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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. |
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Construction - From: 1996 To: 1996This page lists 12 cases, and was prepared on 20 May 2019. Oswald v Countrywide Surveyors Ltd (1996) 50 Con LR 1 1996 Construction, Damages The evidential burden of establishing betterment is on the defendant. 1 Citers John Barker Construction Ltd v London Portman Hotel Ltd; 1996 - (1996) 83 BLR 31 John Holland Construction and Engineering Pty Ltd v Kvaerner R J Brown Pty Ltd [1996] 82 BLR 83 1996 Byrne J Construction (Supreme Court of Victoria) The defendant applied to strike out substantial parts of a statement of claim on grounds including that the defendant faced allegations that by reason of breaches of contract the plaintiff had suffered loss of damage, particulars of which were given in a schedule A in which the loss and damage was calculated in terms of the difference between the tender estimate for the part in question and its actual cost. The defendant attacked the pleading on the grounds that such an allegation was embarrassing since it did not establish a causal link between the breach and the damage alleged. Held: The court considered the treatment of global claims, that is claims where the claimant does not seek to attribute any specific loss to a specific breach of contract, but is content to allege a composite loss as a result of all the breaches alleged: "Where the loss is caused by a breach of contract, causation for the purposes of a claim for damages must be determined by the application of common sense to the logical principles of causation" and "it is possible to say that a given loss was in law caused by a particular act or omission notwithstanding that other acts or omissions played a part in its occurrence. It is sufficient that the breach be a material cause... This last matter may be of particular importance in a case like the present where a number of potential causal factors may be present." The court noted that a global claim had been held to be permissible in the case where it was impracticable to disentangle that part of the loss which is attributable to each head of claim. The particular claim under consideration was a total cost claim: "The logic of such a claim is this: the contractor might reasonably have expected to perform the work for a particular sum, usually the contract price; the proprietor committed breaches of contract; the actual reasonable cost of the work was a sum greater than the expected cost. The logical consequence implicit in this is that the proprietor's breaches caused that extra cost or cost overrun. This implication is valid only so long as, and to the extent that, the three propositions are proved and a further unstated one is accepted: the proprietor's breaches represent the only causally significant factor responsible for the difference between the expected cost and the actual cost. ... The unstated assumption underlying the inference may be further analysed. What is involved here is two things: first, the breaches of contract caused some extra cost; secondly, the contractor's cost overrun is this extra cost. ... It is the second aspect of the unstated assumption ... which is likely to cause the more obvious problem because it involves an allegation that the breaches of contract were the material cause of all of the contractor's cost overrun. This involves an assertion that, given that the breaches of contract caused some extra cost, they must have caused the whole of the extra cost because no other relevant cause was responsible for any part of it." 1 Citers North West Thames Regional Health Authority v Shephard Robson (A Firm) and Others; CA 23-Jan-1996 - Times, 23 January 1996; Ind Summary, 12 February 1996 Invercargill City Council v Hamlin; PC 12-Feb-1996 - Times, 15 February 1996; 50 Con LR 105; [1996] AC 624; [1996] UKPC 56; 78 BLR 78; [1996] 1 NZLR 513; [1996] 1 All ER 756 Commissioners of Customs and Excise v St Mary's Roman Catholic School Times, 15 July 1996 15 Jul 1996 QBD VAT, Construction Services must have temporary link to construction of new building if zero rated. Value Added Tax Act 1983 Sch 5 Grp 8 Itm 2 GJK Construction Limited ex parte v Pioneer Asphalts (Uk) Limited [1996] EWCA Civ 923 11 Nov 1996 CA Construction [ Bailii ] Louis v Sadiq; CA 22-Nov-1996 - Gazette, 13 December 1996; Times, 22 November 1996; [1997] 1 EGLR 136 Oak Tree Leisure Limited v R A Fisk and Associates; W Fearnley and Sons (Salford) Limited [1996] EWCA Civ 1041 26 Nov 1996 CA Construction [ Bailii ] Commissioners for Customs and Excise v Marchday Holdings Limited Times, 20 December 1996; Gazette, 29 January 1997; [1996] EWCA Civ 1171 11 Dec 1996 CA VAT, Construction Extensive work on an existing building may be more than a conversion and therefore may be zero-rated. Value Added Tax Act 1983 Grp 8 Sch 5 Note 1A 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Drake and Scull Engineering Limited v J Jarvis and Sons Plc [1996] EWCA Civ 1242 18 Dec 1996 CA Construction [ Bailii ] Flood v Shand Construction Limited; Morrison Shand Construction Limited and Morrison Construction Limited Times, 08 January 1997; [1996] EWCA Civ 1241 18 Dec 1996 CA Construction, Contract A clause limiting an assignment to sums due and payable did not include the costs of investigation. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] |
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