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HM Treasury (Central Government): ICO 12 Dec 2019

The complainant requested copies of 134 emails identified by the public authority following a sampling exercise undertaken by the public authority further to the application of the cost exemption at section 12 FOIA to a request the complainant had previously submitted to the authority. Relying on section 14(1) FOIA, the public authority refused to comply with the request on the grounds that it would impose a disproportionately significant burden on the authority’s resources. The Commissioner concluded that the public authority was entitled to rely on section 14(1) FOIA and that it was in breach of section 10(1) FOIA.
FOI 14(1): Complaint not upheld


[2019] UKICO fs50852352




England and Wales


Updated: 24 November 2022; Ref: scu.650423

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