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Eurosure Investment Services Ltd v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 22 Sep 2003

FSMT SUPERVISORY NOTICE – variation of Part IV permission by removal of all regulated activities with effect from 9 September 2003 – reason for Notice being breach of threshold condition 4 (adequate resources) – Applicant without professional indemnity insurance cover – application for a direction to suspend effect of Notice until reference disposed of – whether Tribunal satisfied that such a direction would not prejudice the interests of consumers – no – whether necessary for Notice to take effect on 9 September 2003 – yes – whether removal of all regulated activities proportionate to the concerns being addressed by the Notice – yes – application dismissed – FSandMT Rules 2001 SI 2001 No. 2476 Rule 10(1)(e) and Rule 10(6)


[2003] UKFSM FSM006



Financial Services

Updated: 10 June 2022; Ref: scu.195454

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