Look v Ohmi- Naulover (Nlsport) (Intellectual Property) T-118/03; [2004] EUECJ T-118/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] New Look v OHMI (Judgment) T-117/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European New Look v Ohmi- Naulover (Nlsport) (Intellectual Property) T-119/03; [2004] EUECJ T-119/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] New Look v Ohmi- Naulover (Nlsport) T-171/03; [2004] EUECJ T-171/03 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Earlier Community figurative mark comprising the letter combination �NL' - Applications for Community figurative marks comprising the terms �NLSPORT', �NLJEANS', �NLACTIVE' and �NLCollection' - Relative ground for refusal - Likelihood of confusion - Similarity of the signs - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 [ Bailii ] Vitakraft-Werke Wuhrmann and Sohn GmbH and Co. KG v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM). T-356/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Earlier figurative mark including the verbal element 'Krafft' - Application for Community word mark VITAKRAFT - Relative ground for refusal - Genuine use of the earlier mark - Similarity of the signs - Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Rule 22(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95. Vicente-Nunez v Commission (Judgment) T-294/02 6 Oct 2004 ECFI European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-9325) (Judgment) C-239/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Judgment) C-239/03; [2004] EUECJ C-239/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Europa Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations. [ Bailii ] Markopoulos and others (Rec.2004,p.I-9077) (Judgment) C-255/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Imexpo Trading (Common Customs Tariff) C-379/02; [2004] EUECJ C-379/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-9009) (Judgment) C-153/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Netherlands (Rec.2004,p.I-9289) (Judgment) C-189/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Royaume-Uni (Transport) C-483/03; [2004] EUECJ C-483/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Suede v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-9247) (Judgment) C-312/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Italy (Rec.2004,p.I-9127) (Judgment) C-103/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Imexpo Trading (Rec.2004,p.I-9273) (Judgment) C-379/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Grece (Social Security For Migrant Workers) French Text C-341/03; [2004] EUECJ C-341/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Grece (Transport) French Text C-550/03; [2004] EUECJ C-550/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Environment And Consumers) C-103/02; [2004] EUECJ C-103/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission (Agriculture) French Text C-153/01; [2004] EUECJ C-153/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Pays-Bas (Freedom To Provide Services) C-189/03; [2004] EUECJ C-189/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands (Judgment) C-189/03 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Europa Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Freedom to provide services Markopoulos And Others C-255/01; [2004] EUECJ C-255/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Law Relating To Undertakings [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Free Movement Of Persons) French Text C-402/02; [2004] EUECJ C-402/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Skatteministeriet v Imexpo Trading A/S C-379/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Reference for a preliminary ruling: �stre Landsret - Denmark. Suede v Commission (Agriculture) C-312/02; [2004] EUECJ C-312/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Suede v Commission (Judgment) C-312/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Europa Action for annulment - EAGGF Spain v Commission (Judgment) C-153/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European EAGGF - Clearance of accounts Panagiotis Markopoulos and Others v Ypourgos Anaptyxis and Soma Orkoton Elegkton. C-255/01 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European The ECJ considered the interpretation of Article 15 of a directive (84/253/EEC) concerning who could be allowed to audit companies' annual accounts, intended to harmonise the national laws of the member states and to require that none but approved persons could carry out the work. It was the responsibility of each member state to approve suitable persons. Greece did not have a sufficient number of auditors. Held: The power to apply transitional provisions continued for one year calculated from the date when the member state brought in the regulations: " it is contrary to Article 15 of the Eighth Directive for a Member State to exercise the power provided for by that article to approve professional persons, without requiring them first to have passed an examination of professional competence in derogation from the general provisions of that directive, after the expiry of a period of a year starting to run from the date of application of the national provisions transposing the directive, which date may in no circumstances fall after 1 January 1990." and "according to well-settled case law, 'the provisions relating to the periods allowed for implementing' a directive 'are no less binding than the provisions of any other rule of Community law'. " 1 Citers Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic C-103/02 7 Oct 2004 ECJ European Failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations D, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2004] EWCA Civ 1468 11 Oct 2004 CA Maurice Kay LJ Immigration, European 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Nicoli (Rec.2004,p.I-9357) (Judgment) C-87/00 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European Paul and others (Rec.2004,p.I-9425) (Judgment) C-222/02 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Portugal (Rec.2004,p.I-9387) (Judgment) C-55/02 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European Wolff and Muller (Rec.2004,p.I-9553) (Judgment) C-60/03 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Royaume-Uni (Environment And Consumers) C-431/02; [2004] EUECJ C-431/02 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Nicoli (Judgment) C-87/00; [2004] EUECJ C-87/00 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal (Judgment) C-55/02; [2004] EUECJ C-55/02 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Free Movement Of Goods) French Text C-263/03; [2004] EUECJ C-263/03 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Grece (Agriculture) French Text C-328/02; [2004] EUECJ C-328/02 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Vedial v OHMI, France Distribution C-106/03; [2004] EUECJ C-106/03; [2005] ETMR Pt 2 p.232 12 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property Europa Community trade mark � Review procedures � Review before the Community Courts � Procedural role of the Office � Opposition proceedings � No power to alter the terms of the dispute before the Court of First Instance. (Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance, Art. 133(2); Council Regulation No 40/94, Art. 63(2)) In proceedings concerning an action against a decision of a Board of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) on an opposition to registration of a Community mark based on the likelihood of confusion with an earlier mark, the Office does not have the power to alter before the Court of First Instance the terms of the dispute, as delimited in the respective claims and allegations of the applicant for registration and of the opposing party. Although under Article 133(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance, the Office is the defendant in proceedings before the Court of First Instance, the proceedings before that Court are intended to resolve a dispute between the applicant for registration and the holder of an earlier mark. Therefore, any finding that the Office has the power to alter the terms of the dispute before the Court of First Instance defeats the legitimate expectation of the party which was successful before the Board of Appeal, in so far as the purpose of proceedings before the Court of First Instance is, pursuant to Article 63(2) of Regulation No 40/94, to review the legality of the decision of the Board of Appeal. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Polinsky v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-1/02; [2004] EUECJ T-1/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank v Commission (Judgment) T-56/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European H v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-255/02; [2004] EUECJ T-255/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Pollmeier Malchow v Commission (State Aid) T-137/02; [2004] EUECJ T-137/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Sandini v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-389/02; [2004] EUECJ T-389/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Brangewitz (Rec.2004,p.I-9801) (Judgment) C-336/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Vereins- Und Westbank v Commission (Competition) French Text T-54/02; [2004] EUECJ T-54/02; [2006] EUECJ T-54/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Omega (Rec.2004,p.I-9609) (Judgment) C-36/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank v Commission T-56/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European R. Bosch (Rec.2004,p.I-9911) (Judgment) C-193/03 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Dresdner Bank v Commission (Competition) French Text T-44/02; [2004] EUECJ T-44/02; [2006] EUECJ T-44/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Pollmeier Malchow v Commission (Judgment) T-137/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European I v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-256/02; [2004] EUECJ T-256/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Pollmeier Malchow v Commission; ECFI 14-Oct-2004 - T-137/02 I v Court of Justice; ECFI 14-Oct-2004 - T-256/02 Sandini v Court of Justice; ECFI 14-Oct-2004 - T-389/02 I v Court of Justice (Judgment) T-256/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European Pflugradt v BCE (Rec.2004,p.I-9873) (Judgment) C-409/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Antas De Campos v Parliament (Staff Regulations) French Text C-279/0; [2004] EUECJ C-279/0 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Spain v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-9735) (Judgment) C-173/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Commission v Netherlands (Rec.2004,p.I-9707) (Judgment) C-113/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Sandini v Court of Justice (Judgment) T-389/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European Omega Spielhallen- und Automatenaufstellungs-GmbH v Oberburgermeisterin der Bundesstadt Bonn C-36/02; [2004] EUECJ C-36/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European The claimant company operated a gaming system in which players chased around inside a darkened building shooting at targets either on the builkding or on the garments of other players. The local licensing authority ruled that such a game simulated homicide and trivialised violence. Held: It was within the discretion of a member state to make such an assessment, and to restrict such activities. It was a legitimate interest to protect. Schindler was not to be read to mean that such an assessment had to be uniformly accepted throughout member states. 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Maersk Olie and A/S v Firma M De Haan (Brussels Convention) C-39/02; [2004] EUECJ C-39/02; [2005] 1 Lloyds Rep 210 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European Europa Brussels Convention - Proceedings to establish a fund to limit liability in respect of the use of a ship - Action for damages - Article 21 - Lis pendens - Identical parties - Court first seised - Identical subject-matter and cause of action - None - Article 25 - 'Judgment' - Article 27(2) - Refusal to recognise. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands (Judgment) C-113/02; [2004] EUECJ C-113/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands (Judgment) C-299/02; [2004] EUECJ C-299/02 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] K v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-257/02; [2004] EUECJ T-257/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v France [2004] EUECJ C-340/02; [2004] ECR I-9845 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Judgment) In an action for annulment the purpose of the pre-litigation procedure is to give the Member State concerned an opportunity, on the one hand, to comply with its obligations under Community law and, on the other, to avail itself of its right to defend itself against the charges formulated by the Commission. The subject-matter of proceedings under Article 226 EC is therefore delimited by the pre-litigation procedure governed by that provision. Accordingly, the application must be founded on the same grounds and pleas as the reasoned opinion, which must contain a cogent and detailed exposition of the reasons which led the Commission to the conclusion that the Member State concerned had failed to fulfil one of its obligations under the Treaty. (see paras 25-27) The principle of equal treatment of service providers, laid down in Article 3(2) of Directive 92/50 relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts, and the principle of transparency which flows from it require the subject-matter of each contract and the criteria governing its award to be clearly defined. That obligation exists where the subject-matter of a contract and the criteria selected for its award must be regarded as decisive for the purposes of determining which of the procedures provided for in the directive is to be implemented and assessing whether the requirements related to that procedure have been observed. (see paras 34-35) Article 11(3)(c) of Directive 92/50 relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts, which authorises contracting authorities using a negotiated procedure to derogate from the obligation of prior publication where the contract concerned follows a design contest and must be awarded to the successful candidate or to one of the successful candidates, must be interpreted strictly; the burden of proving the existence of exceptional circumstances justifying a derogation lies on the person seeking to rely on those circumstances. In particular, the expression' follows a design contest' as used in that provision implies that there must be a direct functional link between the contest and the contract concerned. Such a link does not exist, in a project in several phases, between the design contest relating to a first phase and organised for the purpose of awarding the contract envisaged in that phase and the contract relating to a subsequent phase, which the contracting authority has reserved the option merely to award to the successful candidate in that design contest. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Deutsche Verkehrsbank v Commission (Competition) French Text T-60/02; [2004] EUECJ T-60/02; [2006] EUECJ T-60/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Bayerische Hypo- Und Vereinsbank v Commission (Competition) T-56/02; [2004] EUECJ T-56/02; [2006] EUECJ T-56/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Cagnato v Court Of Justice (Staff Regulations) French Text T-390/02; [2004] EUECJ T-390/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commerzbank v Commission (Competition) French Text T-61/02; [2004] EUECJ T-61/02 14 Oct 2004 ECFI European, Commercial ECFI Competition - Article 81 EC - Price-fixing agreement and ways of charging for currency exchange cash - Germany - Procedure by default 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-339/03; [2004] EUECJ C-339/03 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Free Movement Of Goods) French Text C-143/03; [2004] EUECJ C-143/03 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal (Law Relating To Undertakings) French Text C-275/03; [2004] EUECJ C-275/03 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Free Movement Of Persons) French Text C-55/03; [2004] EUECJ C-55/03 14 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Tillack v Commission (Order) T-193/04 15 Oct 2004 ECFI European Tillack v Commission (Order) T-193/04; [2006] EUECJ T-193/04; [2004] EUECJ T-193/04 15 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Siomab (Rec.2004,p.I-9971) (Judgment) C-472/02 19 Oct 2004 ECJ European Siomab SA v Institut bruxellois pour la gestion de l'environnement C-472/02 19 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Environment Environment - Waste - Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on shipments of waste - Competence of the authority of dispatch to verify the classification of the purpose of a shipment (recovery or disposal) and to object to a shipment based on an incorrect classification - Objection procedure. Siomab (Environment And Consumers) C-472/02; [2004] EUECJ C-472/02 19 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Pharmacia Italia SpA, formerly Pharmacia and Upjohn SpA C-31/03; [2004] EUECJ C-31/03 19 Oct 2004 ECJ European Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92 - Medicinal products - Supplementary protection certificate - Transitional arrangements - Successive authorisations as a veterinary medicinal product and a medicinal product for human use. [ Bailii ] Commission v Greece (Rec.2004,p.I-10071) (Judgment) C-288/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European Schumann v Commission (Judgment) T-49/03 21 Oct 2004 ECFI European OHMI v Erpo Mobelwerk (Rec.2004,p.I-10031) (Judgment) C-64/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European OHMI v Erpo Mobelwerk (Judgment) [2004] EUECJ C-64/02; C-64/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Greece (Judgment) [2004] EUECJ C-288/02; C-288/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] KWS Saat v OHMI (Rec.2004,p.I-10107) (Judgment) C-447/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European KWS Saat AG v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market [2004] EUECJ C-447/02; C-447/02 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property (Trade Marks and Designs) Appeal - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Absolute ground for refusal - Distinctive character - Colour per se - Orange colour. [ Bailii ] Lenzing v Commission; ECFI 21-Oct-2004 - T-36/99; [2004] EUECJ T-36/99 Lenzing v Commission (Judgment) T-36/99 21 Oct 2004 ECFI European Banque Bruxelles Lambert SA (BBL) v Belgian State [2004] EUECJ C-8/03; C-8/03 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European, VAT Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal de premi�re instance de Bruxelles - Belgium. Sixth VAT Directive - Articles 4 and 9(2)(e) - Concept of taxable person - Place where services are supplied - SICAV. [ Bailii ] Schumann v Commission (Judgment) T-49/03 21 Oct 2004 ECFI European Commission v Grece (Free Movement Of Goods); ECJ 21-Oct-2004 - C-426/02; [2004] EUECJ C-426/02 Commission v Germany (Transport) C-477/03; [2004] EUECJ C-477/03 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] BBL (Rec.2004,p.I-10157) (Judgment) C-8/03 21 Oct 2004 ECJ European Brendel v Commission (Staff Regulations) French Text T-55/03; [2004] EUECJ T-55/03 26 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Falcone v Commission (Judgment) T-207/02 26 Oct 2004 ECFI European Officials - Open competition - Non-admission to the written tests as a result of the marks obtained in the pre-selection tests - Alleged unlawfulness of the notice of competition. Brendel v Commission (Judgment) T-55/03 26 Oct 2004 ECFI European Falcone v Commission (Judgment) T-207/02 26 Oct 2004 ECFI European Commission v Ireland (Environment And Consumers) C-406/03; [2004] EUECJ C-406/03 26 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Brendel v Commission (Judgment) T-55/03 26 Oct 2004 ECFI European Commission v Germany (Industrial Policy) French Text C-5/04; [2004] EUECJ C-5/04; [2005] EUECJ C-5/04 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Lutz Herrera v Commission (Judgment) T-219/02 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Nurnberger Allgemeine Versicherung (Rec.2004,p.I-10327) (Judgment) C-148/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European Artrada and others (Rec.2004,p.I-10297) (Judgment) C-124/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European van den Berg v Council and Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-10225) (Judgment) C-164/01 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European Meister v OHMI (Judgment) T-76/03 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Commission v Austria (Social Policy) French Text C-360/03; [2004] EUECJ C-360/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Meister v OHMI (Judgment) T-76/03 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Shanghai Teraoka Electronic v Council (Judgment) T-35/01 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Shanghai Teraoka Electronic v Council (Judgment) T-35/01 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Nurnberger Allgemeine Versicherung C-148/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European Artrada and others (Judgment) C-124/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European van den Berg v Council and Commission (Judgment) C-164/01 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European Van Den Berg v Council and Commission (Agriculture) French Text C-164/01; [2004] EUECJ C-164/01 P 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Shanghai Teraoka Electronic v Council (Commercial Policy) T-35/01; [2004] EUECJ T-35/01 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Nurnberger Allgemeine Versicherungs AG v Portbridge Transport International BV C-148/03; [2004] EUECJ C-148/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European, Transport Europa Brussels Convention - Articles 20 and 57(2) - Failure by the defendant to enter an appearance - Defendant domiciled in another Contracting State - Geneva Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road - Conflict between conventions [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria (Free Movement Of Goods) French Text C-497/03; [2004] EUECJ C-497/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European False [ Bailii ] Lutz Herrera v Commission (Judgment) T-219/02 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Meister v Ohmi (Staff Regulations) T-76/03; [2004] EUECJ T-76/03 28 Oct 2004 ECFI European Europa Fonctionnaires - R�affectation d'un chef de service - Int�r�t du service - �quivalence des emplois - Droit � la libert� d'expression - Devoir de sollicitude - Motivation - Droit d'�tre entendu - Responsabilit� extracontractuelle [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-421/03; [2004] EUECJ C-421/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria (Industrial Policy) French Text C-4/04; [2004] EUECJ C-4/04 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria (Social Policy) French Text C-357/03; [2004] EUECJ C-357/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Environment and Consumers) French Text C-505/03; [2004] EUECJ C-505/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany (Social Policy) French Text C-16/04; [2004] EUECJ C-16/04 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Ireland (Industrial Policy) C-460/03; [2004] EUECJ C-460/03 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal (Environment and Consumers) French Text C-185/02; [2004] EUECJ C-185/02 28 Oct 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Ripa di Meana v Parliament (Rec.2004,p.I-10339) (Order) C-360/02 29 Oct 2004 ECJ European Ripa di Meana v Parliament C-360/02 29 Oct 2004 ECJ European Montalto v Council (Judgment) T-116/03 9 Nov 2004 ECFI European Fixtures Marketing v Oy Veikkaus Ab [2004] EUECJ C-46/02; C-46/02; [2004] ECR I-10365 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property Europa Directive 96/9/EC - Legal protection of databases - Sui generis right - Definition of investment in the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents of a database - Football fixture lists - Betting. The claim for database right in lists of football fixtures prepared by leagues failed. The investment relied upon by Fixtures Marketing was held to be of the wrong sort: the investment was not in "obtaining, verification or presentation" of the contents, but in creating the contents in the first place: "Article 7(1) of the directive reserves the protection of the sui generis right to databases which meet a specific criterion, namely to those which show that there has been qualitatively and/or quantitatively a substantial investment in the obtaining, verification or presentation of their contents . . Under the 9th, 10th and 12th recitals of the preamble to the directive, its purpose is to promote and protect investment in data 'storage' and 'processing' systems which contribute to the development of an information market against a background of exponential growth in the amount of information generated and processed annually in all sectors of activity. It follows that the expression 'investment in . . the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents' of a database must be understood, generally, to refer to investment in the creation of that database as such . . Against that background, the expression 'investment in . . the obtaining . . of the contents' of a database must, as Veikkaus and the German and Netherlands Governments point out, be understood to refer to the resources used to seek out existing independent materials and collect them in the database, and not to the resources used for the creation as such of independent materials. The purpose of the protection by the sui generis right provided for by the directive is to promote the establishment of storage and processing systems for existing information and not the creation of materials capable of being collected subsequently in a database. . . That interpretation is backed up by the 39th recital of the preamble to the directive, according to which the aim of the sui generis right is to safeguard the results of the financial and professional investment made in 'obtaining and collection of the contents' of a database. As the Advocate General points out in points 61 to 66 of her Opinion, despite slight variations in wording, all the language versions of the 39th recital support an interpretation which excludes the creation of the materials contained in a database from the definition of obtaining . . The expression 'investment in . . the . . Verification . . of the contents' of a database must be understood to refer to the resources used, with a view to ensuring the reliability of the information contained in that database, to monitor the accuracy of the materials collected when the database was created and during its operation. The expression 'investment in . . the . . presentation of the contents' of the database concerns, for its part, the resources used for the purpose of giving the database its function of processing information, that is to say those used for the systematic or methodical arrangement of the materials contained in that database and the organisation of their individual accessibility." 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Fixtures Marketing v Svenska [2004] EUECJ C-338/02; C-338/02; [2004] ECR I-10497 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European ECJ (Approximation of Laws) Directive 96/9/EC - Legal protection of databases - Sui generis right - Definition of investment in the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents of a database - Football fixture lists - Betting. 'investment in . . the obtaining . . of the contents' of a database in Article 7(1) of Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases must be understood to refer to the resources used to seek out existing independent materials and collect them in the database. It does not cover the resources used for the creation of materials which make up the contents of a database. In the context of drawing up a fixture list for the purpose of organising football league fixtures, therefore, it does not cover the resources used to establish the dates, times and the team pairings for the various matches in the league. Directive 96/9/EC 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Fixtures Marketing v Organismos prognostikon agonon podosfairou AE (OPAP) [2005] 1 CMLR 16; [2004] EUECJ C-444/02; C-444/02; [2004] ECR I-10549 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual property ECJ The term database as defined in Article 1(2) of Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases refers to any collection of works, data or other materials, separable from one another without the value of their contents being affected, including a method or system of some sort for the retrieval of each of its constituent materials. A fixture list for a football league such as that at issue in the case in the main proceedings constitutes a database within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Directive 96/9. The expression 'investment in . . the obtaining . . of the contents' of a database in Article 7(1) of Directive 96/9 must be understood to refer to the resources used to seek out existing independent materials and collect them in the database. It does not cover the resources used for the creation of materials which make up the contents of a database. In the context of drawing up a fixture list for the purpose of organising football league fixtures, therefore, it does not cover the resources used to establish the dates, times and the team pairings for the various matches in the league. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] FNICGV v Commission (Order) T-252/03 9 Nov 2004 ECFI European Vega Rodriguez v Commission (Judgment) T-285/02 9 Nov 2004 ECFI European Montalto v Council [2004] EUECJ T-116/03; T-116/03 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European Staff Regulations - French Text [ Bailii ] Vega Rodriguez v Commission [2004] EUECJ T-395/02 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European (Staff Regulations) French Text [ Bailii ] Vega Rodriguez v Commission [2004] EUECJ T-285/02 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European (Staff Regulations) French Text [ Bailii ] Vega Rodriguez v Commission (Judgment) T-285/02 9 Nov 2004 ECFI European The British Horseracing Board Ltd and Others v William Hill Organization Ltd [2004] EUECJ C-203/02; C-203/02; [2004] ECR I-10415; [2005] ECDR 1; [2005] RPC 13 9 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property The claimant sought to prevent re-use by the defendant of information from its horse racing subscription service. They claimed that they had a database right in the information. It cost �4m per year to assemble. Held: The expression �investment in . . the obtaining . . of the contents� of a database in Article 7(1) of the directive must be understood to refer to the resources used to seek out existing independent materials and collect them in the database. It does not cover the resources used for the creation of materials which make up the contents of a database. The expression �investment in the verification of the contents� of a database in Article 7(1) of the directive must be understood to refer to the resources used, with a view to ensuring the reliability of the information contained in that database, to monitor the accuracy of the materials collected when the database was created and during its operation. The resources used for verification during the stage of creation of materials which are subsequently collected in a database do not fall within that definition. The resources used to draw up a list of horses in a race and to carry out checks in that connection do not constitute investment in the obtaining and verification of the contents of the database in which that list appears. The terms �extraction� and �re-utilisation� in Article 7 of the directive must be interpreted as referring to any unauthorised act of appropriation and distribution to the public of the whole or a part of the contents of a database. Those terms do not imply direct access to the database concerned. The fact that the contents of a database were made accessible to the public by its maker or with his consent does not affect the right of the maker to prevent acts of extraction and/or re-utilisation of the whole or a substantial part of the contents of a database. The claim failed. Directive 96/9/EC 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Storck v OHMI (Judgment) T-396/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Storck v OHMI (Judgment) T-402/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Wam v Commission (Order) T-316/04; [2006] EUECJ T-316/04 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Vonier v Commission (Judgment) T-165/03 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Storck v OHMI (Judgment) T-402/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Storck v OHMI (Judgment) T-396/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Vonier v Commission (Judgment) T-165/03 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Kaul v OHMI (Judgment) T-164/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Blackburn Chemicals Ltd v Bim Kemi Ab [2004] EWCA Civ 1490; Times, 22 November 2004 10 Nov 2004 CA Lord Justice May Lord Justice Kennedy Lord Justice Longmore European, Contract The parties entered into exclusive cross marketing agreements. The defendant resisted enforcement of the contract saying it was void under European law, being contrary to Article 81. The parties were alleged to have agreed to make cross purchases. It was argued that the issue was res judicata. Held: The defendant could raise the issue before the award of damages was made. The article was intended to protect the public. The court had to see first whether there was an action estoppel, which could only be negated by fraud or collusion. If that did not apply, the court could look to see if there was a Henderson estoppel. EC Treaty 81 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Kaul v OHMI (Judgment) T-164/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Kaul v OHMI- Bayer (Arcol) T-164/02; [2004] EUECJ T-164/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property (Community trade mark - Opposition proceedings - Application for Community word mark ARCOL - Earlier Community word mark CAPOL - Scope of the assessment conducted by the Board of Appeal - Assessment of evidence adduced before the Board of Appeal [ Bailii ] Storck v OHMI (Emballage D'Un Bonbon) T-402/02; [2004] EUECJ T-402/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property ECFI Community trade mark - Figurative mark representing the form of a twisted wrapper (shape of a sweet wrapper) - Subject-matter of the application - Absolute ground for refusal - Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Distinctive character in consequence of use - Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Right to be heard - Article 73(1) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Examination of the facts by OHIM of its own motion - Article 74(1) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94. [ Bailii ] Storck v OHMI (Forme D'Un Bonbon) T-396/02; [2004] EUECJ T-396/02 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property ECFI Community trade mark - Three-dimensional mark - Shape of a sweet - Absolute grounds for refusal - Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Distinctive character acquired through use - Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 [ Bailii ] Wam v Commission (Order) T-316/04 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European European Dynamics v Commission (Order) T-303/04 10 Nov 2004 ECFI European Cetinkaya (Rec.2004,p.I-10895) (Judgment) C-467/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Niselli (Rec.2004,p.I-10853) (Judgment) C-457/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Adanez-Vega (Rec.2004,p.I-10761) (Judgment) C-372/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Toeters and Verberk (Rec.2004,p.I-10945) (Judgment) C-171/03 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Portugal v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-10717) (Judgment) C-249/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Zuchtverband fur Ponys (Rec.2004,p.I-10683) (Judgment) C-216/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Ramondin and others v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-10653) (Judgment) C-186/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Delahaye (Rec.2004,p.I-10823) (Judgment) C-425/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Ramondin and Ramondin Capsulas v Commission C-186/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Adanez-Vega (Social Security For Migrant Workers) C-372/02; [2004] EUECJ C-372/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Cetinkaya (External Relations) C-467/02; [2004] EUECJ C-467/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing Espana v Commission (State Aid) C-183/02; [2004] EUECJ C-183/02; [2004] EUECJ C-183/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing Espana v Commission (State Aid) C-187/02; [2004] EUECJ C-187/02 P; [2004] EUECJ C-187/02 P 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Delahaye (Social Policy) C-425/02; [2004] EUECJ C-425/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Employment Europa Safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of a transfer of an undertaking to the State - Possibility for the State to impose rules of public law - Reduction of the amount of remuneration [ Bailii ] Antonio Niselli C-457/02; [2004] EUECJ C-457/02; C-457/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Environment, Consumer (Environment And Consumers) French Text [ Bailii ] Oesterreichischer Zuchtverband Fur Ponys, Kleinpferde Und Spezialrassen (Agriculture) C-216/02; [2004] EUECJ C-216/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Portugal v Commission C-249/02; [2004] EUECJ C-249/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture [ Bailii ] Ramondin and Ramondin Capsulas v Commission (State Aid) C-188/02; [2004] EUECJ C-188/02 P 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Litigation Practice Where the European Courts has power to permit interventions in direct actions they exercise the power in a restrictive manner, and allow interventions only by those persons able to establish a direct interest in the ruling on the specific act whose annulment is sought. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Cetinkaya C-467/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing Espana/ Commission C-183/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Osterreichischer Zuchtverband fur Ponys, Kleinpferde und Spezialrassen C-216/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Portugal v Commission C-249/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Adanez-Vega C-372/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Johanna Maria Delahaye v Ministre de la Fonction publique et de la Reforme administrative C-425/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Employment Safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of a transfer of an undertaking to the State - Possibility for the State to impose rules of public law - Reduction of the amount of remuneration. Demesa and Territorio Historico de Alava v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-10609) (Judgment) C-183/02 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European Spain v Commission (State Aid) C-73/03; [2004] EUECJ C-73/03 11 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Panayotova and others (Rec.2004,p.I-11055) (Judgment) C-327/02 16 Nov 2004 ECJ European Panayotova and others (Judgment) C-327/02; [2004] EUECJ C-327/02 16 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Allevamenti Associati and Latteria Sociale Moderna (Order) C-261/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-11197) (Judgment) C-126/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Allevamenti Associati and Latteria Sociale Moderna (Rec.2004,p.I-11221) (Order) C-261/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Law Relating To Undertakings) French Text C-85/04; [2004] EUECJ C-85/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Temco Europe (Rec.2004,p.I-11237) (Judgment) C-284/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Fascicolo and others (Rec.2004,p.I-11107) (Judgment) C-10/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Ferriere Nord v Commission (Judgment) T-176/01 18 Nov 2004 ECFI European Commission v Sweden (Approximation Of Laws) French Text C-91/04; [2004] EUECJ C-91/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Fascicolo and others (Judgment) C-10/02; [2004] EUECJ C-10/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Sass(Judgment) C-284/02; [2004] EUECJ C-284/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Greece (Judgment) C-420/02; [2004] EUECJ C-420/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany C-126/03; [2004] EUECJ C-126/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Austria (Environment and Consumers) French Text C-78/04; [2004] EUECJ C-78/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Approximation Of Laws) French Text C-143/04; [2004] EUECJ C-143/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Belgium (Law Relating To Undertakings) French Text C-87/04; [2004] EUECJ C-87/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Ireland (Fisheries Policy) C-317/02; [2004] EUECJ C-317/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Approximation Of Laws) French Text C-79/04; [2004] EUECJ C-79/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Ireland (Transport) C-482/03; [2004] EUECJ C-482/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands (Environment and Consumers) French Text C-422/03; [2004] EUECJ C-422/03 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Sass (Rec.2004,p.I-11143) (Judgment) C-284/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Commission v Sweden (Law Relating To Undertakings) French Text C-116/04; [2004] EUECJ C-116/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Ferriere Nord v Commission (Judgment) T-176/01 18 Nov 2004 ECFI European Commission v Greece (Rec.2004,p.I-11175) (Judgment) C-420/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European Fascicolo and Ors (Freedom Of Establishment) C-11/02; [2004] EUECJ C-11/02 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Ferriere Nord v Commission (State Aid) French Text T-176/01; [2004] EUECJ T-176/01 18 Nov 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Commission v United Kingdom C-164/04; [2004] EUECJ C-164/04 18 Nov 2004 ECJ European (Law Relating To Undertakings) [ Bailii ] Turco v Council (Judgment) T-84/03 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European O v Commission (Judgment) T-376/02 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European O v Commission (Judgment) T-376/02 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European Cantina Sociale di Dolianova and others v Commission (Judgment) T-166/98 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European Turco v Council (Judgment) T-84/03 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European O v Commission (Staff Regulations) French Text T-376/02; [2004] EUECJ T-376/02 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Cantina Sociale di Dolianova and others v Commission (Judgment) T-166/98 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European Frischpack v OHMI (Judgment) T-360/03 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European Frischpack v Ohmi (Forme D'Une Boite De Fromage) (Intellectual Property) French Text T-360/03; [2004] EUECJ T-360/03 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] Frischpack v OHMI (Judgment) T-360/03 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European Cantina Sociale Di Dolianova and Others -c- Commission T-166/98; [2004] EUECJ T-166/98 23 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Agriculture [ Bailii ] Henkel v OHMI (Judgment) T-393/02 24 Nov 2004 ECFI European Henkel v OHMI (Forme D'Un Flacon Blanc and Transparent) T-393/02; [2004] EUECJ T-393/02 24 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property [ Bailii ] Henkel v OHMI (Judgment) T-393/02 24 Nov 2004 ECFI European KPN Telecom (Rec.2004,p.I-11273) (Judgment) C-109/03 25 Nov 2004 ECJ European KPN Telecom C-109/03 25 Nov 2004 ECJ European Commission -c- Italy C-447/03; [2004] EUECJ C-447/03 25 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Environment, Consumer [ Bailii ] KPN Telecom C-109/03; [2004] EUECJ C-109/03 25 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Freedom To Provide Services [ Bailii ] IFAW Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds v Commission (Judgment) T-168/02 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European Geddes v Ohmi T-173/03; [2004] EUECJ T-173/03 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Nursery room [ Bailii ] IFAW Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds v Commission T-168/02; [2004] EUECJ T-168/02; Times, 20 December 2004 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European (Law Governing The Institutions) The claimants, Swedish environmentalists sought to object to works carried out in Germany. They sought disclosure from the Commission of documents submitted to it by Germany. The Commission requested permission from Germany to disclose the documents. Germany refused. The claimants argued that the Commission had a discretion to disclose the documents irrespective of the denial of consent. Held: A request of this sort was treated separately and distinctly by the statute. The commission had no jurisdiction to challenge a refusal of consent to publish. [ Bailii ] IFAW Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds v Commission (Judgment) T-168/02 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European Geddes v OHMI (Judgment) T-173/03 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European Geddes v OHMI (Judgment) T-173/03 30 Nov 2004 ECFI European Peak Holding AB v Axolin-Elinor AB (formerly Handelskompaniet Factory Outlet i Loddekopinge AB) C-16/03; [2004] EUECJ C-16/03; Times, 06 December 2004; [2004] ECR I-11313 30 Nov 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ (Approximation Of Laws) Trade marks - Directive 89/104/EEC - Article 7(1) - Exhaustion of the rights conferred by a trade mark - Putting on the market of the goods in the EEA by the proprietor of the trade mark - Concept - Goods offered for sale to consumers and then withdrawn - Sale to an operator established in the EEA with the obligation to put the goods on the market outside the EEA - Resale of the goods to another operator established in the EEA - Marketing in the EEA. Directive 89/104/EEC 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Kronofrance v Commission (Judgment) T-27/02 1 Dec 2004 ECFI European Kronofrance v Commission (State Aid) T-27/02; [2004] EUECJ T-27/02 1 Dec 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] OHMI v Zapf Creation (Rec.2004,p.I-11349) (Order) C-498/01 1 Dec 2004 ECJ European Kronofrance v Commission (Judgment) T-27/02 1 Dec 2004 ECFI European OHMI v Zapf Creation (Order) C-498/01 1 Dec 2004 ECJ European Marta�Peix v Commission C-226/03; [2004] EUECJ C-226/03 P; [2004] EUECJ C-226/03 P 2 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture (Fisheries Policy) [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Commission v Portugal C-48/04 ECLI:EU:C:2004:772; [2004] EUECJ C-48/04 2 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Consumer, Environment Fulfill obligations - Directive 2000/76 / EC - Incineration of waste - Failure to transpose [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain C-42/03 [2004] EUECJ C-42/03 2 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Fisheries Policy - Failure to fulfill obligations - Fishing - Conservation and management of resources - fishing activities - Control measure [ Bailii ] Gavrielides Oy C-398/03 [2004] EUECJ C-398/03 2 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture Directive 90/642/EEC - Maximum levels for pesticide residues - Vine leaves Directive 90/642/EEC [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands C-41/02 [2004] EUECJ C-41/02; [2004] ECR I-11375 2 Dec 2004 ECJ A. Rosas, P European, Commercial ECJ Free Movement of Goods - Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Articles 30 and 36 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Articles 28 EC and 30 EC) - Foodstuffs to which vitamins or mineral salts have been added - National legislation making their marketing subject to there being a nutritional need - Measures having equivalent effect - Justification - Public health - Proportionality) [ Bailii ] Commission -c- Italy C-97/04; [2004] EUECJ C-97/04 2 Dec 2004 ECJ K. Lenaerts, P European, Environment, Consumer Environment And Consumers - Failure to fulfill obligations - Directive 2000/76/EC - Incineration of waste - Failure Directive 2000/76/EC [ Bailii ] Finch v Commission (Order) T-55/02 6 Dec 2004 ECFI European Finch v Commission (Order) T-55/02 6 Dec 2004 ECFI European Koninklijke Cooperatie Cosun v Commission (Judgment) T-240/02 7 Dec 2004 ECFI European Lagardere v Commission (Order) T-251/00 7 Dec 2004 ECFI European Koninklijke Cooperatie Cosun v Commission (Judgment) T-240/02 7 Dec 2004 ECFI European Koninklijke Cooperatie Cosun v Commission (Customs Union) French Text [2004] EUECJ T-240/02 7 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Greencore (Rec.2004,p.I-11647) (Judgment) C-123/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Italy (Rec.2004,p.I-11547) (Judgment) C-460/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Hlozek (Social Policy) [2004] EUECJ C-19/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Approved Prescription Services (Rec.2004,p.I-11583) (Judgment) C-36/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Eaec) [2004] EUECJ C-177/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Hlozek (Rec.2004,p.I-11491) (Judgment) C-19/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Spain (Free Movement of Capital) French Text [2004] EUECJ C-219/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Greencore Group (Judgment) C-123/03; [2004] EUECJ C-123/03 P 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v France (Judgment) C-177/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Approved Prescription Services (Judgment) C-36/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Italy (Judgment) C-460/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Hlozek (Judgment) C-19/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Finland (Approximation of Laws) French Text [2004] EUECJ C-56/04 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v United Kingdom (Approximation of Laws) [2004] EUECJ C-88/04 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Approved Prescription Services (Approximation of Laws) [2004] EUECJ C-36/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Environment and Consumers) [2004] EUECJ C-79/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Luxembourg (Social Policy) French Text [2004] EUECJ C-333/04 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy (Transport) [2004] EUECJ C-460/02 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Greencore Group (Competition) [2004] EUECJ C-123/03 P 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Spain (Judgment) C-79/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v France (Rec.2004,p.I-11671) (Judgment) C-177/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European Rogers-Headicar v Headicar [2004] EWCA Civ 1867 9 Dec 2004 CA Family, European, Jurisdiction Council Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 [ Bailii ] Commission v Biotrast (Law Governing the Institutions) French Text [2004] EUECJ C-523/03 9 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] EFfCI v Parliament (Order) T-196/03 10 Dec 2004 ECFI European EFfCI v Parliament (Order) T-196/03 10 Dec 2004 ECFI European E v Commission (Judgment) T-251/02 13 Dec 2004 ECFI European El Corte Ingles v OHMI (Judgment) T-8/03 13 Dec 2004 ECFI European E v Commission (Staff Regulations) [2004] EUECJ T-251/02 13 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] El Corte Ingles v OHMI- Pucci (Emilio Pucci) (Intellectual Property) French Text [2004] EUECJ T-8/03 13 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Intellectual Property ECJ Community trade mark - Figurative mark EMILIO PUCCI - Opposition by the proprietor of the national figurative marks EMIDIO TUCCI - Partial refusal of registration. [ Bailii ] E v Commission (Judgment) T-251/02 13 Dec 2004 ECFI European Action for annulment - Action for damages El Corte Ingles, SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market T-8/03 13 Dec 2004 ECFI European, Intellectual Property Trade Marks FICF and others v Commission (Judgment) T-317/02 14 Dec 2004 ECFI European Swedish Match and others (Approximation of Laws) [2004] EUECJ C-210/03 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Germany [2004] EUECJ C-463/01 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Commercial (Free Movement of Goods) [ Bailii ] Arnold Andre GmbH and Co. KG v Landrat des Kreises Herford C-434/02 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Health, Commercial Directive 2001/37/EC - Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products - Article 8 - Prohibition of placing on the market of tobacco products for oral use - Validity. Arnold Andre (Rec.2004,p.I-11825) (Judgment) C-434/02 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European Tertir-Terminais de Portugal v Commission (Rec.2004,p.I-11931) (Seizure order) C-1/04 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European Tertir-Terminais de Portugal v Commission (Seizure order) C-1/04; [2006] EUECJ C-1/04 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Regina, on the application of: Swedish Match AB and Swedish Match UK Ltd v Secretary of State for Health C-210/03 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European Directive 2001/37/EC - Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products - Article 8 - Prohibition of placing on the market of tobacco products for oral use - Validity - Interpretation of Articles 28 EC to 30 EC - Compatibility of national legislation laying down the same prohibition. Commission v Germany (Rec.2004,p.I-11705) (Judgment) C-463/01 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European Radlberger Getranke and S. Spitz [2004] EUECJ C-309/02 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Commercial Free Movement of Goods [ Bailii ] Federation des industries condimentaires de France (FICF) and Others v Commission of the European Communities T-317/02 14 Dec 2004 ECFI European, Commercial Common commercial policy Swedish Match (Rec.2004,p.I-11893) (Judgment) C-210/03 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European Nordspedizionieri di Danielis Livio and C. Snc, Livio Danielis and Domenico D'Alessandro v Commission of the European Communities T-332/02 14 Dec 2004 ECFI European Commission v Germany (Judgment) C-463/01 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Environment Europa Environment - Free movement of goods - Packaging and packaging waste - Directive 94/62/EC - Exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters - Directive 80/777/EEC - Deposit and return obligations for non-reusable packaging that depend on the overall percentage of reusable packaging. Nordspedizionieri di Danielis Livio and others v Commission (Judgment) T-332/02 14 Dec 2004 ECFI European Arnold Andre (Approximation of Laws) [2004] EUECJ C-434/02 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Federation Des Industries Condimentaires De France and others v Commission (External Relations) French Text [2004] EUECJ T-317/02 14 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Hauptzollamt Neubrandenburg v Jens Christian Siig C-272/03 15 Dec 2004 ECJ European SIIG (Customs Union) French Text [2004] EUECJ C-272/03 15 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Customs and Excise [ Bailii ] Siig (Rec.2004,p.I-11941) (Judgment) C-272/03 15 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v France - French Text [2004] EUECJ C-172/04 15 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Environment, Consumer [ Bailii ] Olaso Valero (Rec.2004,p.I-12065) (Judgment) C-520/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Austria C-358/03; [2004] EUECJ C-358/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European (Social Policy) [ Bailii ] Hoechst v Commission (Order) T-410/03 16 Dec 2004 ECFI European Commission v Italy (Environment And Consumers) French Text C-516/03; [2004] EUECJ C-516/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Italy French Text C-313/03; [2004] EUECJ C-313/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Social Policy [ Bailii ] Commission v Netherlands French Text C-528/03; [2004] EUECJ C-528/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Transport [ Bailii ] De Nicola v EIB (Judgment) T-120/01 16 Dec 2004 ECFI European EU-Wood-Trading (Rec.2004,p.I-11957) (Judgment) C-277/02 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Hoechst v Commission (Order) T-410/03; [2008] EUECJ T-410/03 16 Dec 2004 ECFI European [ Bailii ] My (Rec.2004,p.I-12013) (Judgment) C-293/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Commission v Autriche (Rec.2004,p.I-12055) (Judgment) C-358/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Olaso Valero (Social Policy) C-520/03; [2004] EUECJ C-520/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Commission v Autriche C-358/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Health and Safety Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Workers' protection - Health and safety of workers - Manual handling of loads where there is a risk of injury to workers. Commission v Sweden (Fisheries Policy) French Text C-271/02; [2004] EUECJ C-271/02 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Gregorio My v Office national des pensions (ONP). C-293/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European Community officials - Transfer of pension rights - Article 11 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations - Early retirement pension - Reckoning of periods of employment with the European Community - Article 10 EC. Pappas v Commission (Judgment) T-11/02 16 Dec 2004 ECFI European Pappas v Commission French Text T-11/02; [2004] EUECJ T-11/02 16 Dec 2004 ECFI European Staff Regulations [ Bailii ] My (Free Movement Of Persons) C-293/03; [2004] EUECJ C-293/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Italy v Commission French Text C-24/03; [2004] EUECJ C-24/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Agriculture [ Bailii ] Commission v United Kingdom (Environment And Consumers) C-62/03; [2004] EUECJ C-62/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European [ Bailii ] Jose Vicente Olaso Valero v Fondo de Garantia Salarial (Fogasa) C-520/03 16 Dec 2004 ECJ European, Employment, Insolvency Social policy - Protection of workers in the event of the insolvency of their employer - Directive 80/987/EEC - Scope - Definition of 'claims' - Definition of 'pay' - Compensation payable in the event of unfair dismissal. IDT Card Services Ireland Ltd, Regina (on the Application of) v HM Customs and Excise [2004] EWHC 3188 (Admin) 21 Dec 2004 Admn Moses J VAT, European 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Microsoft v Commission (Order) T-201/04 22 Dec 2004 ECFI European |
Copyright 2014 David Swarbrick, 10 Halifax Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 2AG. |