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Eurosel Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 23 Sep 2010

VALUE ADDED TAX – MTIC-sale of Urine Testing Strips- appellant’s repayment claim refused on grounds that the appellant knew or ought to have known that the transaction was part of an MTIC fraud – set off of pounds 6,372,415.99 and pounds 6,689,480.88 of VAT by two contra traders – appellant in ‘clean chain’ knew that the deals were part of a VAT fraud – appellant argued ‘abuse of power’ HMRC failing to notify of potential fraud, which gave rise to a loss of the appellant’s ‘legitimate expectation’ – tribunal’s power to hear – yes – no ‘abuse of power’ or of the appellant’s ‘legitimate expectation’ – appeal dismissed


[2010] UKFTT 451 (TC)




England and Wales


Updated: 27 August 2022; Ref: scu.426572

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