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Glyn (T/A Priors Farm Equine Veterinary Surgery) v Mcgarel-Groves: ChD 23 Jul 2005

The claimants sought payment of their professional fees for veterinary surgeon services, and the defendant cross claimed for damages for professional negligence. The horse which had been treated had died.
Held: The animal’s condition was know to be one where the treatment risked killing the horse. The horse had been a very successful dressage competitor. One surgeon had injected two kinds of cortico steroids, and there was no clinical justification for this. The seond surgeon had the job of supervising the treatment, but had failed to establish just what treatment was being provided, and in so failing he was in breach of his duty of care, though the treating vet must bear the principla responsibility.


[2005] EWHC 1629 (QB)




England and Wales

Professional Negligence

Updated: 01 July 2022; Ref: scu.229012

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