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Brent Council (Decision Notice): ICO 2 Dec 2010

The complainant made a request for information to the London Borough of Brent via his account on the website. He requested that its response be provided in electronic form. The public authority expressed its willingness to provide the information to the complainant by way of an alternative email address, but claimed that it would not be reasonably practical for it to provide the information to the email address generated by the website, as to do so would raise copyright issues. The Commissioner has investigated and considers that the public authority should provide the requested information to the complainant to the email address that was used to make the request. The public authority has agreed with the Commissioner’s view and has now provided its response to that address. The Commissioner has concluded that the public authority breached sections 1(1)(b) and 10(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in dealing with this request.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: FOI 1 – Complaint Upheld, FOI 10 – Complaint Upheld

[2010] UKICO FS50313965
England and Wales


Updated: 13 December 2021; Ref: scu.531820

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