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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. Â |
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Employment - From: 2000 To: 2000This page lists 1749 cases, and was prepared on 02 April 2018. ÂRegina v Broxtowe Borough Council ex parte Bradford [2000] IRLR 329 2000 CA Lord Woolf Employment, Local Government A tennis coach wanted employment with the borough council as a coach. It made inquiries of another council and found that he had been suspected of improper conduct towards young girls. It not only refused him a job but imposed a ban upon him teaching in their public tennis courts interfering with the existing and further jobs that he had obtained providing coaching on those courts to private individuals. Held: The Court stated the principles: "Judicial Review is not concerned with technicalities in relation to the conduct of public bodies, it is concerned with ensuring justice. However, where an applicant for judicial review is denied a right to be heard which should have been granted to him, the courts should exercise considerable caution before concluding that the absence of the hearing has not resulted in any injustice. The correct approach in this situation was clearly indicated by Bingham LJ, as he then was, in R v The Chief Constable of the Thames Valley Police ex parte Cotton [1990] IRLR 344. At p352, paragraph 60, Bingham LJ said: "'While cases may no doubt arise in which it can properly be held that denying the subject of a decision an adequate opportunity to put his case is not in all the circumstances unfair, I would expect these cases to be of great rarity. There are a number of reasons for this: '1. Unless the subject of the decision has had an opportunity to put his case it may not be easy to know what case he could or would have put if he had had the chance. '2. As memorably pointed out by Megarry J in John v Rees [1970] Ch 345 at p402, experience is by no means always that which happens. It is generally desirable that decision-makers should be reasonably receptive to argument, and it would therefore be unfortunate if the complainant's position became weaker as the decision-maker's mind became more closed. In considering whether the complainant's representations would have made any difference to the outcome the court may unconsciously stray from its proper province of reviewing the propriety of the decision-making process into the forbidden territory of evaluating the substantial merits of a decision. This is a field in which appearances are generally thought to matter. Where a decision-maker is under a duty to act fairly the subject of the decision may properly be said to have a right to be heard, and rights are not to be lightly denied. The decision in that case was referred to the learned judge. It is apparent from his judgment that he had the guidance indicated in that paragraph of Bingham LJ's judgment in mind when he gave his judgment. I recognise that, in relation to the matters to which I will turn, the council had a difficult task. They were under a heavy responsibility not to expose children in their locality unnecessarily to the risk of molestation. They are required to take all steps which are reasonably open to them to protect children from such conduct. However, they also have a responsibility not to use their position as a local authority to interfere with an individual's right to earn his living without proper cause and without extending to the individual concerned the basic requirements of fairness. This case involved the responsibilities of the local authority in relation to the terms on which they allow their property to be used, that property being the tennis club. Ordinarily, a property owner is entitled to decide for entirely commercial or personal reasons what he or she is to permit to take place on that property. A local authority is in a different position from a normal landowner since, in determining what use is to be made of its property, it is exercising a statutory discretion. In the exercise of that statutory discretion, it must act in accordance with proper administrative standards. Those standards include an obligation to be reasonable and fair in the actions which the council takes which could have adverse consequence on third parties." 1 Citers  Thomas v University of North London [2000] UKEAT 927_98_0101 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A A Aderibigbe v College of Law EAT/336/99 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  H J Heinz and Co Ltd v Kendrick [2000] IRLR 144 2000 Employment 1 Citers  Bhanot v South West London and St George's Mental Hospital NHS Trust [2000] Lloyd's Rep Med 324 2000 ChD Bell J Health Professions, Employment The court considered its jurisdiction to intervene in disciplinary proceedings against a doctor, where the Trust had decided the allegation was of personal misconduct. Held: This was an action for breach of contract and what the court was deciding was whether on the information before it the case of breach of contract is sufficiently strong to make the order sought. 1 Cites 1 Citers  Saeed v Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust [2000] Lloyd's Rep Med 331 2000 Gage J Employment, Health Professions 1 Cites 1 Citers  Chief Constable of the Thames Valley Police v Kellaway [2000] IRLR 170 2000 Employment 1 Citers  Hollis and Co v Stocks [2000] IRLR 712 2000 CA Employment The court upheld a solicitor's covenant restricting him from practising within ten miles of the firm for twelve months. Held: The employee's appeal against the upholding of the covenant as reasonable failed: "The claimant's are a small firm with a local clientele, much of it being clients who are frequently in trouble with the law in all sorts of fashions, in crime, in matrimonial affairs, in motoring matters, frequently having extended families with children who are getting into trouble and new generations appearing from time to time that provide the staple work o a small solicitor in the provinces . . and other similar small towns . . Such clients frequently attach themselves to one firm and they and their families come back to the same firm throughout generations for their divorce cases and for their matrimonial troubles and for their petty crime and on occasions their more substantial crime." The court respected the county court's judge's knowledge of the local area. 1 Citers   Clark v Nomura International plc; 2000 - [2000] IRLR 766  Brigden v American Express Bank Ltd [2000] IRLR 94 2000 Morland J Employment, Contract A clause providing that the employer could dismiss an employee in the first two years of employment without implementing the disciplinary procedure was not void under the 1977 Act. Section 3 extended to contracts of employment and although the meaning was "artificial", an employee dealt "as a consumer" with his employer. However the claim failed as the clause in question did not come within clause 3 (2) of the 1977 Act, not being a contract term excluding or restricting liability of the employer in respect of breach of contract. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 3 1 Cites 1 Citers  Aderibigbe v College of Law EAT/336/99 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  Boahmah and others v London Regional Transport [2000] UKEAT 971_98_0101 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cattermole and Another v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 390_98_0101 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cahoon v Silverwood Enterprise Ltd February (Striking Out of Application) [2003] NIIT 20 2 Jan 2000 NIIT Northern Ireland, Employment [ Bailii ]  Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd v Robert Baird EAT/120/00 7 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness  Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd v Robert Baird EAT/120/00 7 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness - [ EATn ]  Paul Anthony Embleton v Rapid Fire Services Ltd EAT/129/99 10 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Coulsfield Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Paul Anthony Embleton v Rapid Fire Services Ltd EAT/129/99 10 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Coulsfield Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]   Murphy v Sheffield Hallam University; EAT 11-Jan-2000 - EAT/6/99; [2000] EAT 6_99_1101  Mazdon Construction Ltd v Topham [2000] UKEAT 1247_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Piper v London Borough of Islington [2000] UKEAT 452_96_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tesco Stores Ltd and Another v Wilson [2000] UKEAT 749_98_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Aaroncare Partnership v Davies [2000] EAT 280_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Awaekpo v St Mary's Hosptial NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 610_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  White v Entech Technical Solutions Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1175_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Michael Hopkins Architects and others v Flamma-Hill [2000] EAT 454_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D J Collins v John Ansell and Partners Ltd EAT/124/99 12 Jan 2000 EAT Mr Commisioner Howell QC Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Economic Technical or Organisational Reason  C Sinclair v Fritz Companies (Uk) Ltd EAT/904/99 12 Jan 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Georgiou v Cleo Fashions Llc [2000] UKEAT 1135_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mark Wilkinson Furniture Limited and Construction Industry Training Board [2000] EWHC Admin 280 12 Jan 2000 Admn Construction, Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Sanni v Smithkline Beecham Ltd [2000] UKEAT 656_98_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D J Collins v John Ansell and Partners Ltd EAT/124/99 12 Jan 2000 EAT Mr Commisioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Economic technical or organisational reason. 1 Cites [ EATn ]  Charles Robertson Developments Ltd v Keenan [2000] UKEAT 1245_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Deman v Association of University Teachers [2000] UKEAT 746_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  M A Sanni v Smithkline Beecham Limited EAT/656/98 12 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Colt Group Ltd v Couchman EAT/785/99; [2000] UKEAT 785_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Discrimination, Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Reasonable adjustments. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  C Sinclair v Fritz Companies (Uk) Ltd EAT/904/99 12 Jan 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  M A Sanni v Smithkline Beecham Limited EAT/656/98 12 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Kyi v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 617_99_1201 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Giraud UK Ltd v Smith [2000] UKEAT 1105_99_1201; [2000] IRLR 763 12 Jan 2000 EAT Employment A contract of employment may contain a lawful liquated damages clause provided that it is not a penalty clause. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Elliot v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 853_99_1301 13 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Teo v Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd [2000] EAT 209_99_1301 13 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Noel v Barnish and Another [2000] UKEAT 1481_98_1301 13 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Day v Johnson [2000] EAT 70_99_1301 13 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tokyo Mitsubishi International Plc v Anisetti [2000] UKEAT 897_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Newton v United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1169_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Roberts v Oxford Brookes University [2000] EAT 1171_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wandou v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 1166_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Murphy v Palmier Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 971_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dolby v J B D Plastics [2000] UKEAT 1356_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bailey v Snell and Wilcox Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1042_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashraf v Birkett [2000] UKEAT 772_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Eldewiny v City Centre Restaurant UK Ltd and others [2000] EAT 1185_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Edwin v Riverside Community Health Care NHS Trust and others [2000] UKEAT 1009_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bardrick v Dsg Retail Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1113_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Farrell v Ford Motor Company Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1103_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wandou v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 760_99_1401 14 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Jones v Janet G Dunlop, Ferguslie Community Forum EAT/858/99 17 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Oakley and others v Kvaerner Redpath Engineering Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1278_99_1701 17 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Padhuker v St Martin's Food Products Ltd [2000] EAT 1380_99_1701 17 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Oko-Jaja v Breakthrough UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 947_99_1701 17 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Jones v Janet G Dunlop, Ferguslie Community Forum EAT/858/99 17 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  J Dhesi v Bunncher and Haseler Limited EAT/761/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. [ EATn ]  Dhesi v Bunncher and Haseler Ltd [2000] UKEAT 761_99_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Humphreys v Oxford University Times, 18 January 2000 18 Jan 2000 CA Roch LJ Employment, Contract In a transfer of undertakings, where the employee could show that the transfer of his employment to a new employer would lead to a real detriment, the transfer operated to entitle the employee to terminate his contract vis a vis the first employer and to claim damages for wrongful dismissal. The regulations had to be read so as to comply with the directive under which they had been made, and the intention of the directive was to protect rights, not to remove them. Roch LJ discussed the need to apply the ECJ rulings on the interpretation of the Acquired Rights Directive: "That that is the correct reading and provides the answer to the first question is concluded, in my judgment, by the requirement that the Regulations must be read in a way which gives effect to the Directive as interpreted by the European Court. Turning to the second question, 'against whom is the employee to obtain his remedy?' The European Court has decided that where a transfer of an undertaking takes place an employee is entitled to decide not to continue the contract of employment or employment relationship with the transferee. The Directive cannot be interpreted as obliging the employee to continue his employment relationship with the transferee. Where the employee decides not to continue with the transferee, the court has left it to Member States to provide whether in such cases the contract of employment or employment relationship must be regarded as terminated either by the employee or the employer. Member States may also provide that the contract of employment or employment relationship should be maintained with the transferor." Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (1981 No 1794) 1 Citers  O'Shea v Royal Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1279_99_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Southwark, the Governors of Heber School, G Mott v v E Sawyerr EAT/1001/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Jurisdiction. [ EATn ]  London Borough of Southwark, the Governors of Heber School, G Mott v v E Sawyerr EAT/1001/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  J Dhesi v Bunncher and Haseler Limited EAT/761/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory Fault  Lorraine Russell v Levis Strauss (Uk) Ltd EAT/805/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Yorkshire Rider Ltd v Neckles [2000] UKEAT 893_99_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Southwark and others v Sawyerr [2000] EAT 1001_99_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lorraine Russell v Levis Strauss (Uk) Ltd EAT/805/99 18 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust v Mccully [2000] UKEAT 888_99_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rafiq v Benefits Agency and others [2000] UKEAT 5_2000_1801 18 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Nottingham University v Fishel; QBD 19-Jan-2000 - Times, 31 March 2000; [2000] EWHC 221 (QB); [2000] Ed CR 505; [2001] RPC 22; [2000] ICR 1462; [2000] IRLR 471; [2000] ELR 385  Highmore v Post Office and others [2000] EAT 1140_99_1901 19 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Arthur Anderson (A Firm) and Another v Taylor [2000] EAT 413_99_1901 19 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Grattan EAT/937/99 19 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EAT ]  Argyll Training Ltd v Margaret Sinclair, Argyll and the Islands Enterprise Ltd EAT/1406/99 19 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal. [ EATn ]  South Lanarkshire Council v L M Smith and 3 Ors EAT/873/99 19 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]  South Lanarkshire Council v L M Smith and 3 Ors EAT/873/99 19 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of Employee  Argyll Training Ltd v Margaret Sinclair, Argyll and the Islands Enterprise Ltd EAT/1406/99 19 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal  Wolfson Institute and others v Mensah and others [2000] UKEAT 24_00_2001 20 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Springfield China Ltd vO'Reilly and others [2000] UKEAT 859_99_2001 20 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hawkins v Pringle of Scotland Ltd EAT/950/99 20 Jan 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EATn ]  British Airways (European Operations at Gatwick) Ltd v Moore and Botterill EAT/185/99; [2000] EAT 185_99_2001; [2000] IRLR 296 20 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Maternity Rights and Parental Leave - (no sub-topic). 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Eurostaff Personnel Ltd v Chapman [2000] UKEAT 1148_99_2001 20 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Enfield v Arnold EAT/458/99; [2000] EAT 458_99_2101 21 Jan 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Turista Travel v Morris [2000] EAT 1100_99_2101 21 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bache v Essex County Council Times, 02 February 2000; Gazette, 03 February 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 3 21 Jan 2000 CA Employment, Administrative An Employment Tribunal did not have the right to refuse to hear a representative selected by a party appearing before it. Where that representative was a member of a professional body, then the tribunal might exercise some discipline by referring misconduct to a regulatory body, but the right for the party to choose his representative was simply stated and absolute. The tribunal could not require him to represent himself. [ Bailii ]  Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council v O'Donoghue [2000] UKEAT 647_97_2101 21 Jan 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Davies v Unison [2000] UKEAT 673_99_2101 21 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kumar and Another v Grattan Plc [2000] EAT 1202_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  the United States of America v Mills [2000] UKEAT 1236_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 1208_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robinson v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 1209_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ioannou v Department of Social Security [2000] EAT 388_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council v Donohue [2000] UKEAT 1457_96_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clayton v Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals NHS Trust [2000] EAT 1032_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bownes v Sun Valley Foods Ltd [2000] EAT 274_99_2401 24 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Surrey Heath Borough Council v Crooks [2000] EAT 152_99_2501 25 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D'Souza v Ouseley and Another [2000] EAT 28_99_2501 25 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Balmoral Group Ltd v Rae; EAT 25-Jan-2000 - Times, 25 January 2000  Lowery and Another v Ali [2000] EAT 1152_99_2501 25 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Heavey v Lighting Maintenance Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1260_98_2601 26 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  International Consulting Services (UK) Ltd v Hart [2000] EWHC 566 (QB); [2000] IRLR 227 26 Jan 2000 QBD Nicolas Strauss QC J Employment The claimant sought damages and an injunction from their former employee, the defendant, saying that he had breached a post-employment restrictive covenant. Held. The court upheld a 12-month non-solicitation clause. This was however a "borderline case", the court stressing the complexity of negotiations, and the length of the period of time over which they were often conducted and the central and influential position held by the employee in question. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Roberts v Vauxhall Motors Ltd [2000] UKEAT 790_99_2601 26 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Muir Group Housing Association Ltd v Nichols [2000] UKEAT 1258_99_2601 26 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zaidi v American University In London [2000] EAT 1363_99_2601 26 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kaur v John L Brierly Ltd [2000] EAT 102_00_2601 26 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Listers Solicitors Ltd v Lambert [2000] UKEAT 729_99_2701 27 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Russell Sub-Surface Systems Ltd v Wallis [2000] UKEAT 1159_99_2701 27 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ppp/Columbia Healthcare Ltd v Soyoye and others [2000] UKEAT 1057_98_2701 27 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Burns v Harrow Association of Disabled People [2000] UKEAT 1158_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Burns v Royal College of Nursing [2000] UKEAT 78_00_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Castley v Saint Vincent'S Housing Association Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1087_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Marrufo v Barclays Bank Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 1168_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Binns v Investors Compensation Scheme [2000] EAT 1121_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Theodosopoulou v Bank of Cyprus (London) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 567_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Aderibigbe v College of Law [2000] EAT 336_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harmon (T/A High Cross Residential Home) v Shaw [2000] EAT 412_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nabar v Sunderland Health Authority [2000] EAT 1161_99_3101 31 Jan 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chambers v Hartwell Services Limited EAT/936/98 1 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason [ EAT ]  Chronos Richardson Ltd v Watson [2000] UKEAT 1340_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gibson v British Gas Energy Centres Ltd [2000] UKEAT 668_98_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Southwark v Mungul [2000] UKEAT 1359_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Unwin v Sackville School and Another [2000] UKEAT 1068_98_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Peter Clarke HHJ Employment, Discrimination The question is whether, a full Employment Tribunal having been empanelled to hear and determine the appellant, Mrs Unwin's complaint of victimisation contrary to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Chairman of that Employment Tribunal, Mr Rich, was entitled to strike out the complaint under Rule 13(2)(e) of the Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure and thereafter to make a consequent costs order against the appellant, sitting alone. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  British Gas Trading Ltd and Another v Clarke [2000] UKEAT 1367_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Wilson HHJ Employment, Discrimination [ Bailii ]  J Stanley Building Contractors v Toms [2000] UKEAT 356_98_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  JCT 600 Contracts Ltd v Hussain [2000] UKEAT 1342_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jiad v BBC World Service and others [2000] UKEAT 1007_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Everson and Another v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and Another Case C-198/88 Times, 01 February 2000 1 Feb 2000 ECJ Employment, Benefits Where a company in one member state, had employees working in another member state, and those employees and the company as required paid taxes in the company wher ethe work was carrid out, then upon the insolvency of the company, the member state liable as the state guaranteeing the employment obligations of the insolvent employer was the state in which the work was carried out, and not the company's home state.  Hobart Manufacturing Company Ltd v Mills [2000] EAT 1323_99_0102 1 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sivasothy v Waltham Forest [2000] EAT 1074_99_0202 2 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pearson v Halesowen College [2000] UKEAT 1139_96_0202 2 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Blue Square Design Presentations Ltd v Hauldren [2000] EAT 1180_99_0202 2 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Williamson v St George's Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] EAT 1322_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sfi Group Plc v Collins [2000] UKEAT 1349_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Martin and others (T/A Dean Films (Northern)) v Keay and Another [2000] UKEAT 1217_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lord v Neg Micon UK Ltd [2000] EAT 1203_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gulf Oil v Dyas [2000] UKEAT 1148_98_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  British Broadcasting Corporation and Another v Jiad (Al Timimi) [2000] UKEAT 1014_98_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Adeyemi v Mind In Camden [2000] EAT 1024_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Constantine v Mcgregor Cory Ltd [2000] EAT 236_99_0302 3 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mahlburg v Land Mecklenberurg-Vorpommern Cas Times, 17 February 2000; C-207/98; [2000] EUECJ C-207/98 3 Feb 2000 ECJ Discrimination, Employment, European A refusal to appoint a pregnant woman to a post for an indefinite period because of that pregnancy was in breach of the Directive even though national statutory rules precluded employment of the woman during the period of the pregnancy. Equal Treatment Directive (76/207/EEC) [ Bailii ]  C Constantine v Mcgregor Cory Limited EAT/236/99 3 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  C Constantine v Mcgregor Cory Limited EAT/236/99 3 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Sullivan-Davies v Space Enterprise Ltd EAT/560/99; [2000] UKEAT 560_99_0402 4 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. 1 Cites [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Cosgrove v Bicc Cables Ltd [2000] UKEAT 723_99_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Day v Crane (T/A Crane Fluid Systems) [2000] EAT 1012_99_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Arkell and Another v Tibbetts [2000] EAT 461_99_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gate Gourmet v Jangra [2000] UKEAT 547_99_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Morgan v Swansea College [2000] UKEAT 677_99_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Powdershire Ltd v Desir [2000] UKEAT 1100_98_0702 7 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Glasgow City Council and Others v Marshall and Others; HL 8-Feb-2000 - Times, 08 February 2000; Gazette, 17 February 2000; [2000] UKHL 5; [2000] 1 WLR 333; [2000] ICR 196; [2002] IRLR 272  Willing v Cottam [2000] UKEAT 1118_98_0802 8 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Post Office v Jones [2000] EAT 83_99_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Allen v Oliver Group Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 1299_99_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shaw v Memco Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1199_98_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  O'Mara v Postworth T/S Ncs) [2000] EAT 1230_99_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Smith v Zeneca (Agrochemicals) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1450_98_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Smith v Bentwood Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1182_99_0902 9 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Johnson v Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1378_98_1002 10 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Neckles v London United Busways Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1339_99_1002 10 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  In Re Maxwell Fleet and Facilities Management Ltd Gazette, 10 February 2000; Times, 23 February 2000 10 Feb 2000 ChD Insolvency, Employment, Company Although regulation 4 went beyond the obligations imposed by the Directive, it was intended to protect employee rights who were employed by companies which were hived down. In this case the sale of the business to a subsidiary and then onto a third party was to be treated as one transaction, and the regulations applied. Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (1981 No 1794)  Bridge v London General Transport Services Ltd [2000] EAT 1324_99_1002 10 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Imona v Waltham Forest and others [2000] UKEAT 1186_99_1002 10 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kumar and Another v Grattan Plc [2000] EAT 1202_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  White v Newsquest (Stourbridge) Ltd [2000] EAT 1325_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robin Ellis Ltd v Gavigan [2000] EAT 1347_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R Spencer Thomas Ltd v Holdstock [2000] UKEAT 1329_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tourgman v Middle East Broadcasting Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1328_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abdulla v Greenwich and others [2000] EAT 1102_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chambers v Hartwell Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 936_98_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd (T/A Chicago Rock Cafe) [2000] UKEAT 1332_99_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Aniedobe v London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham [2000] UKEAT 481_98_1102 11 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parkins v Optimum Cleaning Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 808_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zalzala v Sheffield University [2000] UKEAT 976_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  James Mckenna v Smith and Mclaurin EAT/981/99 14 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  J Standivan v St Mary's Westwood Educational Trust Limited EAT/466/99 14 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Harold Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness  Standivan v St Mary's Westwood Educational Trust [2000] EAT 466_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gridley v Ricardo Consulting Engineers [2000] EAT 1163_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Happylands Farm v Rogerson [2000] EAT 1220_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bilek-Sternberg v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [2000] UKEAT 763_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  James Mckenna v Smith and Mclaurin EAT/981/99 14 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  J Standivan v St Mary's Westwood Educational Trust Limited EAT/466/99 14 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Harold Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EATn ]  Madden v Preferred Technical Group-Cha Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1215_99_1402 14 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Beattie v Pringle of Scotland Ltd; EAT 14-Feb-2000 - EAT/964/99  Gerald Melville Brown v First Edinburgh Ltd (Formerly SMT Lowland (Omnibuses) Ltd) EAT/1080/99 15 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Barkland UK Ltd v Daunt [2000] UKEAT 1139_00_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bedwell (T/A Deddington Dental Practice) v Preston [2000] UKEAT 1353_00_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Butler v Brunei Darussalam [2000] EAT 1414_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dixon v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 1237_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grewal v Northamptonshire County Council [2000] EAT 305_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  ICTS (UK) Ltd v Tchoula [2000] UKEAT 1107_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Gerald Melville Brown v First Edinburgh Ltd (Formerly Smt Lowland (Omnibuses) Ltd) EAT/1080/99 15 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  Phillips v Nes Computer Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1130_00_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd (T/A Chicago Rock Cafe) [2000] UKEAT 1329_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd (T/A Chicago Rock Cafe) [2000] UKEAT 1332_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shokan v Microcomputer Research Ltd [2000] UKEAT 907_99_1502 15 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gardners Building Supplies Ltd v Mathieson EAT/999/99 15 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. [ EAT ]  Hayat v Red Star Parcels Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 946_99_1602 16 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Hardie v Edinburgh City Council; OHCS 16-Feb-2000 - Times, 16 February 2000  Lindsey Beveridge v KLM UK Ltd EAT/1044/99; [2000] IRLR 765 16 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT The claimant appealed refusal of her claim for unlawful deduction. She had been off sick long term. Her doctor certified her fit to return, and she asked to return, but her employer waited a further six weeks before allwing her back. She claimed the difference in salary. Held: The appeal was allowed. At common law an employee who is offering his or her services to his or her employer is entitled to be paid in that situation and in those circumstances unless a specific condition of the contract regulates otherwise. The onus is on the employer to show that there is a term relieving the employer of the normal obligation to pay. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ]  Stevendoring and Haulage Services Ltd v Fuller and others [2000] EAT 493_99_1602 16 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Beveridge v KLM UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1044_99_1602; [2000] IRLR 765 16 Feb 2000 EAT Lord Johnston Employment [ Bailii ]  R Raval v London Borough of Camden EAT/187/99 17 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Harold Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Wheeler and Another v Durham County Council [2000] UKEAT 839_99_1702 17 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Regina v Secretary of State For Employment Ex Parte Seymour-Smith and Another (No 2); HL 17-Feb-2000 - Gazette, 02 March 2000; [2000] UKHL 12; [2000] 1 All ER 857; [2000] 1 WLR 435; [2000] ICR 244  Bunting and others v Hertel (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1453_99_1702 17 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Barclay Estate and Management v Newland [2000] UKEAT 1216_99_1702 17 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Raval v London Borough of Camden [2000] EAT 187_99_1702 17 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parveen v Little and others [2000] UKEAT 1248_98_1702 17 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R Raval v London Borough of Camden EAT/187/99 17 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Harold Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Dickson v Compact Group (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1037_99_1802 18 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ogilvie v Ross and Hall T/A Braid Veterinary Hospital EAT/1115/99 18 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Kirsten Ogilvie v Chris Ross and Mike Hall T/A Braid Veterinary Hospital EAT/1115/99 18 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  E A Animadu v Mastercare Service and Distribution Limited EAT/431/99 21 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Regina v Regional Office of the Employment Tribunals (London North), Ex p Sojorin (unreported) Unreported, 21 February 2000 21 Feb 2000 CA Sedley LJ Employment, Judicial Review The Employment Appeal Tribunal is immune from judicial review. 1 Citers  Roworth v Welbeck Steel Service Centres Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1189_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Animadu v Mastercare Service and Distribution [2000] EAT 431_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ganase v Kent Community Housing Trust [2000] EAT 1231_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robinson v Royal British Legion Attendants Co Ltd [2000] EAT 1240_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  E A Animadu v Mastercare Service and Distribution Limited EAT/431/99 21 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Manor House Healthcare v Hays and Another [2000] UKEAT 1196_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dr V Leavers v The Victoria University of Manchester EAT/167/99; [2000] EAT 167_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]   Regina v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte C; CA 21-Feb-2000 - Gazette, 09 March 2000; Times, 01 March 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 49  Mcguire v Initial Deborah Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1464_98_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Air Canada Alpha Catering Services v Basra EAT/367/99; [2000] EAT 367_99_2102 21 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Quirk v Medin Ltd [2000] EAT 1311_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bevis v Khelifi [2000] UKEAT 588_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Landscape Maintenance Ltd v Aspden and others [2000] UKEAT 1029_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Quirk v Burton Hospital NHS Trust and Another [2000] EAT 103_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Howarth v Telegraph Management Ltd [2000] UKEAT 996_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Farah v Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1327_99_2202 22 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  H R James v the Meteorological Office EAT/1350/00 23 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Reserved Forces Act - (no sub-topic)l [ EATn ]  H R James v the Meteorological Office EAT/1350/00 23 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Reserved Forces Act - Act  Kufeji v Kent County Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 166_2000_2302 23 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police and Others v Khan; CA 24-Feb-2000 - Times, 15 March 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 53; [2000] ICR 1169  Lawes v London Electricity Plc [2000] EAT 151_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Henderson v Lava Systems (Europe) UK Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1475_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  M A Gonnella v the Benefits Agency EAT/1156/98 25 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic) [ EATn ]  S J Lawes v London Electricity Plc EAT/151/99 25 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Mcgovern (T/A Terryvision) v Dawson-Smith [2000] UKEAT 1458_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harris v Post Office (Royal Mail) [2000] EAT 171_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Angove v Bry-Kol (Developments) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1417_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gonnella v Benefits Agency [2000] UKEAT 1156_98_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clarke v Mediguard Services Ltd [2000] NIECA 2 25 Feb 2000 CANI Carswell LCJ Northern Ireland, Employment, Discrimination Appeal by way of case stated against the decision of an industrial tribunal whereby it dismissed the appellant's claim against the respondent for compensation for sex discrimination and/or victimisation. The net issue in the appeal is whether an employee who has brought a complaint of such treatment against her employer is entitled to pursue it against him when she has come to a settlement with the transferee employer who has succeeded to his liabilities in consequence of a transfer to which the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 apply. [ Bailii ]  Jones v London Borough of London Borough of Camden and Another [2000] EAT 513_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Warren v Michelin Tyre Company [2000] EAT 1430_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M A Gonnella v the Benefits Agency EAT/1156/98 25 Feb 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Time Limits -  Stubbings v Ministry of Defence [2000] EAT 1420_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Chong v Marek and Co [2000] UKEAT 199_2000_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S J Lawes v London Electricity Plc EAT/151/99 25 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Yh Training Services Ltd v Sellers [2000] UKEAT 136_99_2502 25 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  H Wilding v Dr Jermey Russell EAT/1091/00 27 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  H Wilding v Dr Jermey Russell EAT/1091/00 27 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Prior v Millwall Lionesses Football Club [2000] EAT 341_99_2802 28 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J F Davis v Tibbett and Britten Group Plc EAT/460/99 29 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Collins Cbe Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reinstatement/re-engagement. [ EATn ]  Castle View Services Limited v Howes and Everett and Fitzpatrick and Dalglish [2000] ScotCS 49; 2000 SLT 696 29 Feb 2000 SCS Lord Sutherland Scotland, Employment, European Though the Council Directive did not apply to sea-going vessels, the Court held that the crews of such vessels were not excluded from the benefit of the regulations. Employment Tribunals Act 1996 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ ScotC ]  Davis v Tibbett and Britten Group Plc [2000] EAT 460_99_2902 29 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J F Davis v Tibbett and Britten Group Plc EAT/460/99 29 Feb 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Collins Cbe Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Re-Engagement  Nenji v Birmingham Children'S Hospital NHS Trust [2000] EAT 184_99_2902 29 Feb 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Storer v British Gas plc; CA 1-Mar-2000 - Times, 01 March 2000  West London Healthcare NHS Trust v Joseph [2000] UKEAT 864_98_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Williams-Key v Anite Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 942_98_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ladbroke Racing Ltd v Toner [2000] UKEAT 367_98_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gunton v Midland Bank Plc [2000] EAT 1346_99_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gbaja-Biamila v DHL International (Uk) Ltd and others EAT/1224/98; [2000] UKEAT 1224_98_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Injury to Feelings EAT Race Discrimination - Injury to feelings. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Bruce v Kingston Upon Hull City Council [2000] UKEAT 1165_99_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lee v Lancashire County Council [2000] UKEAT 703_99_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Mcdermid v Royal Bank of Scotland [2000] UKEAT 161_00_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mustafa v Commercial Leisure Group and Another [2000] UKEAT 1428_99_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shah v Islington [2000] UKEAT 1375_99_0103 1 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sikpi v Care First Plc [2000] EAT 0061_99_0203 2 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fu v Camden [2000] UKEAT 1366_99_0203 2 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thomas v Merton Racial Equality Council [2000] EAT 30_99_0203 2 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maple v Goldsmiths College University College London [2000] EAT 0932_99_0203 2 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Crowe v Enfield [2000] UKEAT 1254_99_0203 2 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Southwark v Whillier [2000] EAT 495_99_0303 3 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lindsay v Alliance and Leicester Plc [2000] UKEAT 1317_98_0303 3 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Anthony Julian Halliday v Archdiocese of Southwark EAT/146/00 5 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Crofton v Yeboah and Another [2000] UKEAT 1352_98_0603 6 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  I Hammond v Sir John Fitzgerald Ltd EAT/1033/98 6 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Asda Stores Limited v Malyn EAT/0066/00; [2000] UKEAT 66_00_3003 6 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Felstead v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 970_99_0603 6 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  I Hammond v Sir John Fitzgerald Ltd EAT/1033/98 6 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Panayiotis v Brailsford [2000] UKEAT 1396_99_0603 6 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hammond v Sir John Fitzgerald Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1033_98_0603 6 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tsontzos v Hilton International Hotels (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 635_99_0603 6 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Etienne v London Underground [2000] EAT 219_99_0703 7 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Midland Bank Plc v Madden [2000] UKEAT 1107_98_0703; [2000] 2 All ER 741; [2000] IRLR 288 7 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Agora Promotions Ltd and Another v Farrow [2000] UKEAT 1207_99_0703 7 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ministry of Defence v Bloomfield-Evans [2000] EAT 63_99_0703 7 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Oso v Manley Court Nursing Home [2000] EAT 430_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pilley and others v British Steel Engineering (UK) Ltd [2000] EAT 182_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Osborne v Valve (Engineering) Services Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 236_00_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R S Pilley and Others, K Lakin v British Steel Engineering (Uk) Ltd EAT/183/99; EAT/182/99 8 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Doshoki v Draeger Medical [2000] EAT 39_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R S Pilley and Others, K Lakin v British Steel Engineering (Uk) Ltd EAT/182/99 & EAT/183/99 8 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Savidge and Another v City Petroleum Company Ltd [2000] UKEAT 0035_00_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Hounslow [2000] EAT 1120_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Szantho v Nuffield Nursing Homes Trust Ltd [2000] EAT 1350_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tokyo Mitsubishi International Plc v Anisetti [2000] UKEAT 897_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hackett v Vaw Motorcast Ltd [2000] UKEAT 10_00_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jennings v H and P Freightway Limited EAT/636/99; [2000] UKEAT 636_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Collins Cbe Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Connex South Central Ltd v Edmund Lamb [2000] UKEAT 1365_99_0803 8 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Hedden v Exeter Diocesan Board for Christian Care EAT/125/97 9 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Thorne and Another v Riverside Centre Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1017_99_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  the Sl Partnership v Nurse [2000] UKEAT 1395_99_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shawkat v Nottingham City Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1376_99_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Crook v Royal Air Force [2000] UKEAT 256_2000_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hedden v Exeter Diocesan Board for Christian Care [2000] UKEAT 125_97_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Direct Care Ltd v Potts [2000] EAT 1400_99_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Hedden v Exeter Diocesan Board for Christian Care EAT/125/97 9 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment, Costs EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal 1 Cites  Northern Clubs Federation Brewery Ltd v Briton [2000] UKEAT 1423_99_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fletcher v Railtrack Plc [2000] UKEAT 1045_98_0903 9 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sandhu v Benefits Agency and Another [2000] UKEAT 1028_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Edmonds v Lawson, Pardoe, and Del Fabbro; CA 10-Mar-2000 - Times, 16 March 2000; Gazette, 06 April 2000; [2000] All ER 31; [2000] EWCA Civ 69; [2000] 2 WLR 1091  Bradford Racial Equality Council and others v Habashi [2000] UKEAT 1438_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abbey National Plc v Sampson [2000] EAT 1484_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Salmon v YMCA Training [2000] UKEAT 1388_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dovecrest Developments UK Ltd v Adams [2000] UKEAT 1425_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  McNichol v Balfour Beatty Rail Maintenance Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1487_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Rooproy v Rollins-Elliot and Another [2000] UKEAT 1486_99_1003 10 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Henson and others [2000] UKEAT 1025_98_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clark v Costin (T/A Lm Clothing) [2000] UKEAT 1415_99_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robert Half Ltd (Rhl) v Daly [2000] UKEAT 541_99_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lewis v Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 16_00_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Anderson v (Rover Group Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 1426_99_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Buckley v Tipden Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1403_99_1303 13 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mirza v Nipson Printing Systems (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 126_98_1403 14 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  I J Mirza v Nipson Printing Systems (Uk) Ltd EAT/126/98 14 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  the Wey Group International v Page [2000] UKEAT 1457_99_1403 14 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  I J Mirza v Nipson Printing Systems (Uk) Ltd 14 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal 1 Cites 1 Citers  Akhtar v Victoria Nursing and Residential Home and others [2000] UKEAT 1459_99_1403 14 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Forbes v Churchill College [2000] UKEAT 1038_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fitzwilliam Executive Search Ltd v Bestuur Van Het Landelijk Institut Sociale Verzekeringen Case C-202/97 Times, 15 March 2000 15 Mar 2000 ECJ Employment, Benefits, European An E101 certificate as to the payment of benefits issued by one member state with respect to the responsibility for social security payments was binding on the member state which received such a certificate. Where however there were proper doubts as to the correctness of the facts asserted as underlying the certificate it was proper to challenge the certificate., and the certificate should be re-examined and if appropriate withdrawn.  S Forbes v Churchill College EAT/1038/99 15 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Collins Cbe Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Burke v Fortnum and Mason Plc [2000] UKEAT 1418_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gard and Co v M Symonds EAT/115/99 15 Mar 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Dey v Farley Junior and Whipperley Infant School and Another [2000] EAT 0762_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mahlangu v London Borough of Hackney [2000] EAT 1263_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bone v Collier Cotracts Ltd [2000] EAT 1412_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Forbes v Churchill College EAT/1038/99 15 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Collins Cbe Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Simon v Royal Hospitals NHS Trust [2000] EAT 421_99_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gard and Co v M Symonds EAT/115/99 15 Mar 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Laniyan (Khan) v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 0291_00_1503 15 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rugamer v Sony Music Entertainment UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1385_99_1603 16 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Drage v Governors of Greenford High School Times, 31 March 2000; Gazette, 06 April 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 75 16 Mar 2000 CA Employment Where an employee is summarily dismissed, but pursues an appeal against that dismissal, the effective date of termination of employment may be the date when the appeal is decided against him. It can depend upon whether the employee stood suspended pending the outcome of the appeal, or whether he was dismissed with the possibility of re-instatement. This might be dealt with according, for example, to whether he was issued with a P45 and was free to take up other employment straight away. [ Bailii ]  Knott v Craegmoor Healthcare Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1387_99_1603 16 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J v Strong and Co Ltd v Hamill [2000] UKEAT 1179_99_1603 16 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Singh v Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1408_99_1603 16 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Reid and Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd v Terence Lester Keeping [2000] UKEAT 1407_99_1703 17 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stokoe v Richardsons and Westgarths Social Club [2000] UKEAT 1427_99_1703 17 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Saunderson v The Body Shop and others [2000] UKEAT 816_98_1703 17 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  X v Y and others [2000] UKEAT 296_00_1703 17 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Scaife v Richard J Knaggs and Co [2000] EAT 477_99_2003 20 Mar 2000 EAT Employment Adjournment. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Smyth v London General Transport Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1452_99_2003 20 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gillespie v St Martins Hospital Group (Devonshire Hospital) [2000] UKEAT 1348_98_2003 20 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fox v Mcch Society Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1364_99_2003 20 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Croydon v Aldridge and others [2000] UKEAT 0004_00_2103 21 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lisa Cooper v Dr P Kakad and Dr L Dickinson (In Partnership) EAT/252/00 21 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Hooper Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Croydon and others v Kuttappan [2000] UKEAT 173_00_2103 21 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lisa Cooper v Dr P Kakad and Dr L Dickinson (In Partnership) EAT/252/00 21 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Hooper Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  The Ruta Times, 21 March 2000; Gazette, 23 March 2000 21 Mar 2000 QBD Insolvency, Transport, Employment Where a ship-owner became insolvent, and the only remedy for unpaid employees was against the proceeds of sale of the ship, such claims would be granted a priority over lienors of the ship. No formal system can be created compartmentalising such competing claims, but it was characteristic that the employees on the ship once engaged had had to continue. Where several ships were damaged in what was one incident they should be ranked equally.  Atlas Caravan Co Ltd v Toomey and others [2000] UKEAT 63_00_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jdb Plastics Ltd v Dolby [2000] UKEAT 1263_00_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ladbroke Racing Ltd v Sackett [2000] UKEAT 1188_98_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Collins v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] EAT 1460_99_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Connor v Secretary of State for Scotland Times, 22 March 2000 22 Mar 2000 OHCS Employment, Health and Safety, Negligence A prison governor sent out a warder with two violent prisoners where it was policy not to bring such prisoners together. The warder suffered injury as a result. There could be no breach of statutory duty where the governor exercised a discretion given to him as to how a statutory function was to be fulfilled. Nevertheless he might be liable in negligence.  Siemens Metering Ltd v Mahmud [2000] UKEAT 312_2000_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Preston v Johnston and Another (T/A Tom Henry's Restaurant) [2000] EAT 389_99_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Ltd v Freer [2000] EAT 1476_99_2203 22 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P J Oliver v the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary EAT/841/99 23 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Jurisdiction - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Oliver v the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 841_99_2303 23 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ghosh v London Borough of Tower Hamlets EAT/220/99; [2000] EAT 220_99_2303 23 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  P J Oliver v the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary EAT/841/99 23 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  Taylor v Lifesign Ltd (In Liquidation) [2000] UKEAT 1437_98_2303 23 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barnes and others v Brush Transformers Ltd Brush Electrical Machines Ltd [2000] EAT 256_99_2403 24 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mcbean v Whimster (T/A Whimster Solicitors) [2000] UKEAT 1478_99_2403 24 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Relaxion Group Plc v Rhys-Harper [2000] UKEAT 727_99_2403 24 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Amin v John Mowlem and Co Plc [2000] UKEAT 1098_99_2403 24 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Aileen Dunn v Rowe Sports and Menswear Ltd EAT/193/00; EAT/1197/99 27 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written Particulars  Camden v Pullen [2000] EAT 190_99_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lebort Getten v Nottinghamshire County Council Social Services EAT/102/99 27 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Time Limits -  Aileen Dunn v Rowe Sports and Menswear Ltd EAT/1197/99 & EAT/193/00 27 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written particulars. [ EATn ]  Campbell v City Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1244_99_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Moores v Bude-Stratton Town Council EAT/313/99; [2000] EAT 313_99_2703; [2001] ICR 271 27 Mar 2000 EAT Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason Lindsay J said: "As for determining whether a wrongdoer is on his own business, just as no single test is nowadays seen to be determinative of whether a person is an employee (as opposed, for example, to being self-employed or an independent contractor), so also no one test is determinative of a person being on his own business for the purposes of vicarious liability, very commonly a closely related question. Similar questions arise in both cases: was remuneration paid for the doing of what was done; was what was done, done for the benefit of the party sought vicariously to be made liable ("the propositus")? Was the act complained of reasonably incidental to the duties of the wrongdoer as cast upon him by the propositus? Was the propositus in a position of control, not only to order what was to be done but how it was to be done? Was the propositus in a position to select who should do the activity in the course of which the wrongful act occurred? Could the propositus suspend or stop that activity? Was what was done expressly or impliedly authorised by the propositus? Was it an unauthorised way of doing something which was authorised? Was it the performance of an act of a class the wrongdoer was not required to do at all or had been forbidden to do? No single question and answer is likely to be determinative but together the answers should provide a composite from which it can be adjudged whether vicarious liability exists." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Martley v Daler Rowney Ltd [2000] EAT 1352_99_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wright v Mitie Cleaning (North) Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 331_2000_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Getten v Nottinghamshire County Council Social Services [2000] UKEAT 102_99_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barrenechea v Black [2000] UKEAT 84_00_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Selley v Robert Bosch Ltd [2000] EAT 338_99_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lebort Getten v Nottinghamshire County Council Social Services EAT/102/99 27 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic) [ EATn ]  Ipres UK Ltd v Ashdown EAT/1053/99 27 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EAT ]  Workplace Management Ltd v Coleman [2000] UKEAT 303_2000_2703 27 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Merrill Lynch Europe Plc v Abbott [2000] EAT 1462_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tenby Fashions Ltd v Shiangolis [2000] UKEAT 1466_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Russell v Bacon's College and Another [2000] EAT 98_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Runshaw College v Eccles [2000] UKEAT 1467_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lincoln Co-Operative v Hill [2000] EAT 1411_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Conway County Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 967_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  HFC Bank Plc v Hartley [2000] UKEAT 1468_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  H Jones v Conway County Borough Council EAT/967/99 28 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Compass Services UK Ltd v David Patrick EAT/1264/99 28 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer  Edwards v London Borough of Brent [2000] UKEAT 1503_98_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Russell v Bacon's College, Chartwells EAT/98/99 28 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. [ EAT ]  Patney v Newport County Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 903_99_2803 28 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Compass Services UK Ltd v David Patrick EAT/1264/99 28 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. [ EATn ]  H Jones v Conway County Borough Council EAT/967/99 28 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason [ EATn ]  Shaw Munster Ltd v Trentham [2000] EAT 419_99_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hm Prison Service v Salmon [2000] UKEAT 21_00_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hm Prison Service and others v Davis [2000] UKEAT 1294_98_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P A Dixon and others v London General Transport Services Ltd EAT/1265/98 29 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Constructive dismissal. [ EATn ]  Hampton Timber Specialists Ltd v David Sandilands EAT/1297/99 29 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  F Robinson, v Tanner v Swallowfield Consumer Products EAT/695/99 29 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Dixon and others v London General Transport Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1265_98_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ayobiojo v Lambeth [2000] UKEAT 852_99_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P A Dixon and others v London General Transport Services Ltd EAT/1265/98 29 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Constructive Dismissal  Reid v North West Ceiling Systems Ltd (T/A Shopspec) [2000] UKEAT 58_00_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Lindsay J Employment Interim hearing - matter approved for full hearing. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  F Robinson, V Tanner v Swallowfield Consumer Products EAT/695/99 29 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Royston Frederick Williams v BOC Gases Ltd [2000] EWCA Civ 95; [2000] ICR 1181 29 Mar 2000 CA Brooke LJ, Thorpe LJ Employment, Personal Injury, Damages The plaintiff claimed damages from his employer in respect of injuries suffered during the course of his employment. The defendant paid the claimant a sum to which he had no contractual entitlement, saying that it was to be treated as an advance against any damages that he might be awarded against the defendant. The money came from the defendant's own fund. Held: "In my judgment, the judge was over-influenced by the decision of this court in McCamley which should be treated, until it receives the consideration of the House of Lords, as a case turning on its own particular facts: in other words, for what members of that court, deciding the issue as a jury question, thought was just, reasonable and in accordance with public policy on the facts of that case." and "The "benevolence" exception is limited in terms to gifts arising from the benevolence of third parties, and does not cover benevolent gifts made by the wrongdoer himself, for which allowance ought prima facie to be made against any compensation he might have to pay. Neither of the justifications for the benevolence exception apply to the tortfeasor. Deductibility will encourage him to make benevolent payments in future to injured employees, rather than the reverse. And it certainly cannot be said that in making the gift, his intention was to benefit the plaintiff rather than to relieve himself of liability pro tanto: he would have been happy to achieve both purposes at once. A fortiori in a case in which he said in terms, at the time he made the gift, that it was to be treated as an advance against any damages he might have to pay." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Tetley Gb Ltd v Simbat Ghatahorde [2000] UKEAT 1474_99_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bretherton v Sherman Treaters Ltd [2000] UKEAT 607_99_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Allonby v Accrington and Rossendale College EAT/1080/98; EAT/1300/97; [2000] UKEAT 1300_97_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Discrimination, Employment, European, Discrimination EAT Sex Discrimination - Indirect - European Material - Article 19. EAT European Material - Article 19 EAT Equal Pay Act - (no sub-topic). Equal Treatment Directive (Council Directive 76/207/EEC 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EAT ] - [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Apex Logistics Ltd v Conheeney [2000] UKEAT 6_2000_2903 29 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Brooke and Another v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 1178_99_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kelvin Reed v Eolas EAT/1268/99 30 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Lyons v The London Borough of Camden [2000] EAT 1440_99_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bryce v Halifax Plc [2000] UKEAT 65_00_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robertson v Hardware Supply Co (Middlesbrough) Ltd [2000] EAT 392_99_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gray v Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 37_00_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kelvin Reed v Eolas EAT/1268/99 30 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Banks and Others v Theate Royal De La Monnaie Times, 05 April 2000; C-178/97; [2000] EUECJ C-178/97 30 Mar 2000 ECJ Employment, Benefits, European, European A self employed certificate in Form E101 issued by one member state for a worker who worked temporarily in another member state was to be treated as valid and respected in the absence of circumstances suggesting some invalidity. It made the worker subject to the social security rules of his home state. Such a certificate when issued could have retrospective effect. [ Bailii ]  Henderson v Northern Leisure Plc [2000] UKEAT 70_00_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Heggison v A and W Bernard [2000] UKEAT 1276_99_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Lord Johnston Employment, Discrimination The appellant employee seeks to challenge a decision of the Employment Tribunal dismissing his claim for disability discrimination in relation to his dismissal from his employment with the respondents. [ Bailii ]  Lumb v Lattimer Engineering Ltd [2000] UKEAT 82_00_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thomas v City and County of Swansea [2000] UKEAT 1255_99_3003 30 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ako v Rothschild Asset Management Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 103_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tyrrel v Transport and General Workers Union [2000] EAT 1422_99_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Slade and Another v Howson [2000] UKEAT 91_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ledgister v North Lewisham Law Centre [2000] UKEAT 71_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rookwood v Ctl Components Plc [2000] EAT 481_99_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Post Office v Doyle [2000] UKEAT 69_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ford v Collier [2000] UKEAT 116_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R Rookwood v Ctl Components Plc EAT/481/99 31 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  R Rookwood v Ctl Components Plc EAT/481/99 31 Mar 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Glacier Vandervell Ltd v James Gilmour Wallace EAT/1284/99 31 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Glacier Vandervell Ltd v James Gilmour Wallace EAT/1284/99 31 Mar 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  W J Jones v Foxboro International Limited EAT/988/98 31 Mar 2000 EAT (2) Foxboro Great Britain Limited Employment EAT Equal Pay Act - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Hoyles v Morrison [2000] UKEAT 108_00_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Foxboro International Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 988_98_3103 31 Mar 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  W J Jones v Foxboro International Limited EAT/988/98 31 Mar 2000 EAT (2) Foxboro Great Britain Limited Employment EAT Equal Pay Act -  Gilmore v Hugh Gilmore and Associates Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 953_98_0104 1 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ekman v British Plastics Federation [2000] EAT 1101_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thornhill v London Central Bus Co Ltd [2000] EAT 463_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Glaxo Wellcome Plc v Ali [2000] UKEAT 930_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sunley v Leicester University [2000] UKEAT 1419_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grant v Kent County Council [2000] UKEAT 1449_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  McDonald v London Borough of Ealing [2000] EAT 406_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Imperial Construction (Uk) Ltd v Brown [2000] UKEAT 49_00_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tyagi v BBC World Service [2000] UKEAT 726_99_0304 3 Apr 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Percy A Hudson Ltd v Crosland [2000] UKEAT 700_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Beaumont v Cumbria Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 1064_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Montgomery v Reform Synagogues of Great Britain [2000] EAT 1362_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fame Recruitment Consultants Ltd v Suleman [2000] EAT 1472_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  County Inns and Taverns Ltd v Baron [2000] EAT 1441_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Winton v STM Recruitment Ltd (T/A Meridian Business Support) [2000] UKEAT 80_00_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Adeagbo v Deaprtment of Health [2000] EAT 258_99_0404 4 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  TNT Express Worldwide (Uk) Ltd v Victor Brown [2000] EWCA Civ 103 4 Apr 2000 CA Discrimination, Employment [ Bailii ]  Levi v Callan School of English [2000] EAT 197_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Smith v Gallaher Ltd [2000] UKEAT 0134_00_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Samuels v Lambeth [2000] UKEAT 300_00_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lindop v Royal Ordnance Plc [2000] EAT 1480_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lindop v Royal Ordnance Plc [2000] EAT 1132_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ari v Pda (Training) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 137_00_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Apelogun-Gabriels v Lambeth and others [2000] UKEAT 1099_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Abbey National Plc v Bartlett [2000] UKEAT 1289_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Farooqi v South Warwickshire NHS Trust [2000] EAT 1093_99_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Abbey National Plc v Glasspool [2000] UKEAT 8_00_0504 5 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J R Bowden and others v Tuffnells Parcels Express Ltd EAT/622/99 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Working Time Regulations - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  F A Harakis v Department of Health EAT/803/98 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  F A Harakis v Department of Health EAT/1339/98 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Bowden and others v Tuffnells Parcels Express Ltd [2000] UKEAT 622_99_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Conoco Ltd v Booth [2000] UKEAT 83_00_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment The EAT held a preliminary hearing on the employer's appeal against a finding of disability discrimination. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Pottage v Stonham Housing Association Ltd [2000] UKEAT 935_99_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  F A Harakis v Department of Health EAT/803/98 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Time Limits -  Mehmood v Thomas Carr Ltd [2000] UKEAT 802_99_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  F A Harakis v Department of Health EAT/1339/98 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  J R Bowden and others v Tuffnells Parcels Express Ltd EAT/622/99 6 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Working Time Regulations -  Franc v Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare NHS Trust and others [2000] UKEAT 127_00_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harakis v Department of Health [2000] UKEAT 803_98_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lincoln and Louth NHS Trust v Dr P J Cowan EAT/895/99 6 Apr 2000 EAT Mr Commisssioner Howell QC Employment EAT Redundancy - Other  Lincoln and Louth NHS Trust v Dr P J Cowan EAT/895/99 6 Apr 2000 EAT Mr Commisssioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Redundancy - Other - [ EATn ]  Harakis v Department of Health [2000] UKEAT 1339_98_0604 6 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gill v Whitbreads Plc [2000] EAT 1274_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Takodara v London Borough of Brent EAT/981/98 7 Apr 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  M K Alabaster v Woolwich Plc, the Secretary of State for Social Security EAT/558/99 7 Apr 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Maternity Rights and Parental Leave - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Vadehra v Linklaiters and Paines John Cahill Nia Reeve [2000] UKEAT 1447_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Todd and others v Concrete Repairs Ltd [2000] EAT 195_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M K Alabaster v Woolwich Plc, the Secretary of State for Social Security Times, 19 April 2000; EAT/558/99; [2000] ICR 1037 7 Apr 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment The regulations did not properly implement the decision of the European Court which they intended to reflect. When a woman was on maternity leave, and there was a salary award, she should have been entitled to the benefit of that award whether or not it had been backdated, and whether or not it was granted after her return to work. The Gillespie case was not so limited, and the regulations should not be either. Statutory Maternity Pay (General) Regulations 1986 (1986 No 1960) 1 Cites 1 Citers  Takodara v London Borough of Brent [2000] UKEAT 981_98_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lincoln and Louth NHS Trust v Cowan [2000] UKEAT 895_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ahmed v British Fittings (Birmingham) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1424_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Takodara v London Borough of Brent EAT/981/98 7 Apr 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Baxter v Safe Air International Plc [2000] UKEAT 730_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Pearce v The Governing Body of Mayfield Secondary School Times, 19 April 2000; EAT/675/99 7 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Discrimination, Employment Abuse which was directed at a homosexual teacher by students, where the abuse was directed at that homosexuality, but was gender specific rather than non-gender specific, ('dyke' and lesbian' rather than 'gay') was not itself sex discrimination. The Act protects against abuse which is on the basis of sex, but does not not protect against abuse or discrimination for sexual orientation. EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct Sex Discrimination Act 1975 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ]  New College (Cardiff) Ltd v Rees and others [2000] EAT 1302_99_0704 7 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Drewetts Ltd v Charlton [2000] UKEAT 145_00_1004 10 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kassem v General Medical Council [2000] EAT 380_99_1004 10 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mcdonagh (Sued on Her Own Behalf and on Behalf of All Other Members of the Labour Party) v Z Ali H S Sohal EAT/1386/00; [2001] UKEAT 1386_00_1004 10 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Discrimination, Employment, Discrimination The applicants were suspended from membership of the Labour party. As a result they were unable to stand for election as councillors. They alleged racial discrimination. Held: The position as councillor fell within the Act, and the claim for discrimination had been properly allowed. The Act should be interpreted sufficiently widely to provide a remedy for the ill it sought to cure. EAT Race Discrimination - Jurisdiction Race Relations Act 1976 12 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ EATn ]  Smiles (T/A Princess Plastics) v Le Mare [2000] UKEAT 752_99_1004 10 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dr M Kassem v General Medical Council EAT/380/99 10 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Time Limits -  Williams v City and Hackney Community Services NHS Trust and others [2000] EAT 1310_99_1004 10 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dr M Kassem v General Medical Council EAT/380/99 10 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic) [ EATn ]  Antoniou v Swift Technical Services Ltd [2000] EAT 1213_99_1104 11 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ahmed v Coventry Black Council and Another [2000] UKEAT 570_99_1104 11 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ajayi v Hammersmith and Fulham Council for Racial Equality and Another [2000] UKEAT 0148_00_1104 11 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Ics Cleaning Services and Another [2000] UKEAT 811_99_1104 11 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stockton v Heywood Scaffolding Services [2000] EAT 754_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lopez v Villa Del Cesari Ltd [2000] EAT 0423_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mensah v Royal Berks and Battle Hospital NHS Trust and others [2000] UKEAT 1468_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment [ Bailii ]  Onafowokan v Bp Express Shopping Ltd [2000] EAT 1041_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sims v Enterprise Rent A Car UK Ltd [2000] EAT 1252_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Perceval-Price, and others v Department of Economic Development etc; CANI 12-Apr-2000 - Times, 28 April 2000; [2000] NICA 9; [2000] NIECA 9; [2000] IRLR 380  Richard-Noel v Crane Hill Engineering [2000] UKEAT 581_99_1204 12 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Packer v Analytical Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 717_99_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wright v British Telecommunications Plc [2000] UKEAT 1067_99_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thomas v Cambridge Evening News [2000] UKEAT 1228_99_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dad v The General Dental Council Times, 19 April 2000; [2000] UKPC 17; Appeal No 29 of 1999; [2000] 1 WLR 1538 13 Apr 2000 PC Lord Hope Health Professions, Employment A dentist was convicted of traffic offences including driving whilst disqualified. He was suspended from practising as a dentist for 12 months. He appealed, and the court substituted a suspension from practice itself suspended for two years. That would give ample opportunity for the appellant to demonstrate or otherwise his ability not to re-offend. The offences were not directly related to his capacity to practice and it was important to keep a proper proportion between the offence and the very severe consequences of a suspension. Lord Hope said: "It is well established, for very good reasons, that the Board will not interfere with the exercise of the discretion of a Professional Conduct Committee in matters relating to penalty. The assessment of the seriousness of the misconduct upon proof of a conviction is essentially a matter for the Committee, in the light of their experience of the range of cases which come before them. They are best qualified to judge what measures are required to maintain the standards and reputation of the profession and to assess the seriousness of any misconduct. As a general rule therefore the Board will be very slow to interfere with the decision of the Committee on matters relating to penalty." General Dental Council Professional Conduct Committee (Procedure) Rules 1984 Order of Council 1984 (1984 No 1517) - Dentists Act 1984 1 Citers [ Bailii ] - [ PC ] - [ PC ]  Raymond Wood Thermalight Windows Ltd v Legg [2000] UKEAT 716_99_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gandhi v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 1312_99_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Brampton Manor (Leisure) Ltd v Alleyne [2000] UKEAT 92_00_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gibbins v Merthyr Tydfil Football Club [2000] UKEAT 403_00_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abegaze v Belesario and Another [2000] UKEAT 57_00_1304 13 Apr 2000 EAT Burton J Employment [ Bailii ]  Lancaster v DEK Printing Machines Ltd [2000] UKEAT 623_99_1404 14 Apr 2000 EAT Commissioner Howell QC Employment Challenge to unfair dismissal - late objection to filing said to be out of time. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Breen and others v William Hare Ltd [2000] UKEAT 93_00_1704 17 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Crofton v Yeboah and Another [2000] EAT 24_99_1704 17 Apr 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Ideal Cleaning Contractors Ltd v Iss Servisystems Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 410_00_1704 17 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hughes v Worcester City Council [2000] UKEAT 924_99_1704 17 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D Canniffe v East Riding of Yorkshire Council EAT/1035/98; [2000] UKEAT 1035_98_1704 17 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Discrimination, Employment In applying the statutory test of reasonable practicality, "We are satisfied that the proper approach is: 1. to identify whether the respondent took any steps at all to prevent the employee, for where it is vicariously liable, from doing the act or acts complained of in the course of his employment; 2. having identified what steps, if any, they took to consider whether there were any further acts, that they could have taken, which were reasonably practicable. The question as to whether the doing of any such acts would in fact have been successful in preventing the acts of discrimination in question may be worth addressing, and may be interesting to address, but are not determinative either way. On the one hand, the employer, if he takes steps which are reasonably practicable, will not be inculpated if those steps are not successful; indeed, the matter would not be before the court if the steps had been successful, and so the whole availability of the defence suggests the necessity that someone will have committed the act of discrimination, notwithstanding the taking of reasonable steps; but on the other hand, the employer will not be exculpated if it has not taken reasonable steps simply because if he had taken those reasonable steps they would not have led anywhere or achieved anything or in fact prevented anything from occurring." EAT Disability Discrimination - Reasonable adjustments. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  ADI (UK) Ltd v Willer and others EAT/11/99; [2000] EAT 11_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT The employees appealed against a finding that there had been no transfer of an undertaking when their service business had been sold and they had been dismissed. Held: The appeal failed. No assets, physical or otherwise had been transferred: "we can see no reason to doubt the Tribunal's conclusion that there was no transfer. The operation was plainly labour-intensive. No assets at all were transferred, save for the right to use some of the client's facilities, and no doubt the right to enter the client's premises, which, as discussed above, amounts to nothing more than the recognition that the same operation is going to be carried out at the same premises. In those circumstances, given that the entity consisted entirely or almost entirely of the workforce dedicated to the carrying out of a single contract which terminated at the instance of ADI, it is clear that when none of that workforce transferred, it is at the very least open to the Employment Tribunal to have found, by reference to any of the tests or any of the guidelines set out above, that there was no transfer." Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 3 - Council Directive 77/187 1(1) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Skilton v T and K Home Improvements Ltd Times, 18 April 2000 18 Apr 2000 CA Employment An employment contract provided for an employer to make payments in lieu of notice on termination of the contract, and for instant dismissal without such payment in appropriate cases. The contract also provided for the dismissal without notice for a failure to meet sales targets. But it was held that this right did not sufficiently clearly exclude the right to payment of three months' salary in lieu of notice. The termination with immediate effect did not fall within other misconduct provisions.  TNT Express Worldwide (UK) Ltd v Brown Times, 18 April 2000; Gazette, 18 May 2000; [2001] ICR 182 18 Apr 2000 CA Discrimination, Employment An employee pursuing a claim of racial discrimination against his employers requested time off to see his adviser on the claim. The company refused, he took the time off, and was later dismissed. Since the company normally allowed on short notice short periods of absence for domestic reasons, to refuse because he was pursuing a claim was victimisation, and the dismissal was unfair. The correct comparator group was not determined by looking at the reason behind the request, but at the nature of what was requested. Race Relations Act 1976 1 Citers  Attorney General v Wheen [2000] EAT 1301_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ayovuare v Greenwich [2000] UKEAT 206_00_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Beedell v West Ferry Printers Ltd [2000] UKEAT 135_00_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Douglas v College of Law and others [2000] UKEAT 209_00_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J L Montgomery v O and K Orenstein and Kopple Ltd, Johnson Underwood Ltd EAT/509/98; EAT/716/98 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of Employee 1 Cites 1 Citers  J L Montgomery v O and K Orenstein and Kopple Ltd, Johnson Underwood Ltd EAT/716/98 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]   Whitewater Leisure Management Ltd v L Barnes and others; EAT 18-Apr-2000 - EAT/1051/98; [2000] UKEAT 1051_98_1804  Turner Coulston (A Firm) v Janko [2000] EAT 1394_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Lindsay P J Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Girl's Day School Trust v Honeyman [2000] EAT 1413_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Johnson Underwood Ltd v Montgomery and Another [2000] UKEAT 509_98_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Murphy v Palmier Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 971_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Johnson Underwood Ltd v J L Montgomery, O and K Orenstein and Kopple Ltd EAT/509/98 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]  Robertson v Newcastle Breweries Ltd [2000] EAT 1373_99_1804 18 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Her Majesty's Attorney General v G Wheen EAT/1301/99 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Her Majesty's Attorney General v G Wheen Times, 23 January 2001; Gazette, 25 January 2001; EAT/1301/99; [2001] IRLR 91 18 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment An order restricting the right of a person to make application to an employment tribunal without the consent of the EAT, was properly made where the behaviour of the respondent in the past had justified it, despite the fact that no proceedings had been begun recently. In this case it appeared that the respondent had not accepted that his cases were groundless, and had given no indication that he would not recommence his actions. This was not a breach of his human right to work. EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal Employment Tribunals Act 1996 33 1 Citers  Lassman and Others v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Times, 05 May 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 143 19 Apr 2000 CA Beldam LJ, Chadwick LJ, Robert Walker LJ Employment The claimants worked for Rotaprint when it went into receivership in 1988, and then for the receiver before being transferred to Pan Graphics. Statutory redundany payments were made on the receivership of Rotaprint. The claimants sought further redundancy payment on the insolvency of Rotaprint. The Secretary now appealed the decision of the EAT that payments should be calculated by reference to te period of employment also with Rotaprint. Held: Payments from the redundancy fund operated as equivalent to a redundancy and so the payment created a break in service for the employees receiving the payment. A subsequent redundancy payment was to be calculated from the date of the redundancy. The earlier payment had arisen on a transfer of an undertaking. Although those regulations operated to preserve employment rights, they could not create continuity where there was an interruption, even though there was now doubt about the correctness of the first payment. Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (1981 No 1794) - Employment Rights Act 1996 1 Cites [ Bailii ]   MHC Consulting Services Ltd v Tansell; CA 19-Apr-2000 - Times, 19 April 2000; Gazette, 11 May 2000  Naeem v Bank of Credit and Commerce [2000] EWHC Admin 335 19 Apr 2000 Admn Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Gittins v Packard and Ord Ltd (T/A Marlborough Tiles) [2000] UKEAT 1448_98_1904 19 Apr 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Smales v Tilcon Northern Ltd [2000] UKEAT 20_00_1904 19 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ruby v British Medical Associaton and others [2000] UKEAT 459_00_1904 19 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Omoregie v Customs and Excise [2000] UKEAT 786_99_1904 19 Apr 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Outram v Academy Plastics Ltd Times, 26 April 2000; Gazette, 18 May 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 141; [2001] 1CR 367 19 Apr 2000 CA Tuckey LJ Financial Services, Employment, Negligence An employer, who also operated as trustee of the company's pension scheme, has no duty in negligence to give advice to scheme members as to how they should conduct their own membership of the scheme. No such obligation arises from the contractual relationship. Common law does not generally impose liability in tort for a pure omission. " Looking more generally at the nature of the duty alleged, it is, of course, a duty to avoid causing economic loss. Secondly, if there is a duty, breach of it will result in liability for an omission (failure to advise) in circumstances where it is not alleged that the company were asked or expressly or impliedly assumed any contractual responsibility to give such advice. As a general rule the common law does not impose liability in tort for what are called "pure omissions". In this respect it should be noted that in all the "advice"cases some advice had been given. The courts have had to decide whether it was given in circumstances which required the adviser to take care or whether a duty to do so, which was admittedly owed to some, was also owed to others. When advice has been given and a duty is owed the duty may be breached by omission but our case is one where no advice was given so it is one of pure omission." 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  United Distillers and Vintners Ltd v George Brown EAT/1471/99 27 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. [ EATn ]  United Distillers and Vintners Ltd v George Brown EAT/1471/99 27 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory Fault  Inverness College v Derek William Louden EAT/1482/99 27 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory Fault  S Bhayani v Soft Focus Systems Ltd, T/A Wysdom Information Technology EAT/117/00 27 Apr 2000 EAT Her Honour Judge A Wakefield Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective Consultation and Information  S Bhayani v Soft Focus Systems Ltd, T/A Wysdom Information Technology EAT/117/00 27 Apr 2000 EAT Her Honour Judge A Wakefield Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective consultation and information. [ EATn ]  Inverness College v Derek William Louden EAT/1482/99 27 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. [ EATn ]  Scotch Premier Meat Ltd v Stuart Burns and others EAT/1151/99; [2000] UKEAT 1151_99_2804; [2000] IRLR 639 28 Apr 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Definition 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Brannon v Wilkinson Hardware Stores Ltd [2000] UKEAT 712_98_0105 1 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  E A Nelson v Kingston Cables Distributors Ltd EAT/662/99 2 May 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Clugston Construction Ltd v Taylor and others [2000] EAT 268_99_0205 2 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nelson v Kingston Cables Distributors Ltd [2000] UKEAT 662_99_0205 2 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clugston Construction Limited v J A Taylor and others EAT/268/99 2 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Mtd Logistics Ltd v Shurety [2000] UKEAT 955_99_0205 2 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms E A Nelson v Kingston Cables Distributors Ltd EAT/662/99 2 May 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Walter Thompson (Contractors) Ltd v Wheldon [2000] EAT 1384_99_0205 2 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clugston Construction Limited v J A Taylor and others EAT/268/99 2 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Burton Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Audrey Margaret Clark v Watford Borough Council EAT/43/99 4 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  ICTS (UK) Ltd, B Tchoula v B Tchoula, ICTS (UK) Ltd EAT/1108/99; EAT/1107/99; [2000] IRLR 643 4 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Damages, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Injury to Feelings EAT Race Discrimination - Injury to feelings. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ]  Audrey Margaret Clark v Watford Borough Council EAT/43/99 4 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal "(1) There is no inflexible rule of law and practice that a tribunal must always hear both sides, although that should normally be done: Ridley. (2) The power to stop a case at "half-time" must be exercised with caution: Coral Squash Clubs. (3) It may be a complete waste of time to call upon the other party to give evidence in a hopeless case: Ridley. (4) Even where the onus of proof lies on the applicant, as in discrimination cases, it will only be in exceptional or frivolous cases that it would be right to take such a course: Oxford, Owen and Briggs v James [1981] I.C.R. 377 (Slynn J.), British Gas plc v Sharma [1991 IRLR 101, 106 (Wood J.) (5) Where there is no burden of proof, as under s.98(4) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, it will be difficult to envisage arguable cases where it is appropriate to terminate the proceedings at the end of the first party's case, as I said in Hackney." 1 Citers  Gittins v Oxford Radcliffe NHS Trust [2000] EAT 193_99_0405 4 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Plowman v Davey and Another [2000] UKEAT 0499_00_0405 4 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hm Attorney General v King [2000] UKEAT 0074_00_0405 4 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clark v Watford Borough Council [2000] EAT 43_99_0405 4 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  British Nursing Co-Operations Ltd v Duffy [2000] UKEAT 523_00_0505 5 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jadeja v Royal Mail [2000] UKEAT 772_99_0505 5 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fox v Willis Howells Financial Services and others [2000] UKEAT 1399_99_0505 5 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Healey v Exel Logistics Ltd [2000] EAT 84_99_0505 5 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Symbian Ltd v Christensen; ChD 8-May-2000 - [2000] EWHC 458 (Ch)  Williams v Southside Partnership [2000] UKEAT 829_98_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Senior v Craft Collection Ltd [2000] UKEAT 315_00_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  F Griffiths v North East Derbyshire District Council EAT/612/99 9 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Khan v the Post Office [2000] UKEAT 1238_99_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Regina v Secretary of the Central Office of the Employment Tribunals (England and Wales), ex parte Public Concern at Work Times, 09 May 2000 9 May 2000 QBD Employment, Administrative The Central Office of Tribunals must record the particulars of Employment Tribunal decisions. It has in the past recorded the existence of the application but no details. The court held that the register must include details of the parties, the particulars of the allegations made, and the full text of the decision where recorded. The word 'particulars' has a clear meaning to lawyers which would include such details, and other provisions presumed that such details were provided. Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 1996 1757  London Underground Ltd v Shah [2000] UKEAT 140_00_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Topmark Promotions Ltd v Bryson [2000] UKEAT 00_314_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Osborne v Valve (Engineering) Services Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 393_00_0905 9 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Facey v Midas Retail Security and Another; EAT 9-May-2000 - [2001] ICR 28; [2000] UKEAT 966_98_0905  Mclachlan v Cambridgeshire Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 1195_99_1005 10 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hina v Customs and Excise [2000] UKEAT 61_00_1005 10 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Newnham v British Gas Plc [2000] UKEAT 125_00_1005 10 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lethbridge and others v British Steel Plc [2000] UKEAT 861_99_1005 10 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Berkshire and Oxfordshire Magistrates' Courts v Gannon and Another; QBD 10-May-2000 - Times, 10 May 2000; [2000] ICR 1003; [2000] EWHC Admin 326  D J Lethbridge and others v British Steel Plc EAT/923/99; EAT/861/99 10 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal  D J Lethbridge and others v British Steel Plc EAT/861/99 EAT/923/99 10 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissall [ EATn ]  Griffiths v North East Derbyshire District Council EAT/612/99; [2000] UKEAT 612_99_1005 10 May 2000 EAT Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal [ Bailii ]  England v Hampshire County Council EAT/365/99; [2000] EAT 365_99_1105 11 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  O'Dwyer v Bacon Link Ltd EAT/73/99; [2000] EAT 73_99_1105 11 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written particulars. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]   Taylor v Secretary of State for Scotland; HL 11-May-2000 - Times, 12 May 2000; [2000] UKHL 28  Obasa v Unison EAT/857/98; [2000] UKEAT 857_98_1205 12 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Direct 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Waters v Griffin and others [2000] EAT 1364_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ogunkoya v London Borough of Camden and Another [2000] EAT 1353_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dunlop Oil and Marine Ltd v Hotson [2000] UKEAT 818_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Macaskill v Ds Slabbert Bearing Power International Plc [2000] EAT 1480_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abegaze v British Telecommunications Plc [2000] EAT 1450_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Cheel v Commericial Union Assurance Company [2000] UKEAT 1174_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grey Communications Group Ltd v Wilson [2000] UKEAT 357_00_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nicholas v Plummers Restaurant Ltd [2000] EAT 1111_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fox (T/A Qfcc) v Philps [2000] UKEAT 1488_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  O Obasa v The London Borough of Islington EAT/353/99; EAT/948/97; [2000] UKEAT 948_97_1205 12 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Franxhi v Focus Management Consultants Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1164_99_1205 12 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Freshbake Foods Ltd v J Wheeler, L Russell EAT/44/01 14 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Freshbake Foods Ltd v J Wheeler, L Russell EAT/44/01 14 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Department of Trade and Industry v D Webster G R Burman, First Point International Ltd, Atlantic and Pacific Investments Ltd EAT/539/99 15 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment Employment Agencies Act 1973  Sutherland v Network Appliance Ltd and Another [2001] IRLR 12; [2000] UKEAT 1391_99_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Lindsay P J Employment EAT Lindsay P J said: "We have before us the appeal of Mr John Sutherland in the matter Sutherland v. two respondents, Network Appliance Ltd and Network Appliance Inc. Ms McManus appears for the appellant and Mr Napier for both respondents. Although Ms McManus has a secondary and alternative argument, the appeal chiefly raises this question: where, in existing proceedings for both statutory and contractual claims, there is a compromise not complying with section 203 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 but nonetheless expressed as being in full and final settlement of any claim the appellant may have, (without there having been any reference to severability and without, also, the compromise being in any conveniently severable form), does section 203 make void the whole compromise or does it avoid only so much of the overall compromise as would offend section 203?" [ Bailii ]  Stephen v London Borough of Brent [2000] UKEAT 46_97_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Christodoulou v Wallis and Another [2000] UKEAT 566_00_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grifith v Post Office [2000] EAT 0511_99_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sutherland v Network Appliance Ltd, Network Appliance Inc EAT/1391/99 15 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Department of Trade and Industry v Webster and others [2000] UKEAT 539_99_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Brent v Unison and others [2000] UKEAT 1164_97_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Department of Trade and Industry v D Webster, G R Burman, ( 3)First Point International Ltd, Atlantic and Pacific Investments Ltd EAT/539/99 15 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Employment Agencies Act 1973 - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Wall v Trinity and All Saints College [2000] UKEAT 563_00_1505 15 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sutherland v Network Appliance Ltd, Network Appliance Inc EAT/1391/99 15 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  London Borough of Brent and Another v Wellington-Davy and Another [2000] EAT 0494_99_1605 16 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pitney Bowes Ltd v Kanagasabi [2000] UKEAT 106_00_1605 16 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Martin v Lancashire County Council Appeal (and Cross Appeals) Bernadone v Pall Mall Services Group and Haringey Healthcare Nhs Trust and Independent Insurance Ltd Times, 26 May 2000; Gazette, 15 June 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 155; [2000] IRLR 487; [2001] ICR 197 16 May 2000 CA Peter Gibson LJ Employment Where an undertaking was transferred, existing liabilities arising out of the employment were transferred notwithstanding that these liabilities were not contractual. A claim for personal injuries became the responsibility of the new employer. At the same time, the right of the first employer to indemnity from his insurers was also transferred to the new employers. TUPE must be given "a purposive constructive having regard to, and, so far as possible, consistently with, the Directive", and not so as to deprive an employee of rights he would have had if he had continued in the employment of the transferor. Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (1981 No 1794) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Youssef v Birse Construction Ltd [2000] EAT 1076_99_1605 16 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Travis v Electronic Data Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 295_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Christine Macfarlane, Tamara Stacy Skivington v Glasgow City Council EAT/1277/99 17 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]  Christine Macfarlane, Tamara Stacy Skivington v Glasgow City Council EAT/1277/99 17 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of Employee  Mcdonald v C and A [2000] EAT 1271_99_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Messrs Blatchfords Solicitors v Berger and others [2000] UKEAT 207_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rabould Smith and Tetsill Ltd v Pedley [2000] UKEAT 85_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thompson v Tower Hamlets Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] EAT 1401_99_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  PFS Merchandise Ltd and others v Cunningham [2000] UKEAT 301_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Macfarlane and Another v Glasgow City Council [2000] UKEAT 1277_99_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  O'Donoghue v Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 647_97_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Hibernia Foods Ltd v Wilson [2000] UKEAT 187_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wilcock v Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 205_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Welch v Mageean [2000] UKEAT 364_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Trofinisen-Allport v Lepage [2000] UKEAT 1224_99_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Javed v Ratcliffe [2000] UKEAT 298_00_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fuller v Dysons Wood Autistic Trust Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1182_97_1705 17 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Singh v Durport Harper Foundries Ltd [2000] UKEAT 0141_00_1805 18 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Martlet Estate Agents Ltd v English [2000] UKEAT 1416_99_1805 18 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Telewest Communications v Smallcombe [2000] UKEAT 1496_98_1805 18 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Motorola Ltd v Davidson and Another [2001] IRLR 4; [2000] UKEAT 46_00_1805 18 May 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment [ Bailii ]  Singh v Durport Harper Foundries Ltd [2000] EAT 0141_00_1805 18 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Motorola Ltd v Gary Davidson, Melville Craig Group Ltd EAT/46/00 18 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]  First Picture Company Ltd, T/A First Cut v Gillian Ann Duncan, Tellygraphics Ltd EAT/41/00 18 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer  Motorola Ltd v Gary Davidson, Melville Craig Group Ltd EAT/46/00; [2001] IRLR 1 18 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of Employee 1 Cites 1 Citers  First Picture Company Ltd, T/A First Cut v Gillian Ann Duncan, Tellygraphics Ltd EAT/41/00 18 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. [ EATn ]  Leonard v Southern Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce [2000] UKEAT 789_99_1905 19 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Faris v Riverside Community Healthcare NHS Trust EAT/1430/98; EAT/1314/97; [2000] UKEAT 1314_97_1905 19 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Soul v Adwel International Ltd [2000] UKEAT 889_99_2205 22 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Moyo v Waltham Forest Specialist Housing Consortium [2000] EAT 377_99_2205 22 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Noe v Grampian Country Foods Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1257_99_2205 22 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Al-Azzawi v Haringey Council [2000] UKEAT 158_00_2205 22 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lewisham v Ellis [2000] UKEAT 62_00_2205 22 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Scott v Hedon Salads Ltd [2000] UKEAT 949_99_2305 23 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashraf v Francis W Birkett and Sons Ltd [2000] UKEAT 244_00_2305 23 May 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Hall v Woolston Hall Leisure Limited; CA 23-May-2000 - Times, 31 May 2000; Gazette, 15 June 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 170; [2001] ICR 99; [2001] 1 WLR 225; [2000] 4 All ER 787  Dr J Lynn v Rokeby School Governors, London Borough of Newham EAT/86/99; [2000] EAT 86_99_2305 23 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Nelson Employment, Discrimination EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  MUSA v J Sainsbury Plc [2000] UKEAT 238_00_2305 23 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Graham v London Borough of Barnet [2000] EAT 221_99_2305 23 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Symbian Ltd v Christensen; CA 24-May-2000 - [2000] EWCA Civ 517; [2001] Masons CLR 75; [2000] UKCLR 879; [2001] IRLR 77  Carpenter v Pembroke College [2000] UKEAT 168_00_2405 24 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Options Fitted Furniture v Hendry [2000] UKEAT 1039_99_2405 24 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A F X Martyres v Connex South Eastern Ltd EAT/834/99 24 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  A F X Martyres v Connex South Eastern Ltd EAT/834/99 24 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Maruf v Rail Link Engineering and Another [2000] UKEAT 1488_99_2405 24 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Roberts (T/A Sunfield Nursery) v Richards and Another [2000] EAT 1344_99_2405 24 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Martyres v Connex South Eastern Ltd [2000] UKEAT 834_99_2405 24 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Naeem v Bank of Credit and Commerce International Sa Gazette, 25 May 2000 25 May 2000 CA Employment An employee entered into a compromise agreement having lost his employment. He was later sued by his employer but counterclaimed for stigma damages against the employer. It was held that the release could not bind the employee in respect of matters of which he was unaware at the time of the agreement, and where the bank was seeking to take advantage of that ignorance. 1 Cites 1 Citers  Ayobiojo v Camden [2000] UKEAT 210_00_2505 25 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  T A Brannon v Wilkinson Hardware Stores Ltd EAT/712/98 25 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  T A Brannon v Wilkinson Hardware Stores Ltd EAT/712/98 25 May 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Clarke v Parkes and Another [2000] UKEAT 954_99_2505 25 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chan v Tameside Mbc [2000] UKEAT 1256_99_2605 26 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R A Capek v Lincolnshire County Council Times, 07 June 2000; Gazette, 15 June 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 181; (2000) ICR 878 26 May 2000 CA Employment An employment tribunal had no jurisdiction to hear a claim for damages for breach of contract before the effective date of determination of the contract. The order had been intended to remedy a particular situation. The limit on the time within which a claim could be presented was the three months after dismissal. The claimant could still sue in the County Court, but the words of the order were clear. Industrial Tribunals (Extension of Jurisdiction) Order 1994 (1994 No 1623) 3 7 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Donald v M and W Pearce Ltd; EAT 26-May-2000 - [2000] UKEAT 188_00_2605   Poeton Industries Ltd and Another v Michael Ikem Horton; CA 26-May-2000 - [2000] EWCA Civ 180   Sidhu v Aerospace Composite Technology Ltd; CA 26-May-2000 - Times, 21 June 2000; Gazette, 22 June 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 183  Simpson v Van Den Bergh Foods Ltd [2000] UKEAT 86_00_2605 26 May 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Pedus v Chandler; EAT 26-May-2000 - [2000] EAT 387_99_2605   Sloan v Driving Standards Agency; EAT 26-May-2000 - [2000] UKEAT 189_00_2605  J P Sutton and others v Emprise Services Plc EAT/829/99 26 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer [ EATn ]  J P Sutton and others v Emprise Services Plc EAT/829/99 26 May 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer   Wilson v Post Office; CA 26-May-2000 - [2000] EWCA Civ 3036; [2000] IRLR 834  Jackson v East Sussex County Council [2000] UKEAT 1377_99_2605 26 May 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Alexander George Bradley v Leisure Promotions Ltd EAT/55/00 5 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Alexander George Bradley v Leisure Promotions Ltd EAT/55/00 5 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Highland Primary Care NHS Trust (Formerly Highland Communities NHS Trust) v Marjorie Macdonald EAT/54/00 6 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Williams-Key v Anite Systems Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 654_00_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Clark v Fahrenheit 451 (Communications) Ltd EAT/591/99 6 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Witley and District Men'S Club and Institute Ltd v Mackay [2000] UKEAT 151_00_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abbotsound Ltd v Tracey [2000] EAT 1473_99_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Higgins v Ideal Cleaning Contractors Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1474_99_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Yeo v Guardrite Plc [2000] EAT 1331_99_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Metro Inns Ltd v Armstrong [2000] UKEAT 58_00_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Camden v Coley [2000] UKEAT 162_00_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms A Clark v Fahrenheit 451 (Communications) Ltd EAT/591/99 6 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Chubbs Aviation Services (Uk) Ltd v Richard Matthew Douglas EAT/96/00 6 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EATn ]  Chubbs Aviation Services (Uk) Ltd v Richard Matthew Douglas EAT/96/00 6 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness  Highland Primary Care NHS Trust (Formerly Highland Communities NHS Trust) v Marjorie Macdonald EAT/54/00 6 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Clark v Fahrenheit 451 (Communications) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 591_99_0606 6 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ryan v E92 Plus Ltd [2000] UKEAT 960_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Norwich Airport Staff, Sports and Social Club v Turner [2000] UKEAT 1306_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Halton Hospital NHS Trust v Secretary of State for Health and Another [2000] UKEAT 99_00_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Igbolekwo v the University of Luton [2000] UKEAT 865_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hammersmith and Fulham v Alltimes and Another [2000] UKEAT 0659_00_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hammersmith and Fulham v Alltimes and Another [2000] UKEAT 659_00_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stubbings v Ministry of Defence [2000] EAT 1420_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Bates v Powertech Design Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1435_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Turner v Norwich Airport Staff Sports Social Club [2000] UKEAT 1437_99_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Addis v AND Group [2000] UKEAT 0180_00_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Campbell v Candy Domestic Appliances Ltd [2000] UKEAT 0190_00_0706 7 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mills and Allen Ltd v J Bulwich EAT/154/99 8 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective consultation and information. [ EATn ]  KCA Drilling Ltd v Robert S Breeds EAT/130/00 8 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Valentine Ltd v Hill [2000] UKEAT 138_00_0806 8 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Yakoob v United Bank Ltd EAT/933/99 8 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Yakoob v United Bank Ltd [2000] UKEAT 933_99_0806 8 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kca Drilling Ltd v Robert S Breeds EAT/130/00 8 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire v Vento EAT/52/00; [2000] UKEAT 52_00_0806; [2001] IRLR 124 8 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Discrimination, Employment EAT A claim was made for sex discrimination. The tribunal considered the approach to be taken in the absence of a real comparator. Held: The tribunal had been correct to construct an hypothetical comparator. from how the employers treated actual unidentical, but not wholly dissimilar, cases. "Where there is no evidence as to the treatment of an actual male comparator whose position is wholly akin to the applicant's, a tribunal has to construct a picture of how a hypothetical male comparator would have been treated in comparable surrounding circumstances. Inferences will frequently need to be drawn. One permissible way of judging a question such as that is to see how unidentical but not wholly dissimilar cases were treated in relation to other individual cases. It is not required that a minutely exact actual comparator has to be found. If that were the case then isolated cases of discrimination would almost invariably go uncompensated." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  White v Entech Technical Solutions Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1175_99_0806 8 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barker v Westbridge International Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1180_98_0806 8 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mills and Allen Ltd v J Bulwich EAT/154/99 8 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective Consultation and Information  I Barker v Westbridge International Ltd EAT/1180/98 8 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Disability EAT Disability Discrimination - Disability. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 Cites 1 Citers  Mills and Allen Ltd v Bulwich [2000] EAT 154_99_0806 8 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Yakoob v United Bank Ltd EAT/933/99 8 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Burgess v Cardinal Pole School and Another [2000] EAT 1232_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hirani v Dome Cosmetics Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1390_98_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ivanov v Adtranz Signal (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 220_00_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bennett v Public Trust Office [2000] UKEAT 487_00_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Hirani v Dome Cosmetics Ltd EAT/1390/98 9 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Sandra A Reid v David Bennett, T/A Foxbar Hotel EAT/111/00 9 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Orkibi v Balsara and Co [2000] UKEAT 619_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sun Chemicals v Dixon [2000] UKEAT 578_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Woods v Lambeth Service Team Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1009_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Matthews v Key Computer Company [2000] UKEAT 0436_00_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sandra A Reid v David Bennett, T/A Foxbar Hotel EAT/111/00 9 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Martin v Goldsobel [2000] UKEAT 381_00_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  S Hirani v Dome Cosmetics Ltd EAT/1390/98 9 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  King v ITW Ltd (T/A ITW Finishing Systems and Products) [2000] UKEAT 1448_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Neckles v Yorkshire Rider Ltd (T/A First Huddersfield) [2000] UKEAT 0517_00_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D'Ambrosio v Stratford Upon Avon Food Ltd [2000] UKEAT 957_99_0906 9 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Gentle,J Rackstraw, S Robinson v Perkins Group Ltd EAT/671/99; EAT/670/99; EAT/541/01 12 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment The employees were found to have been unfairly dismissed. Upon refusal of re-instatement, a tribunal later awarded them the difference between the maximum award, and the amount they would have earned on re-instatement. The company's appeal succeeded. Although the legislation history was complicated, it was clear. The appellants were to be compensated as they would have been immediately following dismissal, had a reinstatement order then been made and not complied with, save that the week's pay for the purpose of calculating the additional award is that applicable on the date reinstatement was in fact ordered. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Sojirin v National Car Parks Ltd [2000] UKEAT 424_00_1206 12 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lewis v Royal Borough of Kingston [2000] UKEAT 221_00_1206 12 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jhankur v Surrey Oaklands NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 734_99_1206 12 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Gentle, Mr J Rackstraw, S Robinson v Perkins Group Ltd EAT/670/99 , EAT/671/99 12 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Gentle and others v Perkins Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 670_99_1206 12 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Howe v Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth [2000] UKEAT 81_00_1206 12 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ponnampalam v Stranders [2000] UKEAT 176_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nirmal v North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 379_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashley (T/A Crusader Medical Care) v Hatherley [2000] UKEAT 273_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Khan v Mcdonalds Restaurants Ltd [2000] UKEAT 401_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Bardrick v DSG Retail Ltd EAT/1113/99 13 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  M A Brennan, P T Moss, Mills and Allen Ltd v Mills and Allen Ltd, W C Fenton EAT/490/99; EAT/418/99 13 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Harris v Government Car and Despatch Agency [2000] UKEAT 183_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Bardrick v Dsg Retail Ltd EAT/1113/99 13 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Alexander Holdings Plc v Hemlock [2000] UKEAT 371_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bardrick v Dsg Retail Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1113_99_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Carr-Gomm Society Ltd v Butt &Ors [2000] UKEAT 433_00_1306 13 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dass v London Guildhall University [2000] UKEAT 537_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Thomas v British Polythene Ltd (T/A Brithene Films) [2000] UKEAT 118_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stonier (T/A Redwood Manufacturing Ltd) v Parkinson and others [2000] UKEAT 533_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Scully v Community Health Service NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 234_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pendragon Plc v David Chay [2000] UKEAT 380_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parnell v Wiltshire and Swindon Users Network [2000] UKEAT 594_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Gregory v Scapa Filtration Ltd [2000] UKEAT 869_99_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dargavel v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 228_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kear v Neutral Technologies Ltd [2000] UKEAT 531_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dickenson v Security of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 229_00_1406 14 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Akanbi-Smith v Merseyside Caribbean Council [2000] EAT 1212_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tiny Computers Ltd v Thomas [2000] UKEAT 920_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Garner v South Tyneside Health Care Trust [2000] UKEAT 1094_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham v Farnsworth EAT/461/99; [2000] EAT 461_99_1506; [2000] IRLR 691 15 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Discrimination, Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Compensation 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Fiat Auto (Uk) Ltd v Ms Nadia Andrusyszyn EAT/860/99 15 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. [ EATn ]  Sithole v City and Hackney Community Services NHS Trust and Another [2000] UKEAT 0248_00_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fiat Auto (Uk) Ltd v Nadia Andrusyszyn EAT/860/99 15 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory Fault  Edwards (T/A Eros Travel) v Eldride and Another [2000] UKEAT 196_00_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  De Silva v London Borough of Croydon [2000] EAT 1160_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Georgiou v Cleo Fashions Llc and Another [2000] EAT 1135_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lti Ltd v Radford [2000] UKEAT 164_00_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Catt v Kaschewski (T/A Porters Wine Bar) [2000] UKEAT 170_00_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Doddridge v Associated British Ports [2000] UKEAT 699_00_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fiat Auto (Uk) Ltd v Nadia Andrusyszyn [2000] UKEAT 860_99_1506 15 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms A Parascandola v Ms M Hawtin, Green Flag Ltd EAT/972/99 16 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Rae v Norcrest Homes Ltd [2000] EAT 1290_99_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D'Souza v Lambeth [2000] UKEAT 627_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lana v Positive Action Training In Housing (London) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 245_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Holohan v T Cartledge Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 916_99_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parascandola v Hawtin and Another [2000] UKEAT 972_99_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Halliday v Archdiocese of Southwark [2000] UKEAT 146_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maher v Liverpool City Council [2000] UKEAT 266_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Post Office v Liddiard [2000] UKEAT 174_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barraclough v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 237_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Saka v Fitzroy Robinson Ltd [2000] UKEAT 241_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Anderson v Asc Staffing Ltd [2000] UKEAT 181_00_1606 16 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Parascandola v M Hawtin Green Flag Ltd EAT/972/99 16 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  O'Sullivan v Ealing [2000] EAT 1330_99_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fadipe v London Underground Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 702_99_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rowley v Stagecoach South Ltd [2000] UKEAT 271_00_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  G Banyard v Prudential Assurance Company Ltd EAT/1431/99; [2000] EAT 1431_99_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Adjustments EAT Disability Discrimination - Reasonable adjustments. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Mensah v Royal College of Midwives and others [2000] EAT 1393_99_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Burch v Tesco Stores Ltd [2000] UKEAT 793_99_1906 19 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grant v Reed Personnel Ltd [2000] UKEAT 191_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Layode v Thistle Hotels [2000] UKEAT 160_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Peter Clarke J Employment [ Bailii ]  Miah v Tower Hamlets College [2000] UKEAT 96_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Midland Publishing Group Plc v Greene [2000] UKEAT 711_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Pharoah v H M Prison Service EAT/1404/99; [2000] UKEAT 1404_99_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment, Discrimination EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Omisore v Kensington and Chelsea [2000] UKEAT 150_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parker v British Gas Plc [2000] UKEAT 77_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rai v Hertfordshire County Council [2000] UKEAT 1192_98_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thistlethwaite v Moorends Comrades Club [2000] UKEAT 710_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nobbs v Cam Systems [2000] UKEAT 159_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Atkin v the Grove Primary School and Another [2000] UKEAT 177_00_2006 20 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Amba Transport Services v Breese [2000] UKEAT 143_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Madhavanandan v Ford Motor Company [2000] UKEAT 292_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mahesan v Arrogah [2000] UKEAT 671_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  East Riding of Yorkshire Council v Lorraine Gibson Times, 06 July 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 199 21 Jun 2000 CA Employment The European Directive which created rights for workers to minimum holidays, was not sufficiently precise to allow it to have direct effect, and so give rise to an individual's right to sue an employer under its provisions directly. The Directive gave some discretion to a member state, 'flexibility in the application of certain provisions,' and that certain provisions might therefore be subject to derogations. Working Time Directive 93/104/EC OJ 1993 L307/18 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  A Lawrence and Others v Regent Office Care Limited; Commercial Catering Group and Mitie Secure Services Limited [2000] EWCA Civ 196 21 Jun 2000 CA Employment, Discrimination 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Carr v SRG (Speciality Retail Group Plc) [2000] UKEAT 1338_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Olakotan v Iqbal [2000] UKEAT 212_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Duru v Granada Retail Catering Ltd [2000] UKEAT 281_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ovadje v Bond and others (T/A Western Road Medical Centre) [2000] UKEAT 1382_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Baghri v Bailiss (T/A Unisex Hair and Beauty Salson) [2000] UKEAT 124_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Smith v American Life Insurance Company [2000] UKEAT 280_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sutcliffe v Crowley Garside Waring and Robinson [2000] UKEAT 840_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tiny Computers Ltd v Steele [2000] UKEAT 816_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Weaver Community Playgroup v Brzezicki [2000] UKEAT 355_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M B Holder v Unipart Group Ltd EAT/810/99 21 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Onafowokan v Bp Express Shopping Ltd [2000] EAT 1041_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M B Holder v Unipart Group Ltd EAT/810/99 21 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Ellis v Flomat Bagfilla International Ltd [2000] UKEAT 15_00_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Holder v Unipart Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 810_99_2106 21 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wolex v Radio Taxicabs (London) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 416_99_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ojinnaka v Sheffield College [2000] UKEAT 201_00_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Porter v London Borough of Camden [2000] EAT 212_99_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Fire and Civil Defence Authority v Samuels [2000] UKEAT 450_00_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Adebayo-Orebote v Sureway Parking Services Ltd EAT/1034/99 22 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Adebayo-Orebote v Sureway Parking Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1034_99_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Adebayo-Orebote v Sureway Parking Services Ltd EAT/1034/99 22 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Ice Hockey Super League Ltd v Henry [2000] UKEAT 1167_99_2206 22 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stephenson v Homerton Hospital NHS Tust [2000] UKEAT 307_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elkouil v Coney Island Ltd [2000] UKEAT 520_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pashby v ABI (UK) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 527_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Peat v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] EAT 1142_99_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abegaze v Mid Kent College of Higher and Further Education [2000] UKEAT 748_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Gambau v Mark Catering Ltd [2000] UKEAT 286_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Scaife v Richard J Knaggs and Co [2000] EAT 477_99_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Torquay Leisure Hotels Ltd v Peters [2000] UKEAT 25_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gmb v Man Truck and Bus UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 971_99_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gmb v Man Truck and Bus UK Ltd EAT/971/99 23 Jun 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective Consultation and Information  Allsopp v Glass Systems (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 864_99_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gmb v Man Truck and Bus UK Ltd EAT/971/99 23 Jun 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective consultation and information. [ EATn ]  Gritz v Gate-Free Ltd Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] UKEAT 665_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Moore v University of Greenwich and others [2000] UKEAT 745_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Coad v Blows [2000] UKEAT 519_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Inwood v Biffa Waste Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 208_00_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jack v Pinkerton Security Services Ltd [2000] EAT 533_99_2306 23 Jun 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Platt v ABB Instrumentation Ltd (Formerly Hartmann and Brown (UK) Ltd) [2000] UKEAT 336_00_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Burd v North Bristol NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 335_00_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Atijosan v Lambeth Service Team (T/A Team Lambeth) [2000] UKEAT 968_99_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Giraud UK Ltd v S Smith EAT/1105/99 26 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Burder v Provend Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 327_00_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Williams v Devon and Cornwall Constabulary and others [2000] UKEAT 283_00_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Giraud UK Ltd v S Smith EAT/1105/99 26 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Giraud UK Ltd v Smith [2000] UKEAT 1105_99_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ledeatte v Tower Hamlets [2000] UKEAT 739_99_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Messier-Dowty Ltd v Butler [2000] UKEAT 713_99_2606 26 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms S Ralton and others v Havering College of Further and Higher Education EAT/660/00 27 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT European Material - Acquired Rights Directive. [ EATn ]  White v Timbmet Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1125_99_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lewis (Commission Agent) (T/A Lewis Bookmakers) v Stanley [2000] UKEAT 267_00_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rudzki v Manchester Metropolitian University [2000] UKEAT 640_99_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D'Souza v London Borough of Lambeth [2000] UKEAT 360_96_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Blue Prince Mushrooms Ltd v Khan [2000] EAT 1473_99_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kerry Mitchell v the Court Service EAT/1190/99 27 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Photiou v Salfordian Trust Company Ltd [2000] UKEAT 282_00_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hussain-Shah and Another v Dexion Ltd [2000] UKEAT 276_00_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mitchell v Court Service [2000] EAT 1190_99_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Ralton and others v Havering College of Further and Higher Education EAT/660/00 27 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT European Material - Acquired Rights Directive  Kerry Mitchell v the Court Service EAT/1190/99 27 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Cex Games Ltd v Moore [2000] UKEAT 735_00_2706 27 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  RCO Support Services Ltd, Aintree Hospital Trust v Unison v Binns L Mckinlay EAT/287/99; EAT/38/99; [2002] IRLR 401; [2000] EAT 38_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Dunlop Tyres Ltd v Blows and others [2000] EAT 350_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dunlop Tyres Ltd v C L Blows and 28 others EAT/350/99 28 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  College of North West London v Ms R L Powell EAT/479/99 28 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic) [ EATn ]  College of North West London v R L Powell EAT/479/99 28 Jun 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Time Limits -  Burgess v Gardiner Sons and Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 332_00_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Schuerer v Council T-338/99; [2000] EUECJ T-338/99 28 Jun 2000 ECFI Employment Retirement pension - Weighting - Action for annulment - Inadmissibility. 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Lockwood v Crawley Warren Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1176_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Farrell v Ford Motor Company Ltd [2000] EAT 1103_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kendrick v Wirral Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 299_00_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Roberts v Trustees of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary [2000] UKEAT 942_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sabrewatch Security Ltd v First Security (Guards) Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 255_00_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dunlop Tyres Ltd v C L Blows and 28 others EAT/350/99 28 Jun 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Rudzki v University College of St Martins [2000] UKEAT 1336_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  College of North West London v Powell [2000] EAT 479_99_2806 28 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Centuryan Security Services Ltd v Kelly [2000] UKEAT 430_00_2906 29 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mahmood v Barker (T/A Derby Transit Ltd) [2000] UKEAT 224_00_2906 29 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lord Fairhaven v Bermudez [2000] UKEAT 629_00_2906 29 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v MBNA International Bank [2000] EWCA Civ 514 30 Jun 2000 CA Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Watts v Ivens [2000] UKEAT 333_00_3006 30 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sidney Xavier v the Highways Agency of the Dot/Detr [2000] UKEAT 391_00_3006 30 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nash v Camden [2000] UKEAT 1097_99_3006 30 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Watts v Lewis [2000] UKEAT 330_00_3006 30 Jun 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Meyer v Adwest Steering Ltd [2000] UKEAT 808_98_0107 1 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maurice v Betterware UK Ltd EAT/1030/99; [2000] EAT 1030_99_0307; [2001] ICR 14 3 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Ball and Another (T/A Kara Hair Staudio) v Mitchel [2000] UKEAT 398_00_0307 3 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Awad v BBC Arabic Service and others [2000] UKEAT 88_00_0307 3 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Grant v Disability Law Service [2000] UKEAT 400_00_0307 3 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Redfern v Redsure Electrical Ltd [2000] EAT 1110_99_0307 3 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Smith v Gec Marconi Command Defence Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 835_99_0307 3 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  March v the Big Pig Company Ltd [2000] UKEAT 213_00_0407 4 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Khan v Alcatel Submarine Networks Ltd [2000] UKEAT 454_00_0407 4 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Insolvency Service v Johnson [2000] UKEAT 290_00_0407 4 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms J A Fox v Quit EAT1296/99 4 Jul 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Fox v Quit [2000] EAT 1296_99_0407 4 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mcgurran v Co-Operative Wholesale Society Ltd (T/A North Eastern Co-Op) [2000] UKEAT 395_00_0407 4 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J A Fox v Quit EAT1296/99 4 Jul 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -   Kapadia v Lambeth London Borough Council; CA 4-Jul-2000 - Times, 04 July 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ B1; [2000] IRLR 699  Cole v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 374_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mccue v NTL Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1386_99_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Morgan v Swansea College [2000] UKEAT 984_99_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Taylor v Connex South Eastern Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1243_99_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pickersgill v Allders Department Stores Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 549_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mgbeojikwe v Warren and Another [2000] UKEAT 351_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Paneri Ltd v Charalambous [2000] EAT 474_99_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Japal v Laura Ashley Ltd [2000] UKEAT 123_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hussain v City Living (Leeds) (T/A Morgans) and others [2000] UKEAT 387_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hounslow v Bhatt [2000] EAT 337_99_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Silvey v Pendragon Plc EAT/149/00; [2000] UKEAT 149_00_0507 5 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Shahrokni v Kingsway College and others [2000] UKEAT 871_99_0607 6 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hertz (Uk) Ltd v Todd [2000] UKEAT 324_00_0607 6 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Glaxo Wellcome Operations Ltd v High [2000] UKEAT 311_00_0607 6 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Murray and others v Philippine Airlines Inc [2000] UKEAT 425_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wilson-Wright v Nottinghamshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust [2000] EAT 437_99_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sharma v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 799_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Morgan v Staffordshire University [2000] UKEAT 322_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Alternative Cure Ltd v Grant and others [2000] UKEAT 402_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bari v Waltham Forest [2000] UKEAT 182_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Langdon v Cardiff County Council [2000] UKEAT 407_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Beedell v West Ferry Printers Ltd EAT/135/00; [2000] UKEAT 135_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Botham v Destec Engineering Ltd [2000] UKEAT 465_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Herriot v Drabble [2000] UKEAT 38_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hawwari v British Broadcasting Corporation and others [2000] UKEAT 1486_98_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Electronic Data Systems Ltd v Hanbury and others [2000] UKEAT 128_00_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lucas Varity Plc v Radford [2000] UKEAT 1397_98_0707 7 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P Corrigan v British Telecommunicatons Plc EAT/391/99 10 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  P Corrigan v British Telecommunicatons Plc EAT/391/99 10 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Wilcox Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Bedfordshire Police v Liversidge [2000] UKEAT 773_00_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  D'Cruz v Inland Revenue [2000] UKEAT 348_00_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bennett v Ian David Dry Cleaners [2000] UKEAT 1297_96_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Corrigan v British Telecommunicatons Plc [2000] EAT 391_99_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashcroft v Servicestand Ltd (T/A Designer Foods) [2000] UKEAT 435_00_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rullion Engineering Personnel Ltd v Marsh [2000] UKEAT 272_00_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Hillingdon v Scott [2000] UKEAT 1289_98_1007 10 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Angus v Barnet [2000] UKEAT 810_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Video Arts Ltd v Wood [2000] UKEAT 767_99_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ana World Tours (Europe) Ltd v Chin [2000] UKEAT 320_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Llewellyn v Mudway [2000] UKEAT 328_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Akers v Whicker [2000] UKEAT 342_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Eemtrans (Uk) Ltd and Another v Mcmahon and Another [2000] UKEAT 797_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Intial Contract Services Ltd v Riley [2000] EAT 191_99_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Field Emission Ltd v Payne [2000] UKEAT 354_00_1107 11 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Iles v Ross Newton Recruitment [2000] UKEAT 568_99_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Wilcox J Employment [ Bailii ]  Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council v Balmforth EAT/989/99; EAT/701/99 12 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EAT ]  Armondo and Another v Gourmet International [2000] UKEAT 422_00_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Keene J Employment preliminary hearing to consider whether this appeal raises any reasonably arguable point of law. [ Bailii ]  Robinson v The Post Office EAT/1209/99; [2000] UKEAT 1209_99_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Jurisdiction. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Care First Partnership Ltd v Chubb and others [2000] UKEAT 830_00_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Keene J Employment A short but not unimportant point about the extent of the powers of an Employment Tribunal under the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 1993 Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 1993 [ Bailii ]  Chaplin and Another v Thames Valley Cleaning Ltd [2000] UKEAT 479_00_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Keene J Employment Preliminary hearing of this appeal to see if any reasonably arguable point of law is disclosed [ Bailii ]  Rowe v Moss Plastic Parts Ltd [2000] UKEAT 420_00_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mensah v Royal Berks and Battle Hospital NHS Trust and others [2000] EAT 1390_99_1207 12 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  G J Young v Timbmet Ltd A Sumner EAT/667/99 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written Particulars  Davies and others v M J Wyatt (Decorators) Ltd [2000] EAT 1262_99_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Young v Timbmet Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 667_99_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M A Brennan, P T Moss, Mills and Allen Ltd v Mills and Allen Ltd, Mills and Allen Ltd, W C Fenton EAT/490/99; EAT/418/99 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages  Brennan v Mills and Allen Ltd [2000] EAT 418_99_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Barnes and C Thomas T/A Barnes Thomas and Co v M E Leavesley and Others, Taylors Solicitors EAT/644/99; EAT/642/99; EAT/643/99 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Redundancy - Other  A G Davies and others v M J Wyatt (Decorators) Ltd Times, 24 October 2000; EAT/1262/99 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment Upon implementation of the Working Time Directive requiring employers to provide paid holiday, the respondents adjusted the wages of their staff down to balance the new holiday payments. The Regulations provided that the new rights should not affect any other existing contractual right, and accordingly the reduction was unlawful. EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - Council Directive 93/104/EC [ EAT ]  Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council v Balmforth [2000] UKEAT 701_99_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M A Brennan, P T Moss, Mills and Allen Ltd v Mills and Allen Ltd, Mills and Allen Ltd, W C Fenton EAT/418/99, EAT/490/99 & EAT/5 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Sam Silver (Kensington) Ltd v Hojjat [2000] UKEAT 399_00_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mahajan v Pearlion Overseas Trading Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1374_99_1307 13 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Barnes and C Thomas T/A Barnes Thomas and Co v M E Leavesley and Others, Taylors Solicitors EAT/642/99, 643/99, 644/99, 64 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Redundancy - Other [ EATn ]  Ms G J Young v Timbmet Ltd, A Sumner EAT/667/99 13 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge David Wilcox Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written particulars. [ EATn ]  L I Group Ltd v Craig [2000] UKEAT 432_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Y Asamoah-Boakye v Walter Rodney Housing Association Ltd EAT/44/00 14 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Asamoah-Boakye v Walter Rodney Housing Association Ltd [2000] UKEAT 44_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rennie v Orbit Housing Association [2000] UKEAT 437_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Taylor v Sanctuary Housing Association [2000] UKEAT 442_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thompson v Tower Hamlets Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] EAT 1401_99_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Davis v Scott [2000] UKEAT 239_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Valton v the London Borough of Hackney [2000] EAT 410_99_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fowler v Southend on Sea Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 1021_98_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  1A Centre Community Association Ltd v Gwiazda and others [2000] UKEAT 753_00_1407 14 Jul 2000 EAT Employment The claimants alleged an unlawful deduction from their wages, and unfair dismissal. The employer appealed, complaining that the limited company had been added late. Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure 1993 17 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Ms Y Asamoah-Boakye v Walter Rodney Housing Association Ltd EAT/44/00 14 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Hassan v Muslim Aid [2000] UKEAT 412_00_1707 17 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kimpton v Hammersmith and Fulham [2000] UKEAT 411_00_1707 17 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Saga Petroleum v M Bourgeois EAT/327/99 17 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Other [ EATn ]  Ladbrokes Racing Ltd v Khan [2000] UKEAT 1015_99_1707 17 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Saga Petroleum v Bourgeois [2000] EAT 327_99_1707 17 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Turner v Sutton [2000] UKEAT 474_00_1807 18 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Blowman v Lumonics Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1138_99_1807 18 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Flynn v Yesilada (T/A Adem's Meat Ltd) [2000] UKEAT 431_00_1807 18 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Regina v Chief Constable of Merseyside, Ex Parte Bennion; QBD 18-Jul-2000 - Times, 18 July 2000; Gazette, 27 July 2000  Mohammed v Camden [2000] UKEAT 482_00_1807 18 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  L T I Ltd v A R Radford EAT/164/00 19 Jul 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Burke QC Employment The employee had been selected for redundancy. He alleged that a collective agreement was incorporated into his contract of employment, which would put the employer's methods of selection of employees for redundancy a breach of contract. The Tribunal approved the IT's finding that the union agreement was not intended to be incorporated into the individual contracts of employment. A redundancy selection system should be reasonable, and fair, and be applied fairly. The IT's requirement that the system be fair was not the correct question. It had to ask whether a reasonable employer could have acted as the employers in this case did. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness 1 Cites  L.T.I. Ltd v A R Radford EAT/164/00 19 Jul 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Burke Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Plettell v British Aerospace (Operations) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 446_00_1907 19 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cavannah v Blackburn [2000] UKEAT 457_00_1907 19 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Baz v Al-Abbad and Another [2000] UKEAT 1234_99_1907 19 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Morris v Freighliner Ltd [2000] UKEAT 309_00_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Farleigh v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2000] EAT 1282_99_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S L Farleigh v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry EAT/1282/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of Employee  Taylor v East Midlands Offender Employment [2000] UKEAT 1287_99_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  v M Bruce v Northampton Borough Council EAT/751/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  S L Farleigh v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry EAT/1282/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EATn ]  R E Brandy v London Borough of Islington EAT/1137/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reinstatement/re-engagement. [ EATn ]  A C Taylor v Lowe - East Midlands Offender Employment EAT/1287/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Connor (Deceased) v British Telecommunications Plc [2000] UKEAT 10_98_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Williams v Caerphilly Coutny Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 453_00_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  V M Bruce v Northampton Borough Council EAT/751/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Bruce v Northampton Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 751_99_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A C Taylor v Lowe - East Midlands Offender Employment EAT/1287/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Burrill v John Grooms Association for Disabled People [2000] UKEAT 271_98_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R E Brandy v London Borough of Islington EAT/1137/99 20 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Re-Engagement  Nadar v Rapat Freight [2000] UKEAT 429_00_2007 20 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harmony Healthcare Plc v Lisa Margaret Drewery EAT/866/00 21 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Harmony Healthcare Plc v Lisa Margaret Drewery EAT/866/00 21 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Pitney Bowes Management Services Ltd v French and others [2000] UKEAT 408_00_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harmony Healthcare Plc v Drewery [2000] UKEAT 866_00_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Okoturo v Tesco Stores Plc [2000] UKEAT 344_00_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barnfield College v Arnold [2000] UKEAT 662_00_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  JHA v The Commissioners of Inland Revenue [2000] UKEAT 1285_99_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Aniagwu v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 929_99_2107 21 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Carlton Care Ltd v Patricia Rooney and 35 Others EAT/112/00 24 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer  Gordon Jones v Sainsburya€s Supermarkets Ltd EAT/214/00 24 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  A M Gentle, J G H Rackstraw, S G Robinson v Perkins Engines Peterborough Ltd (Formerly Perkins Group Ltd) EAT/541/01 24 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Hayes v Charman Underwriting Agencies Ltd [2000] UKEAT 242_00_2407 24 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Gordon Jones v Sainsbury'S Supermarkets Ltd EAT/214/00 24 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Carlton Care Ltd v Patricia Rooney and 35 Ors EAT/112/00 24 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Transfer. [ EATn ]  Horsford v London Borough of Harrow and Another [2000] EAT 453_99_2507 25 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robertson v Drewitt (T/A Ready Steady Go) [2000] UKEAT 82_00_2507 25 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ganase v Kent Community Housing Trust [2000] EAT 1231_99_2507 25 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chubb Fire Ltd v Miller EAT/304/00 25 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EAT ]  Sinada v Ara Programming and Distributions Ltd [2000] EAT 1306_99_2507 25 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hazani v High Grade Computers Plc [2000] EAT 1495_99_2507 25 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Turner Coulston (A Firm) v Janko [2000] UKEAT 1394_99_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Hm Prison Service and Another v Mcdermott [2000] UKEAT 894_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fletcher v North West Trains Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 490_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mowat-Brown v University of Surrey [2000] UKEAT 462_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Saudia Arabia v Nasser; EAT 26-Jul-2000 - [2000] UKEAT 672_99_2607  Mcdade v Critchlow and others [2000] EAT 1442_99_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Gogay v Hertfordshire County Council; CA 26-Jul-2000 - Times, 03 October 2000; Gazette, 28 September 2000; [2000] EWCA Civ 228; [2000] IRLR 703; (2001) 3 LGLR 14; [2000] Fam Law 883; [2001] 1 FCR 455; [2001] 1 FLR 280  Rahman v Kush Housing Association [2000] UKEAT 547_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Alley Cat Cafe Ltd v Dean [2000] UKEAT 472_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Henry Convy and 9 Ors v Saltire Press Ltd, Anderston Quay Printers Ltd EAT/1269/99 26 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Economic technical or organisational reason. [ EATn ]  Henry Convy and 9 others v Saltire Press Ltd, Anderston Quay Printers Ltd EAT/1269/99 26 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Economic Technical or Organisational Reason  Arrow Consultants Ltd v Davis [2000] UKEAT 242_00_2607 26 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Charnos Plc v Mark John Donnelly, David Andrew Mcharg, James Dean Murray EAT/334/00 27 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Webb v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2000] UKEAT 541_00_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sands (T/A Grasshopper Landscaping) v Mcgeehan [2000] UKEAT 495_00_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sears v Coventry City Council [2000] EAT 7_99_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Murgai v Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate [2000] UKEAT 1365_97_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tahir v Cyberlife Technology Ltd [2000] UKEAT 871_00_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashton v The Chief Constable of West Mercia Constabulary Times, 15 November 2000; EAT/1381/99; [2000] EAT 1381_99_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment Where a dismissal was properly related to poor work performance, the fact that such a deterioration in performance was associated with a gender reassignment process being undergone by the employee, did not make the dismissal sex discrimination. To extend liability in this way was to try to take such liability too far. EAT Disability Discrimination - Disability Sex Discrimination Act 1975 1 Cites [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]   Crane v Spectrum Services Ltd; EAT 27-Jul-2000 - EAT/843/99  Murray v Hm Land Registry [2000] UKEAT 880_00_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Charnos Plc v Mark John Donnelly, David Andrew Mcharg, James Dean Murray EAT/334/00 27 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Costain Group Plc v Dyte [2000] UKEAT 867_00_2707 27 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Henderson v Inverclyde Council EAT/356/00 28 Jul 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  Cooper v Kakad and Dickinson (In Partnership) [2000] UKEAT 252_00_2907 29 Jul 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Foley v Post Office; HSBC Bank Plc (Formerly Midland Bank Plc) v Madden; CA 31-Jul-2000 - Times, 17 August 2000; Gazette, 31 August 2000; [2000] IRLR 827; [2000] EWCA Civ 3030; [2000] ICR 1283; [2001] 1 All ER 550  Regina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment, Ex Parte National Union of Teachers Times, 08 August 2000 8 Aug 2000 QBD Education, Employment, Administrative The general power of the Secretary of State to promote education did not extend to provision for the terms and conditions of teachers' employment or establishing systems for the payment of higher rates of pay to teachers meeting performance standards. Reference to Parliament was necessary. The Secretary of State had not followed consultation procedures set down for the making of significant alterations to teachers contracts. School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1991  Accounting, Secretarial and Personnel Limited T/a ASAP Recruitment v Stuart Hallford [2000] ScotCS 222 10 Aug 2000 SCS Scotland, Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  S Barber v C Humphreys, Unison EAT/560/00 27 Aug 2000 EAT His Honour Judge A Wilkie Qc Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  Callagan v Glasgow City Council EAT/43/01 28 Aug 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Scotland, Employment, Discrimination The employee was a social worker. After being assaulted in the course of his work, his health deteriorated, and eventually he was dismissed. He claimed disability discrimination. An impairment having been found, and the other conditions being net. The only preliminary issue remaining was whether the employer could establish that he had nevertheless acted reasonably. He had. Had the employer made any reasonable adjustment? The tribunal had rejected the evidence of the applicant on this point. In this case the employee had never been fit enough even for that. Appeal refused. EAT Disability Discrimination - Adjustments [ EAT ]  A Mayers v the Corporation of London and the City of London Police EAT/812/00 3 Sep 2000 EAT His Hon Judge D Serota Qc Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Prosser v Wallace Mcdowall Ltd EAT/383/01 5 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment The employee was taken on as a senior employee, on the basis of his achievement of budgets set by him before becoming employed. The tribunal found he had been fairly dismissed for a performance reason, in failing to achieve the target. He appealed. The EAT held that the tribunal had mixed up two questions, the reason for the dismissal, and its fairness. The finding of fairness could not be supported, but there was insufficient evidence for the EAT to substitute its own finding, and the case was remitted to a different tribunal. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EAT ]  D I Cole v the Post Office EAT/374/00 6 Sep 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Langstaff Qc Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  D I Cole v the Post Office EAT/374/00 6 Sep 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Langstaff QC Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Valueunion Limited v S White EAT/875/99 7 Sep 2000 EAT His Honour Judge A Wilkie Qc Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EATn ]  Value Union Limited v S White EAT/875/99 7 Sep 2000 EAT His Honour Judge A Wilkie QC Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness  London Borough of Brent v J Leader, J Myers R Grey, V Mulholland, N James EAT/636/00 12 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  London Borough of Brent v Ms J Leader, Ms J Myers, R Grey, Ms V Mulholland, Ms N James EAT/636/00 12 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Douglas Campbell v Freightliners Ltd EAT/551/00 12 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Deborah Banks v 1) Tesco Stores Limited, 2) Secretary of State for Social Security EAT/911/97 15 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Morison (P) Employment EAT National Minimum Wage - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  James Mckenna v Smith and Mclaurin Ltd EAT/981/99 18 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  James Mckenna v Smith and Mclaurin Ltd EAT/981/99 18 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Macdonald v Ministry of Defence EAT/121/00 19 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Discrimination, Employment EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct 1 Citers [ EATn ]  MacDonald v Ministry of Defence [2000] UKEAT 0121_00_1909; [2001] ICR 1; [2001] Emp LR 105; [2001] HRLR 5; [2000] IRLR 748; [2001] 1 All ER 620 19 Sep 2000 EAT Lord Johnston J Employment, Discrimination Appeal against rejection of claims for sexual harassment and sex discrimination. Equal Treatment Directive 76/207/EEC - Sex Discrimination Act 1975 6 [ Bailii ]  MacDonald v Ministry of Defence [2000] UKEAT 0121_00_1909; [2001] ICR 1; [2001] Emp LR 105; [2001] HRLR 5; [2000] IRLR 748; [2001] 1 All ER 620 19 Sep 2000 EAT Lotd Johnston Employment, Discrimination, Human Rights The appellant, a homosexual, appealed against rejection of his claims for sex discrimination and sexual harassment. Equal Treatment Directive 76/207/EEC - Sex Discrimination Act 1975 86 [ Bailii ]  South Ayrshire Council v Ms Stella Helena Govan Morton EAT/1267/99, EAT/45/00, EAT/32 21 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Jurisdiction - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Morrow v Safeway Stores Plc EAT/0275/00; [2002] IRLR 9; [2000] UKEAT 275_00_1206 21 Sep 2000 EAT Ms Recorder Cox QC Employment The complainant appealed a decision that she had not been constructively dismissed. She had been told off in public, causing her great distress. The tribunal had found the employer's behaviour regrettable but not such as to break the duty of trust and confidence. It was argued that any breach of that duty must go to the root of the contract. The question is whether, objectively speaking, the employer has conducted itself in a manner likely to destroy or seriously damage the relationship of confidence and trust between the employer and employee. The tribunal erred in finding a breach of that duty, but at a level below that at which resignation was justified. The matter was remitted for a rehearing. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  South Ayrshire Council v Stella Helena Govan Morton EAT/45/00; EAT/1267/99 21 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  South Ayrshire Council v William Milligan EAT/1266/99 22 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Equal Pay Act -  South Ayrshire Council v William Milligan EAT/1266/99 22 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Equal Pay Act - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  S Amor v Galliard Homes Ltd EAT/47/01 25 Sep 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Langstaff QC Employment The appellant appealed as to the calculation of an award in his favour for unfair dismissal. The employee had been given alternative employment at the same rate after his former position had become redundant. He was later dismissed when the redundancy was implemented after he had become a source of disruption at the workplace. Having begun to work as a labourer, he was no longer redundant, and the dismissal was unfair. The case was remitted for reconsideration by an Employment Tribunal. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  S Amor v Galliard Homes Ltd EAT/47/01 25 Sep 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Langstaff Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Kachelmann v Bankhaus Hermann Lampe KG C-322/98; [2000] EUECJ C-322/98 26 Sep 2000 ECJ European, Employment ECJ Social policy - Male and female workers - Access to employment and working conditions - Equal treatment - Conditions governing dismissal [ Bailii ]  Mayeur v Association Promotion de l'Information Messine C-175/99; [2000] EUECJ C-175/99 26 Sep 2000 ECJ European, Employment ECJ Maintenance of workers' rights in the event of transfer of an undertaking - Transfer to a municipality of an activity previously carried out, in the interests of that municipality, by a legal person established under private law [ Bailii ]  Derby Specialist Fabrication Ltd v J N Burton EAT/1139/99; EAT/817/99; [2001] ICR 833; [2001] IRLR 69; [2000] UKEAT 817_99_2809; [2001] 2 All ER 840 27 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Keene Discrimination, Employment Race Discrimination - Direct. After dealing with the arguments based on the history of the various statutes: "Whether the employer deliberately dismisses the employee on racial grounds or he so acts as to repudiate the contract by racially discriminatory conduct, which repudiation the employee accepts, the end result is the same, namely the loss of employment by the employee. Why should Parliament be taken to have distinguished between these two situations?" Constructive dismissal came within the term 'dismissal', as used in section 4(2)(c). There was no reason to give the word 'dismissal' a narrow meaning so as to exclude constructive dismissal: "We can see some force in the reasoning in Harrold, but in the end we are not persuaded by it. There may be a number of reasons why Parliament chose to make an amendment to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, not least its wish to ensure that there could [be] no doubt whatsoever about the Act's compliance with Community law, as the judgment in Harrold indicates. It cannot be taken as an indication by Parliament that, in other legislation with which it was not dealing, 'dismissal' was to be given a restricted meaning. We emphasis that because, if one approaches the meaning of 'dismissal' in the Race Relations Act without that extraneous influence, there is no reason why it should be so construed as to exclude constructive dismissal. Whether the employer deliberately dismisses the employee on racial grounds or he so acts to repudiate the contract by racially discriminatory conduct, which repudiation the employee accepts, the end result is the same, namely the loss of employment by the employee. Why should Parliament be taken to have distinguished between these two situations?" Race Relations Act 1976 1 Citers [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Zietsman and Another v Stubbington (T/A Berkshire Orthodontics) [2000] UKEAT 345_00_2709 27 Sep 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  King v Customs and Excise [2000] UKEAT 1333_99_2709 27 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mb Supply Co Ltd (T/A Mb Bearings and Transmissions) v Ralphs [2000] UKEAT 330_99_2709 27 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Marshall v North West London Mental Health Trust EAT/30/98; [2000] UKEAT 30_98_2709 27 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Morison (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Gus Home Shopping Ltd v Green and Another [2000] UKEAT 994_99_2709 27 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Northumberland County Council v Thomas William Burt EAT/510/99 28 Sep 2000 EAT Miss Recorder Elizabeth Slade Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Northumberland County Council v Burt [2000] EAT 510_99_2809 28 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Northumberland County Council v Thomas William Burt EAT/510/99 28 Sep 2000 EAT Miss Recorder Elizabeth Slade QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal   Hailwood v Best Power Technology Ltd; EAT 29-Sep-2000 - [2000] EAT 1253_99_2909  Manchester City Council v Thurston [2000] UKEAT 418_00_2909 29 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Okoruwa v Benefits Agency [2000] UKEAT 440_00_2909 29 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Piano v Charlie Brown's Auto Centres Ltd [2000] UKEAT 319_00_2909 29 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lwl Landscapes Ltd and Another v Grieg and Another [2000] UKEAT 491_00_2909 29 Sep 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clark Contracts Ltd v Scott J Feeney EAT/683/01 30 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Clark Contracts Ltd v Scott J Feeney EAT/683/01 30 Sep 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Jones v Balfour News [2000] UKEAT 507_98_0110 1 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Lo Sterzo v London Borough of Lewisham EAT/1223/99 2 Oct 2000 EAT Mrs Recorder Cox QC Employment The applicant had been dismissed for gross misconduct in his supervision of building works carried out for his respondent employer. He appealed dismissal of his claim on the basis that no tribunal could properly find the employers decision to be within the range of reasonable responses. He alleged that the findings disclosed no more than incompetence, but that the employer had approached it as deliberate misconduct. Held: The evidence before the tribunal was capable of supporting the finding of deliberate misconduct, and no error of law or perversity had been shown. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal 1 Cites  Finney v Council for Awards In Children's Care and Education [2000] UKEAT 1095_00_0210 2 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lynn v Unison [2000] UKEAT 875_97_0210 2 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Regina v Worcester County Council Secretary of State for Department of Health ex parte S W [2000] EWHC Admin 392; [2000] HRLR 702 2 Oct 2000 Admn Human Rights, Employment The court considered the lawfulness of a non-statutory list of people who might not be employed to work with children, the Consultancy Service Index. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  McMullen's of Hertford v G P Sweetman EAT/0506/00 2 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  A Hawwari v British Broadcasting Corporation, G Mclellan EAT/922/99 2 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites 1 Citers  Mcmullen's of Hertford v G P Sweetman EAT/0506/00 2 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  A Hawwari v British Broadcasting Corporation, G Mclellan EAT/922/99 2 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Maurice Kay Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  C Lo Sterzo v London Borough of Lewisham EAT/1223/99 2 Oct 2000 EAT Mrs Recorder Cox Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  T Richardson v H Mullins (Earlby) Ltd EAT/996/99 3 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Absholt v Hampshire Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 0705_00_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment Appeal against Registrar's refusal to extend time for lodging a Notice of Appeal. [ Bailii ]  Ferlini v Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg [2000] ECR II-3929; C-411/98; [2000] EUECJ C-411/98 3 Oct 2000 ECJ Employment, Immigration ECJ A national of one Member State working in another Member State does not lose his status of worker within the meaning of Article 48(1) of the Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 39(1) EC) through occupying a post within an international organisation, even if the rules relating to entry into and residence in the country in which he is employed are specifically governed by an international agreement. Accordingly, there can be no doubt that an EC official has the status of a migrant worker. The first paragraph of Article 6 of the Treaty (now, after amendment, the first paragraph of Article 12 EC) also applies in cases where a group or organisation such as the Entente des hôpitaux luxembourgeois exercises a certain power over individuals and is in a position to impose on them conditions which adversely affect the exercise of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the Treaty. The application, on a unilateral basis, by a group of healthcare providers of a Member State to EC officials of scales of fees for medical and hospital maternity care which are higher than those applicable to residents affiliated to the national social security scheme of that State constitutes discrimination on the ground of nationality prohibited under the first paragraph of Article 6 of the EC Treaty, in the absence of objective justification in this respect. The criterion of affiliation to the national social security scheme, on which the differentiation of fees for medical and hospital care is based, constitutes indirect discrimination on the ground of nationality. First, the great majority of those affiliated to the Sickness Insurance Scheme common to the institutions of the European Communities and not to the national social security scheme, although in receipt of medical and hospital care given in Luxembourg, are nationals of other Member States. Second, the overwhelming majority of nationals residing in Luxembourg are covered by the national social security scheme. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Muyinda v Croydon Doctors on Call Ltd [2000] UKEAT 698_00_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment EAT Appeal by the claimant against the Registrar's decision not to extend time for lodging a Notice of Appeal. [ Bailii ]  Richardson v H Mullins (Earlby) Ltd EAT/996/99; [2000] UKEAT 996_99_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Peter Clark J Employment The Tribunal was asked: "(1) was the Applicant employed under a fixed-term contract of apprenticeship, not terminable by the Respondent employer on notice, such that he has a claim for damages for breach of contract arising out of the termination of that contract by the Respondent on 18 January 1999 (the apprenticeship question)? (2) if not, and the contract was terminable on notice, was the Tribunal wrong in law in finding that although the dismissal by reason of redundancy was unfair, there was a fifty per cent chance that the Applicant would have been dismissed fairly had a proper procedure been followed? ( the Polkey point). (3) was the Tribunal's decision flawed for lack of adequate reasons insofar as they found that the period of future loss of earnings was limited to 4 weeks from the date of the Tribunal hearing (future loss)?" [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Seeckun v Wicks [2000] EAT 1193_99_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment Appeal against a Registrar's Order striking out such parts of the claimant's Notice of Appeal as relate to complaints of prejudice, bias and misconduct on the part of the Employment Tribunal. [ Bailii ]  Taner v Greenwich Leisure Ltd [2000] EAT 1303_99_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment Appeal against the Registrar's decision to strike out the appeal. [ Bailii ]  Davitt v HQ Service Children's Education (Mod) [2000] UKEAT 684_99_0310 3 Oct 2000 EAT Lindsay J P Employment Appeal as regards extent of time for possible claim for equal pay damages. [ Bailii ]  Sindicato de Medicos de Asistancia Publica (SIMAP) v Colsilieria de Sanidad y Consumo de la Generalidad Valenciana Times, 18 October 2000; [2000] ICR 1116; C-303/98; [2000] IRLR 845; [2000] EUECJ C-303/98 3 Oct 2000 ECJ European, Employment, Health Professions, European, European Doctors working in primary health care teams are subject to the Working Time Directive. They are not to be assimilated as public service workers alongside emergency services. All time on call was working time and overtime if present at a health centre, but if merely contactable then the rules applied to the time actually spent. Merely being on call at night regularly did not make them night workers, but they could be classed as shift workers where appropriate. Consents given collectively by a trade union are not to be equated with consent given by the doctor himself. ECJ Social policy - Protection of the safety and health of workers - Directives 89/391/EEC and 93/104/EC - Scope - Doctors in primary health care teams - Average period of work - Inclusion of time on call - Night workers and shift workers Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work - Council Directive 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Vaghadia v Metalastik Ltd [2000] UKEAT 405_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ministry of Defence v C A Wood EAT/1156/99 4 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal  Ministry of Defence v Wood [2000] EAT 1156_99_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Medran Developments Ltd v Howarth [2000] UKEAT 1240_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Autohouse Tottenham Ltd v Constantinou [2000] UKEAT 511_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Creative Image Technology v Lees [2000] UKEAT 1237_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Yong v Croydon [2000] UKEAT 325_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kuttappan v Croydon and others [2000] UKEAT 39_00_0410 4 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ministry of Defence v C A Wood EAT/1156/99 4 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. [ EATn ]  J K Macmullen v Dr M J Cooke T/A the Netherton Nursing Home EAT/1409/98 5 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid QC Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Bold Transmission Parts Ltd v Taree [2000] UKEAT 1030_00_0510 5 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms D M Wells v North East Lincolnshire Council EAT/839/00 5 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Gloystarne and Co Ltd v G S Martin EAT/1008/00 5 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Gloystarne and Co Ltd v G S Martin EAT/1008/00 5 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  D M Wells v North East Lincolnshire Council EAT/839/00 5 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Gloystarne and Co Ltd v Martin [2000] UKEAT 1008_00_0510 5 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J K Macmullen v Dr M J Cooke T/A the Netherton Nursing Home EAT/1409/98 5 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid Qc Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Macmullen v Cooke (T/A the Netherton Nursing Home) [2000] UKEAT 1409_98_0510 5 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Parker v Sfe Ltd [2000] UKEAT 30_00_0610 6 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zaher v Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [2000] UKEAT 508_00_0610 6 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thomas v Bath and West Community NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 216_00_0610 6 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  MOD (Service Children's Education) v KW [2000] UKEAT 1119_99_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  M Humphrey and others v Gatwick Handling Ltd EAT/846/99 9 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages -  Isabella Inglis Wilson v Stoddard International Plc EAT/377/00 9 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness. [ EATn ]  Cambus Holdings Ltd (T/A Stage Coach Cambus) v Rahim [2000] UKEAT 1165_00_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Humphrey and others v Gatwick Handling Ltd EAT/846/99 9 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic) . [ EATn ]  Adams v Leicestershire Youth Training Trust [2000] UKEAT 378_00_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sterzo v Lewisham [2000] UKEAT 1223_99_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Coutts and Co v Davis [2000] EAT 306_99_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hanson v Pageone Communications Ltd [2000] UKEAT 540_00_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Humphrey and others v Gatwick Handling Ltd [2000] UKEAT 846_99_0910 9 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Alice Craig v Costley and Costley Ltd EAT/376/00 9 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Leonard v Southern Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce [2000] UKEAT 789_99_1010 10 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Regina v South Yorkshire Police Authority Ex Parte Booth Times, 10 October 2000 10 Oct 2000 QBD Police, Employment, Costs There is no power in law for a police authority to fund payment of legal expenses incurred by an officer of the rank of Superintendent or below when defending disciplinary proceedings. The statutory code was not displaced by the Duckinfield case. The Regulations and Act were clear in restricting such assistance to appeals against disciplinary findings, and to proceedings against senior officers. Police Act 1996 - Police (Conduct) Senior Officer Regulations 1999 (1999 No 731)  Hughes v CPL Industries Ltd [2000] EAT 1496_99_1010 10 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mark Wilkinson Furniture Ltd v Construction Industry Training Board Times, 10 October 2000 10 Oct 2000 QBD Land, Construction, Employment The operation of installing kitchens could amount to work altering a building. Accordingly firms carrying out such installations were liable to pay a levy as a contribution to the industry's training scheme. Although in many cases fittings might only be attached to buildings by screws, the fittings were intended to alter the character of a building, and counted as such. Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 1999 159 1 Cites 1 Citers  Allan Johnston Robertson v Dundee City Council EAT/392/00 10 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Dancibar v Gallagher [2000] UKEAT 784_00_1010 10 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Allan Johnston Robertson v Dundee City Council EAT/392/00 10 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Moyo v Waltham Forest Specialist Housing Consortium Ltd [2000] EAT 377_99_1010 10 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  T J Fabrication Ltd v Maloney [2000] UKEAT 234_00_1010 10 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Teo v Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd [2000] EAT 209_99_1110 11 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  James Ronald Somers v Fairways Horse Sanctuary EAT/562/00 11 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Fowler v Worcester City Council [2000] UKEAT 602_00_1110 11 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Teel v Grosvenor Lifestyle Management Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 601_00_1110 11 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pendragon Motor Group Ltd (T/A Stratstone (Wilmslow) Ltd) v Ridge [2000] UKEAT 962_00_1110 11 Oct 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  James Ronald Somers v Fairways Horse Sanctuary EAT/562/00 11 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Hince v Cottee and Another [2000] UKEAT 329_00_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Brent v Leader and others [2000] UKEAT 636_00_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  King v Tg Holdcroft (Holdings) Ltd [2000] EAT 1023_99_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Patchett v Greenwood Interiors [2000] UKEAT 634_00_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tg Holdcroft (Holdings) Ltd v King [2000] UKEAT 119_00_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Powdershire Ltd (T/A Viksu Designs) v Desir [2000] UKEAT 1100_98_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Powdershire Limited T/A Viksu Designs v Marianne Desir EAT/1100/98 12 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid QC Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal  Powdershire Limited T/A Viksu Designs v Ms Marianne Desir EAT/1100/98 12 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid Qc Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissall [ EATn ]  Tooley v Brimelow [2000] UKEAT 310_00_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tilly v Liverpool City Council [2000] UKEAT 1331_97_1210 12 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  T Khan v J Burton, the Management Committee of the Gateshead Law Centre and others EAT/1114/00; EAT/278/00 13 Oct 2000 EAT S Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal  King v Odam Rawson Ltd (T/A Crown Guard) [2000] UKEAT 248_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Khan v Burton and others [2000] UKEAT 278_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Snooks v Westminster City Council [2000] UKEAT 483_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lowe v Everest Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 353_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nembhard v Whelan (T/A Maw Woodmachinery) [2000] UKEAT 404_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nicholas v Plummers Restaurant Ltd [2000] EAT 1111_99_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  T Khan v Ms J Burton, the Management Committee of the Gateshead Law Centre and others EAT/278/00, T/1114/00 & EAT/1 13 Oct 2000 EAT S Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Sealy v Axa Sunlife Plc [2000] UKEAT 136_00_1310 13 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Harris v Nottinghamshire County Council EAT/308/00 16 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Other  Jenkins v Iacr Rothamsted [2000] UKEAT 621_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harris v Nottinghamshire County Council [2000] UKEAT 308_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  W Spence v British Railways Board EAT/755/99 16 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Jurisdiction. [ EATn ]  J Harris v Nottinghamshire County Council EAT/308/00 16 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Other [ EATn ]  Garrett v Goodbody [2000] UKEAT 603_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gayle v W M Barrowcliffe Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 413_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Manor House Healthcare v A Hayes S Skinner EAT/1196/99 16 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Edwards v Waltham Forest and others [2000] UKEAT 317_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Spence v British Railways Board [2000] UKEAT 755_99_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Manor House Healthcare v A Hayes, S Skinner EAT/1196/99 16 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Burke v Essilor Ltd [2000] UKEAT 605_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sergiev v Filsoft Entertainment Ltd [2000] UKEAT 616_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  W Spence v British Railways Board EAT/755/99 16 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  Lynch v Doncaster Motor Trades Gta [2000] UKEAT 579_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  List Design Group Ltd v Douglas and Another [2000] UKEAT 966_00_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Valkova v Benefits Agency Medical Services [2000] UKEAT 1463_99_1610 16 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ms A Cole v the London Borough of Hackney EAT/973/99 17 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Brian Langstaff Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Bramante Architects v Castle [2000] UKEAT 172_00_1710 17 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Cole v the London Borough of Hackney EAT/973/99 17 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Brian Langstaff QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Granges Building Systems Ltd (T/A Glostal Monarch) v Hill [2000] UKEAT 666_99_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A W Fowler v Cross Country Trains Ltd T/A Virgin Trains EAT/1246/99 18 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Ruby v Kings Lynn and Wisbech Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 496_00_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Fowler v Dudley College of Technology [2000] UKEAT 406_00_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Granges Building Systems Ltd T/A Glostal Monarch v P M Hill EAT/666/99 18 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Fowler v Cross Country Trains Ltd (T/A Virgin Trains) [2000] UKEAT 1246_99_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wei v Eurofax International Ltd [2000] UKEAT 985_00_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Advena Ltd v Harrison [2000] UKEAT 144_00_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v East Surrey College [2000] UKEAT 1245_00_1810 18 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A W Fowler v Cross Country Trains Ltd T/A Virgin Trains EAT/1246/99 18 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Granges Building Systems Ltd T/A Glostal Monarch v P M Hill EAT/666/99 18 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Abadeh v British Telecommunications Plc EAT/1124/99; [2001] IRLR 23; [2001] Emp LR 440; [2001] ICR 156; [2000] UKEAT 1124_99_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Nelson Discrimination, Employment EAT The claimant appealed dismissal of his claim under the 1995 Act. He was a telephone operator injured after a sudden shriek in his ear. They had found him not to be disabled within the 1995 Act. Held: The appeal succeeded. The tribunal had carefully considered medical evidence provided by the defendant before deciding themselves on the condition. They had not delegated their decision to her, but had been overly influenced by the doctor's opinion as to whether or not the impairments were substantial under the Act and in effect adopted her assessment instead of making their own of that issue. The tribunal had incorrectly discounted the medical treatment received by the claimant. The tribunal had also erred in finding that travelling on the underground and by airplane were not normal day to day activities. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1(1) 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  British Airways Plc v Sohal [2000] UKEAT 642_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  William S Graham Ltd (T/A W S Graham and Sons and the Calls Grill) v O'Donnell [2000] UKEAT 545_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Amaechi v Liverpool City Council [2000] UKEAT 488_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Angel v New Possibilities NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1220_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Armugam v University of Sheffield [2000] UKEAT 564_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Retirement Care Group Ltd v Greener [2000] UKEAT 689_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Beresford v Hammersmith and Fulham [2000] UKEAT 958_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  North East London College v Leather [2000] UKEAT 528_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Herron v Evans and Another [2000] UKEAT 851_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Edomi v London Borough of Hackney [2000] UKEAT 1002_97_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ryan v Birmingham City Council [2000] UKEAT 444_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lowery and Another v Lambert [2000] UKEAT 195_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lander Carlisle Ltd v Highfield [2000] UKEAT 953_99_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jedla v Procter and Gamble (Health and Beauty Care) [2000] UKEAT 838_98_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dawkins v Adecco UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 521_00_1910 19 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maher v Liverpool City Council [2000] UKEAT 266_00_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fasuyi v Greenwich [2000] UKEAT 1078_99_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lucey v E C Sames and Co Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 965_00_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ashford School and Another v Nixon and others [2000] UKEAT 666_00_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Carver v Saudi Arabian Airlines [2000] UKEAT 676_00_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gould v Haileybury and Imperial Service College and Another [2000] UKEAT 635_00_2010 20 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Carter and Another v Stakis Plc and others [2000] UKEAT 1016_99_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ali (T/A Papworth Hotel) v Leadbeater [2000] UKEAT 609_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elasha Mahdi Elasha v Prince Abdullah Bin Saad Al Saud EAT/1239/99 23 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Jurisdiction  Pandya v Powergen UK Plc and others [2000] UKEAT 599_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Okouka v J Sainsbury Plc [2000] UKEAT 792_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hardwick v Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust and Another [2000] UKEAT 556_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chilton v HM Prison Service [2000] UKEAT 455_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Condappa v Newham Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 452_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Conway v Centre Point (Uk) Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 1042_97_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dabson v Dewstow Golf Club [2000] UKEAT 693_00_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elasha v Prince Al Saud [2000] UKEAT 1239_99_2310 23 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elasha Mahdi Elasha v Prince Abdullah Bin Saad Al Saud EAT/1239/99 23 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Jurisdiction. [ EATn ]  Lewis v Airflow Streamlines Plc [2000] UKEAT 634_96_2410 24 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Puncher v Bishop Grossteste College [2000] UKEAT 691_00_2410 24 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Scott and others v Yorkshire Miners Welfare Convalescent Homes [2000] UKEAT 673_00_2410 24 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Blue Square Design Presentations v Hauldren [2000] EAT 1180_99_2410 24 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Potting Construction Ltd v Elliott [2000] UKEAT 680_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kirkland v Southern Converters Ltd [2000] UKEAT 858_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Macaulay v Hackney and Another [2000] UKEAT 838_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robertson v Lyndon Scaffolding Plc [2000] UKEAT 832_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Roach v Apcoa Parking (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 719_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  St Regis Paper Company Ltd v Compton [2000] UKEAT 505_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Swinbourne v Birmingham City Council [2000] UKEAT 681_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sam v Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital Trust [2000] UKEAT 156_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gumsley v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 454_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kassi v Edwards [2000] UKEAT 708_00_2510 25 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D J L Turtle v Stead and Simpson EAT/854/99 26 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Professional Selection and Development Ltd v Faris Wahab EAT/64/00 26 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell Qc Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Crowe v Enfield [2000] UKEAT 1254_99_2610 26 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cooper and Another v Manchester Airport Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 629_99_2610 26 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ripa Di Meana v Parliament (Law Governing The Institutions) T-84/99 T-84/99; [2000] EUECJ T-84/99 26 Oct 2000 ECFI Employment ECJ Members of the European Parliament - Provisional pension scheme - Time-limit for submission of request - Notice - Admissibility. [ Bailii ]  Ripa Di Meana v Parliament (Law Governing The Institutions) T-85/99 T-85/99; [2000] EUECJ T-85/99 26 Oct 2000 ECFI Employment ECJ Members of the European Parliament - Provisional pension scheme - Time-limit for submission of request - Notice - Admissibility. [ Bailii ]  Professional Selection and Development Ltd v Wahab [2000] UKEAT 64_00_2610 26 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Turtle v Stead and Simpson [2000] UKEAT 854_99_2610 26 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Sovereign Food Group Ltd v Cannings [2000] UKEAT 802_00_2610 26 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D J L Turtle v Stead and Simpson EAT/854/99 26 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Professional Selection and Development Ltd v Faris Wahab EAT/64/00 26 Oct 2000 EAT Mr Commissioner Howell QC Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Burton v Matrice Ltd [2000] UKEAT 659_00_2710 27 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ruby v Kings Lynn and Wisbech Hospitals NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 496_00_2710 27 Oct 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Chaffer v Southern Birmingham Community Health NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 672_00_2710 27 Oct 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Pandya v Headcount Field Marketing Ltd [2000] UKEAT 600_00_3010 30 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Miller v Britannic Travel Ltd [2000] UKEAT 183_00_3010 30 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lee v Police Information Technology [2000] UKEAT 1270_00_3010 30 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B A Lawn, A Dawson, K Bray v Hartlepool College of Further Education EAT/1172/99 30 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness [ EATn ]  B A Lawn, A Dawson, K Bray v Hartlepool College of Further Education EAT/1172/99 30 Oct 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Fairness  Caredda v London Goodenough Trust for Overseas Graduates EAT/843/00; [2000] UKEAT 843_00_3010 30 Oct 2000 EAT His Hon Judge Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. 1 Citers [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Groves v Pillings Printing Co Ltd EAT/845/99 30 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Ms C Groves, Ms D Nutton, Ms L Groves v Pillings Printing Co Ltd EAT/845/99 30 Oct 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Dawson and others v Hartlepool College of Further Education [2000] EAT 1172_99_3110 31 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Groves and others v Pillings Printing Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 845_99_3110 31 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Camdon Group Ltd v Lamb [2000] UKEAT 396_00_3110 31 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pets at Home Ltd v Crossley [2000] UKEAT 1168_00_3110 31 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hm Prison Service v Davis [2000] UKEAT 1150_00_3110 31 Oct 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Cadbury v South Thames College EAT/1407/98 1 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Witt v British Red Cross [2000] UKEAT 638_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gridquest Ltd T/A Select Employment, Piper Group Plcetc v Blackburn etc EAT/598/00 1 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Working Time Regulations - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Gridquest Ltd T/A Select Employment, Piper Group Plc, XR Associates Ltd v Blackburn etc Times, 09 January 2002; EAT/598/00; [2002] ICR 682 1 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment The respondents appealed a finding that they were not due to make additional holiday pay under the regulations. The employer asserted that the hourly rate of pay included a rolled up element of holiday and sick pay. The employee asserted that the contract documentation made no mention of such an arrangement. The employers claimed that the employees knew full well of the arrangement, and the employees denied any such knowledge. Held: The matter must be remitted to a fresh tribunal. The tribunal had made findings which suggested that the employees were not told, or did not know of any such arrangement, but had not made a finding as to whether the arrangement was part of the contract. This missing step was essential to a conclusion. EAT Working Time Regulations Working Time Regulations 1998 (1998 No 1833) 16 1 Cites 1 Citers  Wandou v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 1166_99_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lowery v Chelsea Village Management Ltd and Another [2000] EAT 1152_99_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rotherham Reboring Service Ltd v Maycock [2000] UKEAT 1054_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rivett v Norwich Kitchen Centre [2000] UKEAT 642_98_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mehr v Palmstock Hotels Ltd [2000] UKEAT 0626_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Onigbo v Group 4 Total Security Ltd [2000] UKEAT 640_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nutley v Thames Valley University [2000] UKEAT 705_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J Cadbury v South Thames College EAT/1407/98 1 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Cruickshank v VAW Motorcast Ltd [2000] UKEAT 645_00_0111; [2002] ICR 729 1 Nov 2000 EAT Lord Johnston Employment, Discrimination The relevant date for determining whether discrimination exists is the date of the alleged discrimination. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Kellaway and Another (T/A Tramps Hair Design) v Fletcher [2000] UKEAT 1485_99_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harvey v 3A Palace Green [2000] UKEAT 646_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hafele v Axus UK [2000] UKEAT 842_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elsey v Bailey and Another [2000] UKEAT 1183_00_0111 1 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  v Makani v the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust EAT/1188/99 2 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Submission of New Case. [ EATn ]  Arriva Motor Retailing Plc (T/A Arriva Ford Nottingham) v Herring [2000] UKEAT 471_00_0211 2 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harewood and Upton Recreation Club and Instutute v Bexon [2000] UKEAT 1366_00_0211 2 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Makani v the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1188_99_0211 2 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  V Makani v The Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust EAT/1188/99 2 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Submission of New Case  Dhiroo R Shah v Lex Transfleet [2000] UKEAT 807_00_0311 3 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shipham and Co Ltd v Skinner [2000] UKEAT 840_00_0311 3 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Curley v Nuffield Nursing Homes Trust [2000] UKEAT 651_00_0311 3 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  O Olukoga v London Borough of Hackney EAT/991/00 3 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Olukoga v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 991_00_0311 3 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Southwark v Mungul [2000] UKEAT 1359_99_0311 3 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  O Olukoga v London Borough of Hackney EAT/991/00 3 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  West Middlesex Hospitals NHS Trust v A E Basley EAT/899/99 4 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  West Middlesex Hospitals NHS Trust v A E Basley EAT/899/99 4 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  C Vytelingum v Camden and Islington Community Health NHS Trust EAT/1455/98 5 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Vytelingum v Camden and Islington Community Health NHS Trust EAT/1455/98 5 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages - 1 Cites 1 Citers  Tempro v Morritts Restaurant Ltd [2000] UKEAT 717_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  British Broadcasting Corporation and others v Sandhu [2000] UKEAT 758_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R H Mcgee and R J Mcgee v Royal Mail EAT/1226/99 6 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Other  R H Mcgee and R J Mcgee v Royal Mail EAT/1226/99 6 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Other - [ EATn ]  Ocs Cleaning South Ltd v Dhillon [2000] UKEAT 778_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Khan v Trident Safeguards Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 900_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Edwards (T/A Eros Travel) v Eldridge and Another [2000] UKEAT 196_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v 3M Health Care Ltd [2000] UKEAT 714_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mcgee and Another v Royal Mail [2000] UKEAT 1226_99_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mashroe Group Ltd v Chambers [2000] UKEAT 919_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gunn v Thacker-Builder [2000] UKEAT 879_00_0611 6 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Valueunion Limited v S White EAT/875/99 7 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge A Wilkie QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Tokyo Diner Plc v Matsumoto [2000] UKEAT 1063_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  England v Hampshire County Council [2000] UKEAT 1278_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thomas v Bennett, Oakley and Partners (A Solicitors Firm) [2000] UKEAT 647_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lex-E-Mode Ltd v Chandehoke [2000] UKEAT 630_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Valueunion Ltd v White [2000] UKEAT 875_99_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Power v Matthews and others [2000] UKEAT 654_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Valueunion Limited v S White EAT/875/99 7 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge A Wilkie Qc Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective consultation and information. [ EATn ]  Akinoshun v Shaftesbury Housing Group [2000] EAT 443_99_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Arube v Devon Probation Service [2000] EAT 231_99_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Pathway Housing Association v Mcfee and Another [2000] UKEAT 762_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Barlow v Southwark [2000] UKEAT 536_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Olstowski v Universal Manufacturing and Logistics Ltd [2000] UKEAT 458_2000_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Brayfield v Selclene Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1522_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Drew v Saunders and Partners [2000] UKEAT 909_00_0711 7 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Moss v Secretary of State for Education and Employment [2000] UKEAT 561_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Howlett Marine Services Ltd v Bowlam and others [2000] UKEAT 876_99_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Madden Carpentry v Williams [2000] UKEAT 694_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Giddings and Another v Cox Thermoforming Ltd [2000] UKEAT 200_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Kirker v Ambitions Personnel (Nottinghamshire) Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1099_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stewart v Cherry Garden School and Another [2000] UKEAT 687_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Morgan v T G Jeary Ltd [2000] UKEAT 539_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Saunders v L and Ti Brock and Co Ltd [2000] UKEAT 501_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Webster v Prudential Assurance Company Ltd [2000] UKEAT 819_00_0811 8 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Camden v S Maharaj EAT/1323/00 9 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Reid Qc Employment EAT Trade Union Rights - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Leeson v Makita Manufacturing Europe Ltd [2000] UKEAT 911_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Outwing Construction Ltd v Elliott [2000] UKEAT 740_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Camden v Maharaj [2000] UKEAT 1323_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  on Digital Ltd v Ibeh and others [2000] UKEAT 1071_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Williamson v St George's Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1322_99_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London Borough of Camden v S Maharaj EAT/1323/00 9 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Reid QC Employment EAT Trade Union Rights -  Crank and Another v Ward [2000] UKEAT 1082_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Davis v Caradon Cet [2000] UKEAT 818_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Woodrup v Southwark [2000] UKEAT 702_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Pendragon Plc (T/A Grantham Ford) v Bryant [2000] UKEAT 1098_00_0911 9 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  DSG Retail Ltd v S Dione EAT/811/98 10 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Re-Engagement  Wood v Collier and others [2000] UKEAT 456_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gee v Shell UK Ltd [2000] UKEAT 484_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Vaknin v Wymondham Leisure Centre [2000] UKEAT 684_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dsg Retail Ltd v Dione [2000] UKEAT 811_98_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Coley v London General Transport Services [2000] UKEAT 683_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Regina v Hertfordshire County Council ex parte A [2000] EWHC Admin 416 10 Nov 2000 Admn Maurice Kay J Education, Employment The teacher appealed against his dismissal after allegations of his sexual abuse of boys in his care. [ Bailii ]  Bridgwater v the Governing Body of John Gleed Boys School and Another [2000] UKEAT 466_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Area General Cleaning v Lyward [2000] UKEAT 1436_99_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Logan v Customs and Excise [2000] UKEAT 686_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dsg Retail Ltd v S Dione EAT/811/98 10 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reinstatement/re-engagement. [ EATn ]  Dyer v Lister and Hampton Ltd [2000] UKEAT 53_00_1011 10 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P J Lilburne-Byford v Essex County Council EAT/264/98 13 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Ekpe v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2000] UKEAT 1044_00_1311 13 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Lilburne-Byford v Essex County Council [2000] UKEAT 264_98_1311 13 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P J Lilburne-Byford v Essex County Council EAT/264/98 13 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  NEC Semiconductors (UK) Ltd v Wilson EAT/596/00 13 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EAT ]  Bhayani v Soft Focus Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 117_00_1311 13 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jabbal v Smith and Another [2000] UKEAT 122_00_1311 13 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hannigan v Cable and Wireless Communications Plc [2000] UKEAT 211_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Younas v the Chief Constable of the Thames Valley Police [2000] UKEAT 795_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cheshire Folding Cartons Ltd v Gpmu and others [2000] UKEAT 1184_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Miebaka v Governers of the Salesian College and Another [2000] UKEAT 546_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Glasgow City Council v Mark Johnston EAT/744/00 14 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Cowal Leisure Ltd v John Bell EAT/787/00 14 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  School of Finance and Management (London) Ltd and Another v Perera [2000] UKEAT 542_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Selly v Robert Bosch Ltd [2000] EAT 338_99_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Glasgow City Council v Mark Johnston EAT/744/00 14 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Adegbite v Demirsoz and Another [2000] UKEAT 565_99_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cowal Leisure Ltd v John Bell EAT/787/00 14 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Dr Haigh and Partners v Knowles [2000] UKEAT 604_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abbey Direct Home Sales v Hollobon [2000] UKEAT 43_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jarvis v M Vision Ltd [2000] UKEAT 577_00_1411 14 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Riches v Russel Cawberry Ltd [2000] UKEAT 592_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Photis vKmc International Search and Selection and Another [2000] UKEAT 732_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Quashie v London Borough of Greenwich [2000] UKEAT 1242_98_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wilson v Sheffield City Council [2000] UKEAT 508_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Gmb v Michael Hamm EAT/246/00 15 Nov 2000 EAT Sir Christopher Bellamy Qc Employment EAT Time Limits - (no sub-topic) [ EATn ]  Gmb v Michael Hamm EAT/246/00 15 Nov 2000 EAT Sir Christopher Bellamy QC Employment EAT Time Limits -  Premier Homes v Slinn and others [2000] UKEAT 428_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rashid v Southwark [2000] UKEAT 730_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mitre Cleaning (Midlands) Ltd v Simon [2000] UKEAT 614_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gmb v Hamm [2000] UKEAT 246_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Adepoju v Whitbread Plc (T/A Whitbread Hotels) [2000] UKEAT 809_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Oderinde v Datapack Ltd [2000] UKEAT 611_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  El Mahjoub v Initial Cleaning Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 463_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Andre v Lcr Telecom [2000] UKEAT 441_00_1511 15 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  the Alford Group of Doctors v J Thornalley EAT/1077/99 16 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  the Alford Group of Doctors v Thornalley [2000] UKEAT 1077_99_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Customs and Excise v Sawdon [2000] UKEAT 265_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Pendragon Plc v Nota [2000] UKEAT 31_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  College of Ripon and York St John v Hobbs [2000] UKEAT 585_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Secretary of State for Scotland, the Advocate General for Scotland v Lorraine Mann, A Mccourt EAT/56/00 16 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  The Alford Group of Doctors v J Thornalley EAT/1077/99 16 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Whitbread Walker Ltd v Jones [2000] UKEAT 1084_99_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zaiwalla and Co and Another v Walia [2000] UKEAT 451_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Customs and Excise v Sawdon [2000] EAT 1296_99_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Rashid v Asian Community Care Services Ltd [2000] EAT 480_99_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Secretary of State for Scotland, the Advocate General for Scotland v Ms Lorraine Mann, A Mccourt EAT/56/00 16 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Opara v Life Opportunities Trust [2000] UKEAT 887_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment, Discrimination [ Bailii ]  Cnkengfack v Southwark [2000] UKEAT 251_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clc Electrical Ltd v Lee [2000] UKEAT 607_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clarke v Arriva Kent Thameside Ltd [2000] UKEAT 341_00_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bailey v Snell and Wilcox Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1042_99_1611 16 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Owen v O'Callaghan [2000] UKEAT 316_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Johnson v Nissan Motor Manufacturing (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 763_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dunkwu v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [2000] UKEAT 225_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elliott v Gamble Kitchen Rental Ltd [2000] UKEAT 877_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  CapodICI v Thames and Chiltern Trust Ltd [2000] UKEAT 606_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  George v Lambeth [2000] UKEAT 770_00_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Stenning v Jarman and Another [2000] UKEAT 1288_99_1711 17 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fadipe v Reed Nursing Personnel [2000] UKEAT 791_00_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M J Mcguire v Initial Deborah Services Ltd EAT/1464/98 20 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Mcguire v Initial Deborah Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1464_98_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lawrence v West Midlands Probation Service [2000] UKEAT 1469_99_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wilson v University of Brighton [2000] UKEAT 637_00_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M J Mcguire v Initial Deborah Services Ltd EAT/1464/98 20 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal 1 Cites 1 Citers  Akinbile v South London Family Housing Association EAT/36/00; [2000] UKEAT 36_00_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Burke QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. 1 Cites [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Benali v First Quench Ltd [2000] UKEAT 794_00_2011 20 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zalzala v Sheffield University [2000] UKEAT 976_99_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Zalzala v Sheffield University [2000] UKEAT 976_00_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Metanie v Telegan Gas Monitoring EAT/572/99; [2000] UKEAT 572_99_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective consultation and information. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  P Metanie v Telegan Gas Monitoring EAT/572/99 21 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Redundancy - Collective Consultation and Information  Grey v Southwark and others [2000] UKEAT 575_00_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Harding v Woburn Golf and Country Club Ltd [2000] UKEAT 552_00_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and Another v Mcginley [2000] UKEAT 574_00_2111 21 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  De Souza v TMP Worldwide and Another [2000] UKEAT 815_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Homebase Ltd v Westoby [2000] UKEAT 855_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Greene v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 497_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fielding v Southwark Council Housing Department [2000] UKEAT 820_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Thorne, L Rolfe v the Riverside Centre Ltd EAT/1017/99 22 Nov 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Burke Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Noor v Telewest Communications (South East) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 318_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Blakemore and Son v Burton [2000] UKEAT 875_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Care First Partnership Ltd v Roffey and Others Times, 22 November 2000; Gazette, 23 November 2000; [2001] IRLR 85 22 Nov 2000 CA Aldous LJ, Sir Christopher Slade Administrative, Employment An employment tribunal had no power to dismiss a claim as without a reasonable prospect of success before it was begun to be heard. The power to regulate its own hearings did not include such a power, and the power to dismiss a claim as frivolous or vexatious, or for failure to comply with directions applied different standards, and gave differing protections. At the 'no reasonable prospect of success' level, the tribunal had powers to require a deposit and to give warnings as to liability for costs, but no more. The case management powers were procedural and gave no strike out jurisdiction. Aldous LJ said: "The jurisdiction of the tribunal is governed by the Rules. They, when read, indicate that a strike-out can only happen at the preliminary stage or during the hearing of the case under rule 13(2) which entitles the tribunal to strike out any application on the grounds that it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. The standard set by that rule is that which was applied in Order 18, rule 19 of the Rules of the Supreme Court, namely that the application was bound to fail. The lesser standard of proof which is sought to be prayed in aid in this case [no reasonable prospect of success] is contrary to the expressed intention of the Rules. In my view, it would be odd to strike out a claim before completion of the applicants' evidence because it appeared to have no reasonable chance of success, unless the Rules specifically so provided." and "To incorporate the powers given in Part 3.4 of the Civil Procedure Rules would, in my view, be contrary to the intention of the Employment Tribunal Rules. They were brought into existence in 1993, before the CPR was conceived. They set out a system for removing hopeless cases. Prior to the hearing the rules enable the tribunal to require a deposit and give a warning as to costs if a case has no reasonable prospect of success. At any time the case can be struck out if it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. By the time of the hearing, witness statements may have been exchanged, but the nature of a case does not change during the time immediately before the hearing to when it actually starts. If the tribunal had no power to strike out a case prior to the hearing because it had no reasonable prospect of success, absent express provision, it would appear to me to be contrary to the intention of the Rules that such a power should exist at the beginning of the hearing before evidence has been heard." Sir Christopher Slade said: "I would, for my part, accept that such jurisdiction may indeed be desirable in cases where the application is as a matter of law on any footing bound to fail. But at least in many such cases any such application will, by its very nature, be `vexatious' within rule 13(2)(d) of the 1993 Rules, so that in such cases the jurisdiction to strike out will be conferred by that rule. Rule 13(2)(d) has not been invoked by the appellant on this appeal for obvious reasons." Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 1996 (1996 No 1757) 4(7) 7 9(1) 9(2) 13(1) 13(2) 1 Citers  Murray v HM Land Registry [2000] UKEAT 813_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Michaels v Sbs Worldwide Ltd [2000] UKEAT 793_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Michael Webb v PCL Security [2000] UKEAT 805_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Senn Solomanz v Kingsway College Corporation [2000] UKEAT 421_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Thorne and Another v Riverside Centre Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1017_99_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mcdonald v C and A [2000] EAT 1271_99_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Thorne L Rolfe v the Riverside Centre Ltd EAT/1017/99 22 Nov 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Burke QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Affinity Developments Ltd v Cooper [2000] UKEAT 790_00_2211 22 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Paul Michaels v Sbs Worldwide Ltd EAT/793/00 23 Nov 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Underhill QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Young v National Power plc Gazette, 30 November 2000; Times, 23 November 2000 23 Nov 2000 CA Discrimination, Employment The six months time limit for presenting a claim under the Act, ran from the cessation of employment, and not necessarily the date at which she ceased to be involved in the work in question. The words of the statute clearly referred to six months from the date of termination of employment. The words 'work' and 'employment' were used together in the same section in a way which implied a distinction in meaning. Equal Pay Act 1970 1(2)(c )  Paul Michaels v Sbs Worldwide Ltd EAT/793/00 23 Nov 2000 EAT Mr Recorder Underhill Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Shodeke v Hill and others [2000] UKEAT 394_00_2311 23 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bateman v Watts (T/A Watts Brothers Central Garage) [2000] UKEAT 338_00_2311 23 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Geliot Whitman Ltd v O'Donoghue [2000] EAT 1026_99_2311 23 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gorham v Secretary of State [2000] UKEAT 1134_97_2311 23 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  S Osborne v Valve (Engineering) Services Ltd, G T Webb EAT/393/00 24 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Fuller v Mastercare Service and Distribution [2000] UKEAT 707_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Verity v Nation and Another [2000] EWCA Civ 418 24 Nov 2000 CA Employment [ Bailii ]  Gilliatt v Devon and Cornwall Constabulary [2000] UKEAT 1389_99_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Greenaway v Westminster Healthcare Akab the London Mri Centre [2000] UKEAT 500_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Graham v Plumstead Law Centre [2000] UKEAT 848_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Shah v Vauxhall Motors Ltd [2000] UKEAT 811_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Osborne v Valve (Engineering) Services Ltd G T Webb [2000] UKEAT 393_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hunt v Couristan Carpets (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 115_00_2411 24 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Brian Bates v Powertech Desing Ltd EAT/1435/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT Sir Christopher Bellamy Qc Employment EAT Redundancy - Jurisdiction [ EATn ]  Simmons v the Post Office [2000] UKEAT 590_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bennetts'S Eco Inverter Ltd v Brewer [2000] UKEAT 641_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ohr Ltd v Possante [2000] UKEAT 905_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Okojaja v Blockbuster Entertainment Ltd [2000] UKEAT 727_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maidment v St Edmundsbury Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 93_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Maidment v Medway Council and Another [2000] UKEAT 0008_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Awad v Arab News Network [2000] UKEAT 718_99_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  E Robinson v the Royal British Legion Attendants Co Ltd EAT/1240/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  D J Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd T/A Chicago Rock Cafe EAT/1332/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy Qc Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Bazil v B B Supply Centre Ltd [2000] UKEAT 370_97_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Elliott v Pocklington Montessori School Ltd [2000] UKEAT 368_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  D J Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd T/A Chicago Rock Cafe EAT/1332/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy QC Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Bates v Powertech Desing Ltd [2000] EAT 1435_99_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Purvis v Luminar Leisure Ltd (T/A Chicago Rock Cafe) [2000] EAT 1332_99_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Mary Devoy v World Duty Free (Europe) Limited EAT/59/00 27 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Brian Bates v Powertech Desing Ltd EAT/1435/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT Sir Christopher Bellamy QC Employment EAT Redundancy - Jurisdiction  E Robinson v the Royal British Legion Attendants Co Ltd EAT/1240/99 27 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Mary Devoy v World Duty Free (Europe) Limited EAT/59/00 27 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Devoy v World Duty Free (Europe) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 59_00_2711 27 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hughes v Jones (T/A Plas-Y-Bryn Nursing Home) [2000] UKEAT 688_00_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hewden Hire Centres v Ross David Evans EAT/728/01 28 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Fleming v C B Hillier Parker Management Services Ltd and others [2000] UKEAT 1196_00_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Drewetts Ltd v Charlton [2000] UKEAT 145_00_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Melbourne v the Ministry of Defence [2000] UKEAT 522_00_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hewden Hire Centres v Ross David Evans EAT/728/01 28 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason [ EATn ]  Coleshill Hydraulics Ltd v Broadhurst [2000] UKEAT 669_00_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Drewetts Ltd v D Charlton EAT/145/00 28 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Drewetts Ltd v D Charlton EAT/145/00 28 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Donaldson v D and T Campbell (Meigle) Ltd EAT/771/01 28 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason - [ EATn ]  Manchester City Council v Thurston EAT/418/00 28 Nov 2000 EAT His Hon Judge Pugsley Employment EAT National Minimum Wage - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  Towler v Henry Cooke Lumsden Plc [2000] UKEAT 891_99_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Robinson v Royal British Legion Attendants Co Ltd [2000] EAT 1240_99_2811 28 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Fox (T/A Qfcc) v Philps [2000] UKEAT 655_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lindsay v General Contracting Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1096_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Clulee v Law Society of England and Wales [2000] UKEAT 825_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Wall LJ Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Cottis v the Governors of Highcroft Junior School [2000] UKEAT 675_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dixon v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 1237_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Abbey National Plc v Bartlett [2000] UKEAT 1289_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Dixon v London Borough of Hackney EAT/1237/99 29 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Beauvale Furnishings Ltd v Chapman EAT/79/00; [2000] UKEAT 79_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid QC Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Definition of employee. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Moussaid (Micheli) v Final [2000] UKEAT 1053_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gloria Chambers v Westminster City Council EAT/1199/99 29 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  Donnelan and others v Britton Taco Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1058_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Sithole v City and Hackney Community Services NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 248_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Knight v London Central Bus Co. [2000] UKEAT 443_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Tourell v Property Advisers To the Civil Estate and Another [2000] UKEAT 582_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bhatia v Wincanton Logistics [2000] UKEAT 827_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  B Dixon v London Borough of Hackney EAT/1237/99 29 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Ms Gloria Chambers v Westminster City Council EAT/1199/99 29 Nov 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Wills Legacy and Law v Macbeth and others [2000] UKEAT 1077_00_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chambers v Westminster City Council [2000] UKEAT 1199_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Newton v United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1169_99_2911 29 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  The London Borough of Greenwich v K Aslam EAT/1298/99 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Direct  Brown v Methodist Council [2000] UKEAT 845_00_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Raymond Franks v Reuters Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 782_00_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Henry and Others, London General Transport Services Ltd, C Henry and others v London General Transport Services Ltd, C Henry and Others, London General Transport Services Ltd EAT/1397/97, EAT/177/98 & EAT/ 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Eat/909/98 P Cheesman and others Eat/952/98 Onyx(Uk) Ltd v Eat/909/98 R Brewer Contracts Ltd Eat/952/98 P Cheesman and others EAT/909/98 EAT/9 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal. [ EATn ]  Cheesman and others v R Brewer Contracts Ltd [2000] UKEAT 909_98_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Igw Group v Harrison and Another [2000] UKEAT 771_00_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  P Cheesman and others Onyx (Uk) Ltd v R Brewer Contracts Ltd, P Cheesman and others EAT/909/98; EAT/952/98; [2001] IRLR 144 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Transfer of Undertakings - Dismissal 1 Citers   Howell v The Post Office; EAT 30-Nov-2000 - [2000] UKEAT 847_00_3011  Henry and others v London General Transport Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1397_97_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Villanueva v London Clubs Management Ltd (T/A the Rendezvous Club) EAT/352/99; [2000] EAT 352_99_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Indirect. 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Meakin v Liverpool City Council Leisure Services Directorate [2000] UKEAT 142_00_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wheeler and Another v Durham County Council [2000] UKEAT 839_99_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Nnadi v Brent, Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1477_99_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  London School of Economics v Mercer [2000] UKEAT 663_00_3011 30 Nov 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Henry and Others, London General Transport Services Ltd, C Henry and others v London General Transport Services Ltd, C Henry and Others, London General Transport Services Ltd EAT/177/98; EAT/1397/97 30 Nov 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract  Mcloughlin v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 670_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Nevrides v R and J Builders (London) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 963_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lord Fairhaven v D Bermudez EAT/629/00 1 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Jackson v Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council [2000] UKEAT 264_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Douglas v the Law Society of England and Wales and others [2000] UKEAT 822_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lord Fairhaven v Bermudez [2000] UKEAT 629_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Raichura v Harrow and others [2000] UKEAT 434_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lord Fairhaven v D Bermudez EAT/629/00 1 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Bari v Aspen Window Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 902_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dr I Kovacs v Queen Mary and Westfield College, the Royal Hospital NHS Trust EAT/1157/99; [2000] UKEAT 1157_99_1704; [2000] EAT 1157_99_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy QC Discrimination, Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]  J v Strong and Co Ltd v M G Hamill EAT/1179/00; [2001] UKEAT 1179_99_1201 1 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal [ Bailii ]  Claridge (T/A Wealth of Work) v Saunders and others [2000] UKEAT 467_00_0112 1 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Vaughn v Liverpool City Council [2000] EAT 344_99_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Connex South Central Ltd v Edmund Lamb EAT/1365/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory Fault  Parnham (T/A the Hairstyle Centre) v Shepherd [2000] UKEAT 738_00_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Park v Jagger (T/A Thompson Express Ltd) [2000] UKEAT 653_00_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Miriki v the General Council of the Bar [2000] UKEAT 768_99_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Connex South Central Ltd v Edmund Lamb EAT/1365/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Contributory fault. [ EATn ]  Connex South Central Ltd v Lamb [2000] UKEAT 1365_99_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  the Parisa Group v Gaskell [2000] UKEAT 997_00_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  N W Turner v London Borough of Havering EAT/1066/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  West Middlesex Hospitals NHS Trust v Basley [2000] UKEAT 899_99_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hussain v Addaction [2000] UKEAT 755_00_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Morgan and Another v Brith Gof Cyf [2000] UKEAT 164_98_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R Morgan, J Rowley v Brith Gof Cyf EAT/164/98 4 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  Nobbs v Cam Systems Ltd [2000] UKEAT 729_00_0412 4 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Miriki v the General Council of the Bar EAT/768/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness 1 Cites 1 Citers  N W Turner v London Borough of Havering EAT/1066/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  M Miriki v The General Council of the Bar EAT/768/99 4 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge H Wilson Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  Balamoody v UkCC for Nursing Midwifery and Home Visitors [2000] UKEAT 744_99_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Altman J Employment The claimant's claim of unlawful race discrimination had been dismissed as an abuse of process by the EAT. The Tribunal now considered whether the EAT had power to make such a decision. Held. The 1993 Regulations were more generous to claimants on abuse of process applications than were the rules of court. The court rules provided for a matter to be dismissed as having no reasonable prospects of success, but the Tribunal Regulations provided only a remedy in asking the claimant to place with the tribunal a sum against costs. The tribunal did however have power to hold an application to be scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. Frivolous here meant without substance. The judge had seen the difference. Whilst courts should recognise the need to deal diligently with race discriminatin claims, this claim should fail. Race Relations Act 1976 12 - Employment Tribunal's Constitution and Rules of Procedure Regulations 1993 13(2) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Scotford v Smithkline Beecham EAT/1371/00; [2002] ICR 264; [2000] UKEAT 1371_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Levy QC Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  G Fitch v Durlston Court School Trust EAT/1121/00 5 Dec 2000 EAT His Hon Judge Pugsley Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract 1 Cites 1 Citers  C Vytelingum v Camden and Islington Community Health NHS Trust EAT/1455/98 5 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract 1 Cites 1 Citers  Sheffield City Council v Radford [2000] UKEAT 713_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Inmarsat Ltd v Kwan [2000] UKEAT 1062_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bloomberg L P v Cordeiro [2000] UKEAT 739_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hodes v Marks and Spencer Plc [2000] UKEAT 716_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Menzies Ltd v Durrant [2000] UKEAT 1426_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Vytelingum v Camden and Islington Community Health NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 1455_98_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Edmondson and others v Law Centres Federation [2000] UKEAT 186_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  G Fitch v Durlston Court School Trust EAT/1121/00 5 Dec 2000 EAT His Hon Judge Pugsley Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Original Concept Marketing Ltd v Lipton [2000] UKEAT 856_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Vytelingum v Camden and Islington Community Health NHS Trust EAT/1455/98 5 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Breach of Contract. [ EATn ]  Coelho v Biorex Laboratories Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1041_00_0512 5 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Layton v The Blackpool Football Club Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1095_99_0612 6 Dec 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  the Medical Protection Society Ltd v Rees [2000] UKEAT 715_00_0612 6 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Quirk v Medin Ltd [2000] EAT 1311_99_0612 6 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J A Quirk v Medin Ltd EAT/1311/99 6 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  J A Quirk v Medin Ltd EAT/1311/99 6 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]   BBC Scotland v Souster; SCS 7-Dec-2000 - [2000] ScotCS 308; [2001] IRLR 150; [2001] SC 458  John Lewis Plc v T L Coyne Times, 08 January 2001; EAT/581/99; [2000] UKEAT 581_99_0712 7 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment An employee had been dismissed for making private telephone calls at work, against company policy. The dismissal had been based upon the general assessment that making such calls was dishonest. Held: The employer's appeal failed. The procedure adopted was unfair. Where an activity was not in its nature necessarily dishonest, as in this case, an employer should be careful to include in the procedure an assessment of whether in fact the behaviour was dishonest, and could not simply make that assumption. EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness Employment Rights Act 1996 98(4) 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Pacific Health Club Ltd v Falgate [2000] UKEAT 1000_00_0712 7 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lindsay v New Balance Athletic Shoes (Uk) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1428_00_0712 7 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  British Airways Plc vBoyce [2000] ScotCS 309; [2001] IRLR 157 7 Dec 2000 SCS Lord Marnoch and Lord Cameron of Lochbroom and Lord Nimmo Smith Scotland, Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ] - [ ScotC ]  Aaroncare Partnership v Davies [2000] EAT 280_99_0712 7 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  William Jack v Pinkerton Security Services Ltd EAT/533/99; [2000] EAT 533_99_0712 7 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J R Reid QC Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Direct 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Sharon Delaney v Nord Anglia International Plc and Another [2000] UKEAT 817_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Simpson v Kensington Housing Trust [2000] UKEAT 941_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chapman v Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust [2000] UKEAT 837_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hartigan v Lewisham and others [2000] UKEAT 864_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  J L Distribution Services Ltd v Armitage [2000] UKEAT 876_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Laing v Department of Social Security [2000] UKEAT 829_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Humphreys v Persimmon Homes (Wales) Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1270_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Casiero v Zucca [2000] UKEAT 849_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Carless-Jones v Home Office [2000] UKEAT 868_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Brice v North Somerset Council [2000] UKEAT 942_00_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Ladbrokes Racing Ltd v R Khan EAT/1015/99; [2000] UKEAT 1015_99_0812 8 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal 1 Cites [ EATn ] - [ Bailii ]  Kawol v Shaw Homes Housing Association Ltd [2000] UKEAT 923_00_1112 11 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Reid and Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd v Terrence Lester Keeping [2000] UKEAT 1407_99_1112 11 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Reid and Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd v Terrence Lester Keeping EAT/1407/99 11 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reinstatement/re-engagement. [ EATn ]  Durber v and P Moore and others [2000] UKEAT 853_00_1112 11 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bold v Business Location Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 925_00_1112 11 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  John Reid and Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd v Terrence Lester Keeping EAT/1407/99 11 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Re-Engagement  Terry v Hoyer (UK) Ltd [2000] EAT 527_99_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lovell v Frances Clarke Ltd [2000] UKEAT 285_99_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bayliss v London Borough of Hounslow and others EAT/1177/98; [2000] UKEAT 1177_98_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Levy QC HHJ Discrimination, Employment EAT Race Discrimination - Jurisdiction. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Executive Group Ltd v Power [2000] UKEAT 885_00_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Gate Gourmet v J B Jangra EAT/547/99; [2000] UKEAT 547_99_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT His Hon Judge Clark Employment, Discrimination EAT Unfair Dismissal - Other The employer appealed a finding of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. She suffered an apparently minor injury, but which led to long standing disability with varying diagnoses. The company doctor came to consider it would be a long time before she could return. She was dismissed for capability. Held: There was potentially a fair reason. The issue was whether the employer had acted reasonably. The employer argued that the defect on the original dismissal was cured in the appeal. To succeed, the employer must show that the appeal was a full appeal, not just a review. The tribunal had failed to explain its finding that the appeal had been merely a review, and accordingly the unfair dismissal decision must fail. As to the discrimination, the tribunal had improperly short circuited the steps necessary to establish discrimination, and that appeal also must be allowed. Employment Rights Act 1996 98(4) - Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Henderson v Lava Systems (Europe) UK Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1475_99_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Employment 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Alie v Telewest Communications Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 961_00_1212 12 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  L I Group Ltd v A J Craig EAT/432/00 13 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Wall Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EAT ]  Cormack v Caradon Ideal Ltd [2000] UKEAT 724_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  The Executive Committee Longtown Social Club v E Farrell EAT/1360/99 13 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EAT ]  Colman Coyle v Z Georgiou EAT/535/00 13 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Wall Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EAT ]  Secrett v HM Broadhurst and Another [2000] UKEAT 389_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  L I Group Ltd v A J Craig EAT/432/00 13 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Wall Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  John Sisk and Son Ltd v Fletcher [2000] UKEAT 639_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  The Executive Committee Longtown Social Club v E Farrell EAT/1360/99 13 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Brown v Concept Automotive Services Ltd [2000] UKEAT 934_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Longtown Social Club v Farrell [2000] EAT 1360_99_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Logotse v Camden [2000] UKEAT 1152_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Cincinnati Machine (UK) Ltd v Francis [2000] UKEAT 643_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Royal College of Nursing v Ehdaie [2000] UKEAT 789_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Andrew v Hackney [2000] UKEAT 743_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Hi Fashion Music Co-Op v James [2000] UKEAT 510_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Bachra v Brookes Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1070_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Hussain v Offshoot Clothing Ltd [2000] UKEAT 846_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Samuels v Aire Alert Security and Another [2000] UKEAT 657_00_1312 13 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  MacMullen v Cooke (T/A the Netherton Nursing Home) [2000] EWCA Civ 415 14 Dec 2000 CA Employment Unlawful deduction from wages [ Bailii ]  Duggal v Connex South Eastern Ltd [2000] UKEAT 639_99_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Defence Evaluation and Research Agency ('Dera') v Dr R A Lee [2000] UKEAT 944_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Veysi Mustafa v Commercial Leisure Group, Robert Ainsworth EAT/1428/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Veysi Mustafa v Commercial Leisure Group Robert Ainsworth EAT/1428/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Walsh v Mcdonagh and others [2000] UKEAT 631_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  James Glen Robertson and 22Ors v Scotbeef Ltd EAT/623/00 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal  Baldan Ltd v Fernandes [2000] UKEAT 760_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  R K Duggal v Connex South Eastern Ltd EAT/987/99; EAT/639/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation  Mustafa v Commercial Leisure Group and Another [2000] UKEAT 1428_99_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Gentle, J Rackshaw, S Robinson v Perkins Group Ltd EAT/670/99 & EAT/671/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal. [ EATn ]  R K Duggal v Connex South Eastern Ltd EAT/639/99 EAT/987/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Charles Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Compensation. [ EATn ]  Gentle and others v Perkins Group Ltd [2000] UKEAT 670_99_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Lee v Defence Evaluation Research Agency [2000] UKEAT 1296_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  General Secretary of the Labour Party v Ishaq [2000] UKEAT 746_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  James Glen Robertson and 22Ors v Scotbeef Ltd EAT/623/00 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Lord Johnston Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Tribunal. [ EATn ]  A Gentle J Rackshaw S Robinson v Perkins Group Ltd EAT/671/99; EAT/670/99 14 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Lindsay (President) Employment EAT Procedural Issues - Employment Appeal Tribunal  Patel v Motorway Tyres and Accessories Ltd [2000] UKEAT 668_00_1412 14 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Jones v Computer People Midlands and Another [2000] UKEAT 928_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Dowling v Hsf Logistics and Another [2000] UKEAT 1404_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Seabridge and Another v Construction Projects Training Ltd and Another [2000] UKEAT 1413_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Wright v W Clapperton T/A Afton Hotel EAT/1465/99 15 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy Qc Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written particulars. [ EATn ]  Stankovic v City of Westminster [2000] UKEAT 696_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wright v Clapperton (T/A Afton Hotel) [2000] UKEAT 1465_99_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Charnetski v Safeway Stores Plc [2000] UKEAT 1052_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Bakshi v Post Office [2000] UKEAT 968_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Chase Response v Laville [2000] UKEAT 734_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  A Wright v W Clapperton T/A Afton Hotel EAT/1465/99 15 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy QC Employment EAT Contract of Employment - Written Particulars  Willis v Nankoo (T/A Clifton Rest Home) [2000] UKEAT 1027_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Platt v ABB Instrumentation Ltd [2000] UKEAT 336_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Owolabi v Tesco Stores Ltd [2000] UKEAT 695_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Career Path (Northamptonshire) v Patricia Doherty [2000] UKEAT 814_00_1512 15 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  H Wareing, J Chidwick v Anfield Community Comprehensive School, Liverpool City Council EAT/890/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal  Hutton v A E Proctor Ltd EAT/1319/99; [2000] UKEAT 1319_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D Pugsley Discrimination, Employment EAT Disability Discrimination - Disability. [ EAT ] - [ Bailii ]  Serra v Cross Channel Catering Co Ltd and others [2000] EAT 1280_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Langley-Di Guiseppe v Yamaichi (Europe) International Ltd [2000] EAT 248_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Warwickshire County Council and others v Ryder and others [2000] EAT 1010_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Evans v SDL International [2000] EAT 1442_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  M Langley-Di Guiseppe v Yamaichi (Europe) International Ltd (In Liquidation) EAT/248/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Jurisdiction - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  P Igbolekwo v the University of Luton B Burden EAT/865/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy QC Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural Fairness  M Langley-Di Guiseppe v Yamaichi (Europe) International Ltd (In Liquidation) EAT/248/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT The Honourable Mr Justice Bell Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  Robert Evans v Sdl International EAT/1442/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Jurisdiction -  Robert Evans v Sdl International EAT/1442/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Jurisdiction - (no sub-topic). [ EATn ]  P Igbolekwo v 1) the University of Luton 2) B Burden EAT/865/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge D M Levy Qc Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal. [ EATn ]  1) H Wareing, 2) J Chidwick v 1) Anfield Community Comprehensive School, 2) Liverpool City Council EAT/890/99 18 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Gayle v Post Office and others [2000] UKEAT 786_00_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Wareing and Another v Anfield Community Comprehensive School and Another [2000] UKEAT 890_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Igbolekwo v University of Luton and Another [2000] UKEAT 865_99_1812 18 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  C Towler v Henry Cooke Lumsden Plc EAT/891/99 19 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason. [ EATn ]  Hayes v Charman Underwriting Agencies Ltd EAT/242/00 19 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge Peter Clark Discrimination, Employment EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct EAT Sex Discrimination - Direct 1 Cites 1 Citers [ EATn ]  C Towler v Henry Cooke Lumsden Plc EAT/891/99 19 Dec 2000 EAT His Honour Judge J Altman Employment EAT Unfair Dismissal - Reason for Dismissal The Appellant was a senior investment executive with the Respondents. He worked for them for 30 years in highly regulated environment. He was dismissed for failures in recommending speculative shares to clients, where the shares were promoted by his employers. The clients had lost substantially and were unable to pay. He appealed dismissal of his claim for unfair dismissal. Held: The Tribunal erred when assessing the reason for dismissal in departing from what appears to have been the reason of the respondents for the dismissal. The appeal was allowed and the case remitted to a different tribunal. Employment Rights Act 98(4) 1 Cites 1 Citers  Wojciechowski v Princes Ltd [2000] UKEAT 1398_00_1912 19 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]  Towler v Henry Cooke Lumsden Plc [2000] UKEAT 891_99_1912 19 Dec 2000 EAT Employment [ Bailii ]   Halfpenny v IGE Medical Systems Ltd; HL 19-Dec-2000 - Times, 19 December 2000; [2000] UKHL 64   Dr Mohammed Saeed v Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust; CA 20-Dec-2000 - Times, 17 January 2001; [2000] EWCA Civ 342; [2001] ICR 903; [2000] Lloyd's Rep Med 331  |
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