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Braintree District Council (Local Government): ICO 19 Oct 2020

The complainant requested information regarding the costs of repainting road markings in a particular location. Braintree District Council (the Council) initially stated that it did not hold the requested information. It revised its position after an internal review and disclosed some information. During the course of the Commissioner’s investigation, the Council confirmed that the requested information was not held and that the information which it disclosed had been created in order to respond to the request and to assist the complainant. The Commissioner’s decision is that, on the balance of probabilities, the Council did not hold the requested information. The Commissioner does not require the Council to take any steps as a result of this notice.
EIR 5(1): Complaint not upheld EIR 12(4)(a): Complaint not upheld


[2020] UKICO IC-48049-P7L9




England and Wales


Updated: 01 November 2022; Ref: scu.656102

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