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Department for Culture Media and Sport (Decision Notice): ICO 23 May 2007

The Complainant requested all internal documents from the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) relating to the purchase of art works by an individual and the National Council for Art Culture and Heritage (NCAH) in Qatar. The Complainant also requested communications between DCMS and any outside bodies regarding the purchases. DCMS disclosed all the communications it held with outside bodies but refused to disclose internal documents relating to the individual or the NCAH under sections 40, 41 and 44 and on the grounds of cost. During the course of the investigation the Commissioner established that the cost limit was being applied to all the information being withheld and so focused his investigation on this. The Commissioner’s decision is that to obtain and disclose the information in the remainder of the request would exceed the appropriate cost limit. The Commissioner therefore requires no steps to be taken.
FOI 12: Not upheld


[2007] UKICO FS50117249




England and Wales


Updated: 26 November 2022; Ref: scu.532927

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