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Biddulph v Birmingham City Council, Biddulph B (Children) Mr and Mrs A: CA 28 Apr 2004

The children had been subject to an adoption order. They had been placed outside the jurisdiction for adoption. The parents appealed refusal of their application for revocation of the order. Initially places had been found for the four children together, and an urgent request made for permission. The judge had said that since they were not in care, no application was required. A placement together failed, and the authority had made other arrangements. That placement was and remained lawful. Section 20 was not to be read as restricted to a lawful placement.


Lord Justice Thorpe Lord Justice Neuberger


[2004] EWCA (Civ) 515, Times 10-Jun-2004


Adoption Act 1976 20(1)(b) 55 56


England and Wales


Updated: 09 May 2022; Ref: scu.196057

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