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Director of Public Prosecutions v Orum: 1989

References: [1989] 88 Cr App Rep 261
Coram: Glidewell LJ
Ratio: Glidewell LJ discussed the offence under section 5 where words used toward the police officer were the basis of the charge: ‘Very frequently words and behaviour with which police officers will be wearily familiar will have little emotional impact on them save that of boredom. It may well be that, in appropriate circumstances, justices will decide (indeed they might decide in the present case) as a question offact that the words and behaviour were not likely in all the circumstances to cause harassment, alarm or distress to either of the police officers. That is a question of fact for the justices to be decided in all the circumstances, the time, the place, the nature of the words used, who the police officers are, and so on.’
Statutes: Public Order Act 1986 5(1)(a)
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Last Update: 12 March 2019
Ref: 449712

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