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Inchbald v Western Neilgherry Coffee, Tea and Cinchona Plantation Co Ltd: 1864

The damages for breach of contract for prevention of the fulfilment of a condition will take into account the chance that, irrespective of the breach of contract, the condition would not have been fulfilled anyway.
(1864) 17 CBNS 733
England and Wales
Cited by:
ExplainedThompson v Asda MFI Group Plc 1988
The court considered the implication of a term which would prevent an employer selling a subsidiary so that employees of the subsidiary who had rights under the group share option scheme ceased to be employees for the purpose of that agreement. It . .
CitedTaylor v Rive Droite Music Ltd ChD 6-Jul-2004
The claimant music producer and songwriter had entered into a publishers agreement with the defendant, agreeing to work for it. He now sought to be free to work for another company. The factual background was unclear, and the contract documentation . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 10 October 2021; Ref: scu.211398 br>

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