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de Maudsley v Palumbo and Others: ChD 19 Dec 1995

The protection of confidentiality could be granted to an idea only once it was particularised into a definite product or which was capable of being put into practice. In order to attract confidence an idea must (a) contain some significant element of originality; (b) be clearly identifiable (as an idea of the confider); (c) be of potential commercial attractiveness; and (d) be sufficiently well developed to be capable of actual realisation.


Knox J


Times 19-Dec-1995, [1996] FSR 447


England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedSales v Stromberg and others ChD 26-Jul-2005
The claimant sought damages alleging infringement of design right, breach of confidentiality and passing off. The claimants sold a system for purification of water.
Held: The situations behind the two sets of products were different. Products. . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Intellectual Property

Updated: 04 June 2022; Ref: scu.83485

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