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Lidl Stiftung v OHMI – A Colmeia Do Minho (Fairglobe): ECFI 8 Oct 2014


ECFI Judgment – Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for Community figurative mark FAIRGLOBE – Earlier national word marks GLOBO – Relative ground for refusal – No proof of genuine use of the earlier marks – Article 42(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 – Rule 22(3) and (4) of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95

G. Berardis (Rapporteur), P
T-300/12, [2014] EUECJ T-300/12, ECLI:EU:T:2014:864
Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 42(2), Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 22(3)

European, Intellectual Property

Updated: 01 November 2021; Ref: scu.537454

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