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Kojima v HSBC Bank Plc: ChD 22 Mar 2011

The defendant had been found to owe money to the bank. In order to avoid damaging his career he agreed to execute a charge to secure the judgment. He now sought release from that order, and to withdraw his admission of the debt. He had acted in person, but had since been advised that he might have a defence to the debt claim.
Held: The defendant’s appeal failed. To the extent that there exists any jurisdiction in the court to review its own final order, that is not to be justified on the alternative grounds first enunciated by Patten J, and approved in Collier v. Williams, in the context of procedural or other non-final orders, and once the court has finally determined a case, or part of a case, considerations of the type first identified by Patten J in Lloyds v. Ager-Hanssen will generally be displaced by the much larger, if not indeed overriding, public interest in finality, subject of course to the dissatisfied party’s qualified right of appeal. The judgment had been final, and the separate regime for setting aside judgments in default did not justify the different treatment of them in thses circumstances.

Briggs J
[2011] EWHC 611 (Ch), [2011] 13 EG 106, [2011] 3 All ER 359
England and Wales
CitedLadd v Marshall CA 29-Nov-1954
Conditions for new evidence on appeal
At the trial, the wife of the appellant’s opponent said she had forgotten certain events. After the trial she began divorce proceedings, and informed the appellant that she now remembered. He sought either to appeal admitting fresh evidence, or for . .
CitedLloyds Investment (Scandinavia) Ltd v Ager-Hanssen ChD 15-Jul-2003
The defendant sought a variation under Part 3.1(7) of an order setting aside an earlier judgment in default of defence, on terms requiring a substantial payment into court with which the defendant, who was a litigant in person, had not complied.
CitedCollier v Williams and others CA 25-Jan-2006
Various parties appealed refusal and grant of extensions of time for service of claim forms.
Held: The court gave detailed guidance. The three central issues were the proper construction of the rule, the question of whether the court could . .
CitedIndependent Trustee Services Ltd v GP Noble Trustees Ltd and Others ChD 14-Dec-2010
An application was made under Part 3.1(7) to vary an earlier final order made by the judge after a trial, on the application of the wife of one of the defendants whose potential interest in funds subject to the judge’s order had been overlooked by . .
CitedRoult v North West Strategic Health Authority CA 20-May-2009
The parties had settled a personal injury claim, on the basis as expected that the claimant would be provided with accommodation by the local authority. It later turned out that accommodation would not be provided, and he returned to court to . .
CitedEdwards v Golding and others CA 3-Apr-2007
The claimant appealed against an order that his claim in defamation had failed for limitation, the judge having held that time ran from publication even though the claimant did not know the identity of the author.
Held: The appeal was . .
CitedSimms v Carr ChD 7-Feb-2008
Appeal against withdrawal of order for security for costs. Morgan J explained one type of circumstance (judge misled) justifying re-opening an order: ‘The second case referred to by Patten J is where the court does not have a correct understanding . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Civil Procedure Rules

Leading Case

Updated: 11 November 2021; Ref: scu.430747

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