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Derbyshire County Council (Decision Notice): ICO 22 Jan 2013

ICO The complainant has requested a copy of the landowner’s application for the diversion of two specific footpaths. Derbyshire County Council (the council) applied regulation 13 to the information in its entirety as it considered that the information was the personal data of the applicants and it would be unfair to disclose it. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council was incorrect to rely on regulation 13 to withhold the requested information with the exception of the email address, telephone number and signature of the applicant which was correctly withheld. The Commissioner requires the council to disclose the withheld information to the complainant, with the exception of the email address, telephone number and signature.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: EIR 13 – Complaint Partly Upheld


[2013] UKICO FER0445582




England and Wales


Updated: 28 May 2022; Ref: scu.527810

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