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Director of Public Prosecutions v Hester: CACD 1972


[1972] CLY 631


England and Wales

Cited by:

AppliedRegina v Bagshaw, Holmes and Starkey CA 1984
The defendants were nurses at a mental hospital, charged with assaulting their patients. They complained that the judge had not given the full direction as to the dangers of relying upon the uncorroborated evidence of of unreliable witnesses, they . .
FollowedRegina v H (Evidence: Corroboration); Regina v Hepburn CACD 2-Mar-1994
The defendant appealed his conviction for indecent assault on his daughter and stepdaughter. The prosecution relied upon the allegatins as similar fact evidence. The complainants denied collaboration and concoction.
Held: The jury should . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Criminal Evidence

Updated: 13 May 2022; Ref: scu.191977

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