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E.On Foldgaz Trade Zrt v Magyar Energetikai es Kozmu-szabalyozasi Hivatal: ECJ 19 Mar 2015

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Internal market in natural gas -Directive 2003/55/EC – Article 25 – Directive 2009/73/EC – Articles 41 and 54 – Temporal application -Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 – Article 5 – Capacity allocation mechanisms and congestion management procedures – Decision of a regulatory authority – Right to bring an action – Action brought by a company holding a natural gas transmission authorisation – Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – Article 47 – Right to effective judicial protection against a decision of a regulatory authority

C-510/13, [2015] EUECJ C-510/13, ECLI:EU:C:2015:189


Updated: 29 December 2021; Ref: scu.544890

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