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Ayr Steam Shipping Co Ltd v Lendrum: HL 17 Jul 1914

Circumstances in which held (diss. Lords Dunedin and Atkinson, and rev. judgment of the Second Division) that an award of compensation by an arbiter in a workmen’s compensation case, where the workman, a ship’s steward, was last seen alive in his bunk, and was found drowned next day near where his ship had been lying, should be sustained, inasmuch as a reasonable man might have drawn the inference that his death resulted from an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment.
Per Earl Loreburn, in a case under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1906-‘Where a case is stated incompletely or ambiguously a court may remit for further information. . . A remit is not intended to assist the court in substituting itself for the arbiter.’


Earl Loreburn, Lords Dunedin, Atkinson, Shaw, and Parmoor


[1914] UKHL 733, 51 SLR 733





Personal Injury

Updated: 09 June 2022; Ref: scu.620722

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