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Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 21 Sep 2011

ICO On 25 October 2010, the complainant wrote to the Department of Health (the Department) and requested information in the following terms: ‘May I have information relating to what mechanisms the NHS/DOH has to try to ensure staff comply with FoI legislation. In particular, who is responsible and what action is taken against them when they fail to meet their responsibility?’ The Information Commissioner’s decision is that the Department failed to comply with section 10(1) in relation to the request. The Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) does not require the Department to take any steps to ensure compliance with the legislation.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: FOI 10 – Complaint Upheld

[2011] UKICO FS50357666
Freedom of Information Act 2000
England and Wales


Updated: 12 December 2021; Ref: scu.530830

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