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Balamoody v Manchester Health Authority: EAT 2 Mar 1999

The claimant appealed against orders striking out his complaint of unlawful racial discrimination. He had owned a nursing home regulated by the respondent authority. A senior white employee had broken regulations regarding safekeeping of drugs, but he as owner had been prosecuted and struck off. She had not. The home registration was then cancelled. He complained that the decision to prosecute him was unlawful discrimination.
Held: In this context the respondent was not a body whose relationship with the applicant fell within section 12 of the 1976 Act. The appeal failed.

[1999] UKEAT 1288 – 97 – 0203
Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure 1993 13(2)(d), Race Relations Act 1976 12
CitedE T Marler Limited v Robertson NIRC 1974
A frivolous claim is one that has no substance in it and is bound to fail or on the face of it is so manifestly misconceived that it has no prospect of success: ‘If the employee knows that there is no substance in his claim and that it is bound to . .
CitedSelkent Bus Co Ltd v Moore EAT 2-May-1996
The claimant had been summarily dismissed. His application at first made no mention of a complaint that it had related to his trades union activities. He wrote to the secretary seeking amendment of his claim to include a claim that his dismissal was . .

Cited by:
See AlsoRegina v Manchester Health Authority ex parte Balamoody Admn 21-Apr-1999
The applicant sought leave to bring judicial review. In seeking to extend his nursing home he said that the respondent had allowed him to execute works to allow 38 patients, but had then only registered the home for 16 patients.
Held: The . .
See AlsoBalamoody v UKCC for Nursing Midwifery and Home Visitors EAT 15-Oct-1999
The claimant had complained that a decision of the respondent to cancel his nursing home registration was unlawful racial discrimination. He now appealed a decision to strike out his claim as vexatious and frivolous.
Held: It was not clear . .
See AlsoBalamoody v UkCC for Nursing Midwifery and Home Visitors EAT 5-Dec-2000
The claimant’s claim of unlawful race discrimination had been dismissed as an abuse of process by the EAT. The Tribunal now considered whether the EAT had power to make such a decision.
Held: The 1993 Regulations were more generous to . .
See AlsoBalamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing CA 14-May-2001
The applicant sought leave to appeal against a decision disallowing his complaint at his claim for race discrimination being struck out as scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. He said that the Tribunal had dismissed his claim without giving him . .
See AlsoBalamoody v Manchester Health Authority EAT 12-Nov-2001
The Tribunal heard a preliminary application in a claim for unlawful race discrimination. Earlier applications had been struck out. This second set of applications had been struck out as frivolous by the Tribunal on the basis that they were not new . .
See AlsoBalamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting CA 6-Dec-2001
The claimant had been struck from the register of nurses after convictions arising from failures of his staff at his nursing home with regard to drug management. He had then brought claims of unlawful race discrimination against the health authority . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Employment, Discrimination

Updated: 07 January 2022; Ref: scu.204909

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