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British American Tobacco (Investments) Ltd v United States of America: CA 30 Jul 2004

The claimant appealed an order for its London solicitor to be examined in connection with proceedings in the US.
Held: A court should not make an order which was superfluous. The witness had now given his evidence. However, the foreign decision rested on an assumption that the co-operation had been voluntary. There had been no choice to disclose the documents and so there was no waiver of legal professional privilege.


[2004] EWCA Civ 1064




England and Wales


CitedMacnaughton v Macnaughton’s Trustees IHCS 1953
It is not the function of the courts to decide hypothetical questions which do not impact on the parties before them. Lord Justice-Clerk Thomson said: ‘Our Courts have consistently acted on the view that it is their function in the ordinary run of . .
CitedRegina v Her Majesty’s Attorney General ex parte Rusbridger and Another HL 26-Jun-2003
Limit to Declaratory Refilef as to Future Acts
The applicant newspaper editor wanted to campaign for a republican government. Articles were published, and he sought confirmation that he would not be prosecuted under the Act, in the light of the 1998 Act.
Held: Declaratory relief as to the . .
CitedParagon Finance Plc (Formerly Known As National Home Loans Corporation Plc); etc v Freshfields (a Firm) CA 11-Mar-1999
A client who sues his former solicitor, waives his legal privilege protection, as regards that legal relationship, but that does not require a waiver also, of other privilege with later solicitors instructed in related matters. Lord Bingham LCJ . .
CitedBourns Inc v Raychem Corporation; Latham and Watkins (a Firm) CA 30-Mar-1999
Documents disclosed in support an application in a costs taxation, remained subject to implied duties of confidence, and they could not be used for any other purpose, including to support litigation abroad. Where questions of US law arose, a US . .
CitedGood Challenger Navegante S A v Metalexportimport SA CA 24-Nov-2003
The claimant sought to enforce an arbitration award made in 1983. Time might otherwise have expired, but the claimants relied on a fax which they said was an acknowledgement of the debt, and also upon a finding in a Romanian court which created an . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

International, Legal Professions

Updated: 11 June 2022; Ref: scu.199595

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