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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. |
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Benefits - From: 1849 To: 1899This page lists 3 cases, and was prepared on 03 April 2018. The Queen v The Inhabitants of Barnsley [1849] EngR 628; (1849) 12 QB 193; (1849) 116 ER 840 12 May 1849 Benefits, Local Government It is not necessary that a lunatic, chargeable to a parish, should be sent to an asylum or licensed house. The justice before whom he is brought is to decide whether he is a proper person to he confined or not; and, if not corifined, he may Be removed to his parish as an ordinary pauper. An idiot, aged thirty, living with his parents in parish B., became chargeable; and thereupon he and they were removed by order of justices to parish T., their place of settlement. The order was never appealed against. The father retained his house in B, in the care of two of his children, who were emancipated; and, when removed, he intended to return as soon as he could. After four days, the paupers did return to the house in B, with the consent of the overseers of T, who promised to send weekly relief to the parents for the son : but the son again became chargeable to B; and another order was made, finding the son and parents chargeable, and ordering their removal to T. The famiIy had resided in B. for five years next before the makirig of this order, excepting only the four days above mentioned. On appeal (not stating as a ground that the parents were not chargeable at the date of the second order), and case stated by the sessions : Held that the five years' residence was broken by the removal to parish T., arid that the paupers were not irremoveable from B. under stat. 9 & 10 Vict. c. 66, s. I. [ Commonlii ] Regina, On The Prosecution Of The Poor Law Board, v Stockton And Others, Directors Of The Poor of St Pancras [1858] EngR 799; (1858) El Bl & El 583; (1858) 120 ER 627 5 Jun 1858 Benefits [ Commonlii ] The Queen, on The Prosecution of The Churchwardens and Oversees of The Township of Stockton, v The Inhabitants of The Township of Elvet [1859] EngR 690; (1859) 2 El & El 266; (1859) 121 ER 101 8 Jun 1859 Benefits [ Commonlii ] |
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