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Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central Government ): ICO 26 Nov 2015

ICO The complainant submitted a request to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for information relating to communications between it and Tony Blair about Egypt. The FCO confirmed that it held information falling within the scope of the request but considered this to be exempt from disclosure on the sections 27(1)(a), (c) and (d) (international relations), section 40(2) (personal data) section, 41(1) (information provided in confidence) and section 21 (information reasonably accessible to the applicant). The Commissioner is satisfied that the FCO is entitled to rely on these various exemptions to withhold the information falling within the scope of the complainant’s request.
FOI 21: Not upheld FOI 27: Not upheld FOI 40: Not upheld FOI 41: Not upheld

[2015] UKICO FS50585275
England and Wales


Updated: 08 January 2022; Ref: scu.556694

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