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Li v Atkins and Gregory Ltd: EAT 5 Jul 2006

EAT Race Discrimination – Direct; Burden of proof
Claims of race discrimination arising out of a dismissal were rejected. Tribunal found both that the Appellant had failed to establish a prima facie case and that, in any event, the employers had satisfied them that there was a reason untainted by race for the treatment. Alleged that the Tribunal failed properly to apply Igen v Wong. Other grounds of appeal also pursued, but largely sought to re-argue the facts. Employment Appeal Tribunal dismissed appeal on the basis that there was no error of law.
Elias J P
[2006] UKEAT 0157 – 06 – 0507
England and Wales
CitedDr Anya v University of Oxford and Another CA 22-Mar-2001
Discrimination – History of interactions relevant
When a tribunal considered whether the motive for an act was discriminatory, it should look not just at the act, but should make allowance for earlier acts which might throw more light on the act in question. The Tribunal should assess the totality . .

Cited by:
CitedMadarassy v Nomura International Plc CA 26-Jan-2007
The claimant appealed against adverse findings on her claims of sex discrimination. The court considered questions arising from the provisions relating to the transfer of the burden of proof in a discrimination case.
Held: Questions of the . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 22 August 2021; Ref: scu.243444 br>

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