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Director of Public Prosecutions v Collins: HL 19 Jul 2006

The defendant had made a series of racist and abusive calls to the office of his local MP. The prosecutor appealed a refusal to convict under the 1984 (now the 2003) Act. The defendant had argued that the messages had been offensive, but not grossly so. Held: The prosecutor’s appeal succeeded. ‘The purpose of the … Continue reading Director of Public Prosecutions v Collins: HL 19 Jul 2006

Director of Public Prosecutions v Collins: Admn 23 Jun 2005

The defendant had, over a period of time, telephoned his MP’s office using racially abusive epithets. He was originally charged under the 1984 Act, but then under the 2003 Act. The magistrates found the remarks offensive, but not so grossly offensive as to constitute an offence under the Act. The prosecutor appealed. Held: The appeal … Continue reading Director of Public Prosecutions v Collins: Admn 23 Jun 2005