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Avon and Somerset Police Authority (Police and Criminal Justice): ICO 8 Feb 2022

The complainant has requested information about an incident in which a member of the public was seriously injured by a police dog when Avon and Somerset Constabulary (ASC) shut down an illegal rave. ASC withheld the information, citing sections 30 (Investigations and proceedings), 31 (Law enforcement), 38 (Health and safety) and 40 (Personal information) of FOIA. The Commissioner’s decision is that ASC was entitled to rely on section 40(2) to withhold the information it held in respect of parts 1), 2), and 5) of the request. It was also entitled to rely on section 40(2) to withhold some of the information it held in respect of part 3) of the request. ASC was entitled to rely on section 30 to withhold the information it held in respect of parts 6), 7) and 8) of the request. However, it was not entitled to rely on these exemptions to withhold the information it held in respect of part 4) of the request. By failing to disclose that information, and some information it held in respect of part 3) of the request which was not exempt under section 40, within the statutory time for compliance, ASC breached section 1 and section 10 of FOIA. The Commissioner requires ASC to disclose the information it holds in respect of part 3) of the request, ensuring it redacts all information which the Commissioner has identified as being exempt under section 40(2) of FOIA, and disclose the information it holds in respect of part 4) of the request.
FOI 10: Complaint upheld FOI 40: Complaint partly upheld FOI 30: Complaint partly upheld FOI 1: Complaint upheld


[2022] UKICO ic-80804




England and Wales


Updated: 10 November 2022; Ref: scu.674842

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