William Alt died insolvent in 1908. His estate included shares in the company, which went into voluntary liquidation in 1914. Alt owed the company andpound;2,633.
Held: In the distribution of the company’s surplus assets the liquidator could retain out of the fund, on account of Alt’s debt, only the amount of the dividend on the debt. Sargant J distinguished other cited authorities as having ‘an entire absence of the special feature present in Cherry v Boultbee and in the case before me, namely, the insolvency of the original debtor before the right of retainer or quasi set-off had first arisen.’ He restated the Cherry v Boultbee rule: ‘where a person entitled to participate in a fund is also bound to make a contribution in aid of that fund, he cannot be allowed so to participate unless and until he has fulfilled his duty to contribute.’
Sargant J
[1915] 2 Ch 144
Explained – Cherry v Boultbee HL 22-Nov-1839
B died having made a will leaving a fund to pay income to A who owed her money but had been made bankrupt before the death. The debt to B remained unpaid.
Held: The liability to pay the debt and the right to receive the legacy had never tested . .
Cited by:
Cited – In re Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd SC 19-Oct-2011
The bank had been put into administrative receivership, and the court was now asked as to how distributions were to be made, and in particular as to the application of the equitable rule in Cherry v Boultbee in the rule against double proof as it . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Trusts, Insolvency
Updated: 06 May 2022; Ref: scu.416572