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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. |
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Education - From: 1200 To: 1799This page lists 7 cases, and was prepared on 27 May 2018. Graham v Dickson [1590] Mor 16236 1 Dec 1590 SCS Education A tutor in law having been fugitated for a crime, a tutor dative was appointed in his place. The next agnate was notwithstanding preferred to be tutor in law. [ Bailii ] Philips v Bury [1694] EngR 11; [1694] Shower PC 35; (1694) 1 ER 24 1694 PC Education 1 Citers [ Commonlii ] James Watson of Saughton Esq; v Robert Watson of Muirhouse Esq [1715] UKHL Robertson_134; (1715) Robertson 134 13 Jul 1715 HL Education Tutor and Pupil - Acceptance of the office of tutory found not proved by tutorial inventories, which were not judicially signed, and wanted writer's name and witnesses, unless posterior acts of administration were instructed; nor by a missive letter not holograph, and without solemnities, consenting to lend the pupil's money. Certain acts of administration not sufficient to infer the acceptance of the office. An affirmance with 30 l. costs. [ Bailii ] James Hamilton of Dalziel Esq v The Principal, Masters, and Professors of The University of Glasgow [1716] UKHL Robertson_172; (1716) Robertson 172 9 Jun 1716 HL Scotland, Education, Landlord and Tenant Superior and Vassal - An university having acquired righ to an adjudication of lands, held in ward, for a debt due to them, the Court found that the superior must enter the university, or pay the debt to the extent of the value of the lands: but upon appeal the judgment is reversed; and it is ordered, that the superior should admit such proper person for vassal as the university should nominate. Bona fide Possession - The superior, notwithstanding the reversal, is obliged to account for the rents since the charter was offered to him by the university, he having deduction of his casualties as if the old vassal then entered. [ Bailii ] Hall v Hall [1749] EngR 133; (1749) 3 Atk 721; (1749) 26 ER 1213 (B) 31 Jul 1749 Children, Education The guardian is a proper judge at what school to place his ward, and the court wll not indulge the infant in being put to a private tutor, or going to another sohool, and if he refuses to go will take a proper course to compel him. [ Commonlii ] Thom, Esq, Advocate, Claiming The Office of Civilian In The King' College of Old Aberdeen; and similar (1763) 6 Paton 737; [1763] UKHL 6_Paton_737 22 Feb 1763 HL Education College - Election of Professor - Casting Vote. - (1) Held, in the election of a Rector, &c., in King's College, Aberdeen, that the principal of the College was not entitled to a double or casting vote. (2) Held also in the election of a civilian of the College, that the respondent, Dalrymple, had the greatest number of votes, and that his election had been duly and regularly made. Affirmed on appeal. [ Bailii ] Rex v Davidson; 1792 - [1792] EngR 1939; (1792) 1 Ld Raym 603; (1792) 91 ER 1303 |
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