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Chuck v Cremer ([1846] EngR 1154): 1 Dec 1846

An order of the court of which the party affected by it has notice, though not formally served upon him is not to be disregarded or treated by him as a nullity, however certain it may be that the order is erroneous, and would, upon a proper application for that purpose be discharged


[1846] EngR 1154, (1846) 2 Ph 113, (1846) 41 ER 884




England and Wales


See AlsoChuck v Cremer 24-Jul-1846
The plaintiff’s solicitor obtained an attachment against the defendant in default of a pleaded defence, disregarding a court order extending the period for filing the defence, which he considered to be a nullity. The order in question had been . .
See AlsoChuck v Cremer 19-Nov-1846
A party in contempt may give a notice of motion, although he cannot move until the contempt of court is cleared. With referance to clearing contempt the answer must be taken be sufficient until exceptions are actually allowed.
Moving upon the . .
See AlsoChuck v Cremer ([1846] EngR 1155) 1-Dec-1846
A party, who knows of a null or irregular order, should apply to discharge it. Whilst such an order is in existence it must not be disobeyed. . .

Cited by:

See AlsoChuck v Cremer 9-Feb-1848
Where an action is referred by an order at nisi prius this Court has no jurisdiction to interfere with the certificate of the referee or the judgment entered to pursuant thereto, on any ground on which it would not have such jurisdiction if the . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Contempt of Court

Updated: 06 June 2022; Ref: scu.303049

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