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Knight v Axa Assurances: QBD 24 Jul 2009

The claimant was injured in a car accident in France. The defendant insurer said that the quantification of damages was to be according to French law and the calculation of interest also. The claimant said that English law applied.
Held: The assessment of damages is a procedural matter, and is governed by the law of the forum in which the case is brought. Articles 9(1)(b) and 11(2) of Brussels I (Council Regulation 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters) entitle an injured party to sue an insurer direct on matters relating to insurance, in the place where the injured party is domiciled, provided that direct action is permitted under national law. Both French and English law are potentially relevant to the award of pre-judgment interest on those damages, depending on the facts. Damages are to be assessed by reference to English Law.

Sharp J
[2009] EWHC 1900 (QB), [2009] Lloyds Rep IR 667
Brussels I (Council Regulation 44/2001, Supreme Court Act 1981 35A
England and Wales
CitedRaffelsen Zentralbank Osterreich Ag v Five Star General Trading Llc and Others CA 1-Mar-2001
An assigned marine insurance policy was subject to a claim. The issue was the ability of an assignee to claim as a claim in contract where the proper law was that under which the contract was made, or a claim of an intangible right to claim against . .
CitedMaher and Another v Groupama Grand Est QBD 23-Jan-2009
The parties asked as to whether after a car accident in France the the assessment of damages and the calculation of pre-judgment interest was to be calculated according to French law. . .
CitedFBTO Schadeverzekeringen v Jack Odenbreit ECJ 13-Dec-2007
ECJ Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 – Jurisdiction in matters relating to insurance – Liability insurance – Action brought by the injured party directly against the insurer – Rule of jurisdiction of the courts for the . .
CitedHarding v Wealands HL 5-Jul-2006
Claim in UK for Accident in Australia
The claimant had been a passenger in a car driven by his now partner. They had an accident in New South Wales. The car was insured in Australia. He sought leave to sue in England and Wales because Australian law would limit the damages.
Held: . .
CitedCriminal proceedings against Ruiz Bernaldez ECJ 28-Mar-1996
Europa In the preliminary-ruling procedure under Article 177 of the Treaty, it is for the national courts alone, before which the proceedings are pending and which must assume responsibility for the judgment to . .
CitedMendes Ferreira and Delgado Correia Ferreira v Companhia de Seguros Mundial Confianca SA ECJ 14-Sep-2000
ECJ Compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of motor vehicles – Directives 84/5/EEC and 90/232/EEC – Minimum amounts of cover – Type of civil liability – Injury caused to a member of the family of . .
CitedMacmillan Inc v Bishopsgate Investment Trust Plc and Others (No 3) CA 2-Nov-1995
The question of ownership of a company is to be decided according to law of country where the company is incorporated. Conflict of laws rules are to be used to look to the issue in the case not the cause of action.
Staughton LJ said: ‘In any . .
CitedMacmillan Inc v Bishopsgate Investment Trust Plc and Others (No 3) ChD 1-Jul-1993
Bona fide chargees for value of shares situated in New York and held on trust for Macmillan were able, by application of New York law, to take the shares free of Macmillan’s prior equitable interest of which the chargees had had no notice. Where . .
CitedJefford v Gee CA 4-Mar-1970
The courts of Scotland followed the civil law in the award of interest on damages. The court gave examples of the way in which they apply the ex mora rule when calculating the interest payable in a judgment. If money was wrongfully withheld, then . .
CitedMidland International Trade Services v Al Sudairy ChD 11-Apr-1990
The court had power to order the payment of interest on a judgment of a court in Saudi Arabia even though a Saudi court would have applied Sharia law. That law follows the teaching in the Koran forbidding the payment or receipt of interest. . .
CitedKuwait Oil Tanker Company SAK and another v Bader and others 17-Dec-1998
. .

Cited by:
CitedMaher and Another v Groupama Grand Est CA 12-Nov-2009
Two English claimants respectively suffered injury in a French road accident. They brought claims for damages against the French insurer of the other driver. Judgment on liability was entered by consent. There were issues as to the assessment of . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Personal Injury, Damages, Jurisdiction

Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.375078

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