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Department for Education (Central Government): ICO 17 Sep 2018

The complainant has requested information relating to the procedures followed by the Department for Education (DfE) when refusing a previous request under section 36 – inhibition to the free and frank exchange of views and advice. The DfE refused the follow up request under section 14(1) on the basis that it was vexatious. The Commissioner’s decision is that the DfE has not demonstrated that the follow up request is vexatious. Therefore the Commissioner finds it is not entitled to refuse to respond to the request under section 14(1). The Commissioner requires the public authority to issue a fresh response to the request without relying on section 14(1).
FOI 14: Complaint upheld


[2018] UKICO fs50723593




England and Wales


Updated: 18 November 2022; Ref: scu.628388

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