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Bartsch v Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate (BSH) Altersfursorge GmbH: ECJ 23 Sep 2008

ECJ Equal treatment in employment and occupation Article 13 EC Directive 2000/78/EC Occupational pension scheme excluding the right to a pension of a spouse more than 15 years younger than the deceased former employee Age discrimination Link with Community law
Advocate-General Sharpston said of the test of proportionality as it applied to national measures falling within the scope of EU law: ‘For that to be the case, the provision of national law at issue must in general fall into one of three categories. It must implement EC law (irrespective of the degree of the discretion the member state enjoys and whether the national measure goes beyond what is strictly necessary for implementation). It must invoke some permitted derogation under EC law. Or it must otherwise fall within the scope of Community law because some specific substantive rule of EC law is applicable to the situation.’
ECJ (Grand Chamber) Equal treatment in employment and occupation Article 13 EC Directive 2000/78/EC Occupational pension scheme excluding the right to a pension of a spouse more than 15 years younger than the deceased former employee Age discrimination Link with Community law

Skouris P
C-427/06, [2008] EUECJ C-427/06 – O, [2008] ECR I-7245, [2009] All ER (EC) 113, [2009] 1 CMLR 5, [2008] Pens LR 369
Directive 2000/78/EC 13
Cited by:
CitedAge UK, Regina (On the Application of) v Attorney General Admn 25-Sep-2009
Age UK challenged the implementation by the UK of the Directive insofar as it established a default retirement age (DRA) at 65.
Held: The claim failed. The decision to adopt a DRA was not a disproportionate way of giving effect to the social . .
CitedAge UK, Regina (On the Application of) v Attorney General Admn 25-Sep-2009
Age UK challenged the implementation by the UK of the Directive insofar as it established a default retirement age (DRA) at 65.
Held: The claim failed. The decision to adopt a DRA was not a disproportionate way of giving effect to the social . .
CitedChester, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice SC 16-Oct-2013
The two applicants were serving life sentences for murder. Each sought damages for the unlawful withdrawal of their rights to vote in elections, and the failure of the British parliament to take steps to comply with the judgment.
Held: The . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Discrimination

Leading Case

Updated: 11 November 2021; Ref: scu.268811

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