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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. Â |
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Commercial - From: 1993 To: 1993This page lists 10 cases, and was prepared on 20 May 2019.   Regina v Monopolies and Mergers Commission, ex parte South Yorkshire Transport Ltd; HL 1993 - [1993] 1 WLR 23; [1993] 1 All ER 289  Italsolar v Commission (Rec 1993,p I-9) (Judgment) C-257/90; [1993] EUECJ C-257/90; [1993] ECR I-9 14 Jan 1993 ECJ Commercial Lome Convention - Public works contract - Exclusion of a tenderer by the ACP States - Approval by the Commission - Action for annulment - Action for failure to act - Action for compensation. [ Bailii ]  Peugeot v Commission T-9/92 T-9/92; [1993] EUECJ T-9/92 22 Apr 1993 ECFI Commercial Competition - Motor vehicle distribution - Regulation on exemption by categories - Concept of authorized intermediary. [ Bailii ]  In Re Supply of Ready Mixed Concrete (No 2) Times, 08 July 1993; Independent, 14 July 1993 8 Jul 1993 CA Company, Contempt of Court, Commercial An employer was not liable for its employee's action in contempt of court against the company's clear instructions with regard to anti-competitive agreements. 1 Cites 1 Citers  Donatab Srl and others v Commission of the European Communities (Rec 1993,p I-3955) (Order) C-64/93; [1993] EUECJ C-64/93 9 Jul 1993 ECJ European, Commercial, Litigation Practice ECJ Where the main action to which an application for interim measures attaches is dismissed as inadmissible, the latter application is itself inadmissible. [ Bailii ]  Practice Direction (Mercantile List (Birmingham)) Times, 07 October 1993 7 Oct 1993 QBD Commercial New structure for hearing commercial cases on Midland and Oxford Circuit.  Matsushita v Council C-104/90; [1993] EUECJ C-104/90 13 Oct 1993 ECJ Commercial (Judgment) here it is found that, for sales on its domestic market, a manufacturer assigns tasks which are normally the responsibility of an internal sales department to distribution companies which are under the manufacturer' s economic control and form a single economic entity with it, it is justified for the institutions to rely, in determining the normal value, on the prices paid by the first independent buyer to those related sales companies, since those prices may properly be regarded as the prices actually paid or payable in the ordinary course of trade within the meaning of Article 2(3)(a) of Regulation No 2423/88, the basic anti-dumping regulation. In such a case, there is no ground for applying Article 2(3)(b) of that regulation, which comes into play only where there are no sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade. Furthermore, the fact that a number of sales functions are performed by the manufacturer itself does not affect the existence of a single economic entity, particularly where those functions are merely complementary to those performed by the related sales companies. [ Bailii ]   CMC Motorradcenter Gmbh v Baskiciullari; ECJ 13-Oct-1993 - Times, 27 October 1993; C-93/92; [1993] EUECJ C-93/92  Procureur du Roi v Lagauche and others (Judgment) C-46/90; [1993] EUECJ C-46/90 27 Oct 1993 ECJ European, Commercial Europa Free movement of goods ° Quantitative restrictions ° Measures having equivalent effect ° Type-approval by a public body of radio equipment which it has not supplied ° Possibility of challenging the decision before the courts ° Permissible (EEC Treaty, Art. 30) State monopolies of a commercial nature - Prohibition of marketing radio equipment not granted type-approval by the competent public body ° Inapplicability of Article 37 of the Treaty (EEC Treaty, Art. 37) 3. Competition - Public undertakings and undertakings to which the Member States grant special or exclusive rights ° Market in telecommunications terminal equipment ° National rules prohibiting the marketing of equipment not granted type-approval by a public undertaking present on the telecommunications market ° Not permissible (Commission Directive 88/301, Art. 6) Competition ° Community rules ° Provisions applicable to public undertakings and to undertakings to which Member States grant special and exclusive rights ° Matters covered ° National rules prohibiting the possession of radio equipment without ministerial authorization and the marketing of such equipment without type-approval granted by the competent minister ° Excluded (EEC Treaty, Arts 86 and 90(1)). [ Bailii ]  Bernard Keck and Daniel Mithouard (Rec 1993,p I-6097) (SV93-431) (Judgment) Times, 25 November 1993; C-267/91; [1993] EUECJ C-267/91 24 Nov 1993 ECJ European, Commercial, Crime A national law is fair if the rules it applies deal equally to imported and home goods. Europa Free movement of goods º Quantitative restrictions º Measures having equivalent effect º Concept º Obstacles to trade resulting from disparities between national legislation laying down requirements to be met by goods º Included º Obstacles resulting from national provisions regulating selling arrangements in a non-discriminatory way º Inapplicability of Article 30 of the Treaty º Legislation prohibiting resale at a loss. EEC Treaty Art. 30 [ Bailii ]  |
Copyright 2014 David Swarbrick, 10 Halifax Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 2AG. |