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John Nairn of Greenyards, Esq v Margaret, Lady Dowager Nairn Et Alii, Her Creditors and Heirs of Entail The Lord Advocate, On Behalf of His Majesty: HL 14 Jun 1736

Tailzie – Clause – In an entail in favour of a daughter, nominatim, a clause ‘prohibiting the heirs female of the said Margaret, her body, or any other of the heirs male and of tailzie above written, (except the heirs male of the said Margaret’s body,) to sell, andc.’ found to debar the daughter from selling.
[1736] UKHL 1 – Paton – 192, (1736) 1 Paton 192

Updated: 28 August 2021; Ref: scu.554679 br>

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