European - From: 1990 To: 1990
This page lists 304 cases, and was prepared on 27 May 2018.
Haqen v Zeehaqhe [1990] ECR 1-1845
1990 ECJ
European, Jurisdiction
ECJ "Article 6(2) makes provision for a special jurisdiction, which the Plaintiff may choose because of the existence, in clearly defined situations, of a particularly close connecting factor between a dispute and the court which may be called upon to hear it, with a view to the efficacious conduct of the proceedings (judgment of 22 November 1978 in Case 33/78 Somafer SA v Saar-Ferngas AG [1978] ECR 2183). The Convention thus enables the entire dispute to be heard by a single court. Consequently, the related nature of the main action and the action on a warranty or guarantee suffices to found jurisdiction on the part of the court in which the action on a warranty or guarantee has been brought, irrespective of the basis on which it has jurisdiction in the original proceedings; in this respect, the jurisdiction provided for in Article 2 and that provided for in Article 5 are equivalent."
1 Citers
Trafalgar Tours Ltd v Customs and Excise Commissioners [1990] STC 127
1990 CA
European, VAT
United Kingdom legislation is to be construed so far as possible so as to give effect to the purpose(s) of the European directives. As to the meaining of 'consideration' under the Sixth Directive: "Having regard to art 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth Directive, we are, therefore, subject to one important qualification prepared to accept that the expression 'consideration' in s 10(2) of the 1983 Act means everything which the supplier has received or is to receive from the purchaser, the customer or a third party for the relevant supplies. The one important qualification is this. The concept of receipt for this purpose is not to be confined to mere physical receipt; anything which is received by persons for and on behalf of the supplier must be treated for this purpose as received by the supplier himself .�"
1 Citers
Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma v Marks and Spencer plc [1990] FSR 530
Italian regulations are not directly enforceable within the United Kingdom.
1 Citers
IBM Corporation/Data processor network; EPO 1990 - [1990] EPOR 91; 06/83
Safa v Amministrazione Delle Finanze Dello Stato (Rec 1990,P I-1) (Judgment) C-337/88
9 Jan 1990 ECJ
Gebrueder Gausepohl v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas. R-101/88; [1990] EUECJ R-101/88
10 Jan 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Mario P. A. Reichert And Others v Dresdner Bank. R-115/88; [1990] EUECJ R-115/88
10 Jan 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Maurissen and Union Syndicale v Court Of Auditors (Rec 1990,P I-95) (Judgment) C-193/87
18 Jan 1990 ECJ
Commission v Greece (Rec 1990,P I-125,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-287/87; [1990] EUECJ C-287/87
18 Jan 1990 ECJ
Failure by a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Failure to transpose into internal law Directive 74/562/EEC - Access to the occupation of road passenger transport operator.
[ Bailii ]
Corman v Belgian State and Grand Duchy Of Luxembourg (Rec 1990,P I-129) (Judgment) C-295/88
18 Jan 1990 ECJ
Falciola v Comune Di Pavia (Rec 1990,P I-191) (Order) C-286/88
26 Jan 1990 ECJ
Yorck von Wartenburg v Parliament T-59/89; [1990] EUECJ T-59/89
29 Jan 1990 ECFI
ECFI Procedure - Personal appearance of the parties - Object - Amicable settlement of the proceedings (Rules of Procedure, Art . 45(2)(a))
[ Bailii ]
Yorck von Wartenburg v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-31) T-42/89; [1990] EUECJ T-42/89
30 Jan 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Spie-Batignolles v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-197) (Order) C-201/86; [1990] EUECJ C-201/86
6 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Vella and Others v Alliance Nationale Des Mutualites Chretiennes (Rec 1990,P I-257,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-324/88
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
Mullers v ESC C-81/88; [1990] EUECJ C-81/88
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Rosaria Vella And Others v Alliance Nationale Des Mutualites Chretiennes. R-324/88; [1990] EUECJ R-324/88
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Laval v Esc (Rec 1990,P I-253,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-95/88; [1990] EUECJ C-95/88
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Culin v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-225) (Judgment) C-343/87; [1990] EUECJ C-343/87
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gemeente Amsterdam and Via v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-221,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-213/87; [1990] EUECJ C-213/87
7 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Tipp-Ex v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-261,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-279/87; [1990] EUECJ C-279/87
8 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Staatssecretaris Van Financien v Shipping and Forwarding Enterprise Safe (Judgment) C-320/88
8 Feb 1990 ECJ
Gijs Van De Kolk-Douane Expediteur Bv v Inspecteur Der Invoerrechten En Accijnzen. (Common Customs Tariff ) R-233/88; [1990] EUECJ R-233/88
8 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Staatssecretaris Van Financien v Shipping And Forwarding Enterprise Safe Bv. (Tax Provisions ) R-320/88; [1990] EUECJ R-320/88
8 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Van De Kolk v Inspecteur Der Invoerrechten En Accijnzen (Rec 1990,P I-265) (Judgment) C-233/88
8 Feb 1990 ECJ
Extramet Industrie v Council (Rec 1990,p I-431,Summ pub ) (Order) C-358/89
14 Feb 1990 ECJ
Delacre and Others v Commission C-350/88; [1990] EUECJ C-350/88
14 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
France v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-307) (Sv90-303 Fi90-303) (Judgment) C-301/87; [1990] EUECJ C-301/87
14 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Schneemann and Others v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-369) (Judgment) C-137/88; [1990] EUECJ C-137/88
14 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hochbaum v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-43) T-38/89; [1990] EUECJ T-38/89
14 Feb 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Belgium (Rec 1990,p I-491,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-74/89; [1990] EUECJ C-74/89
21 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gustave Wuidart And Others v Laiterie Cooperative Eupenoise Societe Cooperative And Others. (Agriculture ) R-267/88; [1990] EUECJ R-267/88
21 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Wuidart and Others v Laiterie Cooperative Eupenoise and Others C-267/88
21 Feb 1990 ECJ
Bronzino v Kindergeldkasse (Rec 1990,P I-531) (Sv90-339 Fi90-339) (Judgment) C-228/88
22 Feb 1990 ECJ
Giovanni Bronzino v Kindergeldkasse. (Social Security For Migrant Workers ) R-228/88; [1990] EUECJ R-228/88
22 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
European Coal And Steel Community v Acciaierie E Ferriere Busseni Spa (In Liquidation). (References For A Preliminary Ruling ) R-221/88; [1990] EUECJ R-221/88
22 Feb 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
ECSC v Busseni (Rec 1990,P I-495) (Sv90-323 Fi90-323) (Judgment) C-221/88
22 Feb 1990 ECJ
Bocos Viciano v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-57,Summ pub ) T-72/89; [1990] EUECJ T-72/89
22 Feb 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Gatto v Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit (Rec 1990,p I-557,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-12/89; [1990] EUECJ C-12/89
22 Feb 1990 ECJ
Europa 1.Social security for migrant workers - Family benefits - Concept - Assistance paid to families with children aged over 16 but under 21 who are unemployed - Included 2.Social security for migrant workers - Family benefits - Unemployed worker subject to the legislation of a Member State - Members of the family residing in another Member State - Entitlement to benefits provided for by the legislation applicable to the worker - Condition of entitlement to benefits equivalent to a clause requiring children to reside in the Member State providing the benefits - Inapplicable to a worker whose children fulfil an equivalent condition in the Member State in which they reside (Regulation No 1408/71 of the Council, Art. 74) 1.Benefits intended to help families to meet the cost of supporting their children aged over 16 but under 21 who are unemployed fall within the definition of "family benefits" in Article 1(u)(i) of Regulation No 1408/71. 2.The purpose of Article 74 of Regulation No 1408/71 is to prevent a Member State from being able to refuse to grant family benefits on account of the fact that a member of the worker' s family resides in a Member State other than that providing the benefits. Such a refusal could deter Community workers from exercising their right to freedom of movement and would therefore constitute an obstacle to that freedom. It follows that a condition of entitlement to certain family benefits whereby a worker' s child must be registered as unemployed with the employment office of the Member State providing the benefits, a condition which can be fulfilled only if the child resides within the territory of that State, comes within the scope of Article 74 and must therefore be considered to be fulfilled where the child is registered as unemployed with the employment office of the Member State in which he resides. (The grounds of this judgment do not differ from those of the judgment ruling on the interpretation of Article 73 of Regulation No 1408/71, delivered on the same date : judgment of 22 February 1990 in Case C-228/88 Bronzino ((1990)) ECR 531.)
Regulation No 1408/71 of the Council Art . 1(u)(i )
[ Bailii ]
Turner v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-55,Summ pub ) T-40/89; [1990] EUECJ T-40/89
22 Feb 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-561,Summ pub ) (Order) C-385/89
23 Feb 1990 ECJ
Hecq v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-599) (Judgment) C-116/88; [1990] EUECJ C-116/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Krantz v Ontvanger Der Directe Belastingen (Rec 1990,P I-583) (Judgment) C-69/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
Trend-Moden Textilhandel v Hauptzollamt Emmerich (Rec 1990,P I-631) (Judgment) C-117/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
Acerbis and Others v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-563) (Judgment) C-320/81; [1990] EUECJ C-320/81
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gb-Inno-Bm v Confederation Du Commerce Luxembourgeois (Rec 1990,P I-667) (Sv90-349 Fi90-349) (Judgment) C-362/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
Criminal Proceedings Against Fauque and Others (Rec 1990,P I-649) (Judgment) C-153/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
Trend-Moden Textilhandels Gmbh Contre Hauptzollamt Emmerich. R-117/88; [1990] EUECJ R-117/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
H. Krantz Gmbh and Co. v Ontvanger Der Directe Belastingen And Netherlands State. R-69/88; [1990] EUECJ R-69/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Ministere Public v Gerard Fauque And Others. R-153/88; [1990] EUECJ R-153/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gb-Inno-Bm v Confederation Du Commerce Luxembourgeois. (Free Movement Of Goods ) R-362/88; [1990] EUECJ R-362/88
7 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Maindiaux and others v ESC (Rec 1990,p II-59) T-28/89; [1990] EUECJ T-28/89
8 Mar 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Schwedler v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-79) T-41/89; [1990] EUECJ T-41/89
8 Mar 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Dautremont and others v Parliament T-71/89; [1990] EUECJ T-71/89
13 Mar 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission v France (Rec 1990,p I-691) (Judgment) C-30/89; [1990] EUECJ C-30/89
13 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Costacurta v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-93) T-34/89; [1990] EUECJ T-34/89
13 Mar 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Gestetner Holdings v Council and Commission; ECJ 14-Mar-1990 - C-156/87; [1990] EUECJ C-156/87
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,p I-847,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-137/89; [1990] EUECJ C-137/89
14 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Nashua Corporation and Others v Commission and Council; ECJ 14-Mar-1990 - [1990] EUECJ C-133/87
Commission v Netherlands (Rec 1990,P I-851) (Judgment) C-339/87; [1990] EUECJ C-339/87
15 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Du Pont De Nemours Italiana Spa v Unita Sanitaria Locale No 2 Di Carrara. (Free Movement Of Goods ) R-21/88; [1990] EUECJ R-21/88
20 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Du Pont De Nemours Italiana v Usl Di Carrara C-21/88
20 Mar 1990 ECJ
Commission v France (Rec 1990,p I-925) (Judgment) C-62/89; [1990] EUECJ C-62/89
20 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Belgium v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-959) (Sv90-369 Fi90-369) (Judgment) C-142/87; [1987] EUECJ C-142/87R; [1990] EUECJ C-142/87
21 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Ravida v Office national des pensions (Rec 1990,p I-1063) (Judgment) C-85/89; [1990] EUECJ C-85/89
21 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Giovanni Cabras v Institut National D'Assurance Maladie-Invalidite. (Social Security For Migrant Workers) C-199/88; R-199/88; [1990] EUECJ R-199/88
21 Mar 1990 ECJ
European, Benefits
Article 46(3) of Council Regulation No 1408/71 must be interpreted as meaning that the highest theoretical amount of benefits calculated according to Article 46(2)(a) constitutes the limit on the benefits which may be claimed by a migrant worker under Community legislation, even where that theoretical amount is equal to the full benefit payable under the legislation of a single Member State. On that interpretation, the provisions in question are not incompatible with Article 51 of the EEC Treaty, since Article 46 of Regulation No 1408/71 is applicable only if it allows a migrant worker to be granted benefits at least as high as those payable under the legislation of one State alone. When a recalculation of benefits pursuant to Article 51(2) of Regulation No 1408/71 leads to a reduction in the benefit paid by the institution of one Member State, without any adjustment to the benefit paid by the institution of another Member State, and the second institution thus holds no pension arrears payable to the recipient of the benefits, Article 112 of Regulation No 574/72 does not oblige the first institution to bear the expense of the benefits overpaid during the period needed for recalculating the benefits.
[ Bailii ]
Tither v Commissioners Of Inland Revenue (Rec 1990,P I-1133) (Judgment) C-333/88
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
Lampe Muhle v Balm (Rec 1990,P I-1109) (Judgment) C-234/88
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
Peter John Krier Tither v Commissioners Of Inland Revenue. R-333/88; [1990] EUECJ R-333/88
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Le Pen and Front National v Puhl and others (Rec 1990,p I-1183) (Judgment) C-201/89; [1990] EUECJ C-201/89
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Wilhelm-Lampe-Muehle v Bundesanstalt Fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung. R-234/88; [1990] EUECJ R-234/88
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal proceedings against Houben (Rec 1990,p I-1161) (Judgment) C-83/89; [1990] EUECJ C-83/89
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Triveneta Zuccheri and Others v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-1083) (Judgment) C-347/87; [1990] EUECJ C-347/87
22 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Milk Marketing Board of England And Wales v Cricket St Thomas Estate R-372/88; [1990] EUECJ R-372/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
European, Agriculture
Europa Agriculture - Common organization of the markets - Milk and milk products - Special rights of Milk Marketing Boards - Purchase of milk produced and marketed "without processing" - Concept - Pasteurized milk - Included (Council Regulation No 804/68, Art . 25(1)(a ), as amended by Regulation No 1421/78 and Regulation No 1422/78; Commission Regulation No 1565/79 ) Agriculture - Common organization of the markets - Milk and milk products - Special rights of Milk Marketing Boards - Producers marketing milk otherwise than by sale to the Board - Requirement to pay contributions and other financial charges imposed by the Board - Permissibility - Conditions - Observance of the principle of proportionality.
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Bagli Pennacchiotti (Rec 1990,P I-1323) (Judgment) C-315/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
Pinto Teixeira v Commission; ECFI 27-Mar-1990 - T-62/89; [1990] EUECJ T-62/89
Milk Marketing Board v Cricket St Thomas (Rec 1990,P I-1345) (Judgment) C-372/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
Cargill v Commission C-229/88; [1988] EUECJ C-229/88R
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Boots Company Plc v Commissioners Of Customs And Excise. R-126/88; [1990] EUECJ R-126/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Cartorobica v Ministero Delle Finanze Dello Stato (Rec 1990,P I-1269) (Judgment) C-189/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
Grifoni v EAEC (Rec 1990,P I-1203) (Judgment) C-308/87; [1990] EUECJ C-308/87; [1994] EUECJ C-308/87
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Boots Company plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise C-126/88; [1990] STC 387
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
European, VAT
In the simple case of a voucher which the issuer himself redeems by allowing a discount on a purchase from himself, the voucher is not property but is simply evidence of an obligation to give a discount.
1 Citers
Chomel v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-131) T-123/89; [1990] EUECJ T-123/89
27 Mar 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Angelo Bagli Pennacchiotti. (Acts Of The Institutions ) R-315/88; [1990] EUECJ R-315/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Cartorobica Spa v Ministero Delle Finanze Dello Stato. (Common Commercial Policy ) R-189/88; [1990] EUECJ R-189/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Italy v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-1229,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-10/88; [1990] EUECJ C-10/88
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Spain v Council (Rec 1990,p I-1383) (Judgment) C-9/89; [1990] EUECJ C-9/89
27 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Zanetti and Others (Rec 1990,P I-1509) (Judgment) C-359/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
Malt v Hauptzollamt Dusseldorf (Rec 1990,P I-1481) (Judgment) C-219/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
Siegen v Finanzamt Hagen (Rec 1990,P I-1447) (Judgment) C-38/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
Criminal Proceedings Against E. Zanetti And Others. (Approximation Of Laws ) R-359/88; [1990] EUECJ R-359/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against G Vessoso And G Zanetti C-206/88; [1990] ECR I -1461; R-206/88; [1990] EUECJ R-206/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ Sir Gordon Slynn, P
European, Environment
ECJ The concept of waste, within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 75/442 and Article 1 of Directive 78/319, is not to be understood as excluding substances and objects which are capable of economic reutilization . The concept does not presume that the holder disposing of a substance or an object intends to exclude all economic reutilization of the substance or object by others.
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Erich Wittmann Gmbh and Co. Kg v Hauptzollamt Nuernberg-Fuerth. R-344/88; [1990] EUECJ R-344/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Wittmann v Hauptzollamt Nurnberg-Furth (Rec 1990,P I-1505,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-344/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
Malt Gmbh v Hauptzollamt Duesseldorf. R-1224/80; [1990] EUECJ R-1224/80
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Waldrich Siegen Werkzeugmaschinen Gmbh v Finanzamt Hagen. (Tax Provisions ) R-38/88; [1990] EUECJ R-38/88
28 Mar 1990 ECJ
ECJ A taxable person may, in proceedings before a national court, rely on Article 4(2)(b ) of Directive 69/335 concerning indirect taxes on the raising of capital, which prohibits Member States from seeking to collect capital duty when a contribution received by the company does not increase its assets. That prohibition is by its very nature precise and unconditional. The absorption of a company' s losses by a shareholder, pursuant to a profit and loss transfer agreement concluded before those losses are determined does not increase the assets of that company for the purposes of Article 4(2)(b ) of Directive 69/335 concerning indirect taxes on the raising of capital.
Directive 69/335
[ Bailii ]
Alexandrakis v Commission T-57/89; [1990] EUECJ T-57/89
29 Mar 1990 ECFI
Europa The question of admissibility in connection with consistency between the prior complaint through official channels and the application to the Court is a matter of public policy, inasmuch as it relates to the legality of the administrative procedure, which constitutes an essential procedural requirement. The Court is justified in considering the matter of its own motion in particular in view of the very purpose of the administrative procedure, namely to permit an amicable settlement of the differences which have arisen between officials or servants and the administration. The Court must dismiss as inadmissible any submission which was not relied on in the complaint and which was first raised in the course of the written procedure before it, since the official complaint not only contains no reference to that submission but also does not include any argument from which the defendant institution could have inferred that the applicant intended to make the submission at issue. When the appointing authority appoints an official on the basis of the normal recruitment rules under the Staff Regulations, the relevant classification criteria may be applied in the context of Articles 31 and 32 thereof. Where, on the other hand, an official has been appointed pursuant to Regulation No 3018/87 introducing special transitional measures for the recruitment of overseas staff of the European Association for Cooperation as officials of the European Communities, the classification of the person concerned in the appointment decision is lawful in so far as it was determined in accordance with the derogation set out in Article 3 of the regulation, under which the criterion automatically applying relates to the level of salary previously received from the said Association, whose application therefore rules out any reference to the classification criteria under the normal rules.
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Council C-62/88; [1990] EUECJ C-62/88
29 Mar 1990 ECJ
Europa The need for a complete and consistent review of legality requires the first paragraph of Article 173 to be construed as not depriving the Court of jurisdiction to consider, in proceedings for the annulment of a measure based on a provision of the EEC Treaty, a submission concerning the infringement of a rule of the EAEC or ECSC Treaties. In the context of the organization of the powers of the Community, the choice of the legal basis for a measure, which may influence its content in so far as it determines the procedure to be followed for its adoption, must be based on objective factors which are amenable to judicial review. Although Article 190 of the Treaty compels a reference to the Commission' s proposal in measures which may be adopted only on a proposal from the Commission, it does not thereby impose the obligation to indicate whether or not the measure in question is in conformity with that proposal. By subjecting the release for free circulation of certain agricultural products originating in non-member countries to compliance with maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination, Regulation No 3955/87 pursues the aim of ensuring that agricultural products and processed agricultural products intended for human consumption and likely to be contaminated are introduced into the Community only according to common arrangements which safeguard the health of consumers, maintain, without having unduly adverse effects on trade between the Community and non-member countries, the unified nature of the market and prevent deflections of trade. It follows that, according to its objective and its content, the regulation seeks to regulate trade between the Community and non-member countries; accordingly it comes within the common commercial policy within the meaning of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty.
[ Bailii ]
Emrich v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-1555) (Order) C-371/89; [1990] EUECJ C-371/89
30 Mar 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Pfloeschner v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-153) T-135/89; [1990] EUECJ T-135/89
3 Apr 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-1559,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-111/88; [1988] EUECJ C-111/88R; [1990] EUECJ C-111/88
4 Apr 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Hilti v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-163Pub ext) T-30/89
4 Apr 1990 ECFI
Commission v Belgium (Rec 1990,p I-1595,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-6/89; [1990] EUECJ C-6/89
5 Apr 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Office national des pensions v Bianchin (Rec 1990,p I-1619,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-109/89; [1990] EUECJ C-109/89
5 Apr 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Greece (Rec 1990,P I-1567) (Judgment) C-132/88; [1990] EUECJ C-132/88
5 Apr 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Pian v Office national des pensions (Rec 1990,p I-1599) (Judgment) C-108/89; [1990] EUECJ C-108/89
5 Apr 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gill v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-173) T-43/89; [1990] EUECJ T-43/89
6 Apr 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Jelle Hakvoort. (Agriculture ) R-348/88; [1990] EUECJ R-348/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Oberhausener Kraftfutterwerk Wilhelm Hopermann Gmbh v Bundesanstalt Fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung. (Agriculture ) R-357/88; [1990] EUECJ R-357/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
SCARPE v ONIC (Rec 1990,p I-1701) (Judgment) C-27/89; [1990] EUECJ C-27/89
2 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Netherlands State v Bakker Hillegom (Rec 1990,p I-1735) (Judgment) C-111/89; [1990] EUECJ C-111/89
2 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Hakvoort (Rec 1990,P I-1647) (Judgment) C-348/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
Oberhausener Kraftfutterwerk Wilhelm Hopermann Gmbh v Bundesanstalt Fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung. (Agriculture ) R-358/88; [1990] EUECJ R-358/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hopermann v Balm (Judgment) C-358/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
Hopermann v Balm (Judgment) C-357/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
Winter-Lutzins v Bestuur Van De Sociale Verzekeringsbank (Rec 1990,P I-1623) (Judgment) C-293/88
2 May 1990 ECJ
Bestuur van de Sociale Verzekeringsbank v Kits van Heijningen (Rec 1990,p I-1755) (Judgment) C-2/89; [1990] EUECJ C-2/89
3 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Biehl v Administration Des Contributions (Rec 1990,P I-1779) (Sv90-399 Fi90-399) (Judgment) C-175/88
8 May 1990 ECJ
Klaus Biehl v Administration Des Contributions Du Grand-Duche De Luxembourg. R-175/88; [1990] EUECJ R-175/88
8 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Maclaine Watson v Council and Commission (Order) C-241/87; [1990] EUECJ C-241/87
10 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Sens v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-185) T-117/89; [1990] EUECJ T-117/89
10 May 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Office national de l'emploi v Di Conti (Rec 1990,p I-1829) (Judgment) C-163/89; [1990] EUECJ C-163/89
10 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Kongress Agentur Hagen Gmbh v Zeehaghe Bv. R-365/88; [1990] EUECJ R-365/88; [1990] ECR 1-1861
15 May 1990 ECJ
A Dutch hotel group sued in Holland a German agent who on behalf of his German principal had booked and then cancelled a large number of hotel rooms. When the agent sought to third party his principal under a guarantee, jurisdiction for which was provided by Article 6(2) of the Convention, the plaintiffs objected on the ground that this would complicate the proceedings. The Court was asked whether the Dutch court could �assess the admissibility [i.e. merits] of the application for leave [to bring third party proceedings] in the light of the rules of the national procedural law.� Held: The court concluded that Article 6(2) merely determines which court had jurisdiction and �is not concerned with conditions for admissibility properly so called,� and "It should be noted, however, that the application of national procedural rules may not impair the effectiveness of the Convention. As the Court has held, ... a court may not apply conditions of admissibility laid down by national law which would have the effect of restricting the application of the rules of jurisdiction laid down in the Convention. Accordingly an application for leave to bring an action on a warranty or guarantee may not be refused expressly or by implication on the ground that the third parties sought to be joined reside or are domiciled in a Contracting State other than that of the court seised of the original proceedings."
Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Comune di Carpaneto Piacentino and others v Ufficio provinciale imposta sul valore aggiunto di Piacenza C-4/89; [1990] EUECJ C-4/89
15 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Kongress Agentur Hagen GmbH v Zeehaghe BV C-365/88
15 May 1990 ECJ
European, Jurisdiction
Europa Where a defendant domiciled in a Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State pursuant to Article 5(1) of the Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgment in civil and commercial matters, that court also has jurisdiction by virtue of Article 6(2) of the Convention to entertain an action on a warranty or guarantee brought against a person domiciled in a Contracting State other than that of the court seised of the original proceedings. To enable the entire dispute to be heard by a single court, Article 6(2) simply requires there to be a connecting factor between the main action and the action on a warranty or guarantee, irrespective of the basis on which the court has jurisdiction in the original proceedings. Article 6(2) must be interpreted as meaning that it does not require the national court to accede to the request for leave to bring an action on a warranty or guarantee and that the national court may apply the procedural rules of its national law in order to determine whether that action is admissible, provided that the effectiveness of the Convention in that regard is not impaired and, in particular, that leave to bring the action on the warranty or guarantee is not refused on the ground that the third party resides or is domiciled in a Contracting State other than that of the court seised of the original proceedings.
1 Citers
Sonito and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-1981) (Judgment) C-87/89; [1990] EUECJ C-87/89
17 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Weingut Dietz-Matti v Bundesamt fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft (Rec 1990,p I-2013) (Judgment) C-158/89; [1990] EUECJ C-158/89
17 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Douglas Harvey Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group (1990) ICR 616; C-262/88; [1990] ECR I-1889; [1991] 1 QB 344; R-262/88; [1990] EUECJ R-262/88
17 May 1990 ECJ
European, Employment, Discrimination
Europa The benefits paid by an employer to a worker on the latter's redundancy constitute a form of pay to which the worker is entitled in respect of his employment, which is paid to him upon termination of the employment relationship, which facilitates his adjustment to the new circumstances resulting from the loss of his employment and which provides him with a source of income during the period in which he is seeking new employment. Such benefits paid in connection with a compulsory redundancy consequently fall within the scope of the second paragraph of Article 119 of the Treaty, whether they are paid under a contract of employment, by virtue of legislative provisions or on a voluntary basis. Unlike the benefits awarded by national statutory social security schemes, retirement pensions paid under private occupational schemes, which are characterized by the fact of being established either by an agreement between workers and employers or by a unilateral decision taken by the employer - whether financed by the employer alone or by both the employer and the workers - which may by law with the employee' s agreement operate in part as a substitute for the statutory scheme and which apply only to workers employed by certain undertakings, constitute consideration paid by the employer to the worker in respect of his employment and consequently fall within the scope of Article 119 of the Treaty. The fact that a private occupational scheme has been set up in the form of a trust and is administered by trustees who are technically independent of the employer does not affect that interpretation of Article 119 since that provision also applies to consideration received indirectly from the employer. 3. Article 119 of the Treaty prohibits any discrimination with regard to pay as between men and women, whatever the system which gives rise to such inequality. Accordingly, it is contrary to that provision to impose an age condition which differs according to sex for the purposes of entitlement to a pension under a private occupational scheme which operates in part as a substitute for the statutory scheme, even if the difference between the pensionable age for men and that for women is based on the one provided for by the national statutory scheme. 4. With regard to equal pay for men and women, genuine transparency, permitting an effective review by the national court, is assured only if the principle of equal pay must be observed in respect of each of the elements of remuneration granted to men and women, and not on a comprehensive basis in respect of all the consideration granted to men and women. 5. Article 119 of the Treaty applies directly to all forms of discrimination which may be identified solely with the aid of the criteria of equal work and equal pay referred to by that provision, without national or Community measures being required to define them with greater precision. The national court before which that provision is relied upon must safeguard the rights which it confers on individuals, in particular where a private occupational pension scheme which operates in part as a substitute for the statutory scheme refuses to pay to a man on redundancy an immediate pension such as would be granted in a similar case to a woman. 6. Since the Member States and the circles concerned may, in the light of Directives 79/7 and 86/378, have misunderstood the precise extent of their obligations with regard to the implementation of the principle of equality between men and women for the purposes of the grant of certain retirement benefits, overriding considerations of legal certainty preclude the direct effect of Article 119 of the Treaty from being relied upon in order to claim, under a private occupational pension scheme which operates as a substitute for the statutory scheme, entitlement to a pension with effect from a date prior to that of the judgment upholding, in proceedings for a preliminary ruling, the applicability of that article to pensions of that type, except in the case of workers or those claiming under them who have before that date initiated legal proceedings or raised an equivalent claim under the applicable national law.
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Directeur general des douanes and droits indirects v Powerex-Europe (Rec 1990,p I-1959) (Judgment) C-66/89; [1990] EUECJ C-66/89
17 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Sparr v Commission T-50/89; [1990] EUECJ T-50/89
22 May 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Blot and Front National v Parliament (Rec 1990,p I-2101) (Order) C-68/90; [1990] EUECJ C-68/90
22 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Alimenta v Doux (Rec 1990,P I-2077) (Judgment) C-332/88
22 May 1990 ECJ
Alimenta Sa v Doux Sa. R-332/88; [1990] EUECJ R-332/88
22 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Parliament v Council (Rec 1990,P I-2041) (Sv90-425 Fi90-425) (Judgment) C-70/88; [1990] EUECJ C-70/88; [1991] EUECJ C-70/88
22 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Criminal proceedings against Van den Burg (Rec 1990,p I-2143) (Judgment) C-169/89; [1990] EUECJ C-169/89
23 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Comos Tank and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-2167) (Order) C-51/90; [1990] EUECJ C-51/90
23 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Blot and Front National v Parliament (Rec 1990,p I-2177) (Order) C-68/90
23 May 1990 ECJ
Europa 1 By an application lodged at the Court Registry on 16 March 1990, Mr Y . Blot, a Member of the European Parliament belonging to the Group of the European Right, and the Front national, a non-profit-making association governed by the French Law of 18 July 1901, represented by its chairman Mr Le Pen, sought the annulment, under Article 173 of the EEC Treaty, of three measures adopted by the European Parliament concerning, respectively, the calling of a meeting on 16 January 1990 of the European Parliament's Interparliamentary Delegation for relations with Switzerland, the procedure for the appointment of the chairman of that delegation, and the appointment on 16 January 1990 of G. Topmann as chairman of the delegation. 2 By a separate document lodged at the Court Registry on the same date, the applicants also applied, pursuant to Article 185 of the EEC Treaty and Article 83 of the Rules of Procedure, for interim measures suspending the operation of the three contested measures until such time as the Court had given its ruling on the main application. 3 The defendant submitted its written observations on 20 April 1990. The parties presented oral argument on 14 May 1990. 4 However, by an order of 22 May 1990 made pursuant to Article 92(1) of the Rules of Procedure, the Court dismissed the main application as inadmissible. 5 The application for interim measures is therefore inadmissible and must be dismissed.
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,P I-2107) (Judgment) C-251/88; [1990] EUECJ C-251/88
23 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Asia Motor France v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-2181) (Order) C-72/90; [1990] EUECJ C-72/90
23 May 1990 ECJ
Europa Action for failure to act - Natural and legal persons - Failure to act as ground of action - Failure to initiate Treaty infringement proceedings - Inadmissibility (EEC Treaty, Art 169, second paragraph, and Art . 175, third paragraph) Action for damages - Subject-matter - Claim for compensation for damage caused by national authorities acting in breach of Community law - Jurisdiction of the national courts (EEC Treaty, Arts 178 and 215, second paragraph) Procedure - Division of jurisdiction between the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance - Application made by a natural or legal person under the third paragraph of Article 175 of the Treaty and concerning the implementation of the competition rules applicable to undertakings, together with an application for damages - Referral to the Court of First Instance (Council Decision 88/591, Art. 3(1)(c) and Art. 3(2); Statute of the Court of Justice of the EEC, Art. 47, as amended)
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Spain (Rec 1990,p I-2139,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-31/89; [1990] EUECJ C-31/89
23 May 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Van Sillevoldt Bv And Others v Hoofdproduktschap Voor Akkerbouwprodukten. R-159/88; [1990] EUECJ R-159/88
6 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Gouvras-Laycock v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-217) T-44/89; [1990] EUECJ T-44/89
6 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Unifert Handels GmbH, Warendorf v Hauptzollamt Munster; ECJ 6-Jun-1990 - C-11/89; [1990] EUECJ C-11/89
Rijksdienst Voor Pensioenen v Spits (Rec 1990,P I-2259) (Judgment) C-342/88
6 Jun 1990 ECJ
Regina v Dairy Produce Quota Tribunal For England and Wales, Ex Parte Hall and Sons; ECJ 6-Jun-1990 - C-174/88; R-174/88
Van Sillevoldt and Others v Hoofdproduktschap Voor Akkerbouwprodukten (Rec 1990,P I-2215) (Judgment) C-159/88
6 Jun 1990 ECJ
Aerpo and Others v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-2189) (Judgment) C-119/88; [1990] EUECJ C-119/88
6 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-Ost v Deutsche Olivetti; ECJ 6-Jun-1990 - C-17/89; [1990] EUECJ C-17/89
Germany v Commission C-8/88; [1990] EUECJ C-8/88
12 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Ireland; ECJ 12-Jun-1990 - C-158/88; [1990] EUECJ C-158/88
Commission v Belgium C-162/89; [1990] EUECJ C-162/89
13 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Weiser v Caisse nationale des barreaux francais (Rec 1990,p I-2395) (Judgment) C-37/89; [1990] EUECJ C-37/89
14 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,p I-2425,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-48/89; [1990] EUECJ C-48/89
14 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,p I-2429,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-177/89; [1990] EUECJ C-177/89
19 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Regina v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame; ECJ 19-Jun-1990 - [1990] 2 Lloyds Rep 351; [1990] 3 CMLR 1; C-213/89; [1990] EUECJ C-213/89
Marcato v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-231) T-47/89; [1990] EUECJ T-47/89
20 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Burban v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-245) T-133/89; [1990] EUECJ T-133/89
20 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Sabbatucci v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-265,Summ pub ) T-31/89; [1990] EUECJ T-31/89
21 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Sklias v Court of Justice (Rec 1990,p II-269) T-27/89; [1990] EUECJ T-27/89
22 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Marcopoulos v Court of Justice (Rec 1990,p II-281) T-32/89; [1990] EUECJ T-32/89
22 Jun 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Sofrimport v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-2477) (Judgment) C-152/88; [1988] EUECJ C-152/88R; [1990] EUECJ C-152/88; [1992] EUECJ C-152/88
26 Jun 1990 ECJ
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Hauptzollamt Giessen v Deutsche Fernsprecher (Rec 1990,p I-2535) (Judgment) C-64/89; [1990] EUECJ C-64/89
26 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Staatssecretaris van Financien v Velker International Oil Company (Rec 1990,p I-2561) (Judgment) C-185/89; [1990] EUECJ C-185/89
26 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Zardi v Consorzio agrario provinciale di Ferrara (Rec 1990,p I-2515) (Judgment) C-8/89; [1990] EUECJ C-8/89
26 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Berkenheide v Hauptzollamt Munster (Rec 1990,p I-2615) (Judgment) C-67/89; [1990] EUECJ C-67/89
27 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Maria Kowalska v Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg C-33/89; [1990] ECR I-2591; [1990] EUECJ C-33/89
27 Jun 1990 ECJ
European, Discrimination
Europa Compensation paid to a worker on termination of the employment relationship is a form of deferred pay to which the worker is entitled by reason of his employment but which is paid to him on termination of the employment relationship with a view to enabling him to adjust to the new circumstances arising from such termination. It follows that such compensation falls within the definition of pay for the purposes of Article 119 of the Treaty. Article 119 of the EEC Treaty precludes the application of a clause in a collective wage agreement applying to the national public service under which the employers may exclude part-time employees from the payment of a severance grant when in fact a considerably lower percentage of men than of women work part-time, unless the employer shows that the exclusion is based on objectively justified factors unrelated to any discrimination on grounds of sex. Where there is indirect discrimination in a clause in a collective wage agreement, the class of persons placed at a disadvantage, whether men or women, must be treated in the same way and made subject to the same scheme, proportionately to the number of hours worked, as other workers, such scheme remaining, for want of correct transposition of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty into national law, the only valid point of reference.
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Lingenfelser v Bundesamt fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft (Rec 1990,p I-2637) (Judgment) C-118/89; [1990] EUECJ C-118/89
27 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Maizena v Hauptzollamt Krefeld (Rec 1990,p I-2587,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-18/89; [1990] EUECJ C-18/89
27 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Behn Verpackungsbedarf v Hauptzollamt Itzehoe (Rec 1990,p I-2659) (Judgment) C-80/89; [1990] EUECJ C-80/89
28 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,p I-2715) (Order) C-195/90
28 Jun 1990 ECJ
Hoche v BALM (Rec 1990,p I-2681) (Judgment) C-174/89; [1990] EUECJ C-174/89
28 Jun 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,P I-2721,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-288/88; [1990] EUECJ C-288/88
3 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Isabelle Lancray Sa v Peters Und Sickert Kg. (Convention On Jurisdiction And The Enforcement Of Judgments ) C-305/88; R-305/88; [1990] EUECJ R-305/88
3 Jul 1990 ECJ
1. The conditions laid down in Article 27(2) of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, that a defendant who fails to appear must have been served with the document instituting the proceedings in due form and in sufficient time, must both be met in order for a foreign judgment given against that defendant to be recognized. That provision is therefore to be interpreted as meaning that a judgment given in default of appearance may not be recognized where the document instituting the proceedings was not served on the defendant in due form, even though it was served in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence. 2. Article 27(2) of the Convention is to be interpreted as meaning that questions concerning the curing of defective service are governed by the law of the State in which judgment was given, including any relevant international agreements.
[ Bailii ]
Roermond and Others v Produktschap Voor Vee En Vlees (Rec 1990,P I-2753) (Judgment) C-354/88
4 Jul 1990 ECJ
Kracht v Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit (Rec 1990,p I-2781) (Judgment) C-117/89; [1990] EUECJ C-117/89
4 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Parliament v Yorck von Wartenburg (Rec 1990,p II-299) T-42/89
4 Jul 1990 ECFI
Vleeswarenbedrijf Roermond Bv And Others v Produktschap Voor Vee En Vlees. R-354/88; [1990] EUECJ R-354/88
4 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Belgium C-304/88 C-304/88; [1990] EUECJ C-304/88
5 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Belgium C-42/89; [1990] EUECJ C-42/89
5 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Filtrona Espanola v Commission T-125/89; [1990] EUECJ T-125/89
10 Jul 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-2845,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-259/87; [1990] EUECJ C-259/87
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
TetraPak v Commission T-51/89; [1990] EUECJ T-51/89
10 Jul 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-2875,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-335/87; [1990] EUECJ C-335/87
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Greece v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-2849,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-334/87; [1990] EUECJ C-334/87
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,P I-2879) (Sv90-447 Fi90-447) (Judgment) C-217/88; [1990] EUECJ C-217/88
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Anklagemyndigheden v Hansen and Soen I/S. (Member States ) R-543/69; [1990] EUECJ R-543/69
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Hansen (Rec 1990,P I-2911) (Sv90-459 Fi90-459) (Judgment) C-326/88
10 Jul 1990 ECJ
Automec v Commission T-64/89; [1990] EUECJ T-64/89
10 Jul 1990 ECFI
1 Citers
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Sermes v Directeur Des Services Des Douanes De Strasbourg (Rec 1990,P I-3027) (Judgment) C-323/88
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
Quietlynn and Richards v Southend Borough Council; ECJ 11-Jul-1990 - C-23/89; [1990] EUECJ C-23/89
Enital v Commission and Council (Rec 1990,P I-2939,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-304/86; [1987] EUECJ C-304/86R; [1987] EUECJ C-304/86; [1990] EUECJ C-304/86
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Neotype Techmashexport v Commission and Council (Rec 1990,P I-2945) (Judgment) C-305/86; [1990] EUECJ C-305/86
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Stanko France v Commission and Council (Rec 1990,P I-3013,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-320/86; [1990] EUECJ C-320/86
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Electroimpex and Others v Council (Rec 1990,P I-3021,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-157/87; [1990] EUECJ C-157/87
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Sa Sermes v Directeur Des Services Des Douanes De Strasbourg. (Common Commercial Policy ) R-323/88; [1990] EUECJ R-323/88
11 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Belgian State v Philipp Brothers (Rec 1990,p I-3265) (Judgment) C-155/89; [1990] EUECJ C-155/89
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Scheiber v Council (Rec 1990,p II-429) T-111/89; [1990] EUECJ T-111/89
12 Jul 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Italy (Judgment) C-128/89; [1990] ECR 1-3239; [1990] EUECJ C-128/89
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
The Italian Government was held to have infringed Article 30 by closing all inland frontier posts at which imported grape fruit could be inspected and allowing importation only through certain seaports.
EC Teaty 30
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Albani v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-395) T-35/89; [1990] EUECJ T-35/89
12 Jul 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission v France (Rec 1990,P I-3163) (Sv90-469 Fi90-469) (Judgment) C-236/88; [1990] EUECJ C-236/88
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Cdf Chimie and Fertilisants v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-3083) (Judgment) C-169/84
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
Foster and others v British Gas plc [1991] 2 WLR 258; [1990] 2 CMLR 833; 2 CMLR 833 ECJ; C-188/89; [1990] ECR I-3313; [1990] EUECJ C-188/89; [1990] IRLR 353; [1990] 3 All ER 897; [1991] 1 QB 405; [1991] ICR 84
12 Jul 1990 ECJ Sir Gordon Slynn, P
European, Utilities, Employment, Company
The defendants (BGC) were nationalised suppliers of gas. BGC was by statute a body with a legal persona operating under the supervision of the authorities. Its members were appointed by the Secretary of State, who also determined their remuneration. The statutory objective set was the development and maintenance of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical supply of gas for Great Britain. In conjunction with the Secretary of State it was to settle a research programme into matters which affected the supply of gas. Additionally, the Secretary of State had power to require BGC to report to him and comply with any directions he might give. The court asked whether British Gas was part of the State before it was privatised? Held: [A Directive] may be relied upon in a claim for damages against a body, whatever its legal form, which has been made responsible, pursuant to a measure adopted by the State, for providing a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable in relation to individuals ECJ has jurisdiction in proceedings for a preliminary ruling to determine the categories of person against whom the provisions of a directive may be relied on. It is for the national courts . . to decide whether a party to proceedings before them falls within one of the categories so defined.must provide a public service pursuant to a measure adopted by the Statemust be a public service under the control of the Statemust have for that purpose special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable in relation to individuals All criteria were satisfied in this case. All criteria were important. The HL had held the British Gas Corporation (before privatisation) met the criteria of the ECJ for defining an emanation of state and that British Gas was bound by vertical direct effect.
It had been held in a series of cases that provisions of a European directive could be relied on against organisations and bodies which were subject to the authority or control of the State or had special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable to relations between individuals. Reference was made to a number of its decisions to illustrate this point. Held: "It follows from the foregoing that a body, whatever its legal form, which has been made responsible, pursuant to a measure adopted by the State, for providing a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable in relations between individuals is included in any event among the bodies against which the provisions of a directive capable of having direct effect may be relied upon."
ECJ 1. Unconditional and sufficiently precise provisions of a directive may be relied upon against organizations or bodies which are subject to the authority or control of the State or have special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable in relations between individuals. They may in any event be relied upon against a body, whatever its legal form, which has been made responsible, pursuant to a measure adopted by the State, for providing a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose special powers beyond those which result from the normal rules applicable in relations between individuals. 2. Article 5(1 ) of Directive 76/207 on equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment and working conditions is a provision which is unconditional and sufficiently precise to be relied on by an individual and to be applied by the national courts.
Directive 1976 EEC/76/207 5(1)
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Scheuer v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-411) T-108/89; [1990] EUECJ T-108/89
12 Jul 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Spronk v Minister van Landbouw en Visserij (Rec 1990,p I-3185) (Judgment) C-16/89; [1990] EUECJ C-16/89
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
Europa The second indent of the first subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 857/84 must be interpreted as conferring a discretionary power on the Member States for the purpose of determining the allocation of special reference quantities which are exempt from the additional levy on milk to producers who have adopted a milk production development plan which has been implemented after 1 January 1981. However, where a Member State decides to take account of the situation of certain producers referred to in that provision, it must, even though the implementation of a development plan in no circumstances confers on the producer concerned the right to obtain reference quantities corresponding to the production capacity acquired by implementing the plan, without being subject to any reductions, take into consideration the level of milk and milk product quantities delivered by the producers in question in the year during which their development plan was completed, provided that where those quantities are not representative of the production capacity acquired after the plan was completed, the Member States must ensure that the quantities bear some relation to the resultant production capacity, and the principle of non-discrimination between the producers concerned. That provision does not preclude national rules, adopted for the purpose of implementing the said regulation, which are drawn up in such a way that : (i) producers who have incurred investment obligations may obtain a special reference quantity whether or not such obligations were entered into as part of a development plan; (ii) that quantity is calculated on the basis of a fixed quantity allocated for each new stall constructed; (iii) for the purposes of that calculation, the number of stalls actually constructed is reduced by 10% or 20%, depending on whether or not the producer concerned is commencing milk production; and (iv) the quantity which results from the application of the calculation criteria referred to above is reduced by one-third or a half, depending upon the date on which the new stalls were put into service; that reduction, which varies according to the extent to which the introduction of the additional levy could be foreseen when the investments were carried out is compatible with the principle of proportionality which must be respected in the context of the implementation of the policy of reducing structural milk surpluses. Moreover, producers who have carried out investments, even as part of a development plan, cannot rely on any legitimate expectation in order to claim that a special reference quantity be granted, precisely because of such investments.
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,p I-3351) (Order) C-195/90
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
Gerlach and Co v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen (Rec 1990,p I-3219) (Judgment) C-43/89; [1990] EUECJ C-43/89
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Greece (Rec 1990,P I-3125) (Judgment) C-35/88; [1990] EUECJ C-35/88
12 Jul 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Zwartveld and Others C-2/88; [1990] EUECJ C-2/88I; [1990] ECR I-3365
13 Jul 1990 ECJ
Europa European Communities - Institutions - Obligations - Duty to cooperate with national authorities acting to ensure respect for Community law - Implementation - Disclosure of documents and authorization of officials to give evidence - Legitimate grounds of refusal - Review by the Court The Community institutions' duty of sincere cooperation with the judicial authorities of the Member States which are responsible for ensuring that Community law is applied and respected in the national legal system does not preclude a refusal to disclose documents or to authorize officials to give evidence where there are legitimate grounds relating to the protection of the rights of third parties or where there may be interference with the functioning and independence of the Communities. In the case of such refusal the institution concerned must provide the Court with the information required to allow it to decide whether the refusal is justified.
1 Citers
[ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]
Regina v Secretary of State for Transport ex parte Factortame Ltd [1990] UKHL 7; [1990] 2 LLR 365; [1990] 2 Lloyd's Rep 365
26 Jul 1990 HL
European, Constitutional
(Interim Relief Order)
1 Cites
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Emerald Meats v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3377) (Order) C-106/90
14 Aug 1990 ECJ
Vismans Nederland v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen (Rec 1990,p I-3411) (Judgment) C-265/89; [1990] EUECJ C-265/89
18 Sep 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Farfalla Flemming v Hauptzollamt Munchen-West C-228/89; [1990] EUECJ C-228/89
18 Sep 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Germany (Rec 1990,p I-3437) (SV90-499 FI90-499) (Judgment) C-5/89; [1990] EUECJ C-5/89
20 Sep 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Van Landschoot v Mera (Rec 1990,p I-3509) (Judgment) C-203/89; [1990] EUECJ C-203/89
20 Sep 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Sevince v Staatssecretaris van Justitie C-192/89; [1990] EUECJ C-192/89
20 Sep 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hanning v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-463) T-37/89; [1990] EUECJ T-37/89
20 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Mavrakos v Council (Rec 1990,p II-509,Summ pub ) T-49/89; [1990] EUECJ T-49/89
26 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
F v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-517) T-122/89; [1990] EUECJ T-122/89
26 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Piemonte v Council (Rec 1990,p II-513,Summ pub ) T-52/89; [1990] EUECJ T-52/89
26 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Virgili-Schettini v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-535,Summ pub ) T-139/89; [1990] EUECJ T-139/89
26 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Beltrante and others v Council (Rec 1990,p II-493) T-48/89; [1990] EUECJ T-48/89
26 Sep 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Eleonora Nino And Others. R-54/88; [1990] EUECJ R-54/88
3 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal proceedings against Bouchoucha (Rec 1990,p I-3551) (Judgment) C-61/89; [1990] EUECJ C-61/89
3 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
France v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-3571) (Judgment) C-366/88; [1990] EUECJ C-366/88
9 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Sparr v Commission T-50/89
11 Oct 1990 ECFI
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,p I-3697) (Judgment) C-210/89; [1990] EUECJ C-210/89
11 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
FUNOC v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3669) (Judgment) C-200/89; [1990] EUECJ C-200/89
11 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Regina v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame (No 2); HL 11-Oct-1990 - [1991] 1 AC 603; [1990] UKHL 13; [1990] 3 CMLR 375; [1991] 1 All ER 70; (1991) 3 Admin LR 333; [1990] 3 WLR 818; [1991] 1 Lloyd's Rep 10
Criminal proceedings against Nespoli and Crippa (Rec 1990,p I-3647) (Judgment) C-196/89; [1990] EUECJ C-196/89
11 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Italy v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3603) (Judgment) C-34/89; [1990] EUECJ C-34/89
11 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
SICA and SIPEFEL v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3621) (Judgment) C-46/89; [1990] EUECJ C-46/89
11 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Brumter v Council T-128/89; [1990] EUECJ T-128/89
16 Oct 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Gallone v Council (Rec 1990,p II-549) T-132/89; [1990] EUECJ T-132/89
16 Oct 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Hettrich and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-565) T-134/89; [1990] EUECJ T-134/89
17 Oct 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
CNL-SUCAL v HAG (HAG 2) C-10/89; [1990] 3 CMLR 571; [1990] EUECJ C-10/89; [1990] ECR I-3711
17 Oct 1990 ECJ
Europa Free movement of goods - Industrial and commercial property - Trade mark - Similar products protected in different Member States by identical marks or marks liable to be confused belonging to two entirely separate undertakings - Opposition of the proprietor of the mark in one Member State to the importation of products marketed by the other undertaking under its own trade mark - Whether permissible - Common origin of the two marks prior to expropriation resulting in separate proprietors being entitled to use the trade mark - Not relevant (EEC Treaty, Arts 30 and 36) Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty do not preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another Member State by an undertaking which is legally and economically independent of it and without its consent of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter State an identical trade mark or one which is liable to be confused with the protected mark, even if the mark under which the goods in dispute are imported originally belonged to a subsidiary of the undertaking which opposes the importation and was acquired by a third undertaking following the expropriation of that subsidiary. From the date of expropriation and notwithstanding their common origin, each of the marks independently fulfilled its function, within its own territorial field of application, of guaranteeing that the marked products originated from one single source.
1 Citers
[ Bailii ]
Dzodzi v Belgian State (Rec 1990,P I-3763) (Sv90-531 Fi90-531) (Judgment) C-297/88
18 Oct 1990 ECJ
Massam Dzodzi v Belgian State. (Freedom Of Movement For Persons ) R-64/22; [1990] EUECJ R-64/221
18 Oct 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Pitrone v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-577) T-46/89; [1990] EUECJ T-46/89
23 Oct 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
The Queen v Intervention Board For Agricultural Produce, Ex Parte The Fish Producers And The Grimsby Fish Producers' Organization Ltd (Fishery) R-301/88; [1990] EUECJ R-301/88
24 Oct 1990 ECJ
European, Agriculture
[ Bailii ]
The Queen v Ibap, Ex Parte Fish Producers and Grimsby Fish (Rec 1990,P I-3803) (Judgment) C-301/88
24 Oct 1990 ECJ
Italsolar v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3841) (Order) C-257/90
25 Oct 1990 ECJ
Italy v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3891) (Judgment) C-86/89; [1990] EUECJ C-86/89
6 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Weddel v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-3847) (Judgment) C-354/87; [1990] EUECJ C-354/87
6 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Emrich v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-3913) (Order) C-247/90; [1990] EUECJ C-247/90
7 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Barbi v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-619) T-73/89; [1990] EUECJ T-73/89
8 Nov 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Bataille and others v Parliament T-56/89; [1990] EUECJ T-56/89
8 Nov 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Handels Og Kontorfunktionaerernes Forbund I Danmark v Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening. R-179/88; [1990] EUECJ R-179/88
8 Nov 1990 ECJ
1 Cites
[ Bailii ]
Gmurzynska-Bscher v Oberfinanzdirektion Koln (Rec 1990,p I-4003) (Judgment) C-231/89; [1990] EUECJ C-231/89
8 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Dekker v Stichting Vormingscentrum Voor Jong Volwassenen; ECJ 8-Nov-1990 - C-177/88; R-177/88; [1990] EUECJ R-177/88
Commission v Greece (Rec 1990,P I-3917) (Judgment) C-53/88; [1990] EUECJ C-53/88
8 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal Proceedings Against Marshall C-370/88
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
European, Crime
Regina v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Secretary of State For Health, ex Parte Fedesa and Others; ECJ 13-Nov-1990 - C-331/88; R-88/14; [1990] EUECJ R-88/146; [1990] ECR I-4023
Yanez-Campoy v Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit (Rec 1990,p I-4097) (Judgment) C-99/89; [1990] EUECJ C-99/89
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Procurator Fiscal v Andrew Marshall. R-370/88; [1990] EUECJ R-370/88
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Di Leo v Land Berlin (Rec 1990,p I-4185) (SV90-583 FI90-583) (Judgment) C-308/89; [1990] EUECJ C-308/89
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Criminal proceedings against Bonfait (Rec 1990,p I-4169) (Judgment) C-269/89; [1990] EUECJ C-269/89
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Reibold v Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit (Rec 1990,p I-4163,Summ pub ) (Judgment) C-216/89; [1990] EUECJ C-216/89
13 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Buhari Haji v INASTI (Rec 1990,p I-4211) (Judgment) C-105/89; [1990] EUECJ C-105/89
14 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Rhone-Poulenc and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-637) T-1/89
15 Nov 1990 ECFI
Infortec/ Commission (Rec 1990,p I-4265) (Order) C-12/90; [1990] EUECJ C-12/90
21 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Integrity v Rouvroy (Rec 1990,p I-4243) (Judgment) C-373/89; [1990] EUECJ C-373/89
21 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
SEP v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-649) T-39/90
21 Nov 1990 ECFI
V v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-659) T-54/89; [1990] EUECJ T-54/89
22 Nov 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Speybrouck v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-705) T-45/90
23 Nov 1990 ECFI
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,P I-4285) (Judgment) C-67/88; [1990] EUECJ C-67/88
27 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Albani e a (Rec 1990,p I-4329) (Order) C-242/90
27 Nov 1990 ECJ
Commission v Ireland (Rec 1990,P I-4271) (Judgment) C-39/88; [1990] EUECJ C-39/88
27 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Italy (Rec 1990,P I-4313) (Judgment) C-209/88; [1990] EUECJ C-209/88
27 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Greece (Rec 1990,P I-4299) (Judgment) C-200/88; [1990] EUECJ C-200/88
27 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v France (Rec 1990,p I-4337) (Judgment) C-182/89; [1990] EUECJ C-182/89
29 Nov 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Shimadzu Europa v Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin (Rec 1990,p I-4391) (Judgment) C-218/89; [1990] EUECJ C-218/89
4 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Van Tiem v Staatssecretaris van Financien C-186/89; [1990] EUECJ C-186/89
4 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Marcato v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-735) T-82/89; [1990] EUECJ T-82/89
5 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Ireland (Rec 1990,P I-4465) (Judgment) C-367/88; [1990] EUECJ C-367/88
6 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
B v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-761,Summ pub ) T-130/89; [1990] EUECJ T-130/89
6 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- Und Stahlindustrie v Commission (Rec 1990,P I-4413) (Judgment) C-180/88; [1990] EUECJ C-180/88
6 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v Denmark (Rec 1990,P I-4445) (Judgment) C-208/88; [1990] EUECJ C-208/88
6 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Witzemann v Hauptzollamt Munchen-Mitte (Rec 1990,p I-4477) (SV90-591 FI90-591) (Judgment) C-343/89; [1990] EUECJ C-343/89
6 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Advanced Nuclear Fuels v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-4499) (Order) C-308/90
7 Dec 1990 ECJ
Commission v Denmark (Rec 1990,P I-4509) (Judgment) C-47/88; [1990] EUECJ C-47/88
11 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Spagl v Hauptzollamt Rosenheim (Judgment) C-189/89; [1990] EUECJ C-189/89
11 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Pastatter v Hauptzollamt Bad Reichenhall (Rec 1990,p I-4585) (Judgment) C-217/89; [1990] EUECJ C-217/89
11 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hennen Olie Bv v Stichting Interim Centraal Orgaan Voorraadvorming Aardolieprodukten And State Of The Netherlands. (Free Movement Of Goods ) R-302/88; [1990] EUECJ R-302/88
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Van der Laan-Velzeboer v Minister van Landbouw en Visserij (Rec 1990,p I-4727) (Judgment) C-285/89; [1990] EUECJ C-285/89
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission v France (Rec 1990,P I-4611) (Judgment) C-263/88; [1990] EUECJ C-263/88
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Cholay and Bizon'S Club v Sacem (Rec 1990,P I-4607,Summ Pub ) (Judgment) C-270/86
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
SARPP v Chambre syndicale des raffineurs and conditionneurs de sucre de France (Rec 1990,p I-4695) (Judgment) C-241/89; [1990] EUECJ C-241/89
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Vandemoortele v Commission (Rec 1990,p I-4677) (Judgment) C-172/89; [1990] EUECJ C-172/89
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Hennen Olie v Icova and Netherlands State (Rec 1990,P I-4625) (Judgment) C-302/88
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
Kaefer and Procacci v French State (Rec 1990,p I-4647) (Judgment) C-100/89; [1990] EUECJ C-100/89
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
J. Cholay And Societe 'Bizon'S Club' v Societe Des Auteurs, Compositeurs Et Editeurs De Musique (Sacem). R-270/86; [1990] EUECJ R-270/86
12 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Nefarma and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-797) T-113/89; [1990] EUECJ T-113/89
13 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Criminal proceedings against Bellon (Rec 1990,p I-4863) (Judgment) C-42/90; [1990] EUECJ C-42/90
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Rec 1990,p I-4817) (Judgment) Case C-70/89; C-70/89; [1990] EUECJ C-70/89
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
European, Environment
Europa Failure by a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Discharge of cadmium.
[ Bailii ]
VNZ and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-827,Summ pub ) T-114/89; [1990] EUECJ T-114/89
13 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Pall v Dahlhausen (Rec 1990,p I-4827) (Judgment) C-238/89; [1990] EUECJ C-238/89
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
[ Bailii ]
Kingdom of the Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities (Rec 1990,p I-4799) (Judgment) Case C-22/89; C-22/89; [1990] EUECJ C-22/89
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
European, Agriculture
Europa 1. Agriculture - Common organization of the markets - Milk and milk products - Butter in public storage - Purchase of butter intended for storage - Storage test period - Testing of the keeping quality of the butter - Testing to be carried out at the end of the test period (Regulation No 685/69 of the Commission, Art. 6, as amended by Regulations Nos 1829/80 and 1836/86) 2. Decisions of the institutions - Statement of reasons - Obligation -Scope - Decision relating to the clearance of accounts in relation to expenditure financed by the EAGGF (EEC Treaty, Art. 190) 1. Having regard to the aim of Article 6 of Regulation No 685/69 establishing a scheme for the purchase by intervention agencies of butter intended for public storage, namely to ensure that butter has good keeping qualities before it is finally taken over by the intervention agency and to make the seller bear the consequences of any abnormal deterioration in the quality of the butter occurring during the storage test period, the testing of the keeping qualities of the stored butter may not be carried out before the end of that period. 2. In the particular context of the preparation of decisions relating to the clearance of accounts in respect of expenditure financed by the EAGGF, the statement of reasons for a decision not to charge to the EAGGF a fraction of the expenditure declared must be regarded as sufficient if the Member State to which that decision was addressed has been closely involved in the process by which the decision came about and is aware of the reasons for which the Commission takes the view that it must not charge the sum in dispute to the EAGGF.
EEC Treaty 190
[ Bailii ]
Holguera v Parliament (Rec 1990,p II-831Pub ext) T-115/89; [1990] EUECJ T-115/89
13 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Prodifarma and others v Commission (Rec 1990,p II-843) T-116/89; [1990] EUECJ T-116/89
13 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Rec 1990,P I-4747) (Judgment) Case C-347/88; C-347/88; [1990] EUECJ C-347/88
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
European, Commercial
Europa 1. Action against a Member State for failure to fulfil its obligations -Reasoned opinion - Need for a detailed statement of the complaints (EEC Treaty, Art. 169) 2. Action against a Member State for failure to fulfil its obligations -Application initiating the proceedings - Statement of complaints and submissions - Mere reference to the letter giving formal notice and to the reasoned opinion - Not sufficient (EEC Treaty, Art. 169) 3. Action against a Member State for failure to fulfil its obligations -Examination by the Court to determine whether the action is well founded -Situation to be taken into consideration - Situation upon the expiry of the time-limit set by the reasoned opinion (EEC Treaty, Art. 169) 4. State monopolies of a commercial character - Rules requiring companies engaged in the distribution of petroleum products to obtain a proportion of their supplies from public-sector refineries - Not permissible -Discrimination against exporters established in other Member States -Infringement of Article 30 of the Treaty (EEC Treaty, Arts 30 and 37(1)) 5. Free movement of goods - Quantitative restrictions - Measures having equivalent effect - Rules enabling the public authorities to interfere with the procurement programmes of companies engaged in the distribution of petroleum products and establishing a system of marketing quotas (EEC Treaty, Art. 30)
EEC Treaty 30 37(1) 169
[ Bailii ]
Moritz v Commission T-29/89; [1990] EUECJ T-29/89
13 Dec 1990 ECFI
[ Bailii ]
Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Rec 1990,p I-4853) (Judgment) C-240/89; [1990] EUECJ C-240/89
13 Dec 1990 ECJ
Europa Member States - Obligations - Implementation of directives - Failure - Justification - Not acceptable (EEC Treaty, Art. 169) A Member State may not plead provisions, practices or circumstances existing in its internal legal system in order to justify a failure to comply with the obligations and time-limits laid down in Community directives.
EEC Treaty 169
[ Bailii ]
Anita Brems v Council of the European Communities T-75/89; [1990] EUECJ T-75/89
14 Dec 1990 ECFI C . Yeraris, President of Chamber
ECFI Officials - Dependent child - Person treated as such - Child of the official - Illegality of general implementing rules. 1. Officials - Remuneration - Family allowances - Dependent child allowance - Grant - Circumscribed power of the administration - Person treated as a dependent child - Discretionary power of the administration -Article 2(4) of Annex VII of the Staff Regulations - Scope (Staff Regulations of Officials, Art. 67; Annex VII, Art. 2) 2. Officials - Staff Regulations - General implementing rules - Power of the institutions - Limits (Staff Regulations of Officials, Arts 67 and 110; Annex VII, Art. 2(4)) 1. The Staff Regulations confer upon the appointing authority a circumscribed power to grant the allowance provided for in Article 2 of Annex VII of the Staff Regulations in respect of a dependent child within the meaning of that provision where one of the conditions set out in Article 2(3) and (5) is fulfilled. Article 2(4), on the other hand, confers upon the administration a discretionary power to decide, in exceptional cases, to treat as a dependent child any person whom the official has a legal responsibility to maintain and whose maintenance involves heavy expenditure. It is apparent from that difference in the nature of the administration' s powers and from the general terms of Article 2(4) of Annex VII that the Community legislature did not intend to exclude from the scope of that provision, merely because he is the legitimate, natural or adopted child of an official or of his spouse, a child who does not satisfy the conditions for the grant of dependent child allowance under Article 2(3) and (5). Any other interpretation would not be in conformity with the principle of equal treatment, which prohibits discrimination based solely on the status of a person, and would be even less justified since the family bond linking an official to his child is stronger than that linking him to other persons who may be treated as dependent children. 2. The general implementing rules adopted under the first paragraph of Article 110 of the Staff Regulations may lay down criteria capable of guiding the administration in the exercise of its discretionary power or explain more fully the scope of provisions of the Staff Regulations which are not wholly clear. However, they cannot, by way of explaining more fully a clear term of the Staff Regulations, reduce the scope of those regulations. The Council Decision of 15 March 1976 adopting general provisions for applying Article 2(4) of Annex VII of the Staff Regulations is illegal in so far as it excludes from the scope of that provision any person who is between the minimum and maximum age-limits which it imposes and thus deprives the administration of the opportunity to exercise its discretion in each individual case.
[ Bailii ]
Compagnia Italiana Alcool Sas di Mario Mariano and Co v Commission of the European Communities; ECJ 19-Dec-1990 - C-358/90