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Ganci -c- Italie: ECHR 30 Oct 2003

References: 41576/98, [2003] ECHR 566, (2005) 41 EHRR 16
Links: Worldlii, Bailii
Ratio: The applicant was serving two life sentences for Mafia related activities. He challenged nine decrees issued by the Minister of Justice under which he was held under a special prison regime for a period of four years. His case related to delays by the courts in dealing with his challenge. The Court said: ‘the applicant was contesting the lawfulness of restrictions imposed on a series of rights commonly recognised to prisoners . . at least some of the serious restrictions laid down by the decrees . . such as the one restricting his contact with his family and the ones affecting his finances – certainly fell within the sphere of personal rights and were therefore civil in nature.’
Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights
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Last Update: 22 March 2017
Ref: 213554

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