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Cardiff Council (Local Government (City Council)) FS50616289: ICO 5 Dec 2016

ICO The complainant requested information about a re-shaping base budget exercise undertaken by Cardiff Council (‘the Council’). The Council (‘the Council’) provided some information but the complainant considered it had not provided all of the information he had requested. During the course of the Commissioner’s investigation, the Council acknowledged that it held additional information relevant to the request, but it considered the information to be exempt under sections 36(2)(b)(ii) and 36(2)(c).The Commissioner’s decision is that the Council has failed to demonstrate that either of these exemptions is engaged. The Commissioner requires the Council to disclose the requested information to the complainant.
FOI 36: Upheld


[2016] UKICO FS50616289




England and Wales


Updated: 28 January 2022; Ref: scu.573052

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