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Al-Khatib v Masry and others: CA 26 Jun 2002

Application for leave to appeal against ancillary relief order.


[2002] EWCA Civ 1045




England and Wales


Appeal fromAl-Khatib v Masry FD 2002
The court heard an application for an ancillary relief order in divorce proceedings.
Held: General reputation prevailing in the community, and the mere opinions, inferences or beliefs of witnesses, are inadmissible in proof of material facts. . .

Cited by:

Application for leaveAl-Khatib v Masry and others CA 5-Oct-2004
The parties had been involved in protracted and bitter family disputes. After a previous appeal they had been invited to refer their disputes to mediation.
Held: At that time, mediation within the Appeal Court was managed by commercial . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 12 October 2022; Ref: scu.217263

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