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Couper v Burn: 1859

The court considered a dispute as to the doctrine of the Free Church of Scotland. In doing so it was not restricted to the original documents but could look at doctrinal developments to the date of the action.


(1859) 22 D. 120




CitedCraigdallie v Aikman PC 14-Jun-2013
A chapel was acquired with the subscriptions of a congregation which seceded from the Church of Scotland in 1737 and subsequently split over whether a magistrate might suppress heresy. Each of the rival groups claimed that the chapel belonged to . .

Cited by:

CitedThe Free Church of Scotland v The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland SCS 24-Mar-2005
Each group claimed to by the true Free Church of Scotland. The dispute had a very long history. One claimed that the other had abandoned a fundamental principle of the faith, the right of ‘continued protest’.
Held: It was necessary to examine . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 23 November 2022; Ref: scu.223940

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