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Komatsu Ltd (Patent) O/183/08: IPO 30 Jun 2008

IPO The application related to a double-layered sintered sliding member used for a connecting device, such as a thrust bearing, of a construction machine. The invention was characterized by compositional features of the alloy used. The hearing officer held that the characterization by means of percentage components of constituents present in a martensite phase was did not involve unusual parameters and was not overly broad. He also held that in the absence of explicit evidence of anticipation, an objection of novelty could not be upheld in this case. Further, he found that the specification was sufficient to enable reproduction of the invention. The application was remitted to the examiner for further processing.


Mr J Elbro


[2008] UKIntelP o18308, O/183/08, GB 0601393.2




Patents Act 1977 1 2 3 14(3) 14(5)

Intellectual Property

Updated: 20 October 2022; Ref: scu.457055

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