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John Robertson of Goodlyburn, A Pauper v George Earl of Kinnoul: HL 5 Jul 1721

Process. – Act and Commission – A pursuer opposes the granting an act and commission for examining the defender, a peer in London, in a matter referred to his oath, on the ground that he being old and poor, could not follow the examination: but the commission is granted notwithstanding.
Trust – A person executes an absolute surrender of his feu, in favour of his superior’s son, but alleging qualifications of trust in a separate verbal agreement, the superior swears that he remembered no term of depositation, and the son, the grantee, swears, that he personally gave no consideration for the deed, and that it was not delivered to him, but that every thing was transacted by his father; and he never heard of any conditions or trust: it is found that the depositions did not support the allegations of trust.


[1721] UKHL Robertson – 394, (1721) Robertson 394






Updated: 21 July 2022; Ref: scu.553676

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