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AB and others v British Coal Corporation: ComC 15 Jan 2008


Mr Justice Mitting


[2008] EWHC 69 (Comm)




England and Wales


See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation and Coal Mining Contractor Defendants QBD 22-Jun-2004
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See AlsoAB and others v Department of Trade and Industry S/A British Coal Corporation CA 21-Dec-2005
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See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation and others CA 19-Oct-2006
A collective compensation agreement, which required affected persons to submit their claims, along with medical evidence, through authorised solicitors to be compensated on the basis of agreed damages formula, was introduced. . .
See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation and Another ComC 18-May-2007
Resolution of disputes that have arisen between four claimants and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in relation to the smoking history of four miners, (three of them now deceased), in respect of whom claims for damages have been made . .
See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation (Department of Trade and Industry) QBD 27-Jun-2007
The parties disputed the effect of the Claims Handling Agreement (CHA) which regulated claims for compensation for respiratory diseases incurred by people working for the defendant as regards the circumstances for claimants with chronic bronchitis. . .
See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation (Department of Trade and Industry) (Costs) QBD 27-Jun-2007
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See AlsoAB and others v British Coal Corporation (Rulings Appended) QBD 13-Aug-2007
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Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Personal Injury

Updated: 12 December 2022; Ref: scu.263880

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